The Neverland Star


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The Neverland Star
Chapter One The Neverland Star
Chapter Two; Michael's Sunshine.
Chapter Three The Photo Shoot and Memories
Chapter Four The Date
Chapter Five Love Rekindles Slowly
Chapter Six Sunshine's Artistry
Chapter Seven The Proposal
Chapter Eight Getting Comfortable, Relaxed Trouble looms
Chapter Nine An Evil Act, Confusion The Search For The Truth
Chapter Eleven Goodbye Tony! Michael and Sunshine Forevermore!

Chapter Ten Michael's Problem Has A Solution

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Michael could not believe his eyes. Was he really reading this? Rubbing his eyes, he looked again, ant again, it read, “Michael and Sunshine over for dinner have dope ready.” Michael was beyond livid but could not let Tony know. He had to play it cool because now, it was Michael’s turn for some payback. Tony stepped out of the room a moment, while to realization of what Sunshine said to him this morning. Tony tried to rape Sunshine. His beloved fiancé. What the fuck? Michael swears under his breath. As much as he would like to kill him for what he’s done, going to jail and ruining his career and their life over this scumbag was not an option. Tony Moran was not worth it. Michael couldn’t believe that all the rumors and hassles were all true. Tony was all everyone has said and Michael was just too blind, too naïve and way too trusting. Now it’s bit him in the butt. Well, Michael thought of the perfect way to get even and put Tony where he belongs and avenge his beautiful Sunshine.

Tony; You okay Michael??

Michael; Huh? Oh!! Yes! Yes, I’m okay. Good turned on to what was happening for me. I can’t believe I am engage to the most beautiful girl in the world. My Sunshine. I can’t believe as kids I let Joseph keep me busy and away from her. I’m never letting her go again not for any reason.  Smiling.

Tony; I’m happy for you! You two make a great couple. He smiles but it’s the fakest one ever.

Michael; smiles and thinks soon you sorry son of a bitch. I will have your ass. Touch my girl? Fuck you in the ass too.. Thank you my friend. What did you do to your head?

Tony; I fell of my bed this morning. I was so gragy when I first work up that I was wobbly legged and slipped fell and hit my head.

Michael;  I was scared I’d miss you here. I know you are so busy.

Tony; I always got time for you Michael. Remember my home is yours. Smirks. I have a meeting this afternoon. I’ll be late but you and Sunshine help yourselves.

Michael; Okay Tony, thanks! That would be great.

Once Michael knew that Tony was gone, he went to get Sunshine and have her stay with him while he worked. Going upstairs sure that no one was listening to his mumbles of disbelief and anger and Tony.

Michael; Sunshine my love, he immediately goes to her. She’s still laying on bed crying.

Sunshine;  Oh Michael!! Look!! Pointing to the wet gooey stuff on the sheets. See!! See!! Tony was raping me!! I don’t think any got inside me. Dear god please don’t let it be so.

Michael; hugging her tight trying to soothe her. I have a plan.

Sunshine; What plane. I don’t understand.

Michael; Well you know how much Tony is entrusting me with her right?

Sunshine; Yeah, so?

Michael; That means I’ll have access to personal files and I’ll be able to get information and bring him down.  After what he has done to you? I’m done. I’ll play my role but I will in the end, get him done from here and everywhere. I have proof we were drugged last night too.

Sunshine; WHAT??!! Are you sure??

Michael; Yes my love, I do and I will make sure he pays for his actions toward you. That’s unacceptable.

Sunshine; I love you so Michael Michael

Michael; I love you too. Holding her tight kissing her softly.

Sunshine. Said to Michael what kind of drugs did they use on us Michael?

Michael; I think it was just sleeping powder because if anything else. We’d still be feeling weird and stuff, I’m sure. But, I did want to get us home out of here before he comes home. I want to take his appointment book and ledger making copies of it in my defense for what I am about to do.

Sunshine pulls back and looks at him. Michael? What are you planning? Please don’t do anything dangerous. I love you. Kissing him softly.

Michael; Don’t worry. Payback is a bitch my love. Kissing her tenderly. Michael pulls out his cellphone and dials a number.

Sunshine; Who ar-

Michael; holding up his finger and kissing her. Detective Anderson please.

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