Magic Entry V- Time and Space

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Time and Space. In science, they are controversial. In magic, they are two of the most powerful elements that one can master. Time is the axis which The Universe runs upon, and Space is the moon and the stars which can be seen at night. The magic of time, called Krono Magic, can be used to slow down time around the user or even see into the future. Time magic is more defensive and utility-like, while the magic of space, called Cosmic Magic, is heavily offensive. One can eventually cause meters to rain down from the sky.

Spells of Time:
Low level Spells:
Time bubble - creates a bubble, in which time for all but the caster, is slowed to about a fourth of the original speed
Crumble - causes any wood or stone that the user touches to fall apart. Power increases with level
Sun Dial - summons a small sundial that can be used to tell the time. As the name implies, this only works during the day
Temporary Alteration - summons a sand timer that counts for 10 minutes. The sand is only the color of elements, such as red being of fire, and will give your weapons an elemental attribute.
Mid-level Spells:
Sand Timer - a 24 hour sand timer. The sand glows a gentle gold at night
Corrode - causes whatever surface that the user touches to rot, crumble, or rust and fall apart
Faith - the sand will now affect the power of the magical element that it's color corresponds to, as well as providing the elemental attributes to weapons. Grey sand is now added as a possibility, and can cause the enemy to become weak
High level Spells:
Khrono Sphere - a more powerful form of Time Bubble
Premonition - see the next move your opponent will make
Eternal's Augment - final form of Temporary Alteration. Maximum strength and power of any form of elemental attribute and any form of magic are granted for an hour.
Doom Clock - an ebony sand timer with black sand is summoned. At the end of the timer, the target of this spell is knocked out or dies, depending on how much magic is put in

Cosmic Spells:
Low Level Spells:
Solar Flare - wave of heat and light that smashes into the target, heavily damaging them
Moon Shards - a stream of white and black shards of energy that shreds the enemy
Star Strike - the user is launched into the air and drops down on the opponent
Comet - summons a comet from the sky that strikes down and freezes the enemy
Mid-level Spells:
Asteroid Ring - summons a ring of rocks around you that can be launched or used to block
Meteor Crash - a giant meteor crashes down and explodes into a blast of rock and fire
Shooting Stars - multiple comets come down and freeze many targets
Meteor Blade - summons a blade made from meteorite iron. The blade only lasts until the person dismisses the spell
High level Spells:
Solar Storm - a large blast of heat and light that wipes out the enemy
Meteor Storm - multiple meteors rain down from the sky
Meteor Sword - a longsword made from meteorite iron is summoned. Same as before, it will vanish once the spell is dismissed
Spacial Rend - create a black hole that lasts for about 3 seconds

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