We're Not Just Friends

By LlamaCorn4Lifee

506 7 10

Melanie is known for being super chill, super weird, super cool, super.. super EVERYTHING! But she is yet the... More

We're JUST Friends
Crazy Complications
His Girlfriend
Truths and Dares and Heartbreaking News
The New Girl
Something Wrong...
The Meanest Of Queens
Hooded Female.
Mysterious Ma'am
Me, Him, Her, and He.
A Tragic Good-bye, and Goodnight.
News, That Broke His Heart.
Missing Girl, Lost and Found
Rumors, or are they?
New Beginnings
Running Away From Destiny
Planning a Secret
Breaking Someone's Heart
Loved By All
He's Hesitant
What did he say?!
It's Over.

Can I Say Yes?

8 0 0
By LlamaCorn4Lifee

     The next day, I felt fine. That was, until I got out of the car and started walking toward the school. Now I was worried. I hope it wasn't going to be awkward that I ran away. It shouldn't be awkward right? It didn't happen.
Aw Damn. It didn't happen.
---Later (.w.)----
     As I was going out of the cafeteria, I see Jesus come through the hall. I look at him and flash a cute smile, before putting my head down to cover my blush. I begin to speed walk to my fourth period, but then he grabs my arm and turns me around.
"Hey Melanie, Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He says. His eyes sparkle in the light as the crowd passes around us. I've got to think fast. I've gotta get to fourth period. I don't want to look stupid either. "Uh- eh yeah, sure!" I gasp out. "Okay, well I'll see you later."

    I don't have a clue what was happening that period. I was too busy daydreaming. Oh my potato french fry, Jesus asked me out. I said yes, I can't believe I said yes! This feels like a dream!

    Oh please tell me it's not a dream. If it is, kill me now I don't want to ever wake up. ❤︎


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