
By AmberJoline

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Alexis' life gets turned upside down when she gets a letter from Dr. Lawrence High. She's forced to move to t... More

1. The Letter
2. Saying goodbye isn't always easy
3. The introduction
4. What to do on a free day
5. Well, this is awkward
6. Saved by the siblings
8. Power control
9. Headache
10. Dealing with things

7. Drama everywhere

55 2 1
By AmberJoline

Nathan's P.O.V

So, Alexis has a boyfriend? I don't believe it. She hasn't even been here for two days and if that guy really is her boyfriend, why was she being so shy when he saw her running around in her underwear? That's not normal for a couple.

I'm not hungry anymore, so I grab my apple and walk out off the canteen. A sign escapes my mouth, I don't want to go to class today. The weather outside is great and I just don't like learning. The only positive thing about this school, is that some classes are to control our powers. Those are great for messing with teachers and skipping.

Some students have perfect alibi's, just by saying they have been to class, but they were invisible, so the teacher couldn't have seen them. The teacher can't prove it, if their power truly is being invisible, so they can't punish them.

My schedule for today; 

1. Drama 

2. Physics

3. P.C [Power Control]

4. French

5. Algebra

It's not a very long day, but I think I'm going to be sick after P.C.  Je ne parle pas Français et je déteste les mathématiques [I don't speak French and I hate Algebra]. Alright, I do speak French, but it's still boring as hell.

The bell rings, time for drama. Drama isn't that hard, walking out off that class and making a scene is probably the best way to get an A. It's not the worst way to start a new school year, even a Monday. 

Everyone walks past me, so I lean against the wall and let them through. It's annoying to walk when everybody keeps pushing you and keeps coming in your personal space. Most of the students are already in their classroom, so I decide to go as well. The auditorium is where I need to go, apparently the teacher doesn't like sitting in a regular classroom.

Before walking into the auditorium, I decide to look who's in the same class. There are like 10 people, including Alexis. Maybe I can make her admit that she doesn't have a boyfriend and she just said that to get rid off me. But what is the best way?

I think I have an idea and it's genius. Well, everything I think off is genius, but this is even better than usual. This is going to be freaking awesome...


Alexis' P.O.V

The teacher walks in, looking like she's going to pass out. Is she sick or something? Right when I open my mouth and want to ask if she's alright, she falls on the ground. Everybody runs towards her and kneels. Someone is already calling the nurse, when she opens her eyes and jumps on her feet, scaring the crap out off everyone.

'End of the scene.' She yells.

They stare at her like she's insane, which she probably is. I already like this teacher and I don't even know her name. Everybody sits down again and pay attention to what she has to say. Apparently we're going to perform a play and the casting is tomorrow. The play is cliche, but also kind of fun to perform. A Midsummer Night's Dream. The play where everyone falls for the wrong person and one of my favourites. 

Auditions are right now, so we just need to improvise. I think I can handle that, I hope I can play Hermia or Helena. If she dares putting me in a fairy costume, I'm out. Some girls love dressing up like that, I'm not that type of girl.

'We start with introductions, because I don't know your names and you likely don't know each other as well.' She says, smiling brightly.

Everybody shortly introduces themselves and one guy catches my eye. I believe his name is Chase, he's the only one I haven't seen walking down these halls. Maybe he just doesn't stand out, which seems strange, because I notice him right now. It doesn't really matter, I could have missed him, it's not impossible.

'Let's start with the auditions, shall we? First up are Alexis and Chase, act one, Egeus just left. Alexis you're Hermia and Chase, you're Lysander. And action!' Our teacher yells loudly. 

'How now, my love! Why is your cheek so pale? How chance the roses there do fade so fast?' Chase starts.

'Belike for want of rain, which I could well beteen them from the tempest of my eyes.' 

'Ay me! For aught that I could ever read, could ever hear by tale or history, the course of true love never did run smooth; but, either it was different in blood,--' 

'O cross! Too high to be enthrall'd to low.'

'Or else misgraffed in respect of years,--' 

We walk towards each other, we need to look like we're in love. I put down my script, I know these words good enough to do it without a script. This is one of my favourite plays, I've read it like a thousand times. Shakespeare's plays are timeless and I love them. 

'O spite! Too old to be engaged to young.' 

'Or else it stood upon the choice of friends,--' 

'O hell! To choose love by another's eyes.'

Alright, maybe I need to say "O" a bit too much, but it's still genius. A few more lines and I'll be done, she can't keep us on this stage forever and other people need to audition as well. Suddenly, Chase steps closer and touches my arm. I take his hand and look at him like I'm in love. My reason it really looks like I'm in love, I think of things I love, mostly my family.

'Or, if there were a sympathy in choice, war, death, or sickness did lay siege to it, making it momentany as a sound, swift as a shadow, short as any dream; Brief as the lightning in the collied night, that, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth, and ere a man hath power to say 'Behold!' The jaws of darkness do devour it up: So quick bright things come to confusion.' 

'If then true lovers have been ever cross'd, it stands as an edict in destiny: Then let us teach our trial patience, because it is a customary cross, as due to love as thoughts and dreams and sighs, wishes and tears, poor fancy's followers.'

We'll have to stop after these lines, since the teacher hasn't picked a Helena and she'll be needed very soon. I glance at the teacher, she has a big smile on her face. I'm guessing she likes it or she's just being nice. 

'A good persuasion: therefore, hear me, Hermia. I have a widow aunt, a dowager of great revenue, and she hath no child: From Athens is her house remote seven leagues and she respects me as her only son. There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee and to that place the sharp Athenian law cannot pursue us. If thou lovest me then, steal forth thy father's house to-morrow night and in the wood, a league without the town, where I did meet thee once with Helena, to do observance to a morn of May, there will I stay for thee.' 

'My good Lysander! I swear to thee, by Cupid's strongest bow, by his best arrow with the golden head, by the simplicity of Venus' doves, by that which knitteth souls and prospers loves, and by that fire which burn'd the Carthage queen, when the false Troyan under sail was seen, by all the vows that ever men have broke, in number more than ever women spoke, in that same place thou hast appointed me, to-morrow truly will I meet with thee.' 

'Keep promise, love. Look, here comes Helena.'

The teacher stands up and claps loudly. My hand feels warm and I realize I'm still holding his hands. I quickly let him go and feel my cheeks turning red. As fast as I can, I jump off the stage and sit down in a chair. 

'This was a great example of how it's suppose to be. And I forgot the time, it's too late to have another couple on stage. Tomorrow we'll continue with the auditions. Just sit down and wait for the bell.'

I seriously don't know anybody in this class. That's pretty strange, I've expected at least one person that I've met. They all seem familiar, like I've seen them at breakfast, except Chase. I'm sure I've never seen him in my whole life, not even quickly in the canteen.

The bell rings and everybody stands up. Just when I want to walk out off the door, the teacher stops me and closes the door. That's strange, isn't it? Even for someone like a drama teacher.

'I just wanted to let you know, you definitely have a role, but that's not all. Do you know that guy Chase? His name isn't on the list, maybe he switched classes with Nathan Moore, I'll ask. Anyway, you should go to class, you don't want to be late, right?' She keeps talking and talking, so fast I could barely keep up.

'My next class started five minutes ago, so it's better if I go now. Thank you very much for giving me a part, although I still don't know which one it is. I'll see you tomorrow!' 

Before she can say something else, I run out the door, I'm afraid she'll keep me there for another five minutes if I don't leave now. Alright, which class is next? O yeah, physics. My favourite class, mark my sarcasm. I'm really bad at physics, but Paul wants me to take it and I don't want to disappoint him.

There it is, classroom 2A. Before walking in, I knock on the door and open it. An old man looks at me, he doesn't look happy. Who can blame him, I'm 10 minutes late. With a slow pace, I walk in and look at the man.

'I'm sorry sir, but my drama teacher wanted to talk to me and her talk was a little longer than I expected. It won't happen again, I promise.' 

He doesn't say anything and just nods. There isn't anything written down on the board yet, lucky me, I need all the instruction I can get. The only empty seat available is the one next to Nathan, so I walk over there and sit down. Hopefully we don't need to sit like this for the rest of the school year, that will be like hell.

'Before we were interrupted by miss--' 

'Alexis Martinez, sir.' 

'Miss Martinez, I was explaining that I find it very hard to remember names and that I'll be making a map with your names on it, so remember where you sit right now, it's going to be your seat for the rest of the year.'

'Fuck.' I whisper softly.

'Do you hate me that much? Good to know.' A voice says, reminding me that Nathan sits so close, he can hear me.

I ignore his words and take my notebook. This teacher isn't going to slow down, especially not for me, I'm sure about that. Well, my drama teacher isn't the only one who can talk so fast. My hand is sore from all the writing already and he hasn't even started with the real stuff, this is just the introduction.

If this is how he's going to teach all year long, I'm sure I'll not be his favourite. Actually, I'm going to be the kid he hates for being so dumb. Physics is confusing for me and I don't know why. It's not like I'm very stupid, just not good in this class. I like languages more, much easier.

Next to me, Nathan isn't even making notes. Is that him trying to be cool or is he that smart? I'll find that out after the first test. The noises he's making make it hard for me to concentrate, it's only clicking a pen, but it annoys me. 

Click, click. He's clicking in some sort of rhythm. Which song it is, I have no idea. I bite my lip, trying to ignore him. It's so tempting to take the pen out of his hand and throw it away. Don't even think about it, the teacher doesn't like you already, don't make it worse. 

Click, click. I stop writing and send him an angry look. He just keeps clicking, with an evil smirk standing on his face. Don't do it, you'll regret it. A groan escapes my mouth, I might be a little dramatic, but I'm still in the acting mood. 

'Could you please stop that?' 

'What?' He mumbles, still grinning like a freak. 

'Stop clicking with your pen like that! It's annoying and it distracts me.' I snap at him.

Heads turn towards us, maybe I've said that a little too loud. The teacher shoots me an angry look, the second one within one period. This is not good, this man is going to hate me. Some people are whispering, but I don't really care. Lately I've been in the centre of attention a lot, which is strange. 

Normally I don't stand out, at least not this much. Here is it a lot easier to stand out, since there are like 100 people, if it isn't less. Not everybody is gifted, it's rare, so 100 people is still very much. Before I got the letter, I didn't even know I was gifted.

The bell rings, so I decide to do the only thing I've wanted to do this hole period. I grab the pen out of Nathan's hand and throw it behind me. He looks at me like I'm crazy, which I probably am. Before he can say anything, I pick my bag up and walk away. The hallways are almost empty compered to my old school. 

It's time for a break before my third period. I see Samantha walking and run towards her. It's like she sees me coming, because she turns around and hug me. That time traveling is going to make it hard to surprise her, but I'll find a way.

'How were your first periods? What did you have?' She asks, sounding very excited. 

'Drama was fun, I played Hermia in A Midsummer Night's Dream. That's our play for this semester. The physics teacher hates me already, for being late and disturb his class. Yours?'

'Not so good, they were boring, but they'll be fun soon. I've talked to my future self and she says it'll be better. I just don't know how long it's going to take, I can't control my power good enough to exactly decide which time I want to go to.'

'Probably soon, I promise.' A smile appears on my face.

'Nice work with that pen, by the way.' She smiles back at me.

I'm really going to need time to get used to her, but it'll be worth it. She's fun to be with and saved me the first day we met. She's definitely a keeper, but I'm still not sure about Stefan. That's likely because of our awkward meeting and what happened this morning.

As I look around the canteen, I don't see Chase anywhere. Weird, everybody has a break right now. Maybe he's in the restroom or something like that. It's not important and I need to get it out off my head. If we're going to sit with Stefan, he's going to read my mind and I don't want that to happen.

We sit down at a table and Stefan joins us soon. A basket stands on the table, filled with fruit. I take an apple and eat it. I'm trying to remember the songtext of every Nirvana song on the Nevermind album, just to make sure Stefan doesn't read it. I like my privacy.

'Are you guys excited for P.C? I really wonder want that's going to be like.' Samantha says. 


New guy in the picture, the last one for now; I promise. Chase! What do you think of him? A picture is on the right, this is how I picture him. Blonde and handsome. You're free to use your own imagination to picture him, but that's how I picture him. 

This chapter was a bit boring, I know. All the italic words that Chase and Alexis say, are direct quotes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, like I've said while writing. I just wanted to make sure that everybody understands I don't own those words. 

Cast has changed! Chase is now someone else! The others are still the same... To the right is the new Chase.

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