House of Anubis Love - Nedie...

By Writer_in-the_making

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This is a House of Anubis fan fiction. This story starts when they all come back from summer vacation. Now Ni... More

House of Anubis Love - Nidie Love Story
Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Plot of the Story
Author's Note
Chapter 2: First Day of School
Chapter 3: Didn't See That Coming
Chapter 4 : The Break Up
Chapter 5: The New Boy
Chapter 7: Oh My God
Author's Note: Even Though I Hate Them Just Like You Do
Chapter 8: Finally? No Not Yet
Chapter 9: "Busted"
Chapter 10: Nina Can Rap
Chapter 11: Sarah and More Songs
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6: He's Here

1.5K 25 14
By Writer_in-the_making

Nina's POV*

When we got to the house and walked in we heard laughing coming from the living room. We walked into the living room and I stopped.

"Oh my gosh" I said.

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to give me a hug" Cole said.

"Cole" I screamed.

I dropped my bag and ran to Cole. I jumped on him and hugged him tight not wanting to let go. I am so happy to see him; me and Cole had the best of times when I was little and last summer when I came to visit him and the boys. The reason Cole changed me was because I didn't want my old self to show. Now I guess you are wondering what I am talking about. Well before I came to here for school, I was a tomboy. I hated dresses and skirts also high heels; I loved skateboarding, karate, I played electric guitar and rock music was my inspiration. When I got the scholarship I decided that I wanted to change, but the way I changed wasn't good enough and it started to show. So I told Cole and he told me to come over for the summer so he could help me so my friends wouldn't find out. Another thing was my best friend who I did everything with and of course he was a guy because I couldn't stand girls and that was until I met Amber and Patricia.

"Wow it is nice to see you too" he said.

"I thought you were coming tomorrow" I said.

"Yeah I was but I wanted to surprise you" he said.

"I have a question" Amber said.

"Yes Amber" I said.

"Why is Cole Pendery here in the first place? And why are you hugging him?" she asked.

"He is here to see me" I said.

"So he is your boyfriend?" Alfie asked. He got hit on the head by Amber.

"No he is my cousin" I said.

"No way" everyone except Eddie said. Everyone turned to look at Eddie.

"Why don't you seem surprised?" Joy asked.

"Because before we got here she told me" Eddie said.

"Actually he put two and two together when we saw Cole's dad and I called him uncle" I said. "Also you all should know too since I already told you."

"Wait you saw my dad" Cole said.

"Yep he is working here. I think that he is going to be the caregiver for some house" I said.

"Hey guys is it just me or is it really quiet" Alfie said.

"Yeah where is Victor?" Jerome asked.

"He left" I said.

"What do you mean 'he left'?" Jerome asked.

"I mean he just left in the middle of the night" I said.

"OK" all the boys said.

"So Nina did you tell them about you know what?" Cole asked.

"No I did not tell them about you know what" I said.

"As much as I like secrets what are you guys talking about?" Amber asked.

"Oh nothing" I lied.

"You're lying" Amber said.

"So what it is not that big of a deal. I mean I've lied before. Remember that pendent you gave me and I said it was beautiful, I lied" I said.

"OK Nina I think you have had enough for today. Eddie could you help me take Nina to her room" Cole asked.

"Of course" Eddie said.

"I am fine put me down" I yelled as they pulled m up the stairs.

When we got to my room they put me on the bed and Cole closed then locked the door. I just sat on the bed staring at the wall.

"So since I see that you are the closest to Nina I will tell you" Cole said.

"Tell me what?" Eddie asked.

"Nina's secret" Cole said.

"Go ahead Cole tell him. Because I trust him" I said.

"OK so Nina's past is not something she wants to share with those people down there. But some how out of the people in this house she trust you. So last year when Nina got this scholarship she wanted to start over. So she changed her personality and style, but during the summer she showed signs that she was changing into her old self. So she called me and told me what was going on, I told her to come to Los Angeles so me and the boys could help her. We changed her style in a girly girl but with a little edge. Changed her from playing the electric guitar to an acrostic one and taught her how to play more instruments. Then we showed her the fun of dying her hair and she stood with that but with bright girl worthy colors." Cole said.

"OK what about her past?" Eddie asked.

"Before Nina came here she used to live in Seaford, California. They she took up skateboarding and karate. Her style was like punk rock tomboy and she started to play the electric guitar. Since she had more male influence than female she didn't have that touch, but when she came to live with me. My girlfriend and my friend's girlfriends helped her with that and she became the perfect girl. Also sports were her life playing soccer, lacrosse, fencing, swimming, and basketball. While doing show choir and cheer leading. She was fine once she stopped but now it is showing again and I told her that she needs to tell her friends so they won't be so surprised." Cole said.

"Should we tell him about the other part?" I asked.

"Yeah" Cole said.

"OK so Eddie the other thing is I am the chosen one and then there is this person that is supposed to protect me and they are called the Osirian. Eddie you are the Osirian and you were here last year when the mask incident happen. After that your dad wanted you to forget so he sent you back home and erased everyone's memory of you except for me" I said.

"Wow" Eddie said.

"Your dad said that when you come back I can give you your memory back and everyone else well except for Victor" I said.

"OK let's do it" he said.

I put my hands on his head and tilted it upwards. Then I muttered a spell that I made for this purpose and his memories were unblocked.

"There it is done" I said.

"Wait so you are a witch?" Eddie asked.

"Yes" I said.

" OK we need to go back down so you can do it to the rest " Cole said.

"OK" I said.

We walked downstairs and went back into the living room where everyone was. When we got in there everyone stood up and looked at me, Cole, and Eddie.

"Well this is not weird at all" Alfie said.

"I have to do something. Can you all sit down?" I said.

They all sat down and looked at me. I sat down next to Alfie and said the spell that gave him his memory back. I then moved on to Jerome and did the same thing I did to Alfie to him. Once I was done with Jerome I did that process all over again to everyone else. When I finished I went and sat down next to Cole who had a smirk on his face.

"Oh my gosh I remember now you almost got killed and Eddie saved you" Amber said.

"Yeah I know" I said.

"Wait Weasel I have to break up with you" Patricia said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you were getting cozy with Nina" she said.

"Fine" he said and ran out of the house.

"Patricia what was that for?" I asked.

"He was probably cheating on me with you so I broke up with him" she said.

"He wasn't cheating on you he was being a friend to me because he was the only one I could tell my secret" I said.

I got up and ran out of the house to look for Eddie. While I was running I heard two sets of footsteps behind me but I did not stop to turn around. When I got to the end of the hill I saw Eddie at the bottom. I started to run down the hill then ended up tripping over my foot and fell the rest of the way. I turned around to hear someone scream.

"NINA, NINA" they screamed.

"Call 9-1-1" I screamed. 

They called 9-1-1 and the police came and so did the paramedics. They took Eddie and me since I hurt my arm. When we were in the ambulance everything went black.

Mara's POV*

Right now we are at the hospital because Eddie and Nina are here. What happened was Eddie fell and he hurt his ankle then when Nina went to get him she hurt her arm.

No One's POV*

Everyone except for Eddie and Nina were in the waiting room. Right now Nina just woke up in a hospital bed with a broken arm. Gosh that hurt I hope Eddie is OK, just then a lady in a white doctor's coat came in.

"So I have put a cast on your arm so you should be fine. I will most likely heal in the next week." the doctor said.

"Thank you, but is my friend Eddie OK?" Nina asked. She was really worried about Eddie.

"Your friend is going to be fine he just has woke up yet" the doctor said.

"Thank you" Nina said.

Nina's POV* 

After the doctor left I got up out of the bed and walked to the waiting room. I saw everyone sitting there looking depressed.

"I wonder if Nina and Eddie are going to be OK" Mara said.

"Well why don't you just as Nina if she is going to be OK" I said.

"Nina" Joy and Mara screamed. They ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Wow I think I should get hurt more often" I joked.

"No" they yelled.

"Calm down Mara and Joy I was just joking" I said. I saw the doctor come towards us.

"Eddie is fine he just has a broken ankle and he can leave today" the doctor said. When the doctor turned around to leave I heard someone say.

"Doctor wait"

I turned around to see Mr. Sweet.

"Guys can you tell him what happened while I go talk to Eddie" I said. Mara and Joy nodded. I walked towards Eddie's room and when I got there I walked in.

"You know I am mad at you" Eddie said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you got hurt" he said.

"And you didn't" I said.

"You know what just come here and give me hug" he said.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. We just spent some time talking when the door opened and everyone walked in.

"Eddie you are OK" everyone said.

"Yes I am fine" he said.

I handed him his crutches and we walked out if the hospital. Mr. Sweet told Trudy that he was taking me, Cole, and Eddie with him. We got in his car and he was talking about how Eddie was a warlock and I was a witch even though I already knew that. He also gave us our own journals to write new spells in and a spell book. Right now we were at Mr. Sweet's house trying out some spells.

"Hey Nina remember that spell you made when you were seven" Cole said.

"Yeah" I said.

"Then try it" he said.

"Cherries, sprinkles, ice cream float, turn Cole into a goat" I said while pointing at Cole. In a matter of seconds Cole was a goat.

"OK Nina turn him back" Eddie said.

"I know goats won't eat a pole, but I want this one to become Cole" I said pointing at Cole. The goat transformed back into Cole.

"That was cool" Cole said.

After a while Mr. Sweet said we had to get back so we left.

Fabian's POV*

"Has anyone noticed that Nina has been acting different?" Amber asked.

"Yes and I am about to find out why" Patricia said.

She got up and walked up to Amber and Nina's room. She started going through Nina's stuff saw a few pictures that shocked us. She saw this karate symbol necklace and took it also she took a guitar pick on too, I realized that Joy and Mara didn't come up. Everyone left except for me and Amber and went back downstairs.


Nina's POV*

When we walked in Alfie screamed at us and I helped Eddie to the couch then gave him his books. Amber and Fabian came into the room with a guilty look on there face.

"Well I am going to put these books into my room" I said.

I walked up to my room and what I saw shocked. I screamed and everyone except for Eddie came up.

"What is wrong?" Mr. Sweet asked.

"Who did this?" Trudy asked.

"I did, but Fabian, Amber, Alfie, and Jerome helped" she said.

"You all have detention for three months and under house arrest for three weeks and Trudy will be sure to tell the new caregiver" Mr. Sweet said.

With that he walked out of the room. I walked back downstairs with Cole and sat down next to them.

"Nina what's the matter?" Eddie asked.

"My so called friends except Joy and Mara went through my stuff" I said.

"Oh" Eddie said.

"Cole they are both gone" I said.

"What really" he said.

"Yes they are" I cried. I ran upstairs and went into my room and cried before I fell asleep.

Cole's POV*

"Is she OK?" Eddie asked.

"No she lost some things that are very important to her" I said.

"I feel sorry for her" he said.

"Well I have to do something" I said.

"OK" he said.

I walked outside and took my phone and called the first name I saw.

"Hello this is Jack Brewer"

"You know Jack it would help if you actually looked at your caller I.D."

"Oh hey Cole so what do I owe this special call for?"

"Well do you remember that necklace you gave Nina with the karate sign on it?"

"Yes I remember it"

"Well it's gone"

"She lost it!"

"No someone stole it. When we got back to the house she went up to her room and it was trashed. We found out that her friends went through her stuff so on of them took it."

"Aw is she OK?"

"I don't know she ran up to her room crying but now it's quiet in her room"

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Do you think you can come out here and surprise her so you can cheer her up?"

"Yeah I can do that"

"Thank you Jack you don't know how much this means to me"

"Oh its OK Cole"

"OK I will see you tomorrow"

"Yep see you tomorrow"

After I hung up I went through my contacts again until I came to the other name I was looking for.

"Hello? This is Niall Horan"

"You know you should really check your caller I.D. I could have been some crazy fan that got your number"

"Nice to see you to Cole"

"So Niall I have something to ask you"

"No I will not go on another double date so you can get a girl"

"Dude don't worry about that its actually about Nina"

"What about her?"

"Do you remember that guitar pick necklace that you gave her?"


"Well it's gone"

"She lost it!"

"No her friends searched through her stuff and one of them took it"


"So I was wondering if you could come here and cheer her up"

"Of course anything for Nina"

"OK so I will see you tomorrow"

"Yep see you tomorrow Cole"



After I finished talking to him I went back into the house and went up to the attic where I was staying for the time being. Gosh I hope this will make Nina happy I thought as I fell asleep.


Hiya my royals,

So yes I changed the name of what I am going to call my fans I hope you like it. Also how did you like the chapter I just want to say that I got some of my ideas from another book and I want that author to know that I didn't exactly use her idea she just gave me an idea. Also I just want to ask who is ready for the next chapter? Well you will have to wait until next time. So until next time stay royal.

Lots O Love,

~ Cupcake_queen2

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