High School Of Doom

Av DameReveuse_12

10.1K 609 106

Highest Rank: 150 - Zombie Highest Rank: 18 - Team Work 👏👏👏 📌 THE POWER AWARDS 2018 ↪Grand Winner in Adv... Mer



1.2K 43 14
Av DameReveuse_12

Early morning by 6:00, there was a delivery truck driving to the city. "Man, I want to see whats inside those boxes that boss wanted us to
deliver."- delivery man #1 said.

"Yeah. Im really curious since they all said that it was a secret and it has to be hidden by the people, thus its dangerous."- delivery man #2 said.

"Aigo, they didnt even give further informations to us. Tsh.....oohh!!! Wa......watch out!!!!"- delivery man #1 yelled.

The second man was turning his wheels to the other side and the truck hits that cement post. "Aish!!!! Why would a cutie little cat crosses the road at this early morning?!"- the #2 complained.

They went outside to check the cat that is only on the other side of the road, maybe hunting for food.

"Tsh...its a stray cat. Poor thing. Wait, why does this door open?"- #1 commented as they both closed it and went away.

On the other side of the road on where the cat was smelling and looking for food, little bit away from it's side, there was a medium sized cylander bottle that the chemical inside were all spread out on the dirty areas of the canal, there were rodents like mouses all over the area that is eating dirty left over foods, before those pests eat the foods....the chemical was already absorb by the food.

The cluesless hungry mouse eat those foods over the area, but....

The mouses suddenly squeks so loud and it catches the cat's attention. The cat were now observing the mouse that is moving off the road, but then.............the mouse suddenly collapsed,but it still moving a bit, the cat took the chance to went near to it, and eats the mouse.

When he finished the mouse, the cat went off the road to look for another food. But, it's visions turned blurry as it walks by the city.

On the bus, there was a high school girl that is waiting for the bus stop near her favorite bakeshope.

She dropped off the shop to buy snacks. She was now walking down the road where meters away from the Gongbin High.

While she was singing along the song from her earphones, she suddenly encountered a cat that is walking dizzily and about to collapsed but she luckily catch it. "Oh poor kitty."- she carressed it and it suddenly shakes. "Omo....whats wrong???"- she paniced and placed the cat back on the ground and started to search for wounds or any scratches but she cant see a thing.

She opened her phone and started to dial a vet number. While ringing, the cat mysteriously meows. She end up the call and hold the cats. And....

It bites her wrist, and she thought it was a normal bite from a cat but its not.

"Meeooooowwwww....."- it meows and bites her again before it runs away.
"Aish! I should have known! Aigo, that stupid cat! Omo! Im late!!"- she said and went running meters away to the school even if her hand was starting to react and blood drips even more.

7:38 am and its almost time for the class hours. There were 4 guys that is sitting on the benches near the school gate. Their names were Rey, Abel, John and Daryl. "Its so boring to do this shitty clearance."- Daryl complained. "Yeah. I preffered playing an online games than that crap."- John added. "Its exams tomorrow yet were so chill, unlike the others. So stressed out of the study."- Abel said. "Yeah. I agree. Lets sign that crap later.....oh? Its that Jenny? Why is she running like there was an apocalyps or something."- Rey wondered as Jenny finally enters the gates and it automatically closes after she went in.

"Miss your hand is bleeding!"- one guard yelled. So more guards from the other sides of the gates went near to where Jenny is, curious to see whats the look of her bleeding hand.

"Guys, lets take a look. She was pretty to have a bleeding hand. Tsh, poor her."- Rey said.

On the side of Jenny, her visions were very blurry than before. "I....cant see properly...."- she said. "Miss, you need to be in the clinic right away!"- the female guard said and they assisted her to stand up. "Please.... S... Stay away from...  Me.......you'll be like me soon if you wont run...."- she warned and her hand started to darken and she shakely collapsed on the floor, then......her eye color changed into dark grey. Plus, her voice was indescribable.

"Miss....miss! Are you ok? You look horrible...."- another guard said amd then Jenny stands up and faced all the guards. She suddenly breaths heavily and her voice becomes scarier this time. "Miss, just tell us what is wrong with you?!"- another guard who looks annoyed on what he see.....then....Jenny attacks him first by his neck and bite it deeper and bloods were flowing on the area.

"Hh....hhh....heelllppp mmmeeee.."- the guard said and Jenny begans to attack the others as well. On Rey's group, they witnessed the scene. "What...what is she?? Is she a zombie?"- John panicaly asked. "No. Zombies do not exist, they are just in the movies and a figure of imagination."- Rey said. "But what she did is an actual zombie! She's dead! Lets run idiots!"- Abel said, then they silently run out but Darly hits the recycle bin and it catches the attention of the zombies thats on the gates. The guys couldnt help but to run as fast as they could. Abel was caught first, next was Darly and John. Rey stopped his tracks when he sees his friends were biten by a bunch of zombies and he was there standing, he couldnt get out of to where he was standing. "Rey...help....."- John begged but Rey runs out as fast as he could.
The campus was so big and its  buildings were far enough, its like the campus were the size of the city.

"Zombies were exist!"- Rey said and run and run.


Everyone are now in their respective classrooms. Since tomorrow was their exams, they are busy in studying and signing of clearances. Even the teachers were busy too.

"Aigo, Im so tired from the game yesterday and now study for the exams tomorrow."- a tall guy named Park Chanyeol lazily said from his seat.

Park Chanyeol
18 years old
Basketball player #64
Tall and Funny
Loves to be surrounded by girls
Can play guitar, piano and drums
"Campus Boyfriend"

"You keep on complaining, just study there man."- Jedd, Chanyeol's team mate on the game said with a laugh.

"Aish. Im so tired. But worth it that our team wons."- he said and continues to make visual aids.

"You two were so happy even though we are not..."- Jackelyn, Jedd's girlfriend sa while going to her seat.

"You keep on showing your frowny face. Your beauty was missing when it shows off."- Jedd mocked.

Along the happy moments. A quiet and a simple girl named Lee Seol Mi was all alone on her seats at the end on the last from to the windows.

"Aigo, why cant they just be silent?"- she silently said. She was the girl who never have friends inside the classroom because she was quiet amd cold as what they said about her. But behind that cold and quiet looks, she was pretty and very smart. She usually has high grades, but still no one wants to be friends with her in other things rather than a cold and quiet, she was a commoner who is just lost inside Gongbin High.

She just slipped it up and get over with it. All she ever wanted is to graduate this prestigious school that could help her to have a great job in the future.

Some were studying but mostly were out of the classroom signing for clearance. And to think this school has 5,288 students including the teachers, stuffs, colleges with junior and senior high.

Outside the hallways, Rey finally reached the senior high building that is way too far from the gates. Everyone was wondering why he was running so fast.

"Rey what's wrong?"- Xiumin asked as he stopped Rey from running, right now he was panting heavily.

Kim Min Seok aka Xiumin
19 years old
Taekwondo player
Cute and Caring
Ignores you if he doesnt like you
Can cook
"Baby Bun"

"T...t...th...th....thh......There they are dead!"- Rey said. "Dead? Who are they?"- Xiumin asked.
"Zombies! Jenny bites the guards and they attacked my friends! We need to warn everybody quick!"- Rey said and then he runs away.

"Tsh, whats wrong with him?"- Alyza asked. "Rey suddenly turns out to be a scaredy af. Pfftt...."- Ann said and they laughed.

Xiumin just ignored them and went to his classroom.


8:30 the classes finally starts for a review. Everyone was listening eagerly to the teachers discussing their lessons.

"Later on the next chapter, was about the general virus and bacterias thay attack humans easily, especially when they have a low immune system."- the teacher said.

Seol Mi was highly taking notes on her notebook. She was then looking for her science book but it wasnt in her bag, so she excused herself out of the classroom to get her book from her locker that is located on the hallways. Its quiet.

Right after she have her book, she saw Suho who is walking while reading a history book.

√Kim Jun Myeon aka Suho
18 years old
Student Council President
Cool and Quiet
His officers acts higher than him
Can be nice since his cold
"President Underdog"

"Yah, Ms. Lee. Its discussing hours. You should head back to your room now or you will fail."- he ordered. "Ah...ne. You too President."- she shortly replied and went out. But then, somebody used the speakers.

"Attention! There are zombies on the gates! We need to get the hell out of here!! Ppali!!"

Seol Mi turns her head to Suho who is massaging his temples. "Gosh, its Rey again. Since this early morning he was acting like a crazy man in the hallways."- he said. Seol Mi just shrug it off and went back.

While she was seating, the discussion continiues. When the time she faced the window. She saw 2 guards that has bloods on their bodies as it runs to the buildings, they still look normal in her view, but then. There are a bunch of running people and attacks those 2 guards and bites them till more bloods were spilling the ground. She widen her eyes and rubbed it but it turns out that she wasnt dreaming at all.

"Ms. Lee, why are you looking at the windows? Is there any discussions that is on the window?"- the teacher asked and it makes everyone laughs at her. "Ma'am please look at the window."- she said seriously.

The teacher went to take a look and saw everything. She widen her eyes and immediately lefts the room without uttering any single word.

"Whats going on??"- Neil asked.

Everyone looks at the windows, but saw only a bunch of guards walking like drunk people.

"Is that it Seol Mi? Really?! Your making our discussions over because of that?! What a heck!"- Marc said and it causes everyone to say harsh comments towards her.

She grab her stuffs and went out. "Yah! Dont walk out! This is your fault! We would fail the test because of you!"- Kit said but Seol Mi didnt utter any but left the room.

As the time she was out. Many students were walking to the hallways, Seol Mi thinks that its probably because of those people biting or killing eachother earlier and some were even bumbed by eachother. She wondered what is really going on?!

"Gosh, I see that they are biting eachother then blood spills all over the area."

"What is that thing?"

"Is that zombies? As what that crazy guy said on the announcement room?"

"They look like normal people I guess."

"What the heck is going on?"

Seol Mi heard many comments from other students, she tried to see closer those people that she saw on the windows and now that everyone in the senior high building saw was on the ground...they were confused, shocked and scared.


A bloody guard said and attacks a female student who was just near him and so as the other guards attacked those students near by.

The rest started to run as fast as they could, Seol Mi immediately rushed to her locker and grab some of her important things, but then the screams of the students started to gets louder and louder. She locked her locker and went up to the second floor. But then, more students were biten by zombies.

She has nowhere to go, she was searching for something and she found a metal bar. She looked at the window but it gotten worst. But, someone covered her mouth and dragged her to the empty classroom.

"What the hell?!"- she quietly yelled.
She faced it and saw Baekhyun.

√Byun Baek Hyun
18 years old
Football Player #04
Cutie and Snobby
Leader of the football team
Can be sexy if you want to
"Campus Playboy"

"Are you trying to get yourself biten by those freaks?!"- he asked as he locked the door.

"And why are you even dragging me when Im on my way through those zombies?"- Seol Mi asked annoyingly to him. But then, Baekhyun just laughs.

"Damn this girl. How can a cold and commoner even survive those freaks? Ppfftt.."

He said in his thoughts. "I thought you are killing yourself. Pfftt. Anyways, Im...."- Seol Mi cut him off. "Yeah yeah, I know you. Your Byun Baekhyun Hyun, #04 in football team and a campus playboy."- she said and it makes him aback.

"Amazing, but too bad I dont know you."- he smirked. She rolled her eyes as she silently opens the door. Its still chaos since more zombies came up.

"We need to get through them, the sports room was on the other end of the hallway and its far."- Seol Mi said. "How we can able to go through, I dont have any weapons!"- Baekhyun complained.

Seol Mi was looking for something for defence, but she found nothing at all.

*Seol Mi's POV*

This is just a beautiful day to me, but it turns chaos. Right now, I was alone with Baekhyun, and I still have no idea how to get pass through those zombies.

I just wanted to have a beautiful day rather than hearing harsh comments as what I did earlier.

But now, it turns upside down. This is not Gongbin High but High School of Doom. They are everywhere as I have speculated. I need to figure this out why this chaos happened. And moreover, I need some bunch of persons that could help me in fighting with this zombies.

Im Lee Seol Mi. I maybe a cold and quiet girl but you'll never know my potential and to where Im capable of. And this is how my storys begins. It all started in Gongbin High.


I make changes, and detailed the story.
This is just the beginning
The author was narrating the beginning of the chapter ONLY.
So pls be patient

Sorry in advanced for the errors and wrong grammars. Mainhaeyo!

By the way,

Welcome to School of Doom...

Are you ready to die? Or to Survive?


PS. OT12 here and this is a zombie attack time.

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