Planning a Secret

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-Farrah's POV- (btw that pic is a new candle I bought~)
It's Saturday morning. Yesterday I tried to find Jesus's profile on instagram to talk to him about Melanie. No luck! Wonderful. I roll over and look at my phone. Before I get the chance to grab it, I get a notification on instagram. @YeahNotgonnaputhisinstaJesus Requested to follow you. I immediantly open my phone and punch in my passcode. I accept the request and it says he wanted to message me. I accept that as well. He typed, "Ferrah"
Okay, sure I don't get a 'hello' or at least a 'hi'. He didn't even spell my name right, but that doesn't really bother me no one spells it right the first time. I respond with "Hey" and he gets eighth to the point.
Jesus: "What did melanie say?"
Oh yeah. He tried to ask out melanie while walking home. She walked away. He asked me to ask her out for him and see what she says since she walked away so fast.
Me: "She said she wouldn't answer until you asked her yourself."
We then make a plan. Monday he was going to ask her out. All she had to do, was wait next to the door next to the lockers for him. All I had to do, was make sure she did wait, and not run away again. Well, let's just say this was easier said, than done.
I was so excited. So excited I had wished school was the next day. Which is odd, but I was so excited. I'd have to wait another day besides today. Oh well.
Monday is here, I walk into the English classroom, surprisingly it was pretty empty. I sit down and just go on my phone for a bit. Melanie walks in, and I try my hardest to hold in a giggle. I can tell she already knows I'm hiding something. "Farrah, spill." She says. "No... no, no, no," I manage say, giggling like a five-year old. I just can't help it. I'm the kind of girl who ships people and writes fanfics. What's stranger, is most of the ships I have are of real people. No one totally hates me for it. Not totally... ANYWAY- Aimee, as well as everyone else comes into the classroom. I'm usually really good with secrets, and even though I knew it wasn't a good idea, I decided to tell Aimee. Not everything, but I told her Jesus and I planned it. As class progresses, she then slips that Jesus is part of the plan. I try not to overreact, but it was difficult. It was supposed to be special. I'm really upset.
I'm over it now. It's all fine. I feel really bad though, I guess I really over reacted. I yelled at Aimee and was upset most of the day. We made up though.
This was the last period of class. Jesus and Melanie sit right next to eachother in this class. I don't know whether it was awkward or not.
Once class was over, I went to talk to Melanie to wait with me afterschool. She then screamed "NO!" and sprinted up the stairs. Oh no, I wasn't going to let her run this time. I should've ran after her, but I had my stufff so Iran toward my locker, as fast as I could I opened my locker and threw my stuff in my bag. She wasn't at the door. I look down the hallways and I throw myself out the doors.
I was too late. She was getting into the car. Jesus comes out and I tell him what happened. He was okay, but he seemed a little disappointed.
I, on the other hand. Was furious. I was going on a trip for a whole week. There was NO WAY they're going to stay away from eachother a while week. Jesus is going to ask Melanie out, and I won't be there to see.
I was right. The first to tell me was surprisingly Jesus, not that I appreciate it any less. I messaged him as if I were excited, and I was, but I just wish I was there.

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