Nightmares of a Broken Winche...

By antonio757

65.5K 1.6K 200

I accredit all original characters to their respective shows. Anyone else is formed by me and are purely fict... More

Chapter 2: To Beacon Hills we go!
Chapter 3: The Return
Chapter 4: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 5: The New Family
Chapter 6: Redemption
Chapter 7: The Road Home
Chapter 8: Dangerous Alliance
Chapter 9: Reunited Once Again
Chapter 10: The Demon and the Savior
Chapter 11: Hospital Hostility
Chapter 12: War is coming to Stiles Stilinski
Chapter 13: The Great Escape
Chapter 14: Dreams and Nightmares
Chapter 15: Operation Sleepy Town
Chapter 16: The Fight for Beacon Hills
Chapter 17: The Curse and the Gift
Chapter 18: Turn of the Tides
Chapter 19: The Wayward Son
Chapter 20: To Be, or Not to Be?
Chapter 21: An Old Story to close and a New Story to be told
Author's Note
Book Trailer!!!
*Important Announcement*

Chapter 1: The Truth

8K 176 15
By antonio757

    Sheriff Stilinski opened the door to his home and walked in as he shrugged off his jacket. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around to see that his humble abode was still filled with files, papers, and boxes that were stacked against the walls.

    "Stiles? You here?" he yelled as he walked to the living room. For the past month, Stiles has been away from home ever since he decided to go to the college campus to get himself familiarized with his surroundings.

    When he had heard that Stiles was coming home, his father had done his best to clean the place up and prepare Stiles' room. He had worked his butt off even harder because of Stiles' experience in the Realm of the Riders. The boy was strong, sure he'd joke sarcastically about how it was a horrible experience, but as a father, Noah could tell that his son was still trying to recover from that last battle. He had let Stiles rest and regenerate from his loss of strength.

    He was actually glad that Stiles was coming home, because there was something important he had to tell Stiles. Something he couldn't hide anymore.

    When he strolled into the living room, Stiles was on the couch with a file in his hands. His breath was a bit off and his eyes were wide with anger and something else. Mr. Stilinski couldn't quite put his finger on it. With a closer look, Mr. Stilinski saw what he feared the most. The rage behind Stiles eyes was also filled with a mixture of sadness and confusion. "What's with the face?"

    "Dad, what the hell is this!?" Stiles asked as he threw the files at his father. Before Mr. Stilinski could tell his own son off, he looked upon the file and immediately one thought ran through his head. Oh, shit....

When he opened it, he made a small gulp as he realized that his darkest secret was revealed. "Stiles, I can explain."

Stiles scoffed a bit, "Explain what? That a random woman named Sally Lewis is my biological mother and that she gave me up for adoption?"

    His father looked down in disappointment as the file on Sally Lewis displayed different pictures of her, along with criminal records. He regretted leaving the file out in the open like that, especially since Stiles was one to be curious. He should have known better! He should have known that Stiles would learn about everything within these papers because of those sticky fingers.

    Noah Stilinski had been keeping information on her for a while, but he didn't have the stomach to tell his son the truth, at least not yet. That was the reason why Noah was looking forward for Stiles' return, to tell him the truth. "Stiles, sit down, and let me explain."

"Can't wait to hear this." Stiles flopped down on the couch and listened to what his father had to say with a hard glare. Mr. Stilinski sighed and sat next to Stiles. "Okay let me start from the beginning..."

    "In a far away galaxy...."

"Stiles!" He shut his mouth and rolled his eyes. "Continue, father!"

    Noah breathed in and started. "Your mo-...adoptive mother, couldn't get pregnant. We had tried many times to get a child, but it never ended well for us. We tried to conceive, but the results were always disappointing and we didn't have enough money to adopt a child from foster care. Until one particular night, something happened that I can't forget."

    Stiles cleared his throat as the thoughts of his adopted mother haunted him. As he now learned, he may not have been related to her, but he still loved her as if she was his real mother. She was way more of a mother than this mysterious woman. She had always believed in him when no one else did. In a way, it was like they spoke in a secret language that only they understood.

    He just shoved those thought back into the dark side of his mind and continued to listen to his father's side of the story. "One day, out of the blue, we heard a knock at the door. When I opened it, on our door step stood a girl, roughly seventeen," He pulled out one of the pictures and showed it to him. Stiles looked to see a beautiful girl, about his age, wearing a hoodie that hid most of her face from the sight of others. "She didn't tell us her name when she arrived, but she had dark hair and brown eyes, she looked weak and tired. We wanted to help, call for the hospital to pick her up or something, but she didn't want our help. Instead, she handed us a month old baby. The girl named Sally, as I learned later on from records I managed to find in an investigation, had asked us to adopt her son and claim custody, and that she was willing to do the paperwork for it. Your mother eagerly agreed to take you in, even without my opinion in the matter. After that night, we handled it, and then you were ours. And your real mother promised to never try to get to visit or bother you, ever. From then on, we raised you as our own. We fed you, clothed you, educated you, and helped you."

    Stiles frowned a little at the thought that his real mother would give him up so easily to strangers and not bother to come back, taunt him. It wasn't right! Even if there was a good reason for it, he still did not think it was fair to him to be felt like that.

    Stiles turned towards his father and asked, "Did the woman even care for me? Why didn't she want me? Why give me up? Was something wrong with me?" There was no way to hide the anger in his voice. "No, even better? Did she even bother giving me a name? A name like Steve? Stan? Michael? Johnny? Wait, hell no, not Johnny! It's a freaking stupid name!"

    Mr. Stilinski looked down with a frown on his face. He threw the files on the coffee table and looked back at Stiles, "Well, she can't answer that for you, because she's dead. She died about a month ago."

    Stiles nearly flinched at the news, his hands turning into clenching fists and his eyes flared up from pure rage. "I swear Stiles, I was going to tell you sooner. I wanted to tell you the truth before you left to college, but I thought you couldn't handle it. Now I see that I was right."

    "Oh, you think?" Stiles remarked sarcastically. He scoffed and dashed up from the couch and out of the living room.

    "Stiles wait!"

    But Stiles was already out of sight and rushing up the stairs to his room. Once he was inside, he locked the door and threw himself on his bed trying to calm himself. The wheels in his head turned as the news of his biological mother began to haunt him. Then he heard a knock on the door, but he stubbornly ignored it.

    "Stiles, I don't have the answers you want. But know this, your mom and I, we never saw you any different. At the end of the day Stiles, you'll always be my son," Those were his last words before Stiles heard a few retreating footsteps outside in the hall. All of this was too much for Stiles to handle right now and he needed rest and time to think. He had barely come back from the college tour, and learning about his real mother wasn't the welcoming news the thought he'd get.

    Questions rummaged through his head as he continued to question almost everything he knew. So if this Sally Lewis is my mother, then who in the hell is my real father? What's his name? What's he like? Did he want to give me up too? Did they need to fix their lives and I was getting in the way of their happy lives? Why did they give me up? Did the guy even know? I mean, what if he didn't know? Maybe it was a one-night stand kind of thing. Although, I wouldn't want to be considered an accident.

    I need the truth.

    Stiles got up from his bed and quietly strolled down the stairs and rushed to the living room. He grabbed the file from the coffee table and rushed upstairs to his room again. He went on to his computer and opened the file. He looked at his birth certificate to see all the information that was written on there. He looked to see that his father's name was Dean Winchester.

    Nice name. He thought.

    What he found next wasn't as nice as the name. According to the records, Dean Winchester was responsible for numerous homicides. He examined every website that held any information on Dean Winchester and everything he read about him was utterly shocking. Now he was glad he never got to meet his father. The mug shots of him were old, but Stiles could tell that they shared some physical similarities. Now I know were I get my good looks from. He chuckled to himself.

After doing much research, Stiles had found hardly anything. With curiosity, he walked down the stairs to see his father in the living room once again watching tv. "Something up, Stiles?" he asked as he switched off the TV and turned his focus back on his son. Stiles sat down and asked, "What do you know about Dean Winchester?" Mr. Stilinski adjusted the chair so that way he was facing Stiles who was on the couch again.

His father cleared his throat with a worried expression on his face. "Well, he's no saint. From reports that I've heard, Dean isn't exactly someone I would want you to meet. From what I've seen, he's a murderer and he's a monster. He had tortured and nearly killed a girl in St. Louis, Missouri, and more crimes that I don't want you to get into. Stiles, if your father was a better person, and alive, then I would've taken you to him."

Stiles choked in surprise, "He's dead too!?"

Mr. Stilinski frowned a bit and nodded. Normally Stiles would've been disappointed and frustrated, but all this was so overwhelming that it drained him.

Stiles sighed in exhaustion, it was tiring enough to learn that all along he wasn't even related to the people that raised him as their own and now to learn that his real father was a murderer who was twisted in every sort of way and died just like his biological mother did. This was a lot of information for one day.

    "Okay, thanks dad, good night," he yelled as he walked out of the living room and to his bedroom again. He didn't bother taking a shower, he decided to just go to sleep in his clothes.


"Stiles, your not hungry man?" Scott asked as Stiles simply twirled the fork in his hand and gazed elsewhere. Scott stared at him, Stiles wasn't usually like this, so naturally something was wrong. Scott was surprised to learn that Stiles was returning home, actually he was ecstatic that he was going to see his best friend in so long. But Stiles looked conflicted, tired and most strangest of all, disappointed.

    Scott looked towards Lydia and gestured to get Stiles' attention.

When she noticed, she laid her hand against his shoulder and asked in a concerned voice. "Stiles, what's wrong? You seem different. Does it have to do with the fries? Cause I think they're a bit too salty."

     Stiles snapped out of his gaze and smiled at the two. "No, nothing guys I'm fine. I'm just tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night. Where's Malia and Liam?"

"They were too busy to make it, but they promised to make it up. Are you sure you're okay?" Scott asked again. Stiles' smile turned to a frown with an annoyed glare that made Scott scrunch his eyebrows in confusion, "Well unless I have horns and a beard, I'm fine. So what were we talking about?"

Lydia explained, "Well," She brushed her hair behind her head and took a sip of her coffee, "While you were gone, a few weeks ago, Beacon Hills had a strange energy pulse run into town, something really powerful. I can still sense it here." Stiles stuffed the food in his mouth and looked at Lydia "Are you okay? Is the force causing you pain?"

    When Stiles spoke some of the food landed on Lydia's face. The strawberry-blonde beauty gasped in shock, and Stiles and Scott sat there in astonishment. Stiles apologized repeatedly.

    Lydia shook her head and wiped the pieces of food from her face. Stiles tried to help by getting napkins that were already on the table, but Lydia held up her hand to stop him. She pushed back the rage building up inside her and answered Stiles' question as gently as possible., "No, but to be honest this energy doesn't feel like it belongs here. Like it had originated from somewhere else, far from Beacon Hills. However, I can't tell where it came from or how it got here." When Lydia finished explaining her situation, she glared madly as she saw that Stiles once again, looked very distant, almost as if he was literally in another world. "Stiles!" she exclaimed.

He shook his head and asked, "W-What u-up?" Scott rolled his eyes and asked, "Stiles are you too tired? So that way we can talk about this later?"

    Stiles shook his head and moved out of his chair. "I'm fine, I'm great guys. Look you know what, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back, and I promise you I'll concentrate on the issue." Scott and Lydia continued talking as Stiles walked away. They were both worried that Stiles was hurt or traumatized or just too tired in general. His time in an alternate dimension must have really affected him and now he's dealing with the aftermath. They were excited to hear he was home after the college visit, but he has been distant and closed off. They had tried everything for the past two days and nothing. Stiles was completely silent and isolated. "What are we gonna do, Scott? Something's wrong with him." Lydia asked as she looked after Stiles. Scott shook his head and said, "I don't know, but we have to help him."


Stiles almost fell to the floor, until someone took hold of his collar. He looked up to see Chris Argent looking down on him with an annoyed expression. "Really Stilinski? Next time, watch where you're going!" Stiles shook his head. He had been dozed off for a while. He has been busy for the last two days researching everything about Dean Winchester. From case reports to a strange series about a Dean Winchester who kills monsters and solve paranormal crimes. His research was useless. There was nothing that could help him learn more of his origins. He managed to look into his mother, he had learned that there was a girl named Sally Lewis who was found wounded near a diner in the woods. Despite his efforts, he didn't find anything that could help him.

"Here's your phone." Chris Argent looked upon and his eyes widened.

    Stiles raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong? Seen something that bothers you? I don't do nudes dude." Argent shook his head and raised his phone and pointed at the name that was typed in his phone.

"How do you know Dean Winchester," Chris questioned with a hard glare Stiles was all too familiar with.

"How do you?" Stiles remarked sarcastically.

Chris shook his head and said, "Nothing never mind. Here." He shoved the phone to Stiles' chest and walked out of the restaurant. Stiles remained still as he stood, lost as to why he seemed so surprised by Dean's name. Then he realized something, Chris Argent knew something about Dean Winchester.

In haste, he ran out of the restaurant and after Mr. Argent. "Wait, Argent!" He yelled as he dashed in front of him and breathed in and out heavily. Chris Argent rolled his eyes and demanded, "Get out of my way Stiles!"

Stiles scoffed and said, "No, you know Dean Winchester and don't try to deny it. I saw the way you hesitated when you saw his name on my phone. Now, tell me, who is Dean Winchester?"

Chris huffed and asked, "Why do you want to know about Dean? He shouldn't be such a matter to you-"

"Because I need to know!" Stiles raised his voice.

Seeing that there was no use in trying to fight Stiles, he explained what he knew, "From rumors that I've heard, Dean Winchester is a very strong hunter in the paranormal world like me. Hell, he's supposed to be one of the greatest, better than that of the Argent Family, and you know how much I'd hate to admit someone was better than us. I never knew him personally, but I've heard great things about this man, including his older, or younger brother, Sam Winchester."

"Have they ever visited Beacon Hills? Like on a case or something?"

Argent shook his head in disappointment. "No, mostly because there have been other hunters in this area and the fact that they were here, the Winchesters never bothered to help out. They don't usually work with other hunters."

"I thought they were the best hunters, why would they avoid one of the many places in the world that practically swarms with supernatural forces?" Chris shrugged with tension in his face. He obviously wanted this conversation to end.

"Are they alive or dead?" Stiles asked in a shaky voice.

Chris scoffed and said, "I guarantee you, these hunters are alive. In fact the problem with them is that they can't stay dead." He laughed, but Stiles was anything but in the mood for playful jokes.

Stiles rubbed his forehead in frustration and thanked Chris Argent for his help, along with a few profanities. Just as Stiles was about to walk back into the restaurant, Chris turned back and asked, "Why are you so interested in Dean and Sam Winchester?"

Stiles answered, "Just caught my interest." Yeah, the interest about the fact that my biological father abandoned me as a baby. That's cruel, even if he was a hunter, I mean the Argent Family make it work, so why can't the Winchesters?

"Well, take my word for it, Dean Winchester is a good man. They may be simple hunters to everyone, but trust me, these guys are well known," and with that, he walked away, leaving a puzzled Stiles to pick up the pieces and put them together.

He couldn't understand if his father was a good man, or a bad one. He was lost and confused. He needed to get more answers for his questions. He needed to know if his father was someone truly heroic, or someone diabolical.

All he knew was that Dean Winchester was his real father.

And that it was time to find him.

Mieczyslaw 'Stiles' Stilinski

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