
By lvergurl

2.8K 134 7

[GIRLXGIRL] Savannah Alana is working on her social anxiety but stays home every hour of the day. A sudden bu... More



474 18 1
By lvergurl

one | duh, i'm the l

          RAIN DROPS FELL harshly and soaked into the fabric jacket that hugged Savannah's body tightly. The car door slammed after being kicked with the bottom of her shoe. Every inch of clothing grew soaked with water as she ran towards the double doors of the Psychology Office. Both of the palms of her hands were like the Hulk's, pushing the doors open, desperate to escape the rain. A breath of relief left her lungs. Her feet strolled to the registration desk across the room, warming her hands in the pockets of her jacket nervously.

         "Hi. Savannah Alana for Grace Kelley." She spoke softly, not wanting to disturb any of the people in the room. There were only a few others but when a room was that silent, a pin could fall to the floor and it would be like an alarm.

         "Okay. Have a seat." The registration lady whispered, motioning her hand over to the empty chairs all around the room. Honey locks of hair was wrapped into a rolled-up sock with a pencil in the middle.

         Savannah forcefully tugged a smile before turning her back to the lady's face. Scanning the room, her soulless eyes searched for an empty seat that wasn't beside someone else. If there was one thing she hated more than going to therapy, it was being only two inches apart from another person. Sadly, she knew that she had to get over that hatred when going into the real world.

         Once she found a seat, her body rushed to it and plopped down before anyone could steal it. It happened once. She was having a horrible day and was almost thrown out of the building for trying to hit a young woman with a baby.

         After several minutes of waiting, Mrs. Kelley entered the waiting room and called for Savannah. She gave the same warm and comforting smile she gave every week. The young girl pushed off the hoodie from her head and followed her therapist into the office they met in every week.

         The second the two were settled in, with Savannah on the far end of the ruby couch and Mrs. Kelley on the baby blue chair next to it, the anxiety began in Savannah. It floated in a puddle at the bottom of her stomach as she clasped her hands together in her lap.

         When the session came to a close, they said their goodbyes as Savannah made way out of the office. She strolled back into the waiting room and schedules the next week's appointment.

         By the time she arrived home, the rain had stopped pouring. The ground surrounding her was covered with water puddles. Carefully, she walked around them and walked towards the front door. Shakily, she searched for the house key on her key chain before unlocking the door.

         "Savannah, is that you?" Her mother called out from the kitchen. A sudden smell of cinnamon filled the air, making Savannah hum to herself. Her mom was making cinnamon toast. For a while now, she had been trying to make her daughter smile any way possible. So far, for all she knew, she was failing.

         Ripping off the soaked shoes from her feet, she tossed them beside the door before being greeted by her dog, Leo. She lightly smiled, sitting on the floor to give the dog kisses and scratches. "No, it's a robber who somehow has keys to the house."

         A sigh was heard a few feet away. Glancing up, her almond eyes locked with the identical ones. "How was therapy?" She asked, ignoring her daughter's sarcastic comment.

         "It was fine. Mrs. Kelley thinks I should start going to places on my own more since I can drive now." Savannah admitted, standing on her feet, following her mother into the kitchen. The palms of her hands reached in the back pockets of her jeans, finding comfort warmth from the ice air.

         "I've been telling you that; that's why I made you start driving to therapy by yourself." Her mother exclaimed, plucking two pieces of cinnamon toast from the toaster. She quickly dropped them on a plate before the pieces of bread could burn her fingers.

         "I know. I'm feeling pretty confident today so I may go to the movies after I finish school." Savannah added, taking a seat at the kitchen table as her mother set the plate of toast in front of her. It was true—she was confident that day. Most of the time after therapy, she feels like she can conquer the world; sticking to it is what's the difficult part.

         "Good." Her mother smiled proudly slipping on her shoes. "Well, I gotta go to work. Please check the mail before you go. I'm expecting a package."

         Nodding, Savannah felt a pair of lips on the top of her head. She began eating her breakfast, quietly watching her mother leave the house without another word.

          The house was in complete silence; it was too familiar. She hated it more than anything. But she was terrified of leaving. All day, every day she was alone in the house. There was no one to talk to, no one to have fun conversations with, no one.

          A sudden burst of motivation burst from Savannah's body as she watched her mom pull out of the drive way. She admired her mother more than any other person. The woman was strong, beautiful, confident, etc. Any room she walked into, every person was intimidated. The confidence glowed on her skin like a sunrise.

          Grabbing her keys from where she tossed them, Savannah waited until her mother was completely out of the neighborhood before leaving in her own car. Some days this would happen. She would gain this random confidence that she definitely didn't take for granted and would go somewhere. Usually, it would be at a drive through to grab lunch and then going back home to rewatch "Friends". Nonetheless, she was out of the house.

          Never had she gone anywhere other than fast food restaurants. Other places seemed too scary. But, there was a movie that she had been waiting to see and couldn't wait any longer to go with her family.

          Savannah sat at a rather small high table with a large soda between her hands. Her almond eyes went back and forth between all of the people walking into the movie theater. She was too earlier for the one she was going to see. Vibration rumbled the tiny area of carpeted floor from her feet bouncing rapidly against it. Even though she was confident that day, nausea found its way to the bottom of her stomach.

          Water droplets slid down the plastic cup and underneath her fingers, creating a ring of thin water. As she was about to grab a napkin from the soda machine stand, her eyes caught a girl sweeping the carpet. Her hair was a pixie, colored in ginger fluff. She was wearing an employee's uniform Only peaking at her side profile, Savannah noticed multiple sun kissed freckles all over the girl's face.

          This was usual for her. Literally her time would be consumed of staring at girls. They all gave her butterflies and red cheeks without even talking to her.

          The bouncing of her feet increased every step the girl made, growing closer to where Savannah sat. Her fingertips dug into the sides of her soaked plastic cup. The girl kept her head down as she swept, not caring for her surroundings.

          Suddenly, the top of the cup flew off, splattering Sprite all over the table and some bits on her pants. A gasp left her lips in shock, red burning into her cheeks as she felt eyes beaming on her.

          "Oh, shit. Let me get some napkins." The girl muttered as her hands dropped the broom and ran to the soda machine stand. Savannah was deep in embarrassment to even realize it was the same girl whom she'd been staring at.

          Shakily, she removed herself from the high chair. Wiping her hands on her thighs, she locked eyes with ice walking towards her. "I am so so sorry. Oh, my god."

          "Hey, no, it's fine." The girl chuckled, letting some napkins fall to the ground to soak up the soda from the carpet. She then began rubbing them around the wooden table. "Happens all the time. Lucky I was around. See the guy ripping tickets? He would've torn you into pieces."

          Savannah snatched more napkins and helped clean the table. A few times, she gazed at the girl to get a complete look. God, even her voice was beautiful; it matched the color of her eyes if that made any sense. The confidence Savannah once had was now on the floor, sinking.

          "So, uh, what movie are you seeing?" The girl asked, hoping to make conversation. She gathered the damp napkins between both hands before tossing them into the nearest trash bin.

          Fiddling her thumbs together, Savannah finally managed to complete the girl's appearance and god it was perfect. She had seen beautiful girls before but this one had something to her. Maybe it was her eyes, or her voice, or maybe it was just everything. "Wonder Woman."

          "That's such a good movie. I specifically ask to sweep theaters that play it just so I can watch it." The girl said. Savannah realized the name tag pinned to her uniform; Carson. Even her name was beautiful. Carson's arctic blue eyes met with a pin attached to the side of Savannah's jeans. "Pride flag? That's awesome. You support the LGBT?"

          Fire burned into Savannah's cheeks. She completely forgot about the pin. Hell, it was there for so long she never realized it was still there. Anytime she talked about her sexuality, she went flustered. "Duh, I'm the L."

          Carson jested, her lips breaking apart to show her pearly white teeth. "Even better. I guess that makes us twins. Well, I'm actually the B but people mostly think it stands for Bitch when it comes to me." This girl was beautiful, funny, and is into girls? Today was the best day to ditch school work.  Before Savannah could respond, Carson glanced down at the broom she dropped just minutes earlier. "I uh, I better get back to work. If my boss catches me, I will be in deep shit. And your movie is starting in like, three minutes."

          "Oh, yeah, um, thanks for helping me clean the mess."

          "No problem, I'll see you around."


Hi! I have been DYING to publish this story. I am in love with both of these girls and had to write a love story. Fun fact: I actually had a dream about this happening to me. Dreams are where I mostly get my story ideas.

Anyway, I hope you're as excited as I am for this!!! Thank you for reading :)

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