Short snippets of random stor...

By MissTVD

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Short snippets of random stories

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By MissTVD

This is where I will be writing random stories - short stories.

Some may even be just like a story synopsis, and not exactly a story with a few paragraphs. I'm going to let my imagination run wild.


(1st entry)  It was a long way, somewhere unknown. The path took her along a narrow walkway, hidden by some bushes which were full of cherry blossoms. The sunlight was streaming down, scorching her neck, turning slightly red. She'd been travelling down hills for days, and she became restless. Her resources were running short, and it was about time for her to stop and grab some things to help her out. A sound behind her evaded all her senses and her ears throbbed. Her heart was pounding, deep in her chest. She blinked twice, before peering behind her. She regretted it instantly, but by the time she started running, it was already too late.

(2nd entry)   He looked up at the stars, their luminescent light shining down on him. A snort erupted from another and he turned to face the direction of the noise. In it's place, he saw a girl. She was tall and pretty, someone elegant in her stride. She wasn't angry, in fact she was smiling. Her deep blue eyes glimmered in the face of the moonlight, and he smiled back at her. She sat, looking deep into the distance. Her thoughts were darting back to the other night when they sat, in silence, gazing up at the stars. This was going to be the last time that she would sit here, and therefore he would make the most of it, being here with her. He held her hand, and slightly squeezed. And for a moment, everything seemed so perfect. And in that moment, everything was.

(3rd entry)   There was scattering in the woods, something was hidden behind those thick bushes. Or rather, someone. You could hear the heavy footfalls of the invisible individual creeping up nearer and closer. Also, the density of the air filled their lungs, so they had to breathe more heavily. Their head sharply crossed beside them, to see if there was anything else out there. It was pitch black, and cold. Sinister didn't quite describe the feeling of the dark woods at night, this night. Tonight was going to be different; it was inevitable.

(4th entry)   Something suspicious lurked behind the mask of the forest. It reveled in the mystic veil that kept the unwanted out. However, what lurked behind the veil was someone, someone who wasn't supposed to be there. How did he arrive there? He had to bend the rules, just this once. He had to find her. Kill her. He walked further into the wild, finding once or twice the sounds of air swishing to and from the left of the clearing. As he grew closer, the noises grew fainter. This was the effect from someone unwanted as he to enter the forest. This was a magical forest; it's residents being discreet, in case of unwanted danger. Tonight they knew what was about to happen, and they did nothing to stop it. They agreed with him, although it totally went against their nature. Finally he walked further and deeper into the dark, finding his way immediately as he spotted the dim glow which was luminescent to his eyes. He was the chosen, and he was about to capture and murder the opponent, and that opponent was his lover.

(5th entry)   The look in their eyes showed no remorse. They reveled in it. The air surrounding them was reverberating through them, thrilling them. Daggers poised and arms raised, one thew it, resulting in blood pouring from someones chest. The howl of their pain excited them, and the light in that person's eyes withered with their life. You could see the evil in their eyes, shining exuberantly. Then, out of the blue, one of the devil essence people came out into the center, and with one quick blow of his fist, he let go some power of immense strength which immediately struck each and every one of them, until only he was standing by himself, finally in charge of what he knew had to be done.

(6th entry)   Go away, she thought. She didn't want to be near her, she wanted to be left alone. If one more commentary was made, she was going to snap at her, at the girl she despised. Her name is Everly, and her enemy Lisa. Everly stood, waiting patiently for the bus to arrive, and before you know it, Lisa also waits beside her. In a vengeful fury, Everly pushed past her, and almost makes her fall before the cars. In her rage, Lisa grabs Everly by the hair and pushes her further into the road, and accidentally Everly gets hit by the next passing car, which was heavy and bulky, an SUV. Screams were emanating from the people around the scene, and the SUV abruptly comes to a halt. Lying unconsciously on the road, or so it seemed, Everly was in a peaceful bliss of her own thoughts. In the background she heard a massive eruption of people trying to do whatever they were trying to do, and she tried to drown them out. The voices, it was always the voices, she couldn't stop them. It bugged her; she was tired of being around frustratingly boring and idiotic people, humans, rather - and she was so close as to rip someone's head off. Her target was Lisa. Her vengeance was so hot in her bones, she nearly burned her victims crisp in her grasp.

Someone was shining something to her eyelids. Clearly frustrated, Everly clenched her fists ever so closely to herself, that nobody could see. Her hatred boiled in her blood - and she couldn't contain herself. She stood up, grabbed whoever was shining the light on her, and savagely ripped at their neck, drawing more than a little blood. Her eyes rippled with the veins of blood seeping into her body, and automatically she dumped the limp body to the ground, which landed with a huge, thump. Then, she turned around and headed for the next one.


Unconscious for good; Everly lay on the cold ground. Neck broken, and body outstretched on the rocky road, she headed for hell. What the others didn't know was that this was only just the beginning.

(7th entry)   Celeste awoke some time later. She thought it was just a little while after. However, she was wrong. Somehow she'd managed to end up somewhere dark, outside. Somewhere secluded, away from life. It finally dawned on her about what happened. Some wretched person had whacked her head with a shovel. She believed it was a shovel. It was hard, and the sound (or what she made out before she fell unconscious) was thick and heavy in the air. She was lying flat on the ground, in fact she was somewhere damp which smelled of wood. Was she in a forest? As she stood, she took a huge gulp of air and closed her eyes against the small breeze which flowed past around her. Automatically Celeste put a hand to her head, and she felt a bruise. How had she survived that? Her skull would have smashed and her brain would have shut off. Instead of pondering on that thought, she started to gather her surroundings. She was not alone. She was being watched. Somewhere deep further along, in what she now concluded was a forest, a dark figure came closer, into Celeste's view. And then, out of the blue, the person was face to face with her, looking down and giving her the once over. He decided she wouldn't be trouble, yet, so he didn't take action. Celeste was stricken, and was shivering in her fright. However, she had other plans. She made a run for it; but it was already too late.

The man who appeared before her stood there, shaking his head slightly. "You really shouldn't run" he said. She blinked feverishly and had to look away from his hard stare. As she was about to scream, he put a stop to her, and before she knew it, she was unconscious again.

(8th entry)   The deceit was strong, it overrode any other instinct. It was important. They came for her, and it was her turn to escape. Her legs carried her as far as possible, and as quickly as possible, until she could no longer detain all of her strength and stamina. She sighed, then cried; it was all hard on her, she couldn't take it. Her emotions were all a bundle of confusion, all mixed together.

She was unable to control herself now. She was about to scream. Her lungs filled with rotten air, enclosing her with heavy breaths. Around her, the air was getting colder. It was getting closer. She ran for her life, and this time it was going to be all that she put the most effort into.

(9th entry)   I can't take it, she says. I can't live in this world anymore. It's suffocating, intoxicating. Mindless and careless people surround her, her mind is ready to fall all apart. I'm loosing it, she says. The way the dreams, the screams, all wreck her. I'm falling, she says. Into oblivion, nothingness, emptiness. In no time will she finally collapse. I'm dying, she says. Her body betrays her. Her limbs wobble, tears fall. I'm suffocating, she says. In her final steps, the air around her started to choke her, engulf her. I'm already gone, she says. And then she really was.

(10th entry)   We were all one, together all safe and sound. It wasn't usually this way, but when it was, we made the most of it. I looked around me, and to my excitement I saw someone very special to me. We embrace and draw in a long kiss. I peer into his eyes and I see a beautiful everlasting lake shining into my own eyes. The blue of his eyes were magnetic. I could revel in them for an eternity. He sat beside me, and we sat like that for a while; until it was time to leave. To my dismay, and longing sadness, this would be the last time I'd see him in a very long time, but I didn't know that until it was too late for proper goodbyes.

(11th entry)   I never thought that it would be this hard, to let it all go. I had to though, it was not under my control. I feel so tired, so sad, so destroyed. I feel like I am drowning without him. I hope that he'll never forget me; I was about to endure a new reality, somewhere further into the unknown. Maybe he'll follow me; stay with me, embrace me. I'd never give up hope, because our love is the purest thing, the only thing that keeps me going. My mind and my soul is complete. No matter what, I know what I have to do, and I hope he does too.

(12th entry)   It was never intended to be that way, it truly wasn't; it just happened. Somehow that would last for some time.

She carried on walking, deeper, further. A look to her right, a glance to her left. Trees' branches whistling in the breeze, turning eerily quiet in an instant. She turns, and tries to find what was behind her, but it was clear. As she progressed further, the sounds came back on and off, and not just the branches, crisp leaves crunching under somebody's footfalls. The beating of her heart became a frenzy, of fear and uncertainty. Finally, when she arrived, she saw a dark figure awaiting her in the distance, inching forward, and inclining her forward; towards each other. Once their hands touched, they immediately knew each other, and would take on an adventure of a lifetime.

(13th entry)   It's going to carry on, you know. Until it can take no more. Of course it was uncertain of the outcome, but what's the harm in taking the risk? Carry on, dear child. Walk on, little one. It's the destiny that takes control, contorts our futures. Open your eyes wide, dive deep into the depths of indulgence. Take what you need, what you want, and make something of it. You must: just take control. Be who you're supposed to be, fly high, fly high; little bird.

(14th entry)   She took another step. She peered into the water, it's misty ripples shining in the dim sunlight. She sat down, glancing at her tiny hands. In her own thoughts, she was awoken by the feeling of cold air prickling her bare back. She clung closer to herself, trying to keep warm. A low howling sound erupted behind her, and she turned around, looking for the instigator. Nothing was there, so she went back to staring far into the lake's horizon. A few minutes past, and the sound came about again. This time, she stood up and inched closer into the trees. More footsteps taken, and she arrived to the entrance of what seemed to be a forest. This time, another, different, sound suddenly appeared, and in her fright she ran for it - and nearly collided into another person. Instead of falling to the floor, strong hands clung to her, and those hands belong to a young man in his late teens, early adult age, and the eyes staring back at her were a deep green mixed with a metallic blue. They were mesmerizing. Unable to tear away her gaze, she stayed there, looking into his eyes; he did too. He looked at her as if she was someone he once knew and was suddenly reunited with. However he broke of the connection an instant later, and she composed herself to normal, smoothing her dress. She gave a short and quiet laugh, and he smiled back. Forgetting her manners, she spoke, making sure she was composed. Subsequently, something sudden happened, and before she could gather her thoughts, he disappeared and left her; alone.

(15th entry)   She looked into her closet. Picked out an outfit. She wore it, and strode out of her home. The wilderness called, summoned her. She crawled; recalled. Crept quietly, without a noise. It found her; held her. Swallowed her whole, caressing her. She glanced once, twice, three times. It ignited, exploded, unfolded. She held onto it, gripping it; breaking it. Sparks flew and erupted; uninterrupted. The corner of her mouth creaked a small smile. Such a sly smile. However, it was one of power. And she won.

(16th entry)   The fire burned inside her, infuriating her. It escalated; circulated. Her fists clenched, tighter and firmer. Her eyes fluttered, faster and swiftly. She peered into their eyes, pining them down with blame, with shame. It acclaimed her, fought her, shattered her. She arose, brighter and stronger, with such a gripping force that it blinded those all around her. It was time to fight, to take flight.

(17th entry)   Her wings expanded, showing off a shiny complexion. Her arms were outstretched to her sides, opening wider for every turn. Her eyes glowed with a glorious beauty which outshone all the others. She opened her mind to all the possibilities; and chose.

(18th entry)   It didn't happen the way it was expected. Nobody knew of the outcome, and it came as a total shock, because it wasn't supposed to happen the way it did. The word came from the hierarchical leader, and people were stunned; shunned. However, what they all didn't know was that someone else had been in on it, and directed it accordingly. And for a fraction of a second, it had all been worth it, but then it all blew up, out of all the correct proportions.

(19th entry - will come eventually)

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