Nothing To Fear ....

By Starelf555

2.5K 405 109

Black Veil Brides are in rural Virginia, looking for some quiet time for writing songs, and maybe laying down... More

Not Gonna Happen !
Chance Of Freedom
Let's Play
Unwanted Gifts
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
Nature Walk Gone Wrong
Call For Reinforcements
Rallying The Troops
More Guts Than Common Sense
Serious Connections
"You Don't Know The Half Of It"
Caught On Camera
Watching And Waiting
Rude Awakening
Road Hazard
Ultimate Adrenaline Junkie
Council Of War
Racing The Storm
Unexpected Guests
What The Hell ... ?
This Is A Test
Candid Conversations
Backup Plan
Unsettling News
Taking Action
Rescue Mission
Battle Plans
Turning The Tables
Sweet Taste Of Terror
This Place Is Evil
Get Out Of My Way
It's Now Or Never
It Stops Now
I'm Still Here
Corrective Measures
You Can Go Home Now
Back To Normal?

Everyone Has Secrets

41 10 3
By Starelf555

       Crane and Diana followed Jinxx and Faith to the kitchen , offering their assistance with the meal , and the four of them managed to put together a decent spread of chicken parmesan , pasta , salad , and homemade garlic rolls .

       "These rolls are really good !" , CC said . "Why haven't you made these before ?" 

       "Because I didn't make them this time ." , Faith replied . "You can thank Mr . Crane for that ."

        "Dang , I didn't know Crane could bake !" , Jake Wells chimed in . "Is there anything you can't do , man ?"

        "Many things , actually , Master Wells ." , Crane responded . "For instance , I cannot play the violin , as Master Jinxx does . For me to attempt to do so could be considered a crime against my fellow man ."

        Everyone laughed at this response , and Jenny added , "He's actually being completely honest , folks . I heard him try once . It sounded like a chihuahua was caught in a fanbelt ."

       "Thank you so much for your critique of my musical talents , Miss Jenny ." 

       "Hey , I didn't say I could do any better !" , she informed him . "Musicianship isn't my strong suit , either ."

       "No , you'd probably wind up kickboxing the poor violin into matchsticks if it didn't cooperate ." , Faith laughed .

       The rest of the dinner conversation was similarly lighthearted , allowing the two groups to become better acquainted . Alex spent a significant portion of the meal talking with Jake Pitts and Joe regarding various camera techniques , while Jinxx engaged Crane and Jake Wells in a conversation involving their shared interest in history , and everyone else talked about various other topics , by unspoken agreement leaving the topic of their unknown stalker for the time being .

       Afterward , Jon , Yanni , Alex , and Diana cleared the table and took the dishes to be washed , and everyone else drifted off to find something else to do . Andy stood up and said , "I'm gonna go out back and have a smoke . Anybody want to come with and keep me company ?"

      "Yeah , sure , I'll go ." , Joe said , and Faith also replied in the affirmative . As they moved toward the back door , Jenny and Crane fell in behind the other three , following them out to the back deck .

      Andy moved a short distance from the others , lighting a cigarette , and finally said , "That was some weird shit you got on that video , cuz . I don't think I'll be going with Jinxx on any of his ghost - hunting trips in the future if that's what pops up . Assuming that he still wants to do it , that is ."

       "Yeah , I know . Can I tell you guys something without you telling the others ?" , Joe said .

       "As long as it isn't something to do with whatever is going on here ." , Faith responded .

        "It's not , at least not directly ." , he answered . "I have to be honest , I was scared shitless the whole time we were there , the whole thing just felt bad , even before that ... thing showed up . I just don't want everybody else to think I'm a complete wuss ."

       "I wouldn't say that at all ." , Jenny told him . "It sounds to me like your instincts might have actually been more tuned in than the other guys . There are times when being scared doesn't mean you're a wimp , it means you're smart ."

       "That is absolutely correct , Master Flanders ." , Crane added . "That is a lesson I learned during my service in the military ; the man who doesn't fear a potentially dangerous situation is a reckless fool , who is a risk to the well - being of both himself and his comrades ."

       "Yeah , man , there's nothing wrong with being scared sometimes ." , Andy said .

       "But if you don't want us to tell anyone , we won't ." , Faith told him . "Everyone has secrets , of one kind or another . I'd be willing to put money on the fact that everyone here has something they'd rather not have anybody else find out ."

       "Indeed , Miss Faith , I would venture to say that you are most likely correct ." Crane said . "There are things about myself that only a very few trusted people are aware of . Not because they're necessarily bad , but because they would cause most folk to question my sanity ."

      Turning to Faith , Jenny inquired , "Do any of these things you're talking about have any bearing on what's happening here ?"

      Faith sighed , and replied , "No , nothing like that . I just have a tendency sometimes to do things that would complicate my life if anybody knew about them , and might piss a few people off . I prefer not to do that , so I just don't make a habit of discussing them . But don't worry , there's nothing illegal or anything , I just don't necessarily think things through as much as I should ."

      "Happens to all of us , hon ." , Andy interjected . "My biggest problem is that my bad choices usually end up with me in the ER ." 

      Crane and Jenny looked rather puzzled by that statement , which caused Joe and Faith to chuckle . "Ask him to tell you the Batman story later , Mr . Crane ." , Joe snickered .

       "Don't worry , Jen , I'll explain later ." , Faith said to Jenny . "Let's just say that Andy isn't necessarily someone you want to go rock - climbing with , or anything like that ."

      They finally went back inside , and rejoined the rest of the group in the living room . As they found seats among the others , Jake Wells turned to Crane and inquired , "So what's our plan of action here , anyway ?"

       "Until we can identify what we're dealing with , it's rather difficult to say , Master Wells . But , to start , I believe we should pay a visit to this abandoned home you've all spoken about . As this seems to be the place where your problem originated , perhaps we could find some clues there ."

       "That place is in bad shape , dude !" , Jesse said . The stairs are so jacked up you can't even get to the second floor ."

      "No prob ." , Jenny replied . "I've got ropes and grappling hooks out in the car . I can go up that way if we need to do that ."

      "And we should probably go fairly early , too ." Diana added . "It gets dark fairly early this time of year , and it sounds like this thing is pretty much nocturnal , so we don't want to be outside after dark any more than we have to ."

      "And do not leave the house alone , especially after nightfall ." , Crane said . "There is truth in the old adage about safety in numbers ." 

      "Are we really sitting here talking about how to protect ourselves from a demon , or whatever the fuck this thing is ?" , Ashley burst out . "Does anybody actually know how insane that sounds ?" 

       "Yeah , we do ." , Alex said flatly . "But no matter how it sounds , this is what's happening , and you're just gonna have to deal with it , just like we've had to do ."

       "I know , I know , you're right !" , he huffed , raking his fingers through his hair . "It just seems so ... , out there . I've always been a big horror movie fan , but I never actually wanted to fucking LIVE in one !"

       "Ash , just breathe ." , said Faith , who was seated between Ashley and Jesse . "I know exactly how you feel , I got myself into the same position when I was sixteen , and it took me awhile to accept , even though I knew what I saw ."

       Everyone looked at her curiously , and she and Jenny recounted the story of their encounter with the demon in the warehouse . Crane and the rest of their team had already heard the story , but the rest of the guys listened wide - eyed to the account . 

       "So I guess that explains your aversion to the board ." , Jon observed . 

        "Yeah , pretty much ." , Faith replied . "I knew that Jinxx believed in it , but no one else took it seriously , and that's mostly what worried me ."

        "I don't think anybody will make that mistake again ." , Yanni observed .

         "Well , if everybody's planning to go exploring tomorrow , we should probably get some rest ." , Jon said . "I know our guests had a long drive this morning , and I don't think any of us have been sleeping that well the last few nights . So you all can do whatever you want , but I'm turning in . Goodnight , everybody ."

        He walked up the stairs to the room he shared with Yanni , and most of the others decided to retire for the night , as well , except for Ashley , Jake , and Jinxx , who decided to work a bit more on the song they had started earlier .

       After they had gone to their room and changed for bed , Jenny and Faith sat on their beds , while Diana was in the bathroom . Faith looked at Jenny and said , "Uh , Jen , I don't know if I should bring this up or not , but Todd told me about your sister . I know you weren't particularly close , but that still sucks . I'm really sorry ."

      "Thanks , I appreciate that ." , Jenny replied , blinking rapidly several times . " We actually patched things up a couple of years ago , and we were pretty tight again , so , yeah , it's been kinda rough . Honestly , though , I think in some ways it was harder on Crane than it's been for me . They were best friends , and she helped him through some pretty bad times , so he was a bit lost for awhile . I think that's part of the reason that we've gotten so close . Yeah , he's a good guy , and if you're his friend , he's loyal to the end , but we're each all that the other one has left of Abbie , and that's something that neither of us is willing to let go of ." 

       At that moment , Diana emerged from the bathroom, and Jenny got up to take her turn , so the conversation ended there , and eventually all three women were in their respective beds , drifting off to sleep .



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