Magic Entry IV - Life, Death, and Nature

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Life and Death. Like Light and Dark, the two are sibling elements, and cannot be separated. Nature is the parent element, representing the balance between the two elements. Life spells almost never harm and death spells can never heal. Nature spells can do both, and many resemble some form of animal trait or use plants in some way.

Spells of Life:
Low level Spells:
Heal - increases in power with each level
Splint - creates a brace that can be placed on a broken limb
Block - forms a barrier that can take up to 5 hits from a weapon
Mid-level Spells:
Wound Transfer - transfer wounds from an ally to you or an enemy
Protect - creates a barrier that can withstand a strong attack from a weapon such as a hammer or a great sword
High level Spells:
Phoenix Down - revives a fallen ally
Savior - can block all attacks for about a half hour unless dismissed, and can block even a ballista bolt

Spells of Death:
Low level Spells:
Reaper's Companion - Summon a skull engulfed in purple fire that attacks and explodes
Reaper's Cloth - wrap yourself in darkness and vanish
Sickle - Summon a sickle to defend yourself with
Mid-level Spells:
Reaper Cloak - take one other into the shadows with you
Reaper Sickle - A more powerful form of the sickle that can cut through armor
Soul fire - a purple flame that burns the soul, rather than burning the body. The burns can be healed by spells of life, however
Bone Staff - Summon a bo staff made from bones. Majorly for defensive purposes
High level Spells:
Vanish - take up to three other people with you
Reaper Scythe - Summon a black scythe that you can use as a weapon
Ghost Scythe - summons a dual bladed scythe engulfed in purple fire that flies in a spiral toward the nearest enemy
Skeletal Warriors - summon up to 5 skeletons that have armor and weapons, with purple fire in their eyes. They will fight for you until dismissed or destroyed

Spells of Nature:
Low level Spells:
Claws - hands change into claws, which can be used to cut the opponent
Mimic - let out a noise that mimics that of an animal of the users choosing
Entangle - wraps the opponent in vines that shoot up from the ground
Nature's Gift - enhances the traits of an ally to the point where they are as strong and fast as a dragon. This only lasts for about 10 minutes, however
Dispell - form a barrier that blocks minor magical attacks, but attacks with weapons will still hurt you
Mid-level Spells:
Were-form - become a mix of animal and human. All senses and abilities are enhanced. A werewolf would be a good example of what the result of this spell looks like. The user can change back at any time.
Wooded Grasp - roots shoot out from the ground and pin the opponent down
Snarl - let out a snarl that frightens the opponent
Shell - The user creates a barrier that blocks most forms of magical attack. The barrier now has a hexagonal pattern rather than being a solid wall of green
High-level Spells:
Shapeshifter - mimic the form of an animal, gaining the enhancement of your five senses and your physical abilities
Shaman's Voice - talk to animals and get them to help you or your friends
Nature's Grasp - both vines and roots shoot out of the ground, and almost no form of escape is possible
Roar - let out a mighty roar that will stun the enemy
Familiar - summons an animal to fight alongside you. The animal is pre-chosen based on your personality and, in the case of Hybrids, bloodline.
Weather Change - manipulate the weather in whatever way you choose

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