Pure Beauty 'Cailyn's Chronic...

By ACNichols

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Cailyn is starting her senior year of high-school and not looking forward to it. Her friends are changing som... More

Chapter One Meet and Greet
Chapter Two Memory
Chapter Three The Dream
Chapter Five Shopping Spree
Chapter Six The Fight
Chapter Seven The Kiss
Chapter Eight The Gym
Chapter Nine The Dance
Chapter Ten The Abduction
Chapter Eleven Talk
Chapter Twelve Aftermath
Chapter Thirteen Unexpected Dinner Guest
Chapter Fourteen Fun, Fear, Passion
Chapter Fifteen Dark Visitor
Chapter Sixteen Plans
Chapter Seventeen Blood Link
Chapter Eighteen Bad News
Chapter Nineteen Battle
Chapter Twenty Normalcy
Author's Comment

Chapter Four Date Night

6K 204 23
By ACNichols

“So what do you all think?” asking around to all the people in our decoration committee. Beth and I had just presented our enchanted green/emerald forest idea to everyone. Beth loved it of course she was on board before the meeting.

Nods of approval echoed around the room looking like a bunch of bobble heads. So we began to make up lists of what we would need in supplies. We decided on forest green and mahogany paint for cardboard cutouts and posters for the dance in the gym. We finalized it as the ‘Enchanted Emerald Forest’. Most of the schools advertisements for it were just the 'Welcome Back Senior's Dance', but this was just for the night of the dance.

We decided on getting sparkling streamers silvery ones and stars to hang from the ceiling, so the low light during the dance will twinkle like a night sky in an enchanted forest, as best we could get it to do so. I thought it was going to look great. I had a little fantasy or day dream right then of dancing slowly with Ayden under the twinkling lights his muscular body pressed up against mine and arms gently around me. I smiled to myself.

“So when do we want to transform the gym the dance is next Friday?” someone asked.

“Wednesday and Thursday after school no one will be allowed in the gym on Thursday and Friday so it will be a surprise for everyone on Friday night,” Beth provided the answer. It was after school on this Tuesday early evening week three of school. The school should be empty now except for a few lingering teachers and staff and maybe some custodians it was well past 4pm.

“Is Mr. Arnett going to get us the supplies and keep the gym secure?” another student asked.

“He should, we already spoke to him at the end of school today and he said to leave the supply list on his desk when we finished,” Beth provided again she was the one dealing with those details and left the creative aspects to me.

We talked a bit longer made up plans and designs for the decorations made sure our supplies list was thorough but didn’t want to break the budget for one dance. The group finished up and we gathered our things getting ready to leave. I hadn’t told Beth about my dream yet, matter of fact I hadn’t told her much of anything lately, the man in the cemetery, my dream, my information about Ayden or at least what seemed suspicious information. I hadn’t mentioned it to Ayden yet either, I though as Beth and I made our way to the parking lot we planned out our shopping day.

“My dad pretty much forced a lot of money on me to get a dress and whatever else I want for the dance and it was just cause I told him I had a date,” I was a little embarrassed and Beth laughed.

“Sweet when did he get the money though?” she knew we weren’t wealthy.

“He has been working extra shifts, he says because he wants me to have whatever I want or need for my senior year,” rolling my eyes at the memory three weeks ago.

“Wow did he really? Your dad is always awesome like that though,” my father and Beth had always gotten along great.

“I just hate how he feels like he has to I never ask,”

“Maybe he just wants to Cail sheesh,” she patted my shoulder and I shrugged. I was truly grateful for how my father treated me.

“So Saturday are we on for shopping then?” Beth said excitedly she loved to shop and I enjoyed it not as much as she did, but I rarely got a chance to.

“Awesome, uhh you have a visitor,” giggling as we got to the parking lot there was only a smattering of cars around and so it was obvious where ours were and who my visitor was. I followed her gaze and Ayden was leaning against my car still and starring off into the distance at nothing in particular, he hadn’t seemed to notice us yet. Beth nudged me encouragingly mouthed ‘bye’ and went off to her car. Approaching my car he turned to greet me.

“Hey,” was all I managed. This was the first time he had spoken or sought me out, outside of school.

“I was wondering if you were hungry, that is if I could take you out for a casual dinner?” he spoke humbly.

“Um, sure my father won’t mind he’s not even home at least he wouldn’t be until late anyway,” now I was getting nervous.

“Would you mind if we rode in my car, I promise I will return your car to your home?”

“How? You don’t know where I live?” he fumbled at first but recovered quickly.

“Oh right, I just assumed I would be dropping you off at home after dinner and you would tell me the way then,” nice recovery, I thought

“That would be fine,” we left my car where it was and since I didn’t know what his car looked like or where he parked he escorted me to his car. Once we got to his car my eyes popped out of my head. His car was a sleek black, white, and silver 1959 Chevrolet Corvette with the convertible top up. I whistled.

“Wow, how in the world do you own something like this” I was suspicious again, he obviously had money and a lot of it.

“Um it’s been passed down to me through family,” as he opened the passenger door and gestured with his hand for me to enter the car as a gentleman would of course. He was really old fashioned sometimes. I giggled to myself.

“What?” when he heard me giggle.

“You are just so old-fashioned, no one opens doors anymore for women,” I shook my head amused.

“Well they should,” he had a serious expression and tone to his response. Always surprising me.

“So, what is your favorite place?” he asked after he got in. I was distracted looking around at the interior of the car. It was all black and silver with leather seats. The interior was glossy shiny and in pristine condition for such a classic car. The car was absolutely classical and fabulous.

“Italian,” I mentioned nonchalantly.

“So Valentino’s?” which was more of a statement than a question of if that is where we should go. He turned the key in the ignition.

“Wait that place isn’t it kind of expensive?” and romantic I added silently to myself.

“No its not,” was all he said matter of factly. Sheesh, another one who didn’t want me to worry about money.

I was annoyed by that, but curious about this turn of events with him so I just let it go. We drove silently to the restaurant mostly as I had no idea what to say and also annoyance with everyone’s disregard to money when it came to me. I wasn’t exactly dressed for this type of restaurant either still in my clothes from school, but Ayden as usual looked like he walked off the cover of Vogue magazine well maybe not vogue but Modern Man? Once we parked I started to open my door and Ayden gently and quickly grabbed my hand firmly and with a sly smile shook his head no. He got out and came around the front smiling slyly and opened the door for me again.

“That is going to get old,” I laughed teasingly also with a sly smile.

“I hope not” he breathed his face inches from mine as he shut the door again. I held still trying to make sure my stomach didn’t fall out of my body those lurching butterflies had returned. He didn’t touch me or hold my hand again but just walked besides me just inches from me his coat could have brushed up against my arm if he had stepped any closer. He was deliberately it seemed staying out of touching range but close by.

Valentino’s was a little quaint and quiet restaurant burgundy brick and thick of a building, roses lining it all the way around. The booths inside were low lighted and gave off a feeling of privacy and intimacy. You could not see anything around you in each booth except the entrance of it, the chairs of the booths were an aged dark brown with hints of dusty red leather and they were comfortable. Usually there is a wait time but they escorted us directly to an intimate and private booth. Once seated I realized that I actually was quite hungry and opened up the menu. Ayden just sat there and watched me.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked since he was just sitting there patiently.

“No, I am on a special diet, I just wanted to take you and talk besides just being at school,” I hid my smile behind the menu. At that time the waiter came and jotted down our drinks order. I glanced over the menu some more and finally chose on something that I wanted to eat and waited for our drinks to come. Ayden had not stopped gazing at me since we had sat down.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Ayden sighed,

“Well first of all,” he sounded amused, “I was wondering what I should wear to the dance for you?” I blushed.

“Oh well a black tuxedo or just regular suit should be fine,” now I knew what colors to go for when I went shopping with Beth black silver or white hmm just like his car, interesting.

“Ok then,” his smile was brilliant. I knew my face was flushed from this little tid bit of flirtatiousness. The waiter returned with our drinks and took my order. I kept it simple since I knew this place was expensive and I did not want to seem like a spoiled brat. A slightly awkward silence settled between us over the table. I did not know what to say next. I figured I ought to state the obvious though.

“So is this like a preemptive date before the dance?”

“If you would like it to be,” he took a sip of his water which was all he had ordered.

“Ok,” I tapped my thumb on the glass of my soda.

“How did your decoration committee go tonight?” he was trying to be casual.

“Good we got done with the lists of what we will need and we start decorating next Wednesday and Thursday. We will be making some of the props in between but it will still keep us late at school working on the gym both nights and possibly part of Friday before the dance as well,” it sounded like a business meeting. I thought of something else to bring up though to change that direction.

“I told my father who was taking me to the dance,” I tried to sound casual all Ayden did was smile.

“How did he take that?” he sounded genuinely concerned.

“He was good surprised since I haven’t dated in a really long time. He did mention though some interesting information once he had heard what your last name was, about Irish Conner’s were an old family here in town,” Ayden’s body language stiffened slightly with that comment.

“Yes the name is old here and one of the original settlers,” he sounded almost cold.

“Are you related at all I did some research just out of curiosity?” I added that when his eyes flew up when I said research ablaze with surprise. I was so fascinated with his eyes.

“It said something about how the bloodline died out because of the eldest son went missing,” I got quiet and he seemed to relax and compose himself better. He sure wore his emotions on his sleeve.

“Yes distantly related, there are none here anymore that I am aware of,” he was so uncomfortable with this subject and I could tell he knew more than what he was saying. I guess my suspicions were somewhat correct.

“I’m sorry I brought it up I just thought it was interesting,” with that I ended the conversation about the subject. I felt bad he had asked me out and I seemed to be interrogating him and it was obviously a sensitive subject for him.

“Don’t worry about it Cailyn I am not upset with you just was surprised your father would even know that,” it was a honest comment.

“He said it was just because he knew of an Ayden Conner’s when he was in high-school that all the girls wanted,” hoping this would ease his discomfort and letting go of the mystery behind it but it seemed to just fan the flame more.

“How old is your father?” he asked curiously.

“I think 47 if my math is correct this was 30 years ago it could only be a coincidence,” pain flashed through his face and almost a bit of fear but it was so instantaneous that I couldn’t be sure.

“That is quite interesting,” I smiled at him he was always so careful and thoughtful about the way he said things. He smiled back affectionately and the butterflies in my stomach returned. My food arrived then and I started to eat since I was quite hungry and the silence resumed. Ayden just watched me it didn’t feel weird or uncomfortable just pleasant.

“Can I tell you something without it sounding personal or at least too personal?” he spoke up while I was eating. I nodded not really thinking much about what he might say, I sure was hungry.

“With all due respect to a lady, but I find you the most extraordinary beauty I have ever seen,” his voice was deep and husky and full of emotion. I choked on the bite I was chewing on, and tried to recover quickly from this statement and absorb it. He was looking at me so intensely desire was filling his eyes now. I could not get over how intense his eyes saw through to me. I finished chewing but he continued.

“And I feel compelled to be… around and to take care of you,” I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was not melting no one spoke that way anymore. I could see why it was overwhelming to share such things so intensely with others. He was being honest so I would as well.

“I find your presence around me overwhelming your absolutely gorgeous of course, but your mysterious and intense but I also feel safe with you,” I spoke more to myself softly than directly to him. I hadn’t realized we were both leaning closer and closer to each other inch by inch over the table. There was that gravitational force again pulling us together. He smiled warmly full of something I could not name. He pulled back and I practically sighed. I continued to eat my dinner so it would not show and he changed the subject again.

“Also I wanted to warn you to beware of Jen she has ill intentions towards you now,” that sounded like one of the main reasons why he wanted to talk to me in the first place.

“How would you know something like that, like when Josh had asked me to the dance how do you know those things?” I couldn’t resist to ask this. He gave me a quizzical look full of wonder and caution.

“I hear things,” he replied flatly. I snorted at that.

“I bet,” sarcasm dripping from my tongue but I smiled teasing him. The mystery behind this man made me think of the dream and the guy I had seen in the cemetery.

“You are so full of mystery just like that weird dude at the cemetery,” I blurted out without really thinking about it. That caught his attention.

“What weird dude?” he mimicked the way I said it, but was completely serious about his question.

“Oh well, when me and Beth went to the movies last week we visited my mother’s grave and some weird stuff happened an odd wrong feeling chilly wind started up and some dark haired guy was watching us from a distance he was creepy and just frightened me, I remember so well because he had these awful deep gray eyes,” I trailed off as fury white hot swelled in Ayden’s face.

“This was last week?” he asked coldly.

“Uh ya,” the intensity of his demand threw me off guard, “ Ya the guy waved to me and smirked, Beth was with me but she didn’t see anything, I didn’t tell her either,” he seemed to regain some control over his emotions but there was still something simmering underneath the surface.

“Are you alright?” concern full on in my voice.

“Yes, um yes I am sorry have you seen this person since at all?” he asked shaking his head.

“No,” I said curious about his interest.

“Well just be careful some weirdo’s hang out at the cemeteries,” he tried to make light of the story that seemed to catch the most attention from him this evening he didn’t fool me. Something about it disturbed him deeply. I finished eating my dinner.

“Would you like to have dessert?” he asked and I couldn’t help but smile and chose a flirtatious retort.

“Are you offering?” I tried to sound sexy. He smiled amusingly but did not reply. I shook my head no.

“I am full but thank you,” I had not realized how fast the time had passed it was completely dark when we got outside after paying and leaving a huge tip he was obviously generous.

It was chilly and I had no coat I shivered rubbing my arms to regain some warmth. Ayden covered my shoulders with his posh leather jacket as he did so I just looked at him so elegant and mysterious I wanted to just touch him but I did not dare. He was always so careful to touch me I did not want to offend him. We got to his car and he again opened the door for me. We drove to my house after I had given him the directions. He was able to find it with no extra question which was unusual my house was basically hidden from any traditional directions. He walked me up to my door with me.

“I need your keys please to your car?” he asked politely.

“Oh I almost forgot,” I got them out for him and continued to talk, “Where will the keys be so I can get to school in the morning?” I asked giggling slightly.

“Oh I will leave them in your mailbox if that is alright?” I nodded in agreement. Silence descended upon us once again.

“I had a good time tonight Ayden,” I tried to unlock my door but stumbled as I said this. My dad was home and I could see the TV on through the curtained window.

“The pleasure was all mine,” he smiled and bowed slightly I giggled at that.

“You are just too much,” I commented laughing.

“Thank you…I think,” he said with a wide playful toothy grin revealing white and sharp canine teeth it was gorgeous.

“Good night Cailyn,” he said and it was so hypnotic it made me feel drowsy and I got a whiff of his scent again and it filled my nostrils. I tried to memorize it.

“Good night Ayden,” I whispered and he smiled and left quietly and slowly not taking his eyes off of me to his car. I caught my breath in my through and watched him leave then let myself into my home.

My dad was asleep snoring lightly on the couch. I locked the door quietly heeding Ayden’s warning, why I trusted it I did not know but I knew I should trust it. I covered my father in a blanket and he stirred slightly.

“Oh your home where were you?” he questioned groggily.

“I went out to dinner with friends after the decorations meeting,” Why I lied I had no idea.

“Oh ok well lock up then,” and he settled back down and began to snore softly again quietly. I giggled to myself. I had already locked up so I made my way up to my bedroom. I had not realized how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and with a smile on my face I fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

Author's note: Sorry for such a late update. I am trying to keep up. I have to write up the chapters from my notebook to my computer then post them here so it takes some time. Hope you are all enjoying them. Please comment vote etc on what you like and dislike. I apprecaite all feedback. Thanks Also I still have some editing to do so please bear with me on that as well.

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