Chapter 13

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Riker's Pov.

The next morning i wake up and see my Fiancé laying next to me sound asleep which makes me smile. I look down at her stomach which has gotten pretty big so far. it kinda looks bigger than normal but i'm not gonna say anything. anyway after staring down at her for about ten minutes sleeping beauty finally decides to wake up.

"Gooooodddd morning BEAUTIFUL!!" i say.

"Good morning riker" Chemaiyah says. right as the words leave her mouth she gets up and runs to the bathroom.

'Poor Chemaiyah' i think to myself while getting up and chasing after her.

I walk out into the hall and i see Chemaiyah on the floor throwing up. i walk up to her and go to hold her hair back. trying to be sweet.

After she was done with her little 'gift' from the baby i hear footsteps coming from Ross's room"

"Xcuse me" Kaitlin says not even completing her words. she runs into the bathroom and throws up. a few seconds later i hear ross getting out of bed and coming down the hall.

"Morning ross" i say smiling at my brother"

"Morning" he says back.

"Your pregnant lady got you up too?!?" ross says kinda giggling.

I look down at Chemaiyah who was smiling then i say


"O. well i'm gonna check on Kaitlin" ross says walking past us and opening the bathroom door then shutting it. I sit down beside chemaiyah and start to play with her soft hair. a few minutes later i hear a bed room door swinging open revealing a groggy Ryland.

"Morning Ry" i say.

"Morning" he says.

He heads to the bathroom then stops when he sees that it's occupied.

"You know i'm really getting tired of all these pregnant ladies and their throwing up in the morning" Ryland says.

"Sorry we can't help it" chemaiyah says.

"It's ok" he says.

"I just have to pee!"

"Why don't you just use the down stairs bathroom?!?!" i ask.

Ryland smiles and runs downstairs.

I laugh at how he ran and he yells

"IT'S NOT FUNNYY!" right before slamming the bathroom door shut.

After Kaitlin and Ross were done in the bathroom they headed back to ross's room and shut the door.

I walked in the bathroom and grabbed a face towel and wet it. then i walked back out to where Chemaiyah was and handed her the towel.

"Thanks" she says smiling and talking my gesture.

"No prob" i say.

Once she was done cleaning up we walked back to my room and laid back down. Chemaiyah ended up falling asleep so i did too.

Rocky's Pov.

I woke up to the sound of pregnant ladies throwing up and was thankful that me and kayla take things slow because i can't deal with that every morning. i roll my eyes then look down at Kayla who was slightly, very slightly, snoring. i smiled at the thought then laid back down.

A few minutes later i wake back up to Kayla screaming at me.


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