Breathe Me | Jikook

By GoldenNoddle

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"It's dangerous how wrecked I am. Save me because I can't get a grip on myself." started 6/20/17 finished... More



34 4 8
By GoldenNoddle

The hot chocolate had turned out to be at a stand that was run by an old man. The man had been bundled up to the point he looked round, like a marshmallow, and was hiding beneath a little awning, a flush covering his cheeks. His beanie had pushed his ears down.

He had been nice enough, Jungkook supposed. It was nearing 9:30PM, so he seemed to want to go home. So Jimin and Jungkook had quickly gotten their hot chocolate in styrofoam cups, the simply warm cup feeling like it was scalding Jungkook's numb fingers.

Jimin paid and they walked away. Jungkook, as much as he hated to think it, needed to get home. He had never been out this late and he didn't want to make his mom worry. He could take the bus and go home from here.

But, as he looked at Jimin, who had red cheeks, fingers bitten by the cold, and had slightly puckered lips as he blew on his drink, he couldn't bring himself to say he had to go.

I'll tell him when I finish my hot chocolate.

He decided to let the cold air cool the drink rather than blowing on it. Only because he didn't want to risk it sloshing out and on his hand, burning it. But he was also really thirsty and—

"I don't know how you are with hot drinks, but from what I've seen I feel the need to remind you to blow on that."

Jungkook flushed. He had nearly forgotten about the coffee incident. It flashed in his mind now: the sharp burn, Jimin's worried face, his hands going towards Jungkook...

Jungkook looked at Jimin's hands, which were wrapped around the cup. They looked cold, but they looked small and soft and cute and precious and—

What was it like to hold Jimin's hand?

"Jungkook?" Jimin was staring at him, his lips slightly parted, eyes glowing with curiosity. Jungkook's attention turned towards him, or rather, on what he was saying.


"You space out a lot." Jimin said, head tilted to the side. "What's on your brain?"

"Mhm." Jungkook said, digging his left hand into his pocket. He balled it into a fist, mind going blank as he pulled it back out and said, "Could you hold this for me?"

Jimin took a hand off the hot chocolate and held it out, "Sure."

Jungkook went to put it in his hand, hearing his heartbeat in his own ears, and as he neared Jimin, he opened his hand and put it in the older's, intertwining their fingers.

Warm, Jungkook thought after a moment.

"Thank you." He mumbled, faze ablaze, heart in his throat. Was this gay? It seemed kind of gay, but he would think about that later.

He spared a glance at Jimin who was staring at their hands, face changing color, a smile twitching at his lips. Upon meeting Jungkook's gaze—who had been judging his reaction—he looked away. Jungkook waited for him to jerk his hand away, so he busied himself with his hot chocolate, now lightly blowing on it as a distraction. Screw going home; he had just mortified himself again thanks to his stupid curiosity.

But Jimin didn't pull away. Instead, he kept his head turned, unable to look at Jungkook as he mumbled,

"My pleasure."

Jungkook felt giddy as his stomach just erupted. He just about choked on his hot chocolate, but it was a good thing he managed not to because that would've been both embarrassing and painful.

"Uh," He said, mind rolling to think of something. He didn't want the silence, not again. "What do you do besides music and dance?"

Jimin managed to glance at Jungkook out of the corner his eye, but he couldn't hold the look. He looked away. Jungkook found himself staring at the ground in front of him, his lips resting on the edge of his cup, the hot drink touching his top lip.

"I exercise."

That didn't surprise Jungkook. Jungkook could tell.

He nodded though, sorting through his brain for a response. He wanted to get to know Jimin; he wanted the conversation to continue, and it was as if Jimin had suddenly gone quiet and introverted.


"The gym closest to the University. I try to go daily." Jimin was rubbing his thumb in circles on Jungkook's hand, each movement leaving a trail of tiny sparks and Jungkook was so, so glad he hadn't let his hesitation get the better of him.  "What about you? What do you do besides draw?"

Jungkook hummed, causing tiny little ripples in his hot chocolate as he thought. He took a sip of the sweet drink before responding. "I listen to music."

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "What kind of music?"

"Any kind." Jungkook thought back to what he was listening to the night his parents told him about therapy. "I love Justin Beiber, Charlie Puth, and Corrine Bailey Rae. But I'm also in love with the soundtrack from 'Your Name'."

When it was silent for a moment, Jungkook looked over at Jimin only to find him staring at Jungkook.


"I like it when you smile."

Jungkook hadn't even realized he was smiling. But, once Jimin made him aware of it, the pull in his cheeks was so obvious. He did his best to hide it behind his cup, just because of the simple fact it was growing bigger.

"I like it when I smile too." He said, looking down.  Jimin smiled at that, giving Jungkook's hand a squeeze.

"So, 'Your Name', isn't that an anime movie?" Jimin said, sipping on his hot chocolate that was now half gone. Jungkook was starting to recognize his surroundings and it made him sad; he didn't want to go to the bus stop yet. Not when Jimin had said he was going to be so busy that they couldn't see each other like this often.

"Yeah." Jungkook said. "The soundtrack is beautiful. The melodies and syncopation in it are amazing. It highlights the mood really well and stirs emotion in the viewer. Not to mention the plot. I was confused for the first part of the movie, but after that, I was hooked."

Jimin pursed his lips. "I've never seen it."

Jungkook figured. He had only found out via the internet when looking for new things to watch.

"There's one way to solve that." Jimin continued, "A movie night?"

"YEs," Jungkook's voice started exclamatory, so exclamatory that he had to force himself to quiet down. "That's a good idea. I own the movie; we can watch it at my place one weekend."

"I'll bring one of my favorite movies too." Jimin said. "Then we can watch both."

The only issue with that is the fact that Jungkook's mom would likely freak, especially considering he hasn't brought a friend home in a very long time.

"My parents can be a bit..." Jungkook tried to think of a word. "I don't know, I think they're just worried. So they overreact to the good things." 

They came to a stop at an intersection, where the traffic was lighter than it was earlier but was still fairly heavy. At least Jungkook wasn't wandering out into it; at least he was anchored by Jimin, both physically and mentally.

"Worried? About what?"

No, Jungkook. You can't tell him. You'll scare him away.

"Ahh, silly things."

When they started to walk again, Jungkook saw the bus stop about a block away, and his heart fell. So soon? Why so soon? Especially since everything seemed to be going well. He knew that once he got to that bus stop he would have to let go of Jimin and go home to his mom and his worries and his troubles.

"My parents did the same thing. Or, rather, my mom did back in Busan."


Jimin nodded, his hair nearly falling in front of his eyes. "She freaked out every time I skipped a meal."

"My mom freaks when I lock myself in my room." he said, "Drawing." He added as an afterthought. Jimin started to sway their hands between them.

"But that's just for creative expression." Jimin said. Jungkook nodded, but he knew that Jimin had no idea.

"Do you still skip meals?" Jungkook asked, his voice soft, concerned. He didn't want Jimin to skip meals; he wanted Jimin to eat well even though Jungkook himself didn't. 

Both of them had slowed down although neither quite realized it.

"No, not unless I accidentally work through a meal."

Jungkook was surprised at the relief that shook him and he smiled.

But the conversation made him so conscious of how he was just skin and bone, jutting angles and hollow cheeks.

Thankfully, however, his coat was so thick he was sure Jimin couldn't tell—at least not at that moment anyway.

He sipped his hot chocolate, his lips still quirked into a smile, relieved at the feeling of the sweet, warm liquid smoothly going down his throat, soothing his throat, not scorching his tongue. He felt soft. He felt okay.

Both the smile and the relief were short lived, however, when they crossed the last street and came to the bus stop they had been heading to, huddling under the awning that was there, protected from the snow and what little bit of wind there was.

"The next bus should be here in a few minutes." Jimin said. Jungkook didn't want the last minutes he spent with Jimin to be spent in silence so searched his mind for words he could string together to form a cohesive and comprehensive sentence.

"Taehyung's grandmother makes amazing food." He said, ignoring the Taehyung part of that sentence as he recalled the taste of the soup she had made, his mouth watering. He wanted Jimin to try his favorite food. Would he like it as much?

When Jimin remained quiet, bright eyes looking up at him, Jungkook continued.

"A bit ago she made my favorite food for me—Taehyung had made her worried about me for some reason—so I walked over to their house and we had dinner." Just thinking of that food made him feel warmer.

"Describe it to me in colors." Jimin said, voice quiet. Jungkook found it to be an odd request, but hesitantly closed his eyes nevertheless, putting himself back into that memory.

How would he paint it?

It was the most food he had eaten and kept down; it was the first night he had felt a real sense of hope.

But it was also the night Taehyung had asked him to teach him how to draw, that frustration the following Thursday, him not knowing his brother drew...

"Orange," Jungkook said, starting to feel a bit dizzy so he held Jimin's hand tighter to steady himself. "A soft orange, like a sunset, in an aura around the table, rising towards almost the ceiling. Two different yellows, one bright and vibrant, surrounding Taehyung and his grandmother, the other soft and pale, surrounding a silhouette that's grey, numerous different shades. The bottom would be a deep blue, and the top, in the corners, I'd put a faded red. I'd put a lighter blue in the dark blue, to add depth."

When Jungkook opened his eyes, Jimin was looking at him as if he were trying to memorize every line on Jungkook's face. Jungkook flushed as Jimin looked forward.

"Why the grey?" Jimin asked. Jungkook felt like his palm was sweaty. Was that normal? Could Jimin feel it?

"Because I don't..." The words died in his throat as he saw the bus approaching. He didn't want this night to end. He wanted more time with Jimin, to get to know him better. He didn't know if Jimin could hang out after this—if he even wanted to.

Jimin squeezed his hand, prompting him. "Because?"

"Just Taehyung." Jungkook said, heart dropping as the bus came to a stop and the doors opened.

Jungkook was out of hot chocolate. It felt too light in his hand, but that was the last thing on his mind as he slowly but surely felt Jimin's hand leaving his.

Every cell in Jungkook was screaming at him to grab it and never let go, but he settled for memorizing the feeling—the warmth, the fluttering, the hesitation in both of them, the way even the cold, wintery December air couldn't combat the warmth that was radiating from them.

And just as their fingertips were separating, Jimin said, "Thank you, Jungkook."

Wasn't that what Jungkook was supposed to be telling Jimin?

Jungkook cocked his head to the side, finding the courage to look Jimin right in those beautiful brown eyes. But Jimin just shook his head.

"Just thank you."

And then neither really wanted the other to go, but for fear of missing the bus home, Jungkook pulled away, leaving Jimin behind him.

But when he got to his seat and looked out the frosted window, at Jimin who was waving, a shy smile on his face, his heart stumbled. He looked so small standing under the awning, protected from the snow but not the cold as his cheeks stayed rosy.

Jungkook waved back as the bus pulled away. When he was out of Jimin's view, he sank down in his seat, empty cup held to cover the smile creeping onto his face. Actually, he didn't think the smile had left his face all evening. There was something about Jimin that made him feel at ease, relaxed. He usually never felt like that with anyone, so this had to be some kind of miracle.

Not to mention what he did. He had laughed. He had looked someone in the eye, he had stepped out of his box and didn't regret one moment of it. He had held someone's hand for Christ's sake. He couldn't remember the last time he had done that with anyone.

It made him feel lighter.

His cheeks hurt he started to smile so wide. He couldn't hide the smile; he couldn't contain it. He could feel something rising in his throat, but he bit back the laugh.

God bless Park Jimin.


When Jungkook came home, his mother nearly tackled him.

"Jungkook, oh my god!" Her voice sounded watery. "I was so worried!"

Over her shoulder Jungkook saw his dad and brother standing there, concern painting their faces. Jungkook had expected this, but still, he wanted to know what had happened and he wanted to apologize for worrying everyone needlessly.

"Taehyung came by with your stuff. Said you disappeared." Jung-hyun said, fidgeting with his grey shirt.

Jungkook's mom pulled away, put her hands on his shoulders, then scanned his face, body, every bit of skin that was exposed—which wasn't much.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said, and he meant it. He should've at least grabbed his phone. "I was with a friend."

He honestly felt blessed to be in the warm house and not out in the snow. Speaking of which, his mom, even through her brief shock, was brushing that out of his hair.


"One of Taehyung's friends from University." He said. "Can you question me tomorrow? I'm tired."

His mom nodded, a barely restrained smile on her face as she ushered him away. "Go rest."

And that was that. They let him go without a scolding, or even a hint of a harsh, abrasive tone. How much would it take for them to get angry with him? He didn't understand. He was sure they would be upset because they didn't know Jimin, because Jungkook didn't tell them he wouldn't be home for dinner.

And Taehyung—he had brought Jungkook's stuff over even after what he had said. Jungkook's slow, tired brain couldn't begin to comprehend why. All he knew was that he still felt decent from his time spent with the softest person ever, and he was not about to let his mind run rampant and ruin everything.

So, when he got into his room, he took his coat off and dropped it into the floor, not even bothering to pay attention to where it was, then he shoved his bag—that had been sitting on his bed—into the floor next to his coat; there was nothing of much importance in it, just a sketchbook and—

A ding echoed through the room just as Jungkook was about to flop on his bed and pass out. It was odd, considering the fact that Jungkook normally kept his phone muted. The sound always, always, made his heart rate spike. Every time his phone went off, a deep fear routed within him and it felt like the floor would fall away, sending him plummeting further and further down.

It was no surprise that his hands were shaking, just slightly, as he reached for the front pocket of his bag. The sound of the zipper grated on his ears as he opened it and pulled his phone out. What he saw made his heart rise into his throat.

Unknown Number
Goodnight Kook 🌙💤 I hope you got home safe ❤️  - Jimin

Jungkook shoved his face into his pillow, stifling a huge smile as he loosely held his phone in his hand.

Breathe. It's just a text. Breathe.

I got home okay thank you for asking goodnight ❤️ - Jungkook

He swore he could hear his own heartbeat, a heavy pounding that was resounding through his ears—no, his whole body. He felt something rising again—a scream, a squeal, a laugh—just something that he bit back by shoving half a fist in his mouth and tossing his phone to the other side of the bed. He didn't even flinch when it hit the mattress, bounced, then hit the floor with a rather loud thud.

Why? Well because of that heart and the goodnight and the fact that Jimin even bothered to tell him goodnight and that he hoped he got home safe and should Jungkook say anything else? He didn't know; he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was damn near imploding all thanks to Jimin with his illuminating smile and eyes that sparkle and cheeks that look so good when they're rosy and his fluffy hair that catches snow so perfectly. Not to mention his small, warm hand that seemed so easy and natural to hold.

With all this running through his head, Jungkook barely slept that night. He spent the entire night lost in his mind, wondering if he was stuck in some sort of dream.



So I couldn't really concentrate on writing. Why? BecaUSE I WAS GOING TO FUCKING SEE DAY FUCKING 6 IN CONCERT IN DETROIT

It was my first concert it was great

And to make up for that and the fact that I took ages to update, I've written a lil something to be posted when I wake up tomorrow Bc I'm tired asf

Goodnight you all ;)

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