Chapter 18

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Ross's pov.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Kaitlin on the phone.

I look over at her to see who she was talking to and she mouthed


'Oh' i mouth back to her.

After she was done she sighed.

"What's wrong babe?" i ask.

"It's nothing. my dad just called saying he was sorry for saying that he wasn't coming to the wedding and that he acted like a jerk and everything." Kaitlin says.

"So is he coming?" i ask.

"He said he was and he also said he'll try to get my mom to come also."

She says.

"Oh ok. cool" i say.

"So how come you haven't thrown up yet this morning?" i ask.

"O i have trust me. you were just asleep." She says.

"Oh. you should've woke me up." i say.

"You looked to peaceful. i couldn't mess that up." Kaitlin says.

"Aww. your sweet." i say getting out of bed to hug my fianće.

"Thanks ross" she says.

I just smile then pick her up off her feet and run downstairs.

"Ross where are we going?" she half screams.

"Breakfast!" i yell back.

Once i reach the second to last step i jump off the stairs and sit Kaitlin down in a seat at the table.

"I'll fix us breakfast" i say.

"Ok" she says.

I get all of the things i needed to make breakfast out of the cabinets and start cooking.

About five minutes later Rocky comes down the stairs and says

"Sup ross?"

"Hey Rocky" i say.

"Watcha doin?" he asks in an annoying little girl voice.

"Makin breakfast" i say back mocking him.

"Oh cool" he says.

"Oh by the way Kayla's coming over soon. we have a full day date today!"

"Really? cool!" i say.

"We should do something like that ross!" Kaitlin says.

"Yeah we should!" i say.

"How bout today? we can just hang out and do whatever."

"Sounds good!!" she says.

Our conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I got it" rocky says going to the door.

"Oh hey kayla. come on in!"

"Hey guys!" kayla says.

"Hey!!" we all say.

"Oh Kaitlin, i heard the news! congrats!!" kayla says.

"Thanks!" she says.

"I'm excited!"

"So i'm the brides maid right?" kayla says.

"Brides maid? girl your the maid of honer!!" Kaitlin says.

"Yayyy! i can't wait!!" kayla says.

"Ok guys breakfast is almost ready." i say.

"What'cha make?" kayla asks.

"Pancakes!" i say.

"Cool" she says back.

"Are y'all gonna have breakfast with us or are you guys gonna start your date now?" i ask Rocky and kayla.

"We can stay for breakfast" rocky says.

"Ok cool. everyone grab a plate and dig in!" i say grabbing a plate.

Everyone does as told and once were all done eating we ho our separate ways to get ready. then we start our days.

"So where we going today?" Kaitlin asks.

"Jungle rapids. the water park!" i say.

"Yay! but wait, i don't have a bathing suit." she says.

"Yeah ya do! i packed one for you." I say.

"It's in the back."

"Aww your so sweet babe!" she says reaching in the back seat to get her bathing suit.

"You know me so well! i love this bathin' suit!" she says.

"I know!" i say smiling.

The rest of the ride is silent.

"Were here!" i finally say turning the car off and getting out.

Kaitlin does the same then we walk in together to get our wrist bands.

We spend the whole day at the water park then we grab dinner before going home.

"This was the best day ever!!" Kaitlin says on the ride home.

"I know! we should do this again sometime!" i say.

"How about tomorrow?" She says.

"Sounds good to me!" i say.

Once we get home we head straight to bed and once i knew it i was out.


Hey guys! sorry for the long wait for an update. i've been kinda busy. but i finally updated! so i hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for everything y'all do!


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