My Bully

By JrayIaaN

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"I don't get why you always do this to her" Aaron said. I look down at my feet and mumble, "I don't either" ... More

My Bully
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 10

470 20 0
By JrayIaaN

Chapter 10: Nick

It's only been two days since staying at Tyler's place. I would have never thought staying here would make me fall for Tony less, after what she said. She really hates me that much? I know I said that I'm not mad anymore for liking Tony, well now I am. I am more mad that I still like her as much I did before.

I walk out of my room and lock eyes with Tony who's also coming out of her room. I glare at her before I look away and leave downstairs to eat breakfast. Tyler has a cresh plate of pancakes set on the middle of the table and Alec with three pancakes on his plate spreading syrup all over them. Didn't he leave yesterday? Does he always come over to eat breakfast at their house?

Tyler norices my confusion, "he sometimes comes here for breakfast"

"Ah" I nod my head and take a seat next to Alec and put two pancakes on my plate.

"Their that good, huh?" I ask.

Alec puts a big piece in nis mouth and nods.

I take a bite and damn their fucking delicious! I put two more pancakes on my plate and so does Alec, "damn"

"I know right" Alec says.

"Guys chill" Tyler says with a plate "leave some for me and Tony"

"Fine" Alec sighs and goes back to eating the pancakes he has on his plate.

Tyler puts three pancakes on his plate, "forget about Tony, she can eat cereal" I say and was about to get the last two, one for me and the other for Alec.

"Pause" Tyler says and for some reason I paused in place. "Back up"

I sigh and get back to eating my pancakes.

Tony comes rushing in the dinning room, "did they finish them?!"

"No, they left two" Tyler says.

She gasps happily and runs to the table and takes the llat6e of pancakes. She sits down next to Tyler surprisingly instead of next to Alec. I wonder if she's still mad at him or its because I'm next to Alec so she doesn't want to be near me.


I put on my black sweatshirt over my white t shirt I'm wearing before I head out of my room and out the door. Aaron called me earlier to hang with out, I'm meeting him at the park near here. Alec went home for something, Tony left a long time ago to hang out with Alyssa amd Tyler is going to meet up with Liam in a couple of minutes so its a good thing he called me or I would've been bored as hell here.

"Hey" Aaron greets me when I make it to the park.

"Hey" I say back and we start walskimg together and talking.

After a couple of minutes I look over at the lake and see two familiar faces. Tony and Alyssa.

I look over at Aaron about to tease him about Alyssa. He's had a crush on her since 8th grade. Alyssa is everything he's into, he just doesn't know how to ask her out cause he actually likes her. He says its not the same asking to hook up with someone than to ask someone oit on a date. Alyssa has fair tan skin like Tony's and big light blue eyes but not as big and bright as Tony's green eyes and long she has long straight brown hair but not as long and pretty as Tony's curly hair. She also has a really nice figure but next to Tony... what the hell is wrong with me?! Alyssa's hot, theres your description,  for get everything else.

Aaron is already looking over at them starring at Alyssa. "Is she why you called me over?"

"What?" Aaron says turning his attention back to me "no! How should I know they'd be here"

"Alright chill" I put my hands up in surrender "I was kidding"

Aaron turns his attention back at Alyssa. "Are you going to keep staring at her or go up amd talk to her" I say.

"Huh? Uh.." Aaron says stalling. I push him over to him.

"Alright stop, we look weird" Aaron says and starts to walk up to them with me as I laugh at him.

Alyssa notices us first and smiles, "hey guys"

Tony smiles when she see's Aaron but when she sees me she stops.

"I fucking swear I will hurt you if you say or do anthing stupid" Aaron threatens.

I laugh again at him. No promises.

"Hey" Aaron says back when we get to them. He's just going to make this awkward.

"There's a party tomorrow night at Aarons cousin's mansion" I say and look at Aaron "what his name again?"


"Yeah, he's spoiled as fuck, the parties going to be great, you want to come with us?" I ask for Aaron.

"Yeah we'd love to" Alyssa says.

"We're asking you, not Tony" I say.

"Why can't Tony go, it's not your party" Aaron says.

"Yeah" Tony crosses her arms.

"Fine, why don't you ask your brother" I say and Tony uncrosses her arms.

"You don't have to tell him" Alyssa says to Tony.

"Yeah, but I can" I say.

Tony glares at me. As I look at her I don't feel the same why as before. Instead I glare back at Tony, usually I smirk or give her a smile to annoy her. I'm still mad at her, she's really saying and doing things that are making me lolse my feelings for her. Remember when I said I'm not mad for liking her anymore, now I am. I hate that I still have feelings for her, but not as much. It just wants to make me pick on her more.

I held down on 'bullying' her, that is what she accuses me for doing, since school started a little but now I could fucking careless about her damn feelings, I hope.

"You wouldn't" Aaron says.

"He would" Tony says.

"I would"

"Now I see why Tony complains about you all the time" Alyssa says.

I put my hand to my heart, "you talk about me"

Tony rolls her eyes at me. She needs to stop rolling her damn eyes.

I walk closer to Tony so I can be where Alyssa and Aaron are standing. And also so I can do this;

I bump into Tony, "by accident", as she turns around she looses her balance and falls into the lake.

Alyssa gasps and quickly goes over to where Tony feel in. Tony gasps for air and pushes her hair back so she could glare at me, "why the fuck would you do that?!"

"What the fuck did I do?!" I say defending myself.

"You pushed me in!"

"You fell in" I say going ober to her to 'help' her out.

I take her hand and help her get out of the lake but right when she's almost out, I make it look like my hand slipped and she dropped back in.

"Nick!" Tony angrily yells.

"Oops sorry" I say hiding my laugh.

Alyssa and Aaron this time pull her out, I don't go over and help because I know this time she would pull me in with her.

"Oh my god Tony are you okay?" Alyssa says putting her arms around her.

"Why did you do that?" Tony angrily asks shivering.

"You bumped into me" I say.

"You bumped into me on purpose!"

"Tony he wouldn't do it on purpose it was an accident" Alyssa tells her.

"He also dropped me back in there" Tony says.

"His hand slipped, Tony he tried to help you out" Aaron says.

I made it look so realistic that Aaron believed it.

Alyssa tries to calm her down and help her stop shivering and so does Aaron. He rubs her arms and keeps close to her. I'm annoyed at myself for betting jealous at this, but I don't do anything. Aaron was about to take his hoodie off for Tony but I do it before he could.

"Here" I say throwing it at her. She doesn't even look at me or say thank you. She puts on the hoodie and starts to shiver less but she's still shaking her legs since she is wearing shorts.

"You should go home and change" Alyssa says and Tony nods in agreement. "You want me to come with you?"

While that conversation is happening Aaron pulls me aside. "I know you bumped into her on purpose, but did your hand really slip"

"Nope" I say putting my hands in my pocket.

Aaron sighs, "I don't get why you always do this to her"

I look down at my feet and mumble,  "I don't either"

I think I do.

Aaron looks at me for a few seconds, debating weither or not he should say what's on his mind, "you like her, don't you?"

He's kidding right? Me, Nick Ryder, like her, Tony Heart! I look at Aaron and he doesn't look like he's kidding. I scowl, "of course not! Why the
hell would I like that piece of shit!"

I wish that were true. Why did it hurt me to call her those names.

"What did she do to you to make you hate her so much?" Aaron asks.

"It's complicated" I said.


I cut Aaron off, "I said it's fucking complicated!" I yelled just loud enough for us to hear.

Aaron shakes his head and gives me a glare before he walks away to Alyssa and Tony, that dick head doesn't believe me. I wish I believed me.

"I'll take her" I say walkong up to them.

All three of them look at me at the same time. "I'm staying there with Tyler, so I'm going there anyway"

"That's a good idea, Tony you should go before you get sick" Alyssa says.

"I can go myself" Tony says walking ahead.

I sigh, "you owe me"

"For what?" Aaron asks.

I look at Alyssa who's waving at Tony.

"Oh shit" Aaron realizes "thanks man"

I walk over to Tony who's still saying bye to Alyssa.

"Call me later" Alyssa says to Tony and gives me a smile. Aaron walks up and stands beside her, I smirk at Aaron before I start to walk to Tony's house with her.

"How do you get everyone to always believe you" Tony asks.

"Everyone always believes me because no one likes you" I say.

"Why did you push in?" Tony asks.

I shrug, "I felt like it"

Tony gives me a disgusted look before she opens her front door and gets in and slams the door close before I can get in. There was no poont to that. I turn the door nob and find that she locked the door. I take out the key Tyler gave me and unlock the door. Tony notices the key in my hnd when she sees that I got in she glares at me and goes upstairs to take a shower and get changed.

I go into the kitchen and get a snack before I layback on the couch and relax.


I open my eyes waking up to the noise of the TV I lift up my head to find Tony watching TV while eating chocolate ice cream. She's still wearing my black hoodie, I'm pretty sure she changed her shorts I don't even know if she's wearing pants but I'm pretty sure she is, the hoodie comes up to her thighs. And she put on black fuzy socks that comes a little above her ankle.

"Why are you still wearing my hoodie?" I ask.

"Cause I want to" Tony says feeding herself a spoon full of ice cream.

"Take it off"

"What?" she says looking at me.

"I want it back, take it off"

Tony scrunched her nose "your gross"

"This is your house, you could go to your room and change" I say "what were you thinking?"

Tony huffs and puts down her bowl of ice cream, "your so annoying!" She says going up the stairs to change out of my hoodie.

I smirk. Annoying her is fun.

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