Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

83K 2.2K 795

23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

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2.4K 65 25
By princesstakeover


"Babe can you pass me my earring over there"

We was getting ready for this party that Chris invited me to. Right now I was putting on some finishing touches so we can head out.

"Look at my girlfriend looking all beautiful" Kyrie said kissing my cheek.

"Boy don't mess up my highlight" I moved away from him.

"Girl bye" He pushed my head as I laughed.

"Come on Nae we gotta go we're like almost two hours late"

"Here I come" I grabbed my purse and phone

We pulled into the parking spot about to get out the car. "Wow it's really packed" I looked at the line that was out the door. "Yea, you ready?" He put his hand on my thigh.

"Yea" I said fixing my fit.

We both hopped out the car and began making our way to the entrance. I deff wasn't standing in this line so I texted Chris.

Me: Hey, come and get me? I'm outside the line is really longgg

I locked my phone and stood to the side as I watch the crowd of people.

"Brooklyn!!" I looked over and saw Brandon with his hands up walking towards me.

"Brandon nice to see you" I fake smiled.

"You see me mostly everyday"

"Exactly" I looked down.

"Who's your friend" I heard Kyrie said.

"Oh yea, Kyrie this is Brandon, Brandon this is Kyrie my boyfriend" I grinned.

"Woah, I see you Brooklyn"

"It's Ranae" Kyrie smiled grabbing my waist.

"Yea ok" He turned around and went back into the club bopping his head.

I looked at Kyrie and he looked at me, I gave him a quick smile and looked back at the entrance. Just in time Chris came, damn where was this nigga at.

"Hey Chriss- Chris" I had to stop myself before saying Chrissy cuz I didn't want Kyrie acting weird towards me just like yesterday when I told him I was texting him.

"Hey ma" he smiled.

"Chris Chris this way!" Paparazzi came out of no where flashing pics. Chris grabbed my hand and led me inside the building. I looked back and grabbed Kyrie hand.

We walked in and the crowd and music was jumping. I looked up at the balcony and saw Kait and the crew. We was making our way towards the section until I realized chris was still holding my hand and I think Kyrie noticed too.

"Chris you can let go of my hand now" I smiled.

"Oh yea right my bad" He quickly let go. I looked at Kyrie who was eye balling chris.

"Hey you ok?" I put my hand on his cheek.

"Yea I guess" I smiled and turned back around.

"Ranae!!" Kait said dancing towards me.

"Hey lul baby" I hugged her and gave her a cheek kiss.

"Who is this" she said referring to Kyrie.

"This is Kyrie my boyfriend" She smiled one of her dumb smiles.

"I heard things about you sir, don't worry good things" She said looking at me up and down smirking then walking off.

Me and Kyrie went to go sit on the lounge couch and he pulled me close to him. I looked over to where chris was and saw him talking to Kait, I saw them look over here but I didn't worry about it.

"You know you look really nice in that dress" he whispered in my ear.

"Oh really, well maybe you can take off this nice dress by the end of tonight" He smiled and grabbed my face to kiss my lips.

"Oh yea I'm about to text you Si number cause she keep begging me to give it to you"

"Ok" I smiled and stood up.

"I be right back I have to use the restroom" I walked down the steps making my way through the crowd.

I was almost to the restroom when I bumped into somebody. "I'm sorry" I turned around and saw Chris, wasn't this nigga just up stairs. "Oh hey Chrissy" I smiled.

"Hey Ranae, you enjoying ya self?" He smiled back.

"Well I did just get here" I laughed as he was staring at me.

"What?" I said eyeing him.

"You look really beautiful tonight" He looked me up and down.

"Thanks" I said blushing giving him a side hug.

"I thought you was going to the bathroom" I jumped once I saw Kyrie standing there.

"Yea I was about to" I let go of Chris.

"Doesn't look like it" He looked at Chris.

"Welp see you around" Chris said to me leaving.

"Hey calm down" I said pulling him closer.

"Maybe if you get off his top I will" He said walking in the boys restroom pass me.

I looked back at him like he was crazy. Did this nigga really just tell me to get off Chris top? I don't know who he think he's talking to but it ain't gon happen got damn.

I slowly walked back to my section processing what just happen.

"Hey you ok?" Kait asked.

"Yea I'm just tired" I said sitting on the couch.

"Well you should've never came"

"Nooo I wanted to" I smiled

"Well I see you later I'm bout to go get a drink"

"Ok" I laughed

I laid back on the couch taking a deep breath until I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey you ok?" I saw chris sitting next to me

"Yea I'm fine" I sat up straight

"No your not somethings bothering you"

"No I promise I'm ok" I smiled

"Well you need a drink or anything?"

"It actually look like Kyrie got a bottle so yea" I said grabbing the half bottle of Henny on the table in front of me.

"He drunk a half this fast?" Chris said sizing the bottle.

"I don't know I guess"

"How long you been wit this dude?"

"Like a month and a half why?" I said taking a sip of the bottle.

" like, you like him?"

"I mean we are together" I said laughing taking another sip.

"No" He looked me in my eyes.

"Why chris? Wassup with the questions"

"Yea what's up with the questions" Kyrie said scaring me once again.

"Kyrie, you can't keep doing that" I said putting the bottle down.

"Answer me I wanna know what's up with the questions bro?" His body started to tighten up and the look on his face became very serious.

"I mean I can ask her any questions I want, do you have a problem with that?" Chris said standing up.

Chris friends came to stand next to him and some people started watching to see what was going on.

"Woah guys" I said getting between them.

"Nah move Nae cause this gotta stop" Kyrie said getting closer.

"What gotta stop Ri?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"I see the way he be looking at you, he only want the pussy" I looked at him confused.

"HEY" I yelled.

"We're leaving now! He didn't even do nothing to you" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him down the steps.

"Get off of me! You always on his dick then go do what you do best and put it in your mouth"

All of a sudden I saw Chris come from behind me, grabbed Kyrie shirt, and punched him.

I stepped back as his homies and club security was running towards them.

"I will not tolerate madness fellas! Get it together or get out" The Dj said.

I felt Kait grab me and take me to the corner of the section where there was another couch.

"Girl are you ok? What the hell was that?" She said sitting me down.

"I don't kn- know" I said putting my head in my hands.

Where the fuck that even come from? Kyrie never act like this, I have questions and I need answers now! I pulled my phone out because I needed answers.

Me: Hey you up?, I need to speak with you ASAP - Ranae

I locked my phone and looked back at the crowd and saw that Kyrie was getting escorted out the club.

Sierra: Hey! Yea wya? Pull up

Me: I'm out I'm bouta leave tho, wya?

Sierra: Home

Me: Bet be there in 20

I locked my phone and turned to Kait.

"Kait I gotta go, I just don't wanna be here anymore I'm sorry"

"No it's ok, call me tomorrow" she said sipping her drink.

I got up and headed towards the entrance walking as fast as possible.

"Hey" I felt somebody grab my wrist.

I turned around and it was chris.

"What?" I said harshly.

"Dang, you mad at me?" He said looking into my eyes.

"No" I said shaking my head.

"I just don't know what the fuck is going on, I'm irritated, now excuse me I have to go" I said

"Wait, do you have a ride"

I realized that I came with Kyrie in his car. I sighed and pulled my phone out.

"I'll catch Uber"

"No, don't spend your money I can take you" I laughed.

"I have to stop somewhere first" I folded my arms.

"Ok I'll take you"

"Noo you should stay here people came to see you"

"Im coming right back come on I want to take you"

I thought about it.

"Ok fine" I rolled my eyes.

He walked outside with me and we walked up to this orange lambo that was parked on the side of the building.

He opened the door for me and I got in.

"Hold on for a minute" he said shutting it then walking towards this tall guy with a suit on.

I pulled my phone out and saw that i had an message from Kyrie.

Kyrie: We need to talk

I locked my phone and shoved it in my purse.

I saw Chris making his way to his side getting in. He put his key in the ignition and turned his radio down.

"Ranae I'm sorry about tonight" he said as he was backing up.

"It's ok Chris, it's not your fault" I smiled weakly and sat back. He smiled and reverse the car to pull out the lot.

"If you was my girl I would've reacted the same"

"I know any boyfriend would but it was different like he don't usually act like that and you wasn't even in my face like that and then the stuff he said was so disrespectful" I looked out the window.

"So where we going?" He asked.

"You know where Cindar street is?"


"Yea those houses" He nodded.

"So where you live?" He asked

"I'm not trynna be rude or anything but I'll like it if you just drive I'm really not in the mood right now" I laid back.

He turned the radio up and it was quiet the whole ride.


"Pull up right here" I said sitting up.

Me: I'm outside

I looked at chris who was laid back and into his phone.

"Chris can you do me a favor" He put his phone down and nodded.

"So the girl that's about to come outside is 18 and she's a fan of yours so she's gonna ask questions an-"

"Ok" he said and I smiled.

I looked out the window and saw Sierra coming out the house.

"Give me a minute" I said getting out the car.

As I was walking towards her I was laughing at her face expression.

"Umm who the fuck I mean hell is in that car??" I laughed

"I have a surprise for you, promise you won't scream?"

"Promise" I smiled.

I looked at the car and saw chris getting out. I looked over at Sierra and her jaw dropped. Chris came and walked up the little step stopping in front of us.

"Chris this is Sierra, Sierra this is Chris" I said.


"Wassup ma" He said to Sierra but she didn't say nothing she was just in shock.

Chris laughed then gave her a hug. I looked at her face and saw a tear. I laughed and stepped back so they can have their moment.

"Oh my gosh but how" She looked at him.

"I just wanted to hang with cool Ranae" he said.

"He offered to take me home" I butted in.

"Oh ok" She said making googly eyes at me.

"Ok can I steal her back" i said trying not to laugh.

"Yea, I'll be in the car, bye Sierra"

"Byeee" She said smiling extra hard.

Me and Sierra sat on the little step.

"So wassup, this why you asked where i was because of chris?"

"No, actually I wanted to talk to you about Kyrie" She quickly turned to me.

"What happen? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine.. it's just, we had went to the club tonight because Chris invited me and some stuff went down"

"What happen?"

"We was chilling and then chris was talking to me here and there and I guess he got jealous and tried to come for chris then he disrespected me and chris swung at him" She gasped.

"Sierra why did he do that, I never seen him like this..ever"

"Remember what I was saying about him going to the mental institute?" I nodded.

"He went there because in his past relationships it always got bad.. bad arguments, bad fights" She said.


"When it got bad he use to hit on them, jealously triggers it. He has trust issues he always had bad relationships from the start" I was silent.

"He really likes you Ranae, and he haven't acted out ever since he got out that institute. He might still get kinda jealous but I don't think he would take it there" I nodded processing this.

"Another thing, did he drink a lot?" I asked.

"He slowed down lately but only when he's really mad or stress he will drink and won't stop" I saw tears rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry Ranae, my brother doesn't really have his shit together right now he keep claiming he does but we know he don't and that bitch Crystal always convincing my dad that nothings wrong with him" She wiped her nose.

"Come here" I scooted closer to her and put my arms around her.

"He's going to get it together, I'll make sure of it I promise and I always keep my promises" I said.

"Sierra what are you doing?" I heard a voice behind me. I looked and it was crystal.

"Welp time to go" I quickly stood up.

"Ranae is that you?" Crystal said walking towards us.

"Hey Ms.Crystal" I fake smiled and waved.

"What are you doing out here so late Sierra" I rolled my eyes cause she completely ignored me.

"I was just talking to Ranae" Crystal looked at me up and down.

"Well I think it's time for Ranae to leave we have to go to church tomorrow" She said putting her hand on Sierra back. Sierra brushed her off and walked into the house.

"Do you mind telling me where's Kyrie?" She asked.

"I don't know home I guess" She squinted her eyes looking pass me.

"Whose in the car?"

Damn she nosy ass hell.

"A friend" I simply said.

She looked at me one last time then turned around and walk back in the house.

I made my way back to the car and got in.

"You ready?" Chris said.

"Yea" I took a deep breath.


"Here we are" He said pulling up to my complex.

"Thanks a lot Chris I appreciate it" I stared at him.

"It's no biggy" he smiled and reach across to hug me.

"See you Monday Boss" he laughed and I got out the car and shut the door.

I looked across the street and saw Kyrie car parked. I took a deep breath and continued to make my way inside.

I unlocked the door and flicked the lights on because it was pitch dark. I took my shoes off and made my way to the living room. I flicked the lights and saw Kyrie sitting in the chair near the window drinking my Henny that I had here.

"What the hell Kyrie! How you get in here?"

"Don't worry about it" He took another sip. He got up and came towards me hovering over me. I looked in his eyes and they were blood shot red.

He tried to kiss me but I moved away. "Kyrie your drunk" I pushed him off of me.

"So what we can't do it now?"

"No, not after how you disrespected me tonight in front of my friends" I sat my purse down.

"Friends? Oh you talking about the bitch ass nigga" He slurred.

"Kyrie.. you can stay here just go to sleep and sober up before we talk" I tried to go past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"Nah, I wanna talk now" I looked at him for him to continue.

"Do you love him?"

"What? Who?"

"That bitch ass nigga Chris"

"No, I don't even like him like that he's my boss and that's it"

"So your Boss your chauffeur now?" He laughed.


"I know that nigga was in the car, man I told myself to stop fucking wit these hoes" He sat down.

"Get out now" I said but he just looked at me.

"Get out!!" I yelled.

He then stood up quickly getting in my face.

"Bitch I get out when I want to get out!" He snapped. I felt my body heating up inside and took my hand and slapped him with it.

I pushed pass him making my way up the steps but he ran behind me and grabbed my wrist pinning them against the wall.


"Nigga I ain't afraid of you, you deadass getting these fucking hands now let go or ya bitch ass gon regret it!" I yelled.

He let go of my wrists but then he put his hand around my neck and started squeezing, he took his other hand and slapped me across my face sending me to the floor. I dropped down trying to catch my breath. He immediately helped me up putting his arms around me.

"Oh my gosh, baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean it" He continued to hug me. I was silent. I didn't say nothing.. I didn't do nothing.. I couldn't.. I was shock.


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1. Will Ranae stay or go?

2. What do you think of Kyrie now?

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