Miss World Or Miss Akhirah?✔

By Sarahss2000

209K 15.3K 3.4K

Highest ranking #6 in spiritual on 20/12/17 **** Nobody is perfect. Every individual has certain habits they... More

Chapter 6: Ramadan
Chapter 15: I want to be Miss Akirah
Chapter 16: He was Mr world.
Chapter 17: How do I become Miss Akirah?
Chapter 18: New Beginning ✔️
Chapter 19: The beautiful month✔️
Chapter 23:And when the right time comes, we will make everything right✔️
Chapter 25: He is different
Chapter 27: Umar is not who you think he is. He is ...
Chapter 28 : What's going on?
Chapter 29: B-R-O-K-E-N✔️
Chapter 30 : B-R-O-K-E-N (2)
Chapter 31: You are my flashlight
Chapter 33: Issa Graduation!!
Chapter 34: The Wedding Fatiha
Chapter 37: Halal Princess
Epilogue: Mrs Akhirah✔️

Chapter 32: 'Date'

5.3K 886 348
By Sarahss2000


I got tired of waiting for the remaining 12 votes😥😥. Lieeey won't let me rest and because she is going to be my new tutor I decided to update. The 6000(almost 7000) words chapter is finally here, buckle up and enjoy.

The call to prayer woke me up from my afternoon sleep. I looked out through the window and saw it was already dark. Still feeling sleepy I jumped out of bed, sluggishly went to the tap in tsakar gida and did my ablution. I avoided going to the bathroom as much as I could. After I finished praying salatul magrib, I took my Hijab, phone and qur'an, headed to the soro and waited for danmaula. I didn't wait long before I heard the familiar voice saying Assalama alaikum. I remember the first time I heard the 'Assalama alaikum' coming from him, I thought it was coming from an arab man.

I answered his salam, soon after the net door swung open and he made his way straight to the armchair opposite me, his favorite sitting position in the room.

"Flease can I have a date?" he said as he made himself more comfortable on the armchair. I loved how he made himself at home whenever he came here but wait, did he just say he wanted a date with me? My heart just stopped beating.

"Kpum kpum kpum,"it started kpumkpumnating.

Oh My God.

"Urhh?" I asked to confirm what he said.

"I said flease hameeda may I have a date if you don't mind?" He asked more politely than before. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And sure enough, I wasn't. I looked at him and saw his normal beautiful dimpled smile. He wasn't looking nervous at all. Actually he was looking a bit tired and something like urhhmm yes he was looking famished.

"Hameeda flease answer me can I have a date?" I was so speechless. How did he expect me to answer the question that quickly. He had to give me some time to think about it. I didn't even know if he wanted to have lunch or dinner only or if he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. I must be kidding. I knew hewas not the one to date so maybe he just wanted us to have lunch and get to know each other better. Just then Kakani entered the room. He squatted and greeted her before groaning again. "Haaameeeeedaaaa my date"

"What's wrong my son?" Kakani asked.

"I asked Hameeda for a date." Shit I closed my eyes embarrassed. He was not even ashamed of telling Kakani. Now kakani would tease me endlessly. I closed my eyes expecting the worst but instead all I heard was...

"Haba Hameeda bring him some dates. Don't leave him starving. Today is Thursday. He fasted."

Could you imagine how I felt? So it was that date he meant. I quickly went to the kitchen and brought the dates, I brought tea and offered to make some food for him but he asked me not to. So while waiting for dinner, I gave him my hadda, the two pages I memorized perfectly. When dinner was ready I brought it for him on a tray and laid it on the carpet.

He folded his legs on the carpet and with a bissimillah he started eating with his right hand. With his perfect long fingers, he took the first handful into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned silently devouring in the taste of tuwan shinkafa da miyan aleyahu. And what could I say? Nafeesatu, Kakani's house maid was surely a good cook. And I made sure I added man shanu and yajin tafarnuwa to the stew. As he closed his eyes I noticed for the first time how long and curly his eyelashes were. They lay perfectly on his chocolate milk face. I also noticed how his eyebrows were now touching each other and how his curly hair, beard and sides burns had grown making him look much more handsome. I remembered arguing with one of my classmates about sideburns. She insisted that shaved ones were more attractive while I told her unshaved ones were far better. I looked up and my eyes met his brown ones. I quickly looked down and took out my phone pretending to be using it while muttering astagfirullah. It was just not easy for me not to be checking him out while he looked this handsome. It was this thing's fault. What's the thing call again? Hormones!!

Over the past few weeks, I had grown so close and attached to Danmaula. He took the place of Mama, Baba, Rukky, the twins, Khaleed and Uncle Nour. I knew how cheesy and odd it sounded but he acted like my mom, dad, sister, brother, uncle, best cousin and best friend over a short period of time. To conclude everything, he was the only one that was there for me. My everything. He was the only one that asked me how my exams went, the only one that asked me if I had eaten food or not, the only one that sincerely asked me how I was feeling, the only one that joked with me and kept me company. The list went on and on. I would spare you the time and shorten it by saying the only one that cared.

He was the one thing that kept me going apart from praying, doing dhikr and reading the qur'an. He came every other day, cheered me up and reminded me to be patient. I a
Was so grateful for having him in my life. Without him I knew, I would've been so lonely and miserable. He made me turn back to my Lord, ask for his forgiveness, have sabr and accept his qadr. After all He is the Disposer of all affairs.

It was nine more days to my graduation which means nine more days to my sister's wedding. Wait is she still my sister? I didn't think so. I had been in cikin gari for almost a month now. The good news was that things had been a little better than before. For example, I had started getting used to the bathroom even though I still avoided it as much as I could. I was no more afraid of the broken mirror and tuwo was now my favorite food. Apart from that, Mama answered my greetings now. It's not the normal way a mother answers her daughter's greetings but it was still better than not answering it at all. Sometimes it was just a nod, other times a nod with a small lafiya qalau. Baba and the twins too acted more nicely than before in their last Sunday visit. Baba smiled a little when he answered my greeting and asked about my exams. The twins on the other hand even gave me stories about school. The only one that still didn't act any better was the witch. I was at my happiest that Sunday and for the first time since I came to cikin gari, I slept peacefully.

"Urhmm Najib," I called.

He looked up from his plate of food, I had to say he didn't look too pleased to take his eyes off it.

"Have you heard anything from Uncle Nour?" I asked and he shook his head.

"The wedding date is moving closer, it will be too late when she marries him."

He nodded his head indicating he knows. Yes, I didn't give up. After all she did to me and all she caused, I hadn't given up. I would not allowing my sister to marry the drug trafficker/cult member.

No matter what blood is blood. There's no way you won't feel something for your blood sister no matter what she does to you. I loved my sister very much and I would do everything I could to prevent her from marring that guy.

Najib took a handful of tuwo chewed it silently and swallowed it before saying,

"Look Hameeda, we have tried our very best. We did everything within our fower. If this doesn't work out we will leave everything in the hands of The disposer of all affairs, The all knower,The all wise."

I nodded my head swallowing the lump in my throat. When Najib got to find out all that was going on was because Rukky refused to believe Umar was a cult member. He felt very furious with Rukky, very sympathetic with me and a little bit angry at himself. He apologized a hundred times for this saying he was the one at fault for bringing me into this instead of telling someone older. He assured me Uncle Nour and him will solve everything. But Uncle Nour just like Rukky didn't believe Umar was a cult member. When Najib told him at first he didn't believe it but since Najib was his close friend he agreed to do a thorough check on it. Uncle Nour found people to do the investigation and they found nothing I guessed that's why the wedding was still going to go on.

Najib saw my sad face and immediately changed the topic.

"Marwa has been pestering me to take her to see you."

"Awwn I would love to see her. I haven't seen my cute little sister in forever. Can you take me to see her someday?"

"Sure, anytime you are ready." he answered smiling.

"I would probably be busy throughout this week because of the graduation and the wedding so maybe after my graduation?"

"In sha Allah"

To while away the time before he was done eating, I took my phone and started checking social media. I had so many messages which I didn't care to reply. I was about to close my instagram when I saw a message from A_Lamido. I checked his page and saw he was a young handsome man. He looked familiar but I couldn't place where I knew him from. He was the type with 10k followers and only following 1k. I checked a few of his pictures which were all captured beautifully. It was a simple hi that I quickly replied. I looked up and saw danmaula had finished eating, I took the plates to the kitchen. Then we did our last routine for the night, muraja'a. We recited two hizbs together, our voices simultaneously reciting the qura'an making a single beautiful and melodious one. We prayed Isha together, made some supplications to the All hearing, All knowing and called it a night.

One day down, eight more to go before my graduation and Rukky's wedding.

The weekend passed by in a blur and soon it was Monday. The day we were to write our final exams. When we came out of the exam hall, I felt my heart jumping out. We had finished all our exams, alhamdulilah, I couldn't believe it. I was finally getting out of secondary school for good. It was a day to celebrate. Right after we came out of the exam hall, my classmates started tearing their uniforms and signing on them. Everyone would sign on each other's shirt for the sake of reminiscing when we part, This was a tradition that had been going on for as long as I could remember. As Najib advised me to, I found a book and made sure all my classmates signed on it instead of signing on my shirt. I allowed my few close female friends to sign on my shirt though.

They were lots of smiles, hugs and I will 'miss you's'. We took numerous pictures and bid one another goodbye before prom and graduation. Our prom was on Friday, while our graduation on Saturday. Today, our last paper was on Monday. Thankfully we had finished all our rehearsals therefore we had nothing else to do throughout the week than to prepare for the prom and graduation.

Everyone was going for dress and shoe shopping, looking for who to do their makeup and hair, going to the tailors and the rest. Everyone was so busy throughout the week. I on the other hand was at home busy with other stuffs too. Rukky's wedding was moving closer, guests had already started filling Kakani's house, and after all it was the first grand daughter's wedding. Kakani had to invite all her village people. The house was filled to the brim. I always kept myself busy doing one thing or the other. It was the only thing that would keep me off from thinking about the ongoing wedding.

I tried my best not to think of the wedding and concentrated on my graduation. It worked out very well until Thursday night, as usual I locked myself up in my room as the house was getting too rowdy. A loud knock woke me up from my sleep.

"Who is that?" I croaked as I was very sleepy.

"It's Nafeesatu, your mom asked me to give you something."

"My mom?"

"Yes." I quickly jumped out of the bed and opened the door. Nafeesatu handed me a golden envelope. I opened it with my heart beating fast. They were cards, five invitation cards. Three of the cards were for henna and walima of the bride's side while the two other smaller ones were for the dinner of the groom's side. Rukkaya didn't want a lavish wedding so our family would organize the henna day and the Walima. While the groom's family would organize a dinner. At least Mama remembered me and even gave me an extra card for a friend. But this just didn't feel like my sister's wedding. I didn'tt even have clothes for goodness' sake. 'I am not going. My excuse will be my graduation.' I made up my mind. I checked the cards for the dates and venues and was surprised to see the henna was tomorrow and guess where? Here at kakami's house. The walima was on Saturday at our house during the day while the dinner during the night.

I didn't think twice about picking my phone and texting Najib.

Do you think you will be able to take me to see Marwa tomorrow? ~H

Of course what time should I come? ~N

As early as you can ~H

Is eight okay~ N

Yes goodnight and thank you for everything ~H

You are very welcome. Good night. Sleep tight. ~N

I started thinking about texting Mama too, to tell her that I wouldn't be able to make it to the wedding. I almost made up my mind not too but then I realized it was better to since she specifically gave me the invitation cards.

I went to my whatsapp and found the contact 'My number 1❤ ' then typed;

' Assalama Alaikum Mama thank you so much for the cards but I don't think I can make it as my graduation falls on the same day. I will be so busy tomorrow and on the graduation day as well. I know you can't make it to the graduation because of the wedding but I will give Nafeesatu the cards just in case. Thank you. Good night. Ma'asalam.'

I kept thinking of adding I love you to the messeage but decided against it. Without delay it delivered and a few minutes later the ticks turned blue indicating she had read it. I waited for few minutes but I didn't hear any vibration from my phone. It was not like I expected a reply from her. Well maybe I did. I was about to sleep when I remembered Baba. I looked for the contact 'LOML❤ ' and started typing,

'Assalama alaikum Baba, just wanted to inform you that my graduation is on Saturday. I know you can't make it because of Ya Rukky's wedding fathia that's why I didn't inform you earlier. Mama has the cards just in case you finish with the fathia early. Goodnight Ma'asalam.'

I checked the other messages and noticed they all ended with I love you and again contemplated writing I love you. I sighed and sent it like that. I then took a picture of my graduation invitation card and sent it to the twins and Khaleed. I finally laid my head on the pillow and let sleep take over me. One day to go.

Early the next morning guda and kidan kwaira woke me from my sleep. With sleepy eyes, I checked through the window and saw the house filled to the very brim. People I knew and didn't know. Masu kidan kwaira where by the side beating their kwaira and singing. Old people were doing guda (yodeling). There was so much noise and activities going on. I checked the time and seeing it was 7:45, I quickly put on my abaya, brushed my teeth, washed my face, applied some Vaseline and deodorant and snuck out without letting anyone see me. I had already taken my bath during farj.

As if on cue, immediately I stepped out of house, Danmaula's beetle rolled up and stopped right in front of me. The passenger's door opened and Marwa in her pajamas ran out excitedly.

"Ya Hameedaaaaaaa, I misshed you," she exclaimed.

I took her up, twirled her and kissed her cheeks before saying,"I missed you too."

"You have no idea how much I misshed you. I have so many stories to tell you." she started babbling.

"Don't worry, you have all day to tell me cause guess what? I am going to spend the whole day at your house."

It was as if I told her I was going to take her to Disney land. She jumped up and down cheerfully and dragged me to the car. With a salam I entered the passenger's seat and put Marwa on my lap. A sleepy looking Najib was sitting on the driver's seat. Cleary he just woke up from sleep.

"I didn't know you were not a morning person."

He shook his head and yawned, "I love sleeping."

"Sorry for waking you up this early."

"No problem, anything for you" he answered sweetly.

I smiled as well and said "Just don't doze off while driving,"

He glared at me and said ,"I will drop you off. ". I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue " I dare you". Marwa and him chuckled up at my face.

"So where's your bicycle, I thought you were coming to pick me on your bicycle?" I joked.

"As you can see the bicycle won't be enough for the three of us so I borrowed Baba's car."

Marwa yawned as she put her head on my shoulders and wrapped her tiny hands on my neck. She must be very sleepy.

"Why is she up this early anyways?"

"When I told her I will pick you up, she pleaded with me to come with and I wanted someone to escort me so I allowed her,"

"We are here," Danmaula said as he horned at a black gate. A buzu gateman opened the gate and Danmaula drove into the driveway and parked the car in the parking lot.

"Welcome to our house," Marwa whispered sleepy. Najib turned off the car and jumped out. He opened the door for me and picked Marwa up. I stepped out of the car and looked at my surrounding. You know that feelings you get when you go to somewhere you have never been but have seen it numerously on pictures? I felt like I know the house because of Bilal's pictures. I looked around and spotted all the places he took his pictures.

It was a very large house. There were four main houses inside the compound excluding the boys quarters and the staffs apartment. The compound was big with trees surrounding the houses. By the sides was the parking lot filled with flashy cars. The only not flashy car was Danmaula's beetle making a contrast among the benz and bmw's. By the other side was a small door, I guess leading to a garden as I caught sight of green things.

"Shall we?" Danmaula asked and I followed him as he led us to the last house. He moved aside and let me in first. I loved those guys that always allow the ladies to pass first. It was then I started feeling somehow. What kind of guest visits at nine o'clock in the morning? The people of this house must think I am insane. Everyone must be sleeping and I am here visiting people.

Danmaula saw my worried face and said, "Don't worry Umma has travelled for the weekend no one will think it's too early for you to visit. I am the one in charge now,"

I didn't know when I said "Alhamdulilah" out loud. Najib smiled a little bit and excused himself, I guessed he's going to take Marwa to her room. I removed my shoes and sat on a couch as Najib came back.

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked. Even though I shook my head he insisted I take something. Somehow he knew I didn't take anything before coming out. After much persuasion I agreed on taking tea. Najib made me a nice cup of tea with na'ana' (mint) kaninfari(cloves ) cinnamon and ginger.

I moaned as I took the first sip, I admired and praised his skills. We had little talks before he excused himself to go and take a bath.

"Feel free, you are at home. You can switch on the TV. If you want to go back to sleep, the rooms are over there. That's Marwa's room and the other one by the corner is the guest room. You can rest in any of them. "

I thanked him and with a smile he left. The living room was lavishly decorated, the chairs, carpet and curtains were golden and brown. By one side was a shelf filled with movies and books, the left wall was filled with framed pictures. I stood up and started looking at the pictures.
Almost all were pictures of Marwa since when she was baby. Some with their Mom, few with her dad, others with her siblings and the one I loved the most, Najib and Marwa. They were both smiling beautifully at the camera with their white teeth out on display for all to see and with their eyes twinkling. For the first time I noticed their resemblance. Their face were both oval in shape, they had the same pointed nose and the same brown orbs. I saw where Najib got his beauty from. I must say their mom even at her old age was quite a beauty.

I was a little sleepy and not in the mood to watched TV so I decided to sleep. I headed to Marwa's room and as expected the room was pink and filled with Barbies and Disney princesses' stuff. Marwa was sleeping peacefully on her bed. I removed my abaya before moving her a little bit to the side and lying on the bed. I heard her mutter something like " Ya Hameeda is my best sister.". I smiled and kissed her forehead before making myself comfortable and letting sleep take over me.

I woke up around 11 and met an empty room. I washed my face and headed to the living room which was empty as well. I heard noise coming from a door and headed there where I met Marwa and Najib eating on the dining table. Marwa dressed in a beautifully sown atampa dress immediately ran and hugged me then dragged me to sit next to her. Najib was at the head of the table wearing a neatly ironed dark blue starched shinning shadda that has embroidery on the middle and at the end of the sleeves. The sleeves were neatly joined with links, I spotted a golden watch on his left hand and a silver ring on his finger. He had a matching blue and golden zannan bukar covering his neatly combed hair. His hair, beard and sideburns were looking so curly and shinning as if they had been oiled. The whole dining room smelled of his perfume. He looked so handsome after all it was juma'ah. For the first time since I knew him , he looked different, he looked rich.

"Assalama alaikum Hameeda, have you slept well?" He asked giving me a tight charming smile.

"Wa alaikumu salam, yes alhamdulilah,"

I heard a pitched voice that I thought I had once heard. The person was shouting to the cook.

"Here we go again." Najib sighed.

"I can't believe he put so much salt on my eggs again.". Bilal's sister that was dating Hamdan complained as she dragged a chair and angrily sat on it.

"Well salam to you too Safa." Najib greeted.

The first thing that came to my mind after hearing that was finally I know the name of the boyfriend's snatcher. It's Safa, I had been calling her boyfriend's snatcher or Bilal's sister.

"Oh sorry Ya Najib, I didn't see you there Hello." She was wearing a beautiful ankara fitted gown. Her head tie done perfectly and make up done beautifully. I smiled and muttered, "Alhamdulilah" to myself for I saw the old me in her. I would have been taking Friday selfies by now. Posting it to the whole world to see. I thanked Allah for guiding me to see the light before it was too late.

"Why didn't you fry the egg by yourself then?" Marwa asked her and Safa glared at her. It was when she glared at Marwa she finally noticed me

I gave her a smile and said, "hello Safa."

"Hello Hameeda, "she said returning the fake smile.

We ate the breakfast while making small talks.

"Ya Najib!" I heard a familiar voice coming into the dining room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me.

"Well hello to you too Bilal." I greeted with a chuckle and waved my hands at him.

"Hameeda mg! What a pleasant surprised to see you. What are you doing here?"

" I came to see my sister." I said with a smile and held Marwa's hand.

"That's reminds me, I am so mad at you."

I raised my eyebrows questioning him why.

"For two reasons. The first one being you haven't been replying my messages and calls. You have been ignoring me for the past month. Even in school you have been so distant." he complained.

"You won't understand Bilal. So much has been going on for the past month. I didn't ignore you intentionally. I just wasn't myself."

His expression changed into a soft one, " Meeda what are friends, you're suppose to tell us whatever is bothering you so we can help you solve it." he said softly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and whispered, "I'm sorry "

When Bilal saw that I wasn't in the mood he changed the topic, "So do you want to hear the second reason?"

I nodded my head and he said,

"I can't believe Ya Rukky is getting married. How could she do that to me? I am so heartbroken and you didn't even tell me my love is getting married. I saw the invitation card in Ya Najib's room." he drammatically clutched his chest making the whole table laughed.

I smiled a little remembering those wonderful memories with my group of friends. Bilal and Muklis always fought over Ya Rukky. Bilal use to say Ya Rukky was his crush while Muklis wanted Ya Rukky to marry his older brother.

"I'm so sorry, I just didn't want to break your heart,"

"It is already broken into pieces. And who on earth will fix it for me?"

" By the way, I have been wondering who you're going to prom with. Is it Hamdan?"

"What? Ewww no!"

Immediately Safa heard the name, she glared at Bilal and I then left the table.

"Then who?"

"No one. I am not going to prom." I said in a sing song voice.

Bilal started laughing. Was it that hard to believe I was not going to prom?

"Please tell me you are joking." Bilal said when he saw how serious I was.

"I'm not joking,"

"But why? You have been preparing for prom your whole life. It is not fair, prom without Hameeda mg won't be prom. Please Meeda, you have to come."

I just shook my head, "You won't understand.".

It took a really long time before I made the decision of not going to prom. I had been thinking about it since Muklis' death, with all these things going on I decided against it. It wasn't an easy decision. I did a table stating the pros and cons. Some of the advantages (pros) include; it would be the last fun night with my friends and classmates, I may never meet some of them after my graduation and the rests. While the disadvantages (cons) of it apart from it of course not being encouraged in Islam include I didn't have a dress and was just not emotionally okay. Seeing the disadvantages outweigh the advantages I decided against it. Even though I had been planning my prom since when my tiny brain knew what it was. I decided not to go and only to go to the after graduation dinner tomorrow which will be the last time I may see some of my classmates.

"I am going with Leena." Bilal stated with sad face when he saw he couldn't convince me to go.

"Awwwn that's so nice. Please can you bring her here before you go? I want to see you two and take pictures. Pleeasseeee come here, pretty please Bilal darling."

He smiled a little, "I will think about it.".

The men left for masjid, Safa went back to their part of the house while Marwa and I stayed and watched Moana. We later played hide and seek, Marwa told me about her friends in school, I gave her stories, we watched Sofia the first, we played puzzle and many other games. By asr when we finished eating lunch, we both were exhausted so we went back to her room prayed and rested for a bit.

I was lying down and reading wattpad when I heard the now very familiar recitation of the qur'an coming from the living room. Listening carefully, I understood it was suratul kafh. O God! It was Friday, I had totally forgotten about reading suratul kafh. I quickly took my veil and joined Najib in the living room. I found a qur'an on the shelf, picked it up, sat opposite him and started reciting together with him. He looked up from his qur'an and smiled at me. We finished in about fifteen minutes.

"Have you eaten?" he asked immediately he closed his qur'an.

"Are you okay? Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked again. I smiled and answered yes to all the questions.

"I have been entertaining her." Marwa who I didn't noticed was in the room sat next me.

"Good Job M!" Najib said pinching her cheeks.

"Thanks Ya N" she answered smiling.

"I am going to eat, we could go outside and have some fresh air after that."

"Yaaaaay!!" Marwa squealed.

He finished eating in few minutes we took our shoes and went to the garden. The garden was so green and truly beautiful with lots of flowers that smelled lovely.

I held Marwa's right hand while Najib held the other and together we strolled down the garden. We were almost at the end when I stepped on my toes, I missed a step and almost fell down when all of a sudden I felt someone grab me by my waist. I looked up and saw Najib looking at me worriedly. Marwa was looking scared as well.

"Are you okay?" He asked his breath fanning my face. I nodded and smiled feeling at ease. I felt as if I belonged here in the arms of this handsome man. His brown orbs kept staring deep into my eyes not removing his hands from my waist.

That was what my fantasy danmaula would have done. The real scenario wasn't as charming. Long story short, I fell down on my butt. It was Najib we were talking about and to be honest this kind of things only happen in movies.

"Are you okay?" Najib and Marwa asked worriedly. I nodded even though I wasn't. My butt was hurting and so was my ankle. I hope I didn't sprain it. I stood up and dusted off the sand I had on my Abaya then decided to joke.

"You were suppose to catch me and prevent me from falling , we will start staring into each other's eyes and realized we are in love then we'll ride into the sunset"

He laughed. What I didn't expect to hear was what came after that. " I have realized that long ago."

Realize wetin?I felt my heart beat accelerating.

He quickly laughed it off and made me feel as if it was all a dream. That I didn't just hear him say what he just said. That it was just a pigment of my imagination.

"You watch too much movies. Do you really think it happens in real life." he chuckled and changed the topic.

"Want some olives?" He removed a white nylon from his pocket.

I shook my head "I don't like them,"

"I don't like them either but you know it is one of the fruits of Jannah right? Azzaitun".

"I am just imaging how delicious the jannah one will be. I will help you eat that one." I sighed.

He then smiled showing his beautiful white teeth "In sha Allah".

It was a wonderful evening. We walked together while the wind blew my veil and Abaya and I imagined it was blowing my hair. We took turns pushing Marwa on the swing while talking about everything and nothing. I told him about the story Kakanki gave me about her late husband, Baba's father.

"So my grandmother was giving me stories about my grandfather the other day. There was a day she was sleeping in the tsakar gida. The sun was up and was burning her. When my granddad came back from work and saw her, he didn't want to wake her up from her sleep and also didn't want to leave her under the sun. Guess what he did?

He held his babban riga over her until she woke up. Isn't that soooo cute and romantic. Last generation men were much more romantic than this generation. How I wish I was from last generation."

"That really is cute," He said but then started laughing hard," Who in today's generation will do this? Definitely not me."

I then told him stories about how I revenged when the twins or Ya Rukky did something to me. And I even told him about my fight with Uncle Nour.

"So you forgave him because he bought you your favorite ice cream?"

"Well that and the fact that I was tired of fighting with him."

"You don't forgive people easily?" He laughed hard and I said.

"If they hurt me badly, I don't honestly. How do people expect you to forgive them with just a sorry after they have broken your heart? Haba maanaaa." I told him honestly.

"So let's say I do something wrong to you. What will I do if I want your forgiveness?"

"You have to do something really really nice to win my heart back."

"Something like what?"

"I don't know for you. Maybe like sing a song or kneel down and apologize in front of everyone or something like that."

"What about if I give you a bunch of flowers and chocolate, will you forgive me?" He asked and I laughed.

"For sure you have no idea how much flowers and chocolates win the heart of every girl."

It was only when we heard the adhan for magrib that we went back inside. It was truly fun. Najib headed to the masjid while I prayed in Marwa's room. I was in my last raka'at when I heard my phone ringing. I checked the phone when I finished my duas and saw a missed call and text from Bilal. The text saif we will be here in five. Without wasting anytime I wore my veil and went outside. They would be here any minute from now. And soon I heard a car horn, a Mercedes Benz drove in and stopped right in front of me. And out came Bilal looking very handsome in his black tuxedo that had a red bow. He opened the passenger's door and held Leena's hand. Leena was looking so beautiful in a red mermaid gown matching her lipstick with her hair tied in a bun and a tiara placed perfectly on her head.

"Wow, you look stunning, OMG, really gorgeous!" I squealed as I hugged her. Bilal nodded in affirmative .

I took many pictures of them and they even forced me to take a picture with them. I promised to watch everything through snapchat , told them to make sure they come back with a crown and then shooed them off so they wouldn't be late.

At nine, Najib asked me if I was ready to go back home and I said yes. Together with Marwa he took me back home.

"Thank you so much guys, I had so much fun." I hugged Marwa and stepped out of the car.

I was almost at the gate of the house when I shouted "Make sure you are not late for the graduation tomorrow!"

"In sha Allah!" he shouted back.

"You know you are the only one coming for me. You better not be late." I smiled sadly. I wondered how my graduation will go. Throughout my life, I had been imagining my graduation with Mama, Baba , Rukkaya, the twins, Uncle Nour, Khaleed and many other friends and relatives. I had never thought about graduation with only one person. But that's qadr of Allah (Swt). Thank God I had him. What if he was not here with me? Who will come to my graduation? I would forever be indebted and grateful to this guy. I smiled and waved at him. Yes, even though I gave them the cards. I knew they were not coming. I didn't want to think they are coming and end up being disappointed.

"If you don't come early I will kill you!" I shouted again. He smiled and waved one last time before driving his car away.

Thankfully when I entered the house there weren't many people. I went into my room and slumped into my bed. As I promised Bilal, I viewed their stories. They really had lots of fun. Hamdan was voted the prom king, Leena as the prom queen and Bilal as the bill gates of the class. They danced, ate, took pictures and played different games to their satisfactory. It was a memorable night for all of them. And not even for a moment did I regret not going to the prom.

I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I switched off the lamp and was about to sleep when I heard a peep from my phone.

Assalama alaikum warahamatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuhu Hameeda. I hope you entered your room safely. Today was really fun. Marwa and I are so grateful you spent the whole day with us. Thank you so much. Sleep tight, sweet dreams.


I smiled and hugged my phone. I felt heat on my face and butterflies in my stomach. What's happening to me these days?

I was probably feeling that way because the next day was my graduation.


Wow! Six thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven words, I deserve some comments and votes don't you think?

Lets see, how many votes should I ask for this chapter 🤔🤔 150? 200? 250? 300? 350? 450? 500? 1000?

[f you can't wait for the next chapter then keep the comments and votes coming. We are all eager for the next chapter after all it is the graduation and of course Rukky's wedding.

Anyone confused about how Bilal and Najib are related. Well they are step siblings and not the Nigerian definition of step siblings (half siblings). Najib mom's married Bilal's dad. Marwa is the daughter of Najib's mom and Bilal's dad there by being half sisters of both of them. Do you get it?

Sarah bg

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