Sign For Love ((ON HOLD))

By rinkadink

40.8K 760 113

Rosalie Hendrix can't speak, or hear. Anything at all. This is the result of a tragic accident 2 years ago, a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Five

2.9K 54 11
By rinkadink

I woke up the next morning curled up next to Brandon in his bed. After I had cried myself out last night, he had made me sit down and tell him what happened while he cleaned my face. Because of that stupid girl, I had a lovely gash running the entire length of the left side of my face. Charming. 

After that, Brandon said he and Simon were going to see about finding me another translator, but since I had a contract I couldn't just leave. He suggested I just keep a bit of distance between me and Harry. 

I poked Brandon in the stomach for a couple minutes before he groggily opened his eyes. I kissed him on the nose before bouncing out of bed to my vanity to do my makeup. It was 6:40 now. We had to leave by 7:15. Let's see if I could get ready in record time. 

I didn't bother with foundation, my complexion was fine, I didn't need it anyways. For my makeup, I did simple black winged eyeliner, applying false lashes along the top, and a little white kohl pencil along the bottom, with black along my bottom lid. It gave it a nice smokey look, making my eyes look bright. For my hair, I pulled it all over my left shoulder, curling it slightly, and curling the bangs up into an upwards curl, with my now curly locks cascading over my left shoulder. I painted my lips a dark red color, which made my skin look slightly paler, but not in a bad way. 

For clothes, I pulled on a floral print bandeau, with a white loose, low cut, crop top tank. It showed off a lot of my stomach, and you could see the bandeau peeking out from the top and the sides. I had on high waisted denim shorts, and a pair of brown wedges on my feet. It was a cute....yet mysterious look. I liked it. I was assuming Brandon was still getting ready, so I walked into the living room, turning the tv on. Brandon had subtitles on the tv, so I could read what was being said on it. After a couple minutes of poinltess babbling and stupid rumours, a familiar face popped up on the screen. 

"Is Harry styles cheating on long-time girlfriend Victoria Lebreton? Last night Harry was seen meeting with a rather rebellious looking girl at his hotel! Victoria and him were seen later that evening, out an about, seeming just as in love as always. Looks like Harry needs to tell off this new mystery girl, before he loses what he has!"

I just stared in hurt shock at the television. Yeah. He had a girlfriend. That was...just lovely. I felt footsteps behind me, and turned to see Brandon pulling on his jacket. 

 <<Did you hear that?>> I signed to him. 

Brandon nodded. 

<<Well. I hope he and Victoria work out. She's such a lovely girl.>> 

I saw Brandon laugh, obviously picking up on the sarcasm in my response. 

<<Come on sugar. I'll buy you coffee on the way.>>

I jumped up excitedly, skipping over to the door. Brandon was following behind me, shaking his head and laughing. I bounced down the stairs, feeling some new energy. I got into my passenger seat, sitting on the very edge of my seat. When Brandon got in, he was talking on the phone quite quickly. 

He started driving, so I started to think about my...current situation with Harry. He...acted like he felt something. Which was weird because I had JUST met him yesterday. The way he looked at me, nobody ever looked at me like that. But then there was that Victoria girl. Did he look at her like that? Did he look at everyone like that? He had her...and I had nobody now. I was just little old screwed up Rosalie.

Brandon was still on the phone when we reached the Starbucks drive-through. I scribbled "pumpkin spice latte" in my sketchbook, passing it to him He looked at it and ordered our drinks, driving up to the window to pay and pick them up. Brandon passed me my drink, continuing to Syco to meet the boys. 

When he pulled into the parking lot, he looked over at me. 

<<You ready?>> he signed. 

<<No. Let's go home!>>

Brandon chuckled. 

<Sorry toots. No can do. Let's go they're waiting for us.>>

I glared at him but stepped out of the car, pushing past the mess of paps that were once again outside the studio, gripping Brandon's hand tightly. When we got inside, I flashed a smile at the secretary, pulling Brandon to the stairs. He was shooting me amused looks as I pulled him up the steps. When we got outside the door, Brandon stopped me. 

<<I...think I may be able to help you get back at Harry.>> 

I looked at him curiously. 


<<Just go along with whatever I do. Think back to when we had to get rid of my stalker ex.>> 

I laughed at that. Me and Brandon pretended to date about 3 years ago, because one of his ex girlfriends just wouldnt leave him alone. it was....interesting to say the least. 

<<sounds like a plan babe.>> I threw in a wink at the end, and Brandon rolled his eyes at me, wrapping an arm around my waist before he pushed the door open. 

Everybody was already waiting for us. Louis jumped up off the couch and immediately started babbling, So Brandon gave me a quick peck before starting to translate. 

<<Rosie Rosie Rosie! Help! Harry said he was gonna beat me up!?? He practically leapt on me, hiding behind me from the curly haired boy. 

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving a blye mark on his face. 

Harry was standing awkwardly on the other side of the room, gawking. I glared at him. He looked like he was about to walk over, so I pressed into Brandon, nuzzling my face into him. A moment later, Brandon pulled back, pointing at Niall before signing. 

<<What happened to your face?>> 

<<I got into a fight. No big deal.>> I shrugged. 

All the boys looked shocked, except Harry. He just looked...irritated, and was glaring at Brandon. before anyone could kill each other, Simon entered the room. Brandon pulled away to start signing what was being said. 

<<Good morning Rosalie. Today we were gonna figure out how exactly you'll be communicating with the rest of us once Brandon goes back to America, we need to either get you another translator, or come up with some way of helping you. 

I pondered this for a moment, before Brandon;s hands started moving again. 

<<I have a friend who may be able to fill in for me, I can call him if you'd like.>>

All the other boys were talking animatedly to each other, except Harry was was trying to get my attention.

<<I'm Sorry.>> he signed, once he realized he had my attention.

How did he learn that!? wait..who...did Brandon..?

I looked at my hands, playing with my french nails. Again, I was left out of the conversations. The boys and Simon continued their conversations and I refused to look up at them, to acknowledge them. My phone started to buzz in my pocket so I pulled it out.

 H: Rose we need to talk. 

R: My name is Rosalie, not Rose. What do you want? 

H: Im sorry..about what happened last night. I dont...know what happened. Im so sorry Victoria hit you. I broke up with her after. I swear. I..wish I could have kept you from getting hurt but....I didnt. and...i want to fix it. 

I stared at my phone. 

R: I saw you kiss her. You kissed her. so...dont apologize. I made a mistake kissing you. ANd coming over. Im sorry. wont happen again. You're my client Harry. Nothing more. It was just a mistake. 

H: Well...fine then...

I stuffed  my phone into my pocket, crossing my arms in a hugg, only to see all the boys and Simon were staring at me, confused. I returned their confused look, not having a clue what was going on. Louis pointed behind me to the door, where there stood a very angry looking Victoria. Again. 

She was yellin obviously, and of COURSE it was aimed at me now. I just stared boredly at her, letting her finish out. She seemed to be getting more confused when I didn't do anything. 

I stoof up, facing her, arms still crossed. This was just like last night. 

"Whore." Victoria said it clearly enough I could read her lips. 

I smirked, flipping her off and walking psat her, to locate Brandon. He was standing just outside the door, talking on the phone. I leaned against the door in front of him, playing with the hem of his shit. When he was done, he put the phone into his pocket and smiled at me. 

<<Guess who said he'd come translate for you?>>



Trevor. He was the one in the accident with me. He had been alright though. Unlike me. But like Brandon, he learned sign language after the accident to speak with me. 

<<He'll go on tour with me?!>>

<<if Simon approved it. He's coming now to meet Simon and whatnot.>>

I jumped up in excitement, hugging him tightly. 

<<Thank you BB>> I signed, shooting him a huge grin. 

<<no problem toots.>> he signed, taking me back into the room. 

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