An Alpha's Kiss | ✔️

By Dark-Shadow

1.5M 78.2K 8.7K

(Rooming with Royals Sequel) He's the prince of werewolves. She's the princess of demons and witches. Silentl... More

An Alpha's Kiss - Story Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 32

26.8K 1.3K 499
By Dark-Shadow



All I wanted was to be swallowed into the pits of the earth so I could prevent any harm from reaching my family, my friends and Jace. Those monsters meant every word they written in the letter and they will hurt them if I tell anyone about this.

Which is why I won't.

I won't risk the safety of the people I love to protect myself. I'd rather die than watch anything happen to them or maybe even worse, grieve over one of their graves. I shivered at that dark thought, no way am I letting those people get to them.

Not at any cost. I couldn't weigh my options at this point, it was either do as they say or have blood on my hands. My eyes watered, a tear trailing down my cheek as the letter I was holding dropped onto the floor.

Any wrong act will cost you the death of your beloved ones, your precious Jace being the first. I angrily crumbled the paper and threw it onto the wall with much force, unable to stop the tears from falling.

I cursed the day Zena, the element beholder, gave me the power of gravity; it was the sole reason behind those people after me. They wanted the power, the strength they'll possess once they put their hands on it and that'll be through me.

My mind went back to information I took knowledge of about those people –those creatures. My heart sped up as I realized that I'm throwing myself to the creatures that want to destroy our world, the fiare.

I was unprepared of what is yet to come. Deep down, I was certain that they'll not waste any moment and make me go with them if I step foot into the forest.

I shivered involuntary thinking of the worst. They might hit me, torture me, perhaps kill me. They'll dispose my body once they get the underlying unknown power I hold.

"I didn't ask for this." I choked out, my voice faint and heavy with emotions. I didn't –I fùcking don't want this. It's not my fault that I was cursed with a power I don't even know how to use.

I glanced at the side of my room which led to a secret passage, wiping the tears off my face with the palms of my hands. As Jace's image flashed through my head, I let out a shaky breath and momentary closed my eyes. 

I've made my decision.

Opening my eyes, I cautiously took small steps towards the passage, my heart painfully clenching with every step.

"Forgive me." I whispered.


Goosebumps covered my skin as I stood in the midst of the dark woods. The moon was at its brightest gracefully sending out its light but no light can overlay the peculiar feeling the trees were giving out, or maybe it was my tuition telling me to get the hell out of here. It was practically begging me to make a run for it, the sickening feeling in my stomach growing harder to ignore.

"Let's get this over with." I breathed out saying to no one in particular, eying my surrounding very carefully.

"It's pleasant to see that you didn't make us wait long, princess." The air got stuck in my throat.

I looked around but no one was there. Needless to say, I was scared shitless but of course I didn't want whomever that had talked to see that so I hid my emotions under a neutral mask.

"Who's there?" I asked. The person chuckled darkly and I soon heard the clicking of footsteps. I whipped my head to the side following the sound. A shadow emerged from the darkness and I warily took a step back.

I gasped seeing the man standing in front of me not believing my own eyes.

"Surprised to see me princess." He grinned manically, showing off a pearl set of teeth, his icy blue and fire red pupils staring directly through my soul. His black hair was neatly tucked backwards, making the evilness swarming in his eyes become more evident.

A wicked laugh escaped his lips as he took notice of my horror struck expression. A wave of nausea crashed over me, my stomach churning aggressively.

The man facing me was no other than Lord Silas.

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Laugh at my naïvetés for not being able to see through his act and cry because I could've prevented all of this from happening.

Right then, I wished I trusted my intuition and not have come here in the first place. How could I not have noticed his cunning act –the manipulation of his words. I recalled the day when I last saw him. He randomly requested to see me and began asking random question about Jace.

"You." I glared.

"Didn't see that coming did you?" He smirked taking few dangerous steps towards me and I in turn took a couple back. He seemed satisfied with the reaction he got, the smell of fear making his smirk widen.

"What do you want from me?" I gathered the courage left in me and stood my ground reminding myself that I shouldn't show my nervousness.

In a flash he was behind me grasping my wrists and pulling them in a tight grip. I flinched as he lowered his lips feeling his breath on my ear. 

"You know exactly what I want from you." He stated in a low tone. I wanted to throw fire and burn him to ashes but I just couldn't use my powers.

Why the hell am I unable to fire at him?!

"You're in the middle of a power shield made just for you. Fire won't help you today, darling." He said seeming proud of himself. I struggled to get out of his iron grip but suddenly a cloth covered my mouth. I thrashed out only to get lightheaded, everything around me turning into swirls.

The last thing I caught sight of were several other shadows emerging from the looming darkness.


I woke up to a very uncomfortable bed. It wasn't my bed that's for sure, my bed's soft –I shot up straight away groaning when I was met with a pounding headache.

I was expecting to see myself in some sort of dungeon where I'd be surrounded with rusty chains hung over my ankles and wrists. However, and to my utter surprise, I found myself in a well-organized clean room.

It was plain simple, its white walls staring back at me. It consisted of a nightstand, a closet and of course the bed. I was intrigued to say the least, I mean why in the name of all that's holy would Silas put me in a room when I'm his prisoner.

Shouldn't he go all bad guy and lock me up in a cell? It's either kidnappers have changed their tactics or he's a gentleman type of kidnapper. I'd take the first choice.

I leaped out of the bed seeing the window creaked open but then I couldn't move any further. Clasped around my hand were cuffs attached to the bed's headboard. My jaw dropped and the adrenaline rush I felt moments ago was replaced with despair. I tugged at it a couple of times but to no prevail.


I guess it was kind of dumb of me to think that Silas would leave the window open without taking precautions – aka handcuffing me. Staring down at myself, I sighed in relief seeing that I was still in the clothes I was in last night.

Now what? I asked myself.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention. They were becoming louder meaning that the person was coming this way. The footsteps came to a halt just in front of the door. As it clicked open, in came a man in an all-black attire, from his boots to the leather jacket engulfing his bulky figure. His eyes were of a silver color, his light blonde almost white hair making shivers run down my spine.

The corners of his mouth curled up in a smirk as his eyes practically devoured me. I wanted to slap the living hell out of him and teach him some damn respect, but of course in my current situation I couldn't. Men and their nasty minds.

"Our king wishes to see you." He stated. The shocked expression on my face must've been too obvious since the man smirked again, clearly enjoying my confusion. Silas is –king, huh? I watched as he took out a key from one of his pockets and snapped the cuff open.

Much to my dismay, he roughly yanked me up holding me by the arm rather tightly, too tightly for my liking.

"Don't touch me. I'm way smarter than thinking that I could run away from this hell hole without getting caught." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Shut up. You're in no position to tell me what to do girl." He said. It was useless to fight him since I already had tried to use fire and it didn't work. So I let him drag me down many halls until we stopped in front of a big wooden door.

The man knocked once before opening the door with one hand and yanking me inside with the other. When I get out of here I'm going to make sure he ends up in a few broken bones. I gently rubbed my arm glaring daggers at him –bastard!

"Ah so you've finally woken up. I was getting a tad worried that the drug we used was too strong so I sent Elijah to check up on you." He glanced at the man, Elijah, beside me and nodded.

"Your friend bruised my arm." I snapped wincing in pain as I touched the area he locked his grip on. It will be a matter of hours before a purple bruise forms all thanks to the melanin void fūcktard.

"Elijah, you know we don't harm young ladies like Aya." Silas mocked, his eyes glancing briefly at my arm before moving to his friend. "Not when they're of such importance." He wickedly grinned and from the corner of my eyes I saw Elijah grinning as well.

"It's princess Aya to you." I spat venomously.

"No need to be such a kill joy, Princess." He paused. "Do you know why you're here?" He asked twirling the pen in between his fingers.

I contemplated my answer. If I told him that I do, then he'll be certain that I'm the gravity controller he's looking for. So playing dumb could be the route to my freedom.

"No, I don't." I said slowly.

"This makes things even better." He clapped once, getting up from his seat and walking around the desk.

It was a fancy study that's for sure, most suitable for a royal. Unlike Silas, the room gave off warmth, painted in the most beautiful patterns. He went around his desk, beaming all the way as he leaned over it and crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's a shame that your parents didn't tell you about the exquisite power you behold." He sighed dramatically but the glint in his eyes showed how much he was enjoying this.

"You see princess, you have the power to destruct this entire world in a snap of your fingers. You can control gravity and let's just say that I'm planning to use that power to regain my rightful place as the king of kings." He took a step closer, the red of his eyes dominating the blue until they were nothing but of a dark red.

Red eyes. He was the one standing at the edges of the forest last night.

"You'd be crazy if you think I'll help you." I growled fisting my hands but I was taken by surprise when he let out a deep throated laugh.

"Naive girl. I wasn't asking you, I will drain you out of that power and it will become my own. The supernatural world will be under my command and no one else's." My legs wobbled and I found it hard to keep myself steady. I very well understood the double meaning of his words.

He wants to wipe out the royal bloodline, including me. Tears prickled my eyes but I shook them away not wanting to appear weak. The sole reason I agreed to his letter was to protect the people I love, but this?! I had enough of his games, I will not let him hurt my family, nevertheless hurt Jace.

I launched myself at him, my fingers aiming for his throat. I want to kill that son of a gun and get this over with. My family's a red line and I won't let him get near them, over my dead body.

Before I could reach him, I was grabbed from behind and thrown away. Elijah held my hands together bringing my wrists behind my back. I tried to pull my hands out if his grasp, yelling and kicking but he was too strong.

Without fire I couldn't do anything. He had the upper hand.

"Wrong move." Silas said strolling to where I stood, his eyes returning to their normal state.

"I didn't put you in the dungeons because I wanted your power to remain as strong as it is. But pull this kind of act again and I won't hesitate one second to throw you in a cell." He hissed, his face inches away from mine.

Noting the deadliness of his words, I resisted the very urge to spit at him. Silas seemed pleased with my silence, nodding before he ushered Elijah to take me away.

I didn't struggle nor did I yell, my mind too occupied with other thoughts.

If Silas transfers gravity from my soul to his, we'll all die.

Wow. That was one heck of an emotional chapter.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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Until next time. <3

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