The New Zealand Trip With The...

By Jjones74

28.4K 425 35

Join Bella in her New Zealand adventure with Corey, Colby, Sam, and Elton. (Based off of the New Zealand Vlo... More

Introducing Bella
Ziplining Off A Building
Bungee Jumping
RV Tour
Mountain Biking
Cathedral Cove
The Luge Track
Sky Swing & Ziplining
Ancient Village
Paddle Boarding
Boating, Swinging and More
The Beach
Rope Course and Sandwiches
Dolphins, Sand dunes and Bugs
Last Day

Monster Trucks and Racing

1.1K 22 1
By Jjones74

We were heading in to sign in when Elton began his vlog "Okay, we just drove 10 miles on dirt and gravel roads to get here so we're going to be off-roading on like a monster truck, they literally have a monster truck for us to off-road on and then we'll be driving these guys through rocks, rivers, gravel and then also there's a go-cart track here " Elton said "No way! Yes!" Corey said "Go-karting is an understatement they go about 100 miles per hour," he said making the guys stop "This is going to be so much fun," Sam said "yeah, they're shifter karts" Elton added, "so we can drift?" Sam asked "No, if you do you're gonna get hurt," he said before Corey and Colby pushed passed Sam, Elton and I "What happened?" Sam asked looking at me, I shrugged "A bee" Elton said "Ohh" We said.

Once the guy explained everything that was about to happen. We began to get separated "Alright Team Blue over here, both blue eyes and then Corey and I," Elton said, "What about Bella?" Sam asked "She's with you guys since you guys all have colored eyes," He said. We got in and I ended up sitting in the back seat while Sam drove and Colby sat shotgun while vlogging for Elton.

When we stopped so Elton could fly the drone, we heard Corey talk over the radio "Hey Colby?" He asked Colby grabbed the walkie-talkie "Yeah?" He asked "Uh, what's up?" he asked "Yeah?" Colby said looking around at us "Um hey can I ask you a serious question real quick" he said "Yeah of course" he said "Um do you think that maybe later tonight, um never mind forget it" he said as Sam and Colby looked at each other "Are you going keep me up at night?" He asked smiling "If you want me too" he responded "I really do" Colby replied before I burst out laughing "I hope no one is listening to this right now," Colby said after I calmed down.

We all got out once we reached an obstacle and he began to tell us about 'The Waterfall' before he said we could head down it. And then the guy had us go on a hill to the point that we were standing on the left two wheels "How does that feel guys" the guy asked squatting down next to the car "Um I'm like sitting on top of Colby right now which should be Bella's job" Sam said making the guy chuckle and us glare at Sam. "uh I'm about to fall right out of the window" Colby said before the guy began to shake the car until he stopped and let us drive off. I leaned my head against the seat as the guys explained to the camera how that felt.

When we reached a new obstacle called The Luge, which the man wanted us to go down, we all got out of the car to see. It ended up being a huge drop, Elton told us to go first Sam ended up going in the back seat "I'm gonna you know, stay back here" he said putting his seatbelt on. Colby was going to drive and I was in the passenger seat recording us as we went down, on the way down I ended up holding Colby's hand. Once we reached the bottom I looked at everyone "Alright, Are we all good?" I asked taking my hand away. "Yep," Sam said as Colby nodded. While we waited for Elton and Corey I set the camera down on the dashboard and fixed my hair.

Once we finished I got out and let Sam out, Colby waited for us before we walked over to Corey. We then waited for Elton to land the drone, once he did I walked over and picked it up as Elton got out of the car. We headed over to sign up for the go-karts. the man began to walk us through the rules and what was about to happen. "Alright so what I need from you guys is a race name," the guy said "Pinkleberry Paw," Elton said "8 100 Rangers," Sam said "TFIL part 2," Colby said "Oh I'm gonna be Bill," Corey said, "And for you?" He asked me "Bella," I said as he nodded and typed our names before he let us go get suited up.

"Alright Guys I'm going to make this into a competition, we have an 8-hour drive to do tonight, loser drives," he said "I touched an electric fence yesterday Elton," Colby said "So? That was yesterday" He said "Fine let's do this, Winner doesn't have to drive the losers have to split it up the drive" Elton said "I'm down" Corey said, "Do you remember the last time we did a car competition, Elton?" Sam asked "Yep," he said "who won that one? That would be 8 100 Rangers," he said pointing to himself, I smirked and fixed my gloves.

We went, got into the go-karts and headed out to the tracks. I started off in last place before catching up to everyone and passing them all. Once we all came in and got out of the carts we changed out of the suits and we went over to the leaderboard to see who won. Elton ended up getting first place followed by me then Sam, Corey and then Colby

Once we were back in the RV the guys began to sit in the front and driving. Colby was in charge of the pedals while Sam took control of the steering wheel and Corey kept an eye out for police. I was sitting at the table on my phone when Elton panned the camera at me while laughing."How do you feel about this?" he asked me "Unsafe" I said. After a while, Elton told the guys that he saw a cop just to get the guys in the back and let him drive. Colby sat next to me as Sam and Corey sat across from us when Elton told the guys the truth they laughed before we all talked about lunch.

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