I Dare You To Love Me (Jai Br...

By NiallerTime

749K 12.4K 2.7K

You know it really sucks when your in love with your best friend. Your positive he's the one. At the simplest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

32.8K 526 171
By NiallerTime

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs and grabbed a banana. Jai grabbed a donut like usual and Luke grabbed an apple that was left stranded on the table.

We went out the door and started to wak towards the bus stop. The school wad a good 10-15 minutes away by car so it was nearly impossible to walk without one of us complaining.

We managed to get to the bus stop right as the bus had came. We got on and went straight for the back. I shared a seat with Jai while Luke shared a seat with his huge book bag.

I quickly took out my iPod and handed Jai an ear bud while I inserted the other in my ear. I shook my iPod to indicate it to shuffle and One Direction came on.

Another thing that I love about Jai is that he's a massive belieber and directioner.

"One thing" ended and "What Makes You Beautiful" came on. Of course Jai being Jai, he didn't care what people thought about him, so he stood up and went into the aisle and started to dance up and down it. The worst part was that he dragged me with him since I still had the other ear bud in.

After the first 30 seconds of this, I mangaged to drag Jai back to our seat. I had to sit on his lap to hold him down. Jai immediately stopped and smiled his gorgeous smile. I started to get lost in his eyes until it was interrupted by Jai's lips on my cheek. He always kissed me on my cheek. It was either the cheek or the torso.


But I got a strange feeling in my stomach like a thousand butterfly cages have just opened up and just invaded my whole body.

If only those lips were on mine.

Wait. WHAT? He's my best friend for crying out loud! I can't be having these feelings for him. It'll just hurt me when I know for sure that I have no chance with this amazing boy.

The bus finally came to the school and I quickly hopped off of Jai's lap.

The best part of school was that the twins were in all of my classes because our mom's requested it.

Our mom's were actually pretty good friends. They have occasional night outs and they would also meet up with each other for lunch.

I walked into Algebra and took my usual seat in the back. Jai always sat to my right and Luke always sat to my left.

Katie and Amber soon came in and sat in front of us so they could watch Beau and Skip in the front.


Of course Jai and Luke know about their little crushes since I practically tell them everything.

The only real thing that I have ever kept from them is that I have a massive crush on Jai. I think Luke is catching on since he always gives us kissy faces when Jai looks away.


The teacher walked in and asked for our homework which of course Jai and Luke didn't do which means their daily yelling was coming up.


Today his been going extremely slow unlike every other day.

I am currently on Jai's back who is carrying me to the lunchroom while Luke is searching my phone, trying to find juicy shit which he will never find. It's actually quite funny because he knows he's not gonna find it. I have only wrote a couple songs and poems which are obviously about Jai.

We came into the lunchroom and went into the line where our mystery lunch awaited.

I was about 6 people away from getting food when Paige pushed me to the side and started to twirl her hair and attempt to talk to Jai and Luke.

Paige is basically the school slut who can get any guy besides mine. No matter how hard she tries... She just doesn't succeed.

Jai always looks forwards and ignore her no matter what and Luke just stands there and rolls his eyes. He always finished off the conversation by telling her off and this time he said "Your stupid bitch. Stop trying to talk to us. We. Don't. Like. You. And one last thing. Stop pushing Rosie around like a rag doll. She's way better than you."

Paige's mouth was wide open and she was absolutely gobsmacked. After about a minute of her standing there, Jai turns around and says "Why are you still here. Go." and she stormed away.

"You don't understand how much I love you guys." I said and gave them both side hugs. Jai on the right and Luke on the left.

Another reason why I love them.

We came to the front of the line and I quickly grabbed my mystery meat. I turned on my heal and walked towards our table.

All 6 of us have the same lunch period even though Beau and Skip are seniors and James is a freshman.

Probably our moms.

I sat down and was quickly followed by Jai on my right and Luke on my left.

Of course.

"So Rosie." I heard Jai speak. "So Jai." I responded. "Were doing another video after school. Were not taking the school bus home... Were taking the train."

Oh. My.

"So?" I said. "Please video tape it." he said in a baby voice soon followed by a puppy dog face.

How could I say no to that hotness.

"Sure." I spoke in monotone and everyone cheered while Jai and Luke gave me a tight bear hug together.

What am I getting myself into...

"Were gonna call it Awkward Train Situations." Beau added while smirking.

I really should back out...

But I just can't...


Okay. 5 votes till next chapter(: it gets better :D

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