Miss World Or Miss Akhirah?✔

By Sarahss2000

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Highest ranking #6 in spiritual on 20/12/17 **** Nobody is perfect. Every individual has certain habits they... More

Chapter 6: Ramadan
Chapter 15: I want to be Miss Akirah
Chapter 16: He was Mr world.
Chapter 17: How do I become Miss Akirah?
Chapter 18: New Beginning ✔️
Chapter 19: The beautiful month✔️
Chapter 23:And when the right time comes, we will make everything right✔️
Chapter 25: He is different
Chapter 27: Umar is not who you think he is. He is ...
Chapter 28 : What's going on?
Chapter 29: B-R-O-K-E-N✔️
Chapter 30 : B-R-O-K-E-N (2)
Chapter 31: You are my flashlight
Chapter 32: 'Date'
Chapter 34: The Wedding Fatiha
Chapter 37: Halal Princess
Epilogue: Mrs Akhirah✔️

Chapter 33: Issa Graduation!!

3.6K 705 201
By Sarahss2000

Through out my life I had been imagining being woken up by Ruqy and Mama on my graduation day. They would shout, 'Congratulations darling you have made it. You have finished your first phase in life'. I woke up by myself and kept turning and tossing on the hard bed. Was it really my graduation day because it sure didn't look like it.

The first thing I did after I woke up was check my phone. I went straight to snapchat and started viewing my brothers' snaps. They looked really handsome and very identical in matching white Babban riga that had golden embroidery with matching golden caps. I commented, 'I am yet to see the groom but I bet you look more handsome than him'. I then went to the next picture which was a picture of the bride. She was looking stunning in a flowly cream gown that had red stones with a red veil neatly tied and a red beads necklace and bangles. The style I chose for her.

It was the next picture that called the tears. The bride was sitting like a princess in the middle of Baba's living room couch. By her left side was Baba looking handsome in his golden Babban riga and by her right was Mama looking very beautiful in a green lace with a green and cream goggoro tied neatly in place and for the first time with make up on her face. I was sure the niqabi woman didn't know her sons were posting this on snapchat. By each side of Mama and Baba were Hassan and Hussain smiling widely at the camera. I looked at the perfect picture of the family. They were all happy and smiling beautifully to the camera. No one would think Rukky has another sister. After all there was even no space on the couch for me.

I saw other pictures of Mama with the bride, Baba with the bride, each of the twins with the bride and then saw the twins, Khaleed and Baba leaving our house or should I say their house and to the Mosque where the fatiha would take place. I could see the mosque filled up in the video Hussain posted. I saw some people I recognized including the Imam, Baba Yahya, Baba's elder brother who would act as Rukkaya's Waliyy and another eldery man sitting next to him who I guessed was Umar's dad. They must be waiting for Umar's waliyy.

It was all over now. After all I did, she was still going to marry the cult member. That's the Qadr of Allah. I had to accept it. I left everything in his hands, I knew He would make a way out for my family. I closed my phone and promised myself I woulfn't let this ruin my graduation. I would try my best not to think about it and enjoy my graduation to the fullest. After all, graduating from secondary school is a one in a life time thing.

I imagined going into shower while feeling very excited and out of the world. I would come back and see my graduation gown and outfits that I would wear layed on the bed by Rukkaya. She would help me wear it then together with Mama, Baba and the twins, they could take millions of pictures of me before going to the event. I entered the old rustic bathroom and quickly poured water down my body. I was still not comfortable using the bathroom. I came back and brought out the dress I was going to wear under my graduation gown. I put on the dress then my graduation gown and pinned my veil and then stared at the broken mirror. It was really my graduation day.

There were some graduation messages for me when I checked my phone. One from A_Lamido. Guess who he was? I couldn't believe it, I didn't recognize him from his pictures. It was Aheed_Lamido, brother to Muklis Lamido. I couldn't believe I didn't notice the striking resemblances between the two brothers. I guessed it was because I had so much going on in my mind. He was as nice as his late brother that he reminded me so much of him. We chatted on instagram day before yesterday and he assured me that he would come to my graduation. The other messages were from Bilal, Leena, Uthman, Yasmeen some other classmates and friends and of course the sweetest one coming from Najib with lots of du'as that made me very happy.

Unfortunately the ones I wanted to see weren't there. I swallowed the lump in my throat. They were there enjoying their Fatiha and Walima. This was what I got for not being a good muslim girl, for lying to my parents about going out. I derserved it, a graduation without any of my family members. I knew I said I wouldn't think about it but I couldn't help it.

It was 10:30 am, the graduation was 11 and so was the Fatiha. I took my things, put on a little makeup and headed outside. The house for the first time in what felt like ages was quiet as everyone had already gone to our house for the Walima. Only few people including Kakani were there, I guessed waiting for a driver or something. I met Kakani in the living room dressed in a beautiful maroon wrapper and skirt with white powder, kohl and red lipstick on her very fair face and as usual eating her dumamen tuwo.

"This kind of dress kuma fah. What is that? As if you are going to one funeral like that,"

"Kema de kya fada" I said. We had been complaining about our graduation gown being dark navy blue. We even requested that it should be changed but it was too late when we did.

"You forgot today is my graduation. Ahh Kakani you have broken my heart. You don't care about me,"

" Oh my God! I'm so sorry, it totally skipped my mind. You know I am so busy with the wedding and stuffs. Congratulations Darling. After today no more going to school?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, no more going to school." As you can see, I had been trying to move on, I couldn't stay depressed forever. I had been trying to go back to my old self and I knew I was doing well.

At school everyone was so excited. Well everyone expect me. I was the type that hated saying goodbyes. I just didn't like saying any kind of goodbye. And with the fact that I had only one person coming to my graduation and all my family were there enjoying my only sister's wedding. Well, it just made me more sad. There were lots of pictures, hugs, tears and I will miss you's even before the event started. And soon parents and guests started trooping in.

Few mintutes later, we were told everyone was settled in the hall and it was time for the graduates, us to match in. I asked for time and was told 11:30 and the first thing that came to my mind was, Rukkaya is now Mrs Umar Magaji. A lump formed in my throat as I prayed to Allah to bless their union.

A slow music was put on and we walked slowly to our seats. All eyes were glued to us. We felt like celebrities. Well, we were for that day. I caught the sight of Danmaula from the corner of my eyes as we walked passed him. He smiled warmly at me and whispered congratulations. I smiled back with equal enthusiasim. He kept to his promise, he wasn't late. Rukkaya specifically gave him invitation cards but he came here instead.

After the welcoming address, the other speeches were quite boring. I kept looking at the parents and guests hoping to see any familiar face, I only saw two, Najib and Aheed . I tried my best to smile. 'Look at the bright sight Hameeda, at least you have one person that came specifially for you.' I told myself and smiled in contentment. He was more than enough.

Time for the farewell speech came. I felt the lump in my throat growing bigger. My two bestfriends were the ones making the speech, Bilal and Leena.

"I can't believe we have reached the end of this long but beautiful journey. Even though they were a lot of fuel stops, car break downs and other difficulties the ending destination was perfect. We couldn't have ask for more. We had so much fun learning in this wonderful institution. Memories that will forever be kept in the depths of our hearts.

To our Propeirtor, principal and teachers we have nothing to say to you but thank you. Thank you for sticking with us, thank you for not giving up on us and thank you for giving us the best education any person can get.

And to our parents thank you for believing in us, thank you for helping us with everything and thank you for sending us here.

And to our fellow classmates or should I say ex-classmates, I want all of you to know this is just the begining. I wish all of you success as we all go our seperate ways. And I want you to know, you will always be in our prayers".

Before the end of their speech, tears had already started rolling down my cheeks. I ran and hugged Leena immediately she came down the stage. I almost hugged Bilal too but I quickly controlled my feelings and instead gave him my warmest smile which he return back and jokingly blew me a kiss.

Our Principal talked next. She talked about the achievements we made, how mischievious we were always pulling pranks on our teachers but also how hardworking we were. She told us how proud she aas of us , we aced all our results, we had broken the record as in our set there was a girl that got 8 As in her SSCE. At last she admitted she would miss this naughty but intelligent class of 2017/2018 set of MKC.

Soon it was time for giving the certificates. As the MC started calling the names of my classmates alphabetically, I found myself once more thinking 'Am I really graduating or is it just a dream?'

"Hauwa Muhammad Gambo,"
"Hauwa Muhammad Gambo,". The whole hall started roaring. It was after Leena nudged me that I realized it was time for me to go and collect my certificate. Time for me to be officially a graduate of secondary school. I felt my heart beating and my body shaking as I walked slowly to the stage. I was afraid immediately I touched the certificate I would wake up from my sleep. But I didn't. I held the certificate tightly and smiled at the camera man. My eyes caught Danmaula's own and my smile grew wider. He was standing up cheering loudly for me. I was still looking at him when I saw him checking his wrist watch and muttering something under his breath before walking towards the door. He was probably going to collect something, going to the rest room or maybe going to the fatiha? I walked back slowly to my seat with my certificate in my hand getting the loudest cheer. After all I was still Hameeda mg.

Awards were given next. I got two awards; best in English and most social student. By 2:00pm, the graduation was over and we were told it was time for the graduates to march out. A slow song played and we got into our lines. When we were leaving, I felt my heart throbbing and felt a lump in my throat. I was leaving this school for life. I would never come back. Six years of waking up early in the morning. Six years of looking for socks every morning. Six years of assigments and tests. It was over now. It was finally over.

We stayed by a staircase and took millions of pictures together. It may or may not be the last time we would take pictures together. But I was hundred percent sure it was the last time the 55 of us will take a picture together. We were really the celebrities for that day. All parents, friends and siblings were taking pictures of us. All I heard were click click and click. I kept looking for Danmaula but didn't see him anywhere. 'I will look for him after I am done with this', I made up my mind. By the side of the field was a huge board were all graduates of the school write their initials before finally leaving the school. I wrote Hmg and was about to give the pen to the next person when my eyes caught Aheed's. I swallowed the lump in my throat and wrote MML. He could have graduated with us.

When Aheed congratulated me, both our eyes were filled with tears. We were both thinking about the same thing or should I say person.

"He is in a better place In Shaa Allah" Aheed was the one comforting me instead of the other way round. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded.

"Now don't ruin your day and pretty face by crying. Go and have fun with your classmates for the last time" he shooed me away with a smile. With one last smile, I went back to my classmates who were ready to throw their caps. Just before we threw the caps I caught sight of Najib's three quater trousers inside the crowd. But wasn't Najib wearing light blue kaftans and not dark blue? Well maybe it's not him or maybe it was just my eyes playing with me.

"We are going to throw our caps after 3 hurrays.,"

"Hip hip hip"

"Hurray," we shouted on top of our longs.

"Hip hip hip,"


"Hip hip hip,"

"Hurraaaaaaaay!!!" I had never shouted that loud in my whole life. And we threw the caps.

It was after I threw my cap, I finally believed it was not a dream. I had finally graduated. I threw my cap, jumped with it and closed my eyes. I haven't had this kind of pure happiness in a really long time. It was heaven. For a moment I forgot about Rukky's wedding, for a moment I forgot about Mama not talking to me, for a moment I forgot about all my worries and felt very happy.

What I didn't expect was to open my eyes and meet a familiar brown ones. Guess whose? Uncle Nour's. He was dressed in a shinning dark blue shadda, links neatly placed on the sleeves, designer wristwatch in his left hand, black dara cap placed perfectly on top of his brushed hair, sides burn shaved and goatee longer. So that was the three quater trousers I spotted earlier on.

He gave his dazzling smile that killed his female students and opened his arms wide. Oh how much I missed him. I ran and hugged him almost tripping on my high heel shoes. He hugged me tightly, I hugged back with equal enthusiasim.

"When did you come? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Is it a surprise......?" I didn't finish asking the questions when my eyes fell on two identical twins wearing white Babban riga with golden embroidery.

Hassan and Hussain were here too. And beside them was a handsome young man in green shinning shadda walking towards me. Khaleed.

"Congratulations," the twins ran and hugged me. Is the fatiha and reception already over? I stood there motionoless. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were here. They really were here. I looked around and spotted them too, Mama and Baba wearing the clothes I saw them with in the morning.

And when I looked up again, I saw the last one I was expecting. Baba Yahya and behind him, clad in her flowy creamy gown with red stones and accessories all over her. It was obvious she wasn't meant to be here but at her wedding. Everyone was giving her weird glances as she lifted her heavy gown with her two hands and walked towards me.

Well what a family reunion?



Lets all remember our graduation. 💃💃. I can't go to my graduation without any of my family members. I can't survive. God forbid. Let me tell you a little secret. There was a time my dad said he couldn't make it to my graduation. I didn't even know when I started crying. Heheheh

Now vote, comment and share. I also can't wait for the next chapter. I have so many questions I want to ask Rukky and the rest. For example the first one being Is she Mrs Umar Magaji now?????

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