An Eidolon's Guide to Mythos

By Shard_of_Darkness

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This book will help you with everything you desire to know about the world of Mythos, whether it be the magic... More

Table of Contents
Introduction to the World
An Introduction to Magic
Magic Entry I - The Original Four
Magic Entry II - The Children Elements
Magic Entry III - Light and Dark: The Enternal Duo
Magic Entry IV - Life, Death, and Nature
Magic Entry V- Time and Space
Magic Entry VI - Order and Chaos: Manipulation of Energy
Introduction to Flora and Fauna
Isle of Metal
Isle of Fog
Nightmare Isle
The United Isles (The UI)
The Rogue Isles
Sea of Mythos
Alternate Realms
Miscellaneous/Uncategorized Information
Notes of The Eidolon

The Isle of Hybrids

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By Shard_of_Darkness

The Isle of Hybrids is arguably the largest island in Mythos. The island is divided into 5 parts, technically 6 if one includes The Heartwood. The 5 main parts are the Glacial Tundra in the north, the Ancient Ruins in the south, the Great Plains in the east, and the Sea of Sand in the west. The middle is the Spirit Woods, and the center of the Spirit Woods is an entirely different area known as The Heartwood, a place where everything is completely distorted.

Any creature that can change into a human also has a hybrid counterpart. The Hybrids have features of animals such as ears and tail, but still have human appearance. The traits visible can actually come in different combinations, such as having the eyes and fangs of a Snow Stalker or the ears and tail. Anthropomorphic Animals can also appear on this island, as a result from acquiring magic in manner. They are considered "pseudo hybrids" by some, but are loved as much as actual hybrids.

As this island has the most diverse geography, as well as a plethora of unique species, it has one of the longest entries in the book.

Glacial Tundra - a large open plain covered in snow. It gets it's name from the giant glaciers that cover the plain, as well as giant mountains made from rock and ice. The natives of this place have managed to carve homes out of the various glaciers, and they have major cities in the mountains. When you encounter the natives, you must never be hostile. They are friendly to those who are natives to the island, and are extremely friendly to Hybrids, almost to the point of worship or being infatuated. The creatures that live here are fluffy or fat so as to keep warm at night or when the harsh wind blows. The plants here are either evergreen or have some elemental properties, and can be used in liquid augments. However, there are only a few as the environment is extremely harsh, having an average temperature of about 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spruce - a dark wooded tree that has no magical properties
Pine - same as the spruce, but is lighter
Tundra Grass - grass that is very pale and has adapted to the cold of the Glacial Tundra, with very little of the plant actually sticking out from the snow
Frost Flower - a type of rose that is used in potions, jewelry, and decoration. The flower seems to be made from ice due to its coloration
Kelp - one of the few sources of food in the Glacial Tundra. It is found during ice fishing majorly.
Natural Fauna
Snowshoe Hare - a white hare that has adapted to the cold environment of Glacial Tundra. Sometimes kept as pets
Snow Fox - a fox with white fur and a knack for mischief. The natives often keep them as pets due to their friendly nature as well as their natural instinct to defend family and their territory
Polar Bear - a white bear that is rather aggressive for a creature of the Glacial Tundra, even towards those native to the island or even the region
Frost Lynx - a type of cat native to the Glacial Tundra, and about the size of a horse. They, like the snow foxes, are kept as pets, but they are also used for transport, whether it be riding on their back or pulling a carriage
Seal - a large blubber-filled animal that is extremely calm and friendly, and can often be seen near native fishing camps. They are dark in coloration, which is uncommon for a creature of the Glacial Tundra
Frost Fin - a type of fish that is native to the Glacial Tundra year round
Mammoth - a large creature that had tusks and is covered in a thick, wooly coat
Magical Fauna
Snow Stalker - similar in appearance to the Frost Lynx, but their fur is more blue than white, and they can change into a human form. As such, the can mimic and understand human speech
Ice Wretch - a large, worm like creature with a mouth that opens four ways (vertically and horizontally at the same time). It can sense when prey is near due to the vibrations that it's prey makes when walking. While the vibrating may be subtle for us, it is like a beacon for them, as the snow is very calm and still. When they move, they rely on sensing the heat of the prey. They also have the ability to breath ice, which is extremely dangerous
Ice Dragon - dragons that can breath ice, rather than the traditional fire. They have adapted to the cold and are thus immune to it, unless it drops below zero, in which case they will hide and wait for it to be warm again. Like all dragons, they have the ability to turn into a human if they please
Yuki - a ghost-like form of the Snow Fox that can become human if they please. The have the ability to cause blizzards, but only in self-defense, as they do not wish to bring harm to anyone
L'hiver, the Tunneler - a giant Ice Wretch that is 8 Times the size of a normal one. It has four legs located at the front of it's body, and is now more mobile due to this. Rather than breathing ice, it now shoots ice shards from its mouth, which makes it even more deadly than a normal Ice Wretch
Aisu, the white bear - a giant polar bear that somehow acquired magic, making it bigger and more aggressive. It can cause large waves of snow to appear by swiping with it's claws, and it's roar causes those that hear it to become disoriented.

Ancient Ruins - a place where cities made from marble and limestone once stood. The people who live in this area are majorly fishers, as this part of the island is made up of many beaches and peninsulas, but it has plenty of fields as well. The majority of the animals that live here are birds and fish, but there are things such as boars as well. Creatures such as Hydras and Chimeras live here as well. The houses here are made from sandstone, some are renovated houses that the ancient people used, and some are just made from drift wood.
Grass - small, thin green leaf-life plants that many of the animals in this region feed upon
Oak - strong, sturdy trees that can survive the occasional hurricanes of the Ancient Ruins, and are used in construction
Vines - long, string plants that spiral and crawl over surfaces, albeit at a slow pace
Grapes - one of the crops/exports of the Ancient Ruins. Used to make wine, but can also be put into meals as a side dish. The grapes come in all three colors, red, green, and purple
Olives - similar to grapes, except that wine can't be made from these. They are used for side dishes or eaten as a snack
Tomato - a crop that is used in sauces. The fruit is red or yellow when ripe
Wheat - another type of crop, used for various baked goods
Natural Fauna
Boar - a shaggy beast with tusks that is the wild form of a pig
Eagle - a large raptor that hunts majorly fish but also mice on occasion. They are very protective of their family and will defend the nest with their life.
Salmon - a type of fish that stays year round
Mouse - a small brown or grey rodent that lives in the fields in this region
Weasel - a long but small animal that is kept as a pet by the natives
Magical Fauna
Hydra - a multi headed lizard that breathes fire or poison. The generally have 9 heads, but sometimes they can have 4 or 5. However, the ones with fewer heads are more deadly since there is less arguing that will be happening
Chimera - a beast with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and a snake for a tail. This creature can breathe fire. This is the traditional chimera, but any creature made of 3 or more other creatures is generally considered a chimera
Manticore - a lion with the tail of a scorpion, and the wings of a bat. They can shoot needles from their tails, which are in themselves a deadly weapon. They can use their wings to glide, but not fly
Lesser Leviathan - a six-eyed giant serpent. It can shape shift into a human form, and hybrids of this creature are serpentine from the hips down. These creatures are at least 30 feet in length, and tend to be rust colored or black. Their eyes tend to be crimson or dark blue

Great Plains - the entire eastern part of the Hybrid Isle. Many of the animals are grazers, but there are a few predators that can and will kill you. The people who live here are farmers and hunters. While they may have seemingly primitive weapons, such as spears made from wood and stone, they are not to be trifled with. While the place is open planes, there are trees that can be used to hide in if needed.
Acacia - A large, twisted tree. They are surprisingly sturdy, and the native often use them as hiding spots when running from predators or for hunting
Titan Tree - a large, solid tree that can be carved out for people to live in. The wood that can be gathered from the tree is good for making magic-infused weapons, armor, and accessories
Giant's Grass - a type of grass that grows to be about 10ft in height
Natural Fauna
Cheetah - a large, spotted cat that can run up to 60 miles an hour. They are considered dangerous, but they can be surprisingly friendly
Lion - another type of large cat, and the only ones to live in groups, known as prides. They have fur with a similar color the the grass in the Great Plains. The males have a large mane while the females are more sleek. The females also tend to do most of the work when a hunt is going on
Antelope - an animal similar to a deer but much more swift. The antlers have more of a spiraling cone shape rather than multiple branches.
Gazelle - similar to an Antelope, but a little bigger and more wild
Raptor - a large, predatory bird. They can come in 2 different feather colorations, depending on the gender. Males have a more vibrant pattern, having red tail feathers, whereas females are purely brown with white and black speckles
Caracal Lynx - a type of lynx that lives in the wide open plains
Magical Fauna
Thunderbird - a large 4 winged bird, considered a counterpart to the Phoenix. The Thunderbird can summon storms and on rare occasions, tornadoes
Scum - a large, venomous snake with black scales, and purple patterns all over the body. It can also spit an acidic adhesive, meaning an acid that will stick to your armor and can't really be removed
Emperor Serpentine - a large, powerful version of the Scum. It now covers itself in lighting as it strikes, and can use the lighting as a breath attack as well

Sea of Sand - the western part of the island. The buildings here are made from sandstone, and, in richer communities, wood. The wood is imported from other parts of the island. The majority of the wildlife here is adapted for the lack of water, and same goes for the plants. There is a part of this place that is extremely dangerous to cross, as there are creatures that dwell beneath the sand, and sand storms that last for hours on end.
Cactus - a spiny plant that can be up to 20 feet in height and as small an half an inch. Their shape can vary as well
Tumbleweed - a type of plant that, at one point in its life, will curl up into a ball and roll with the wind, partly to spread its seeds
Natural Fauna
Cow - a type of animal that is very large and burly. The males are known as Bulls and are used in pit fights, while the females are used for milk and beef
Fennec Fox - a small fox that has ears that are large in proportion to its body. They are kept as pets, which can be said for every kind of fox on Hybrid Isle
Vulture - a large, scavenging bird with a bald head. They will follow a dying animal relentlessly
Armadillo - a small animal that can curl up to defend itself. Apparently they have a chance to carry leprosy
Rattlesnake - type of snake that has a "rattle" on the end of its tail. The quicker the rattle, the more deadly the snake is
Coyote - a medium sized canine with yellowish fur. They are bigger than a red fox but smaller than a wolf, and tend to be more brutal
Hare - an animal similar to a rabbit, but bigger. They are sometimes kept as pets
Magical Animals
Sand Wretch - similar to the Ice Wretch, a Sand Wretch waits for its prey. However it has no elemental breath and waits beneath the sand rather than the snow
Sand Wraith - a type of dragon that is part of the wyvern category. They often appear in sandstorms and snatch up whatever they can. The elemental breath they have is either Lightning or Fire. Like all dragons, they can mimic human form
Crackle - an animal that looks like a Coyote, but the hackles on its back are replaced by spines that come off if the Crackle feels threatened. They can also roll up and crash/tackle you, often leaving the effect of cracking
Rumble, the Great One - like its cousin, L'hiver the Tunneler, this Sand Wretch has grown four legs at its front. It has also gained the ability to breath lighting

Spirit Woods - the center of Hybrid Isle, and probably the best place for those who wish to start an adventure. The creatures here are often friendly, even predators such as the Mountain Lion. The people who live here either live in groves or live in the trees. There are supposedly even a few kingdoms that exist here. This place gets its name from the supposed spirits that one can hear or see. Natives of this place say that when you "see" a spirit it is often a sign that you are close the Heartwood, a place where all of reality is in question. They also say that spirits do actually live in the woods and often try and help you.
Oak - a large, sturdy tree. Often used for construction
Birch - a medium sized tree that bends relatively easily. The wood of this tree is often used as a surface for writing on
Rose - a type of flower with small thorns. They are very common and can often be seen in homes as decoration
Tangle Vine - a type of plant that is filled with malice. If you were to walk past it would grab at you and try to ensnare you
Natural Fauna
Red Fox - average sized fox that has variations of red fur and black tail. On rare occasions they can also be pure white, pure black, or even silver. The ones with the rare colors are more likely to be kept as pets
Crow - a large, black bird that gathers in groups known as "murders." They have a tendency to grab shiny objects, so sometimes they gain magic and become anthropomorphic by grabbing an amulet or other magical object
Raven - slightly larger to the crow but otherwise the same
White-tailed Deer - a large animal with tan fur and a short, white, puffball for a tail. The males have antlers while the females do not
Elk - similar to the deer but larger
Wolf - a large canine that is either light grey, dark grey, or black
Magical Fauna
Shimmerling - beings made entirely of light. They are guides sent by the gods to lead a person to their goal, if the person is pure of heart. They often leave an after-image when they move, and take the forms of passive animals such as mice or elk. They access a persons sense of wonder
Umberling - creatures made entirely of darkness. They access the sense of greed and only very powerful ones have a true form, often taking the form of a warped wolf, rather than being darkish blobs. They lead people to self-destruction
Duskiling - neither good nor evil, and not doing anything other than existing. They are the only spirit-like creature that do not have a bird or winged form
Traditional Dragon - Traditional Dragons can breath fire, acid, or poison gas. They have four legs and two large, broad wings. They are either red, black, or green respective to their elemental breath. Like all dragons, they can mimic human form
Nix Wing - a bird that appears similar to a crow. It can mimic human speech as well as assume human form. More information in "Alternate Realms"
Astral Panther - a large cat with a metal blade on its tail and metal claws. It can assume human form. More details in "Alternate Realms"
Phoenix - a medium sized bird that looks like a red and gold peacock. When it dies it bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes

Heartwood - the central part of the Spirit Woods. In this place, one can never map the path out, for it is always changing, as though something were changing the paths that one walks on. You can walk up trees, go through multiple versions of the same area, and encounter creatures from other realms and realities. It is rumored that at the center of this chaotic place, there is a tree of titanic size, made from a kind of crystal. The tree is said to be sentient, which would explain why the paths constantly change, as the tree is the source of all magic in the world. Nobody knows for sure as almost no one has made it to the center of the woods. Only those with a pure soul and sol can hope to actually see the tree, which is known as the "Eternal Tree"
Same as the Spirit Woods
Magical Fauna
Heartwood Fox - a small fox with ear that are big compared to its body. They have pure green eyes, with no pupils. Their fur is tan with black stripes, and they can turn invisible
Apex - a creature that appears to be a mix between a wolf and some kind of armored lizard. The armor covers everything except the underbelly and legs
Razor - a large armadillo-like creature. Rather than having plates that protect, the plates on this animal are sharp as steel, and hard as the mountain stone. Like the Apex, the underside is the weakness, and it is surprisingly fast for something of its size. It can also curl up and roll/tackle others
Lara Avis - a ghost bird that is pure blue. They tend to fly around aimlessly, turning invisible sometimes

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