Tethered Hearts | ✓ | Books 1...

By sumeyawrites

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❝Why do you have a tongue piercing?❞ I asked, observing the other piercings he had and the designs inked on h... More

Tethered Hearts
Other Stories
Episode 01| Tore Up From the Floor Up
Episode 02| The 4-1-1
Episode 03| Hump & Dump
Episode 04| True Colors
Episode 05| Rooftop
Episode 06| Chillax
Episode 07| Losing Isn't An Option
Episode 08| Wigging Out
Episode 09| Sophie's Choice
Episode 10| Secrets & Silence
Episode 11| Where the Sun Don't Shine
Episode 12| Take A Chill Pill
Episode 13| Cyberspace
Episode 14| Where Is My Mind?
Episode 15| The Return of Kennedy
Episode 16| Crying Skies
Episode 17| Achy Breaky Heart
Episode 18| Boys in Blue
Episode 19| Sweet Like Cotton Candy
Episode 20| Gray Area
Episode 21| In Reverse
Episode 22| Only Friends Pt.1
Episode 23| Only Friends Pt. 2
Episode 24| His Little Distraction
Episode 25| Staring is Caring
Episode 26| On the Hunt
Episode 27| Love(sick) In the Head
Episode 28| Who's at Fault?
Episode 29| Say What You Want
Episode 30| Nothing
Episode 30| Nothing Pt. 2
Episode 31| Big Whoop
Episode 32| Hard to Love
Episode 33| Trying to Help
Episode 34| Change of Heart
Episode 35| Eleven Against Two
Episode 36| Out of Whack
Episode 37| Bad for You
Episode 38| Bad Vibes
Episode 39| End of the Road
Episode 40| Where to go from here...
Episode 00| Character List
Book Two | Tethered Hearts Vol. 2 + Tralier
Episode 41| Transfer of Power
Episode 42| New Places
Episode 43| Elephant in the Room
Episode 44| Your World, My Rules
Episode 44| Your World, My Rules Pt. 2
Episode 45| Love is Confusing
Episode 46| Grudges & Short Tempers
Episode 47| If The Walls Could Talk
Episode 48| Closed Minds Don't Open Doors
Episode 49| On Death's Doorstep
Episode 50| Her Moral Compass
Episode 51| Temptation
Episode 52| Jealousy isn't a Good Thing
Episode 53| Arrangements
Episode 54| A Ruse
Episode 55| Snitches Get Stitches
Episode 56| Bittersweet
Episode 57| Mind Trick
Episode 58| Prepare for the Storm
Episode 59| Make it Count
Episode 60| False Alarm
Episode 61| Killjoy
Episode 61| Killjoy Pt. 2
Episode 62| Lost in Translation
Episode 63| Tensions Are Rising
Episode 64| When Trouble Calls
Episode 65| Out the Window
Episode 66| Happy As Can Be
Episode 67| Dark Days
Episode 68| The Lion's Den
Episode 69| It's Not Over Till It's Over
Episode 70| Do for Love
Lost Episode #0022 | How Conner Got Kelsey
Hidden Empires Series
Update on Sequels
Soon to be Published
cover reveal

Answers to the Q&A

23.1K 398 141
By sumeyawrites

A/N: I wrote this Q&A before I wrote the last chapter of Tethered Hearts. Please keep that in mind.

Author Questions

1. How did you come up with the whole plot?

I started off wanting to write a story about a girl who's previous boyfriends die or go missing in mysterious ways. Right away, I knew I didn't want it to be magical. I kept thinking about that concept though. It then dawned on me that maybe it had to do with a drug-lord who's also her father, harming the boys who broke her heart. That initially meant her dad had to be out of the picture because I didn't see how they could coexist in the same household. I wanted the main character to be blind sided by her father's double life because a lot of the time criminals do hide their life of crime from their loved ones.

The story kind of grew from that point. Very early on, I knew I wanted it to be set in the 90s because of the 1993 crime bill President Clinton signed. Crime in America was very high around this time. I know people like to think crime is getting worse, but if you look at the numbers nothing compares to the crime rate from the late 80s and early 90s in America. A lot of it had to do with drugs and gang wars from Florida to California (hence why I made Bryce a coke dealer). The peak of the crime in this country was 1991 and we've never reached that level.

Also, I freaking love the 90s. I've always adored the movies, shows, and music that was produced in that time period. I didn't like the political climate from that time period...but that's a discussion for another day. I do plan on adding more historical details from that decade once I go back do the re-writes.

Lastly, I wanted to make Sophia partly Afro-Latina, but couldn't find an actress who fit the part. I'll probably try and find a way to add that in during the re-writes, as well.

2. What shows do you like?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Quantum Leap are my favorite TV shows of all time. I highly recommend Quantum Leap. Both of these shows are on Hulu. They used to be on Netflix, but I think they removed them.

I also really like Insecure, Stranger Things, Living in Color, A Different World, Black Mirror, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Girlfriends, The Bold Type, Misfits, the Office (US version), Inbetweeners (UK version) Friends, Martin, and a few other shows.

3. Other than writing, what else do like to do?

Hanging out with friends, photography, sometimes filming, and pretending that I can sing.

4. Which scene was your favorite to write and were there any emotionally difficult scenes to write?

Favorite scene has got to be Sophia's birthday at the carnival or when Bryce proposed to Sophia.

I had a hard time writing the chapter where everyone thinks Kelsey is about to die. Especially when I thought up the line where Conner tells Kelsey "I love you, in ever sense of the word." I really did want to kill her off but decided I couldn't go through with it lol

fun fact, if I would've killed Kelsey off, I was planning on making a spin-off of Brooklyn getting with Conner, but he clearly hates her at first but eventually falls for her, but I decided that would never happen in reality and I shouldn't force a relationship where it doesn't seem genuine.

5. Favorite song at the moment?

That's really difficult because I listen to A LOT of music...I'll settle with five songs for the moment.

Space Song by Beach House

Desperation by Steppenwolf

If you feel really sad, don't listen to this song because it'll just make you sadder.


Miserable America by Kevin Abstract

it's a depressing song, but it's one of my favorites.

Drew Barrymore by SZA

I've listened to SZA's album Ctrl four times. It's by far my favorite album of 2017 from a solo artist. The entire album is awesome, but I've been playing this song on repeat for weeks.

6. Favorite artist at the moment?

My favorite artist - at least for 2017 - has got to be BROCKHAMPTON. They released three albums in one year. Three albums in one year is extremely impressive and the material is always amazing. I don't just love them as a rap group, but as a musical group as a whole. They're doing something really different with their music considering what's currently being done in the genre.

7. Is there going to be a book 3?

There will be three spin-off books about different couples. One is set in the 80s and the other two will be in the mid to late 90s. There will not be a third book about Sophia and Bryce. Their story is over.

[ This isn't a question, but there seems to be a few readers who want there to be more romantic scenes between Sophia and Bryce and there's other readers who want there to be more action and violence. ]

To address that, I'm aware that there could've been more focus on their relationship. I do plan on going back and adding more to it. I always like a story to focus more on the storyline than just the relationships when I'm first writing out the book. This is only the first draft. This isn't the final draft. And in regards to the lack of violence, you have to understand that this is also in Sophia's P.O.V. which isn't as crazy as Bryce's. There are more chapters in her perspective than his if you add them up. Because she has more chapters, that means there isn't as much of a focus on the gang side of it all.

And also it was said by readers that they didn't find Bryce realistic because he's nice and that he's too nice to be a real criminal. I'd like to address that, too.

Bryce is only nice to Sophia. He isn't kind to everyone and the same could be said about Conner. He's mean to every one beside his girlfriend. I really didn't want Bryce to be the typical bad guy who hates the girl before knowing her name. Because in reality, not many girls would want to be with a guy who's a jerk from the start.

Sophia isn't the kind of character who'd just go for a guy because he treats her like a doormat. The only reason she looks over the fact that he's a criminal is because he has a conscious and he shows his vulnerable side to her.

I can add more scenes where he's mean to other people, but I'm never going take away the element of vulnerability he shows to Sophia. He'd be very one dimensional if he was just mean to everyone.

Bryce is actually a bit based off Whitey Bulger - in the sense that he was an Irish Mob boss and he was willing to take a life sentence if it meant the cops would release his girlfriend (who got arrested with him on the same day). There's a recording of him, talking to the cops, saying that he'd even plead guilty for crimes he didn't commit just so his girlfriend could walk free. This horrible, heartless criminal for some reason was the exact opposite when it came to the woman he loved and that's why I made Bryce the way he is.  It was an odd contrast because you'd expect him to be evil in every aspect of his life, but in reality, he wasn't when it came to her.

HOWEVER, Whitey still wasn't a good person. So, don't think I'm romanticizing him. He didn't always treat Catherine right and it was a toxic relationship. For some reason, they always stuck together though and she never ratted him out.

8. How did you come up with the characters name?

I went through a list of names I liked. I have a list that I always go through and then I look up last names. It's just a process of going through the meanings and seeing if they fit well. I kept repeating different combinations until something stuck. I've always loved the name Remy and Bryce so I figured out their name very fast. Also, Reina Annenberg is actually from a different story I wrote when I was in high school so I plucked her from that story and put her in this story.

She's got a backstory and I'll probably post why she's the way she is. There's a reason behind it. I was going to add it during the first draft, but I had a hard time fitting it in. I'll be sure to work on adding it during the re-writes.

9. What can we expect (that you can tell us right now) for the ending of this book?

You get to see a glimpse of their future and there's more closure around important plot points. That's all I can say without ruining it.

10. Do you find any of the characters similar to you? As in did you add certain traits or dislikes that they have that you do too?

Their humor, of course, is a lot like my own. I think Nicolas' and Kelsey's humor is more like my own - just a more blunt version of it. But when it comes to their individual personalities, I usually base them off of people I know, mixed with my imagination.

11. Who's your favorite character and why?

Bryce is my favorite character. He knows what he wants and he's persistent when it comes to those desires. I don't know why, but I've always liked stories were the guy wasn't nice to everyone, but made an exception for the girl that he loved. Sure, it's cliche, but I find it adorable for some odd reason.

12. Favorite Band?

Favorite active bands: 5 seconds of Summer, Tame Impala, BROCKHAMPTON, and the Neighbourhood

Favorite inactive bands: Joy Division, Nirvana, The Velvet Underground, The Smiths, and Pedro the Lion*

*They broke up 11 years ago, but they got back together in 2017. No new music yet though so I'll still call them inactive.

Character Questions
[ these will be answered from the characters point of view, not my own. ]

Sophia's Questions:

1. Do you take your birth control daily or do you sometimes slip up? Because there could be a baby Bryce in the oven

No, I never miss it. I'm very punctual when it comes to the pill. I'm one-thousand percent sure there isn't a baby Bryce in my oven...for now.

2. Would you marry Bryce again ?

A lot of things need to be addressed before we get married. I was so scared to lose him that I didn't think logically. I should've been more sensible with decision to tie the knot. I still love Bryce, but marriage is serious. I allowed my fear in losing him forever make my choice instead of my heart. And for that, I regret it.

To answer your question, maybe if things are figured out between us, then I could see myself marrying him. But not anytime soon.

3. What made you want to marry Bryce so quickly? Do you think you should've taken it slower?

Yes, I should've taken it slow. But I didn't believe I had time to think it through. It was either go with Bryce or never see him again. I made a choice. I didn't marry him though because after I found out about his son, Trenton, it made me realize - more than ever - that I was about to marry someone I only knew for less than a year. It hit me like a storm and I got scared. So, I fled.

4. What advice would you give to your past self?

Cut off all the negative people in your life early on. You'll save yourself a lot of time. You don't always have to make amends with people. Not everyone is worth it...and that's perfectly okay. But that doesn't mean you should never forgive people. Forgiveness is important, too. Just be wise with who you forgive.

5. It seems like it was really hard to hear about Bryce death... which hurt more his death or his betrayal?

His death. Well...now that I know he's not dead, it still stings because this could all blow up in my face if I don't get to him soon.

6. Do you feel like you should have died instead of Bryce?

No. Why the heck would I need to die? I'm not a drug dealer or a rat. I'm a model citizen. I don't want to die. You just want me dead so you can have Bryce. Be honest, sis.

7. What's your honest opinion on your mother? With her being quite strict when it comes to dating someone she's chosen and you disobeying that, I feel like maybe your opinion might of changed slightly of her?

I'm used to her strict tone. I grew up knowing that she'd treat me different than my brothers. Rio got to pick whoever he wanted and I'm sure when it's Jamie's turn, my mom will be more lax with him, too. I'm the only girl and she has extreme standards for me, but I've become numb to it. At least, that's the best way I can describe it. I have to keep reminding myself that she grew up in a different time. I love her dearly. Her heart is in the right place. I know it. She just wants the best for me.

8. What are your feelings towards Bryce?

I'm in love with him, but he hurt me and lied. I need time to get back to where we were. However, on an optimistic note, I have a feeling that it'll be possible.

9. If you were to choose between the two people you love who would it be Your Father or Bryce?

I'd rather pick a PB&J sandwich so no one gets mad. Don't make me decide between those two extremes.

Bryce's Questions:

1. What made you get so many tattoos?

A lot of them are random and I got a couple of them when I was drunk. I don't know what made me get them. The first one I got was after Julia died. I got Trenton's predicted birthday. Slowly from that point, I started adding more and more. I wouldn't necessarily say I got addicted with it, but I loved how I looked with them once I covered more of my skin with art.

2. Why did you get a tongue piercing? I need to know for a school project 😇

I lost a bet with Conner. Loser had to choose between a tongue piercing or a Prince Albert...so yeah, I went with the tongue piercing.

3. In the book you make the decision to rat out Sophia's father whom she's recently getting back in her life, how hard was it make that decision to either have her hate you when she found out the truth and have that dark idea in the back of your mind that she would sit in prison for your crimes?

I was willingly to have Sophia hate me forever if it meant she could live a life outside a jail cell. It was an instant decision. If I had a choice, I would've kept my mouth shut and would've done my time. But when they hit me with her file, I knew what I had to do to protect her from wasting her life in jail.

4. What's the after life like ?

Hell is really nice. Satan says hi.

That actually reminded me of my favorite Biggie song. I relate to it.

"When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell
Cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell
It don't make sense, goin' to heaven with the goodie-goodies
Dressed in white, I like black Tims and black hoodies
God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
Hangin' with the goodie-goodies loungin' in paradise

Fuck that shit, I wanna tote guns and shoot dice."

5. How did you feel about discovering you had a son and why wasn't he your first priority?

Everything was happening so fast. One moment I thought I was going to get married, and then my entire world shifted. I'm an impulsive person. It's not something I'm proud of, but at the moment I had tunnel vision and I couldn't think of anything besides Sophia. I did spend the day with him and asked Kelsey to look after him before going to Mr. de la Torres house.

6. What do you think when you look in the mirror? No hate or anything, it's a genuine question that I'm curious about since you've seen and done some bad stuff. Also, where's Sophia's dad hiding you at? I know he did not just kill you. Smh

Hahah. Ouch, I feel attacked.

And to answer your question, I see a goof ball whenever I look in the mirror.

And I don't know where I'm located...I was kidnapped and thrown int a windowless cell, if you didn't know.

7. Did Sophia leave you?

Yes, yes she did. Thanks for reminding me and rubbing salt in my wound.

8. Are you dead?

I will be if Sophia doesn't hurry up.

9. What was your biggest regret in your life? What was your happiest moment in life?

I regret my Beavis and Butt-Head tattoo. I got it after I watched it on MTV in March. The most happiest moment in my life would have to be finding out Trenton was alive. I was blindsided by losing Sophia to fully appreciate the happy moment. That was my own fault - no one else's.

10. If Julia was alive, would u have still have fallen in love with Sophia ?

If Julia was alive and Trenton was in the picture, yes I would still be with Julia. Looking back, more than ever, I feel like that the pregnancy was what pushed me the most to be with Julia. Even though I hate my father, I did like the fact that he stuck around - which isn't something a lot of people can say about their father's. I would've stayed with Julia for Trenton. I know that might not be the answer Sophia would want to hear, but it's what I'm sticking to. If Trenton wasn't in the picture, I'm sure I wouldn't have been with Julia much longer - even if Sophia wasn't in the picture.

11. Do you think that you and Sophia will happily ever after together ?

Yes...if I don't die first. I'm still afraid of dying before my thirties. I wasn't lying when I said that was a fear of mine.

12. Do you actually love Sophia? Or is it just what you make yourself believe is love after Julia?

I am in love with Sophia. What I had with Julia can't compare to what got to experience with Sophia.

13. WHy dONt YOu LOvE mE?

Sorry, I'm taken.

14. What is your favorite tattoo and why? Also what happened with your son? Are you mad at Kelsey?

Favorite tattoo has got to be Trenton's predicted birthday.

My uncle and Kelsey is taking care of Trenton right now.

And no, I'm not mad at Kelsey. I am upset with what she did, but I'm not mad at her.

15. How do you feel about having a baby boy?

Ecstatic and kind of confused.

16. Are you going to do anything to Kelsey for calling your sister if you get out of this alive?

Kelsey is like a sister to me. I'm not going to do anything to her. I will have a serious talk with her though. It was uncool for her to go behind my back and do that.

17. How many piercings do you have?

At the moment, I have 2. A tongue piercing and a nose ring. I used to have pierced ears when I was younger, but I took them out three years ago.

18. If you found out Julia was actually alive who would you pick her or SOPHIA?

Right now if I found out Julia was alive, I wouldn't leave Sophia for her. Earlier, I admitted that if Julia was always in the picture (along with our kid) then I wouldn't leave them for Sophia. But if Julia randomly walked in now, there's no way I'd leave. I'd still want her in my life though for Trenton's sake.

19. Do you see your future with Sophia? Or is it too soon?

I've seen my future with her since I met her. It scares the living shit out Sophia when I moved fast, but it doesn't bother me one bit.

Kelsey's Questions:

1. Opinion on Brooklyn?

I feel the same way about Brooklyn like everyone else does. So I won't waste my breath explaining why I can't stand her.

2. Did you have to call his sister?

I wasn't in the right mind. I should clarify by explaining that I was both heavily intoxicated and out of my freakin' mind. I regret it.

3. Have you ever liked Bryce more than a friend?

No, not really because I saw him mistreat girls in the past. After witnessing him go through one-night-stands for over a year, I knew what kind of guy he was and understood why he wasn't worth my time. Conner never was like that. Plus, Bryce wasn't happy until he found Sophia. I could see that in his eyes and that's why I worked so hard to get them together. I noticed a shift in his mood the second she entered his life.

4. How did you meet Conner?

I shared a class with Bryce during my first year at Lincoln University. We both were lost in the communication building because all the numbers are out of place, forcing students to communicate with each other in order to find the right class. Slowly, I began to become friends with Bryce and through him I met Conner.

Conner's Questions:

1. How do you think your life would be without Kelsey in it and at your side?

That's a life I'd prefer not to see. I'll leave it at that.

2. Why do you want Bryce to live such a reckless and toxic life?

I don't want him to live a toxic and reckless life...wtf is this question. He's the one who started selling dope. He's the one who slept around with multiple women. He's the one who dated a drug addict. What the fuck does that have to do with me? He lived a reckless life long before he met me. You can kindly fuck right off if you think I'm the one who made his life reckless and toxic.

3. Why did/do you have a problem with Sophia?

[a/n: did you not read the book? IT CLEARLY STATES WHY]

any who, had to let the author throw in a few words before I spoke my mind. If you didn't know. I don't like Sophia because my father used to work for her father. While being interrogated by the cops, my father coughed up secrets about the de la Torres family. He agreed to testify in court against her father if that meant he could have full immunity. After the trial, my family was relocated and forced to stay under the radar in the Bay area. However, her father found us and ended up murdering my father. I was the one who found his dead body in the front yard with his tongue cut out.

So please, tell me why I should like her when she's related to an evil man like him.  Fuck off if you think I should forgive their family.

4. Are you jealous of Bryce or want his position?

Bryce is a brother to me. I don't like how he talks to me, but that doesn't mean I'm jealous of him. I don't necessarily want his position. There's too much stress and fear on your shoulders at all time. I know one day I might take his spot, but that doesn't mean I'm anticipating it.

5. Do you like Sophia?

I tolerate her only for Bryce. But no, I don't like her.

Brooklyn's Questions:

1. Do you see Sophia as a genuine friend or possibly someone you have to compete against?

It's sad that people think that. She really is my friend. I just need to work on myself. People change. I wasn't always this harsh with her. I do plan on working on our friendship. She means a lot to me.

2. You're my fucking favorite but you honestly need to stop being so naive. Are you ever going to be happy?


Happiness seems like a distraction from depression.

I'm kidding! Well, only partly. I'm fine. I just need to put myself in the right mindset.

3. Why would you still try to get together with Connor if you know he's with Kelsey ?

College girlfriends are temporary. Also, I'm not longer trying to get with Conner so everyone can calm the heck down about it haha I can control myself.

4. Why are you such a difficult person? You are ignorant and bitchy. Did something happen to make you this way or are you just naturally like this?

These are opinions. Are you trying to project your flaws on to me? I don't see myself that way. Sorry.

5. Do you think if you had someone to continuously argue with you-you wouldn't be so harsh with other because you could "blow off" steam when arguing with someone like me who will fight you tooth and nail?

I argue all the time with Nicolas. If that was the case, then I'd always be calm. I'm an only child. I never knew how to share. I never liked sharing. Letting other people shine before me is a new concept that I'm working on.

Grayson's Questions:

1. So... like... did you ever find love?

I was never looking. I was working.

2. I know that you're a cop and all, and you were doing your job being undercover, but did you seriously not feel anything for Bryce? You were his best friend and maybe he wasn't yours but I just want to know if you ever felt anything real with him or if it was all fake.

I was doing my job. I don't get my feelings into the mix. Sure, I did start to like the guys. It's hard not to form a human connection with people. But at the end of the day, I know who's the bad guys and who's the good guys.  I wasn't like them.

4. I know ur a cop and you were just doing your "job" but you do know the things you did are illegal even if you were UC, is it a things cop do when they wanna do illegal stuff but if they get caught they just say the were UC? is that why you snitched are did you finally never actually enjoy the family you had with the blue spades?

I never did illegal things. I merely monitored their activities. Bryce didn't yet trust me to deal with big packages, but I was able to slow down the inflow of narcotics into the city. They were going to catch on to me eventually, but I was able to move the attention away from me. 

Nicolas' Questions:

1. You stick up for your cousin Brooklyn a lot (Which I understand her being family and all) but is there a side to her that none of get to see a lot? Also can we be besties? Fyi that's none negotiable.

Sure we can be besties! Just don't beg me to go to the shopping mall with you. I hate malls. Ugh.

And to answer your first question, I would have to say yes. But that's for everyone. People are never one hundred precent themselves to everyone. Because Brooklyn and I grew up together, I got to see her in a way others most likely never will. She's actually extremely sweet and sensitive, but she keeps her mean guard up to ward off people. She's had her heart broken many times by a lot of people who said they wouldn't hurt her, including her own father.

2. Do you like Bryce and Sophia together?

Yes, I do. I think Kelsey and I may possibly be the only ones who want them together.

3. have you ever thought about focusing solely on developing a relationship with Kennedy... or do you believe it's too dangerous? ik your not in a gang but almost all your friends are involved with someone from a gang that also puts Kennedy in the crossfire as well, what precautions are you willing to take? it might be very difficult for you to get serious with someone if you don't join blue spades and are fully able to protect him.

I don't sell. Sophia doesn't sell. Brooklyn doesn't sell. I don't have a mutual connection with Bryce. We really never hang out. Only time I'm with him is if Sophia's there. Also, I've always had plans to transfer to SFU this coming winter. I'd be so far away. I would form a serious relationship with Kennedy if things keep going in the direction they are going now.

Lastly, if I ever got worried, I could tell Sophia and I'm more than positive Bryce would add protection over my boyfriend and I. I don't need to join a gang for protection.

Mr. de la Torres' Questions:

1. Did it bother you at all that daughter is going to suffer because you killed her boyfriend?

You honestly don't know how many people I've gotten killed or killed with my own hands to get to where I am today. You think I care about some boyfriend? I don't. I knew he was going to ruin the empire I formed. I did what anyone else in my position would do. I neutralized the informant.

2. Do you keep in contact with your son as much as Sophia? If so what's the relationship like between the two of you?

I called him often, but like Sophia, he didn't answer as much as I'd like. Our relationship is better than it was before. I'm sure it will improve.

3. FIRSTLY STOP TELLING YOUR DAUGHTER THAT BRYCE IS DEAD WHEN YOU WILL END UP IN JAIL PRETTY SOON. Kay! And secondly, where did you disappear to all those years ago ?

I was in hiding. After Rio got hurt, Mr. Blackwell informed the police on everything he knew about my business. I had to leave the location and stay underground.

4. firstly why are you such a dick? secondly what happened to saying you'd go to jail and take a bullet for your kids? huh?

I said I'd take a bullet for my kid. Bryce is not my kid. I'd put another bullet in him if it meant the cops would get off my case.

5. Would you go to jail for Sophia?

Yes, I would.

6. Can you stop trying to ruin Sophia's life?

I'm not ruining her life. Perhaps if Sophia's boyfriend wasn't trying to ruin mine, we'd all be fine.

7. Do you really love Sophia's mom?

Of course I do. I married her and children with her. I said my vows to her, planning on spending the rest of my life with her. She left me. I always wanted her back.

8. What life choices would you change if your son could walk again if you could have been at the dinner table with your family every night, would you ever consider changing your way of life so you could see your children grow?

...If -and I am only saying if - that was possibly, I would opt to that life on any day. I would give this all up if I could have that.

Valerie's Questions:

1. why are you a racist bitch?

I am not racist. This has nothing to do with race. Hispanic is not a race. You sound so ignorant. Hispanic people come in all shades. Black, white, brown, etc. Bryce could be purple and I'd still say same thing if he wasn't a Spanish-speaking man.

2. What's your opinion on Audrey?

I love her and can't wait for her to marry my son. She's been so helpful throughout the years.

3. Why are you so against Bryce?

He doesn't understand our customs the same way Julio would. Maybe if he made more of an effort to show me that he'd try, then I may change my mind.

4. Why do you hate Bryce ? He's a good guy, jheez

I don't hate him. I never said I hated him. I merely want my daughter with someone else.

5. Why can't you get over your dislike for Bryce when he makes your daughter happier than ever?

Because...I don't want them to raise children who aren't able to communicate with me properly or understand my customs the same way that I raised my kids. However, like I said to that other rude reader, I am not a hateful woman. I have room in my heart for Bryce if he shows me he can adapt.

Julia's Questions:

1. Are you alive !? I doubt that your dead.

I'm dead. Sophia, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

2. Do you still love Bryce even though he's in love with someone else and moving on?

I'm dead. You can't love beyond the grave; you can't live beyond the grave. I am happy for him. I hope he can take care of Trenton now that he knows he exists.

3. Why did you use Bryce?

I didn't use him, or at least I didn't think I was. We were both young and dumb. Teenagers don't make the wisest decisions. 

4. did you ever love him? how could you harm your son with those drugs... he could have been hurt so badly, did you even care about Trenton?

When you get to my point of addiction, you don't see the value of life. You don't see the value of anything. You pretend you do, but in reality you only live for the high. Everything else in life is a low. I wasn't a happy person. I acted as if I was somehow partly whole whenever I was with Bryce, but even that felt more like lust than love. I hope he lives a wonderful life. My time was short on this earth. Hopefully my spirit lives on through my son.

Remy's Questions:

1. How did it feel to get your ass handed to you?

Hardy har-har. You're too funny.

2. Will you ever put your sister in her place? It's well overdue tbh.

I will and I have.

3. Did you ever actually love Sophia?

I did love her. But I guess I didn't love her enough...

Reina's Questions:

1. have you thought of the consequences of your actions? what if Sophia drowned? you would have been throwing away your life

My father would've taken care of it. She wouldn't have died anyway. I figured some weirdo was going to leap in and save the drowning girl. If not, I was planning on letting her friend dive in to get her.

2. Is there a reason why you are so protective over your brothers? Also who is your favorite brother, idk why but i just want to know if Remy is your favorite and that's why you are so defensive over him?

Not everyone knows this, but Remy and I are identical twins and Eden and Evan are our fraternal twins. I feel a closer bond with Remy because of this and we inseparable growing up. I don't think I'm that over protective. I don't get what you mean.

3. When are you going to bless us with your non existence?

Never :) you're welcome.

4. Why are such a bitch? Do you have a story behind it with the way you are? Why are you such a bïtch to every girl your brother takes an interest in? Or is it something you do in a twisted way of saving the girls from having to deal with your parents?

That's all I'll say..for now ;)

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