Nothings impossible - a ross...

By Mckenzie_lynch

6.2K 227 55

**COMPLETED** The only reason Kaitlin lives with her mom is because they couldn't find her dad. The one that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30~last chapter :(

Chapter 7

232 7 9
By Mckenzie_lynch

(Just to let you guys know I'm gonna try and make this chapter a little longer than normal so enjoy!)

Kaitlin's pov.

This morning i woke up to a bed headed looking ross staring down at me smiling. "Good morning beautiful!" Ross says making me blush. "morning hotness!" i say back smiling."so what do you want to do today?" ross asks."well first we should really get some breakfast. I'm starving!!" I say. "then after that i don't really mind what we do." "ok cool. so you would be ok with going to see a movie or something?" ross says. i nod my head in approval. "so do you want to go out to eat?" He asks. "it doesn't matter." i say."come on then!" ross says and all the sudden i feel someone drag me out of bed. "ross" i think to myself. "ROSS WERE NOT EVEN DRESSED!!" i scream as he drags me downstairs. he ignores me and puts me in his car. we drive off to some restaurant. He never tells me where we are going so i knew he wouldn't tell me today so i didn't bother asking. we ended up going to McDonalds. once we pulled into the parking lot ross found an open spot and parked. then we got out of the car walking into the building. We went to the cash register and ordered our food. me and ross got the same thing but i also got a Hazelnut iced coffee because i love those!! "I'm paying this time." i say. 'no your not. i am!" ross says. "noo" "YESS" "NOOO" i sream. "YESSSSSS" ross screams back. "Fine you win!" i say fake pouting. "Yay!" ross says. "yeah well don't get used to it." i say with a smirk on my face. we sit down and eat our breakfast. i think this was one of the best mornings i have had in a while! after we were done we walked back to the car hand in hand. We got into the car and drove off back home.

Ross's pov.
Once me and Kaitlin got home from our breakfast we decided to just stay home and chill for the rest of the day. "YAY! A LAZY DAY!" Kaitlin screamed which made me laugh. i popped in a movie and sat down on the couch. "what movie are we watching?" Kaitlin asks. "well" i say. "it's about a guy who lost his wife to a murderer and all of his kids died except for one. then his only child gets kid napped so the dad has to go searching for him with a lady that's mentally crazy." "oh." Kaitlin says. "what's it called?" "finding nemo!" I say wrapping my arm around her bringing her closer to me. "Your crazy!" Kaitlin says looking at me and smiling. "that's what i like about you." "is that all you like about me?" i ask. "no" Kaitlin says. when i asked that i planned on her saying no and saying the other things she liked about me but she didn't. i shrugged it off and went back to watching the movie which was now on since the commercials took a while. We laughed at the funny parts and even cried at the sad parts. Once the movie was done it was 3:30 so we decided to watch another movie. this time Kaitlin picked it out. it was the movie the cat and the hat. again we laughed at the funny parts but didn't cry since there wasn't any sad parts. after THAT movie was done it was 5:30 so we decided to go ahead and go to bed early to have more energy for tomorrow because i was planning something fun! we walked upstairs and went into her room and laid down on her bed. we said our good nights and fell asleep soon after.

Kaitlin's Pov.

I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. i look at the caller ID and is said "mom" i slid the unlock thing and held the phone up to my ear. "hello?" "Kaitlin! hey!" my mom said energetically on the other end. "your dad just came over and said that he didn't want you to live with him anymore! he felt bad for going to make you live somewhere you weren't happy so you can stay with the Lynches!" "Really?!?!?" i say so happily I'm almost screaming into the phone. "yup!" mom says. "thats awesome! thanks for telling me!" i say. "ok well ill talk to you later!" mom says. "ok bye" i say hanging up the phone after those words exit my mouth. I lay back down to see that ross wasn't in the bed anymore." i wander where he went" i think to myself. almost like on cue ross walks through the door of my bedroom smiling so big when he sees me. "hey babe!" he says kissing my forehead. "hey" i say blushing which makes him smile even bigger. "so where were you?" i ask. "oh downstairs making breakfast" ross says sounding so proud of himself. "oh look at you mr. chef!" i say playfully hitting his arm. he smiles at me and says "i already made your breakfast" "aww" i say. "you didn't have to do that." "yeah i did" he says. "it's our anniversary." "Anniversary?" i say. "yeah it's our one month Anniversary today!" ross says smiling. i check my phone and then look at the date. he was right. it was our Anniversary and i completely forgot about it. I'm the worst. i think to myself. "so you ready for breakfast?" ross asks snapping me back to reality. "yup!" i say running out of the room. i hear ross running behind me following me downstairs to the kitchen. Once i get down there i see eggs and bacon on the table already cooked. ross walks over to the table and pulls out a seat motioning me to sit down. i follow his instructions and sit down. he scoots my chair in and i almost automatically start eating the delicious breakfast Ross made. "is is good?" he says. "Mhm!" i kind of hum enthusiastically since my mouth was full. He laughs then says "good" he goes into the kitchen and makes himself a bowl of cereal then brings it over to the table and sits down next to me. a few minutes later i hear a few footsteps coming down the stairs and i turn my attention to the stairs. it was rydel, riker, and rocky. i guess ratliff and ryland were still sleeping. They sit down at the table too even though they didn't have any food made or anything. "Hey guys!" riker says. "hey" me and ross say. "so hows chemaiyah and the baby doing?" i ask. Rikers face automatically lights up after those words leave my mouth. "there good! great actually!" riker says smiling. "she has an appointment next week to get an ultra sound." "oh cool!" i say. Rydel and rocky look at us with confused looks and then they say "what?" "oh yea" riker says. i forgot to tell y'all about that. oops!" "oh my gosh rike im so happy for you!" rydel screams while hugging him. "yea me too bro!" rocky says. "thanks guys!" riker says. I get up to take my plate to the sink and ross mimics me with his bowl. we tell rydel, riker, and rocky we were going upstairs and rocky says "ok but you too be good up there!" "ok we will!" we say back. about half way up the stairs i hear rydel say "ROCKY!" then a "SMACK" sound which i'm pretty sure means that rocky just got slapped. I laugh at the thought of rydel hitting rocky then walk into my room to get changed into some REAL clothes because i have been in these clothes since a few nights ago so i feel disgusting. i decide to take a shower and when i walk into the bath room i see an image that would scar a little child for life. ross. NAKED. "ahhh!" i scream shutting the door. "sorry" i yell to ross through the door. "it's cool" he says. "if you want you can take a shower with me" i could tell Ross was smirking when he said that but he was serious. "uh ok" i say. "are you sure?" i say. "YESSS!" ross yells unlocking the door. i walk in and get un dressed. ross was warming up the water as i got un dressed and by the time i was done ross was already in the shower. i pull back the curtain and step in beside him. about a minute later i feel something touching my leg. i whip around to see a smiley ross standing behind me with his hand out. "sorry" he says. "it's ok" i say. "it just shocked me" "oh" ross says. the rest of the shower we didn't talk because we were both washing our hair and body. once we were done we got out and dried off. we both walked back to my room and sat down on my bed. he looked over at me smiling then leaned in to kiss me. i kissed back of course and next thing you know we were both laying down on my bed currently in a full blown make out session. about an hour later i got up from beside the naked ross and checked the time. it was 4:52 and we were still in bed. i put my phone down and roll back over to ross who decide to finish what he started. that night we slept in my room and both lost something that we will never be able to get back. our verginity.
Hey guys. did y'all like this chapter?and sorry for the inappropriateness in the end of this chapter but i was trying to make this chapter not so boring. so yeah. comment or message me what ya think. thanks to all of you who read my book and vote/voted it. i love y'all.


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