An Eidolon's Guide to Mythos

By Shard_of_Darkness

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This book will help you with everything you desire to know about the world of Mythos, whether it be the magic... More

Table of Contents
Introduction to the World
An Introduction to Magic
Magic Entry II - The Children Elements
Magic Entry III - Light and Dark: The Enternal Duo
Magic Entry IV - Life, Death, and Nature
Magic Entry V- Time and Space
Magic Entry VI - Order and Chaos: Manipulation of Energy
Introduction to Flora and Fauna
The Isle of Hybrids
Isle of Metal
Isle of Fog
Nightmare Isle
The United Isles (The UI)
The Rogue Isles
Sea of Mythos
Alternate Realms
Miscellaneous/Uncategorized Information
Notes of The Eidolon

Magic Entry I - The Original Four

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By Shard_of_Darkness

Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. The original four elements of magic. When Magic first came to be, these four elements greatly influenced the magical culture of the world. Each element had a sage that corresponded to it. The Sage of Fire was gentle to friends, and a raging inferno to his enemies. The Sage of Water was calm and open minded, and she often the voice of reason within the council. The Sage of Air was a free-spirited man who never got mad at anyone, and often avoided using violence. The Sage of Earth was wise and just, often keeping her fellow council members honest. Each of them recorded their findings of each element that they specialized in, and these entries have been translated and put into this book, so that we may learn from the ghosts of the past.

Fire is the most aggressive of the Original Four, having only two defensive spells. Water is similar to fire but has a few more defensive spells, and even a healing spell that becomes more powerful with each increase. Air is majorly defensive and lacks attack spells, but makes up for it in the fact that it is also the most disruptive of the Original Four. Earth is balanced in both offensive and defensive spells.

In this entry, as well as the other magic entries, there shall be a list of spells one can perform for the elements listed, as well as a brief description of what the spell does and the level of the spell.

Spells of fire:
Low level Spells(Mage):
Torchlight - creates a small flame to be used for light in one's hand
Spark-burst - a burst of sparks that can set a small area on fire, about the size of one's hand. Useful for starting a camp fire if you don't have anything else.
Will-o-wisp - creates a small flame intended for combat use. The color of the flame depends on how much energy is put into it and what the flame is burning.
Burning Summon - a spell that all levels can use, but becomes more powerful with each level. Summons a small cat made from the embers of a fire. At this level it only works if you have a campfire that just burned out, or you're carrying some charcoal that you can set on fire
Mid-level spells(Wizard/Witch):
Flame Whip - A whip or lash made from flame, used for disarming the opponent, but can also be used to harm them
Fireball - a ball of fire, and essentially the stronger form of Will-o-wisp. However, this spell is more volatile and is intended to be a long range attack, rather than any distance. It is recommended that the opponent is at least 10 feet away before using this spell, as it explodes upon contact.
Fire Circle - a circle of fire is summoned around the user. This is one of the only two defensive spells a Fire Magi can learn
Fire Wall - the other defensive spell a Fire Magi can learn. Summons a wall of fire and, unlike the fire circle, is only good for defending one side
Scorching Summon - summons a wolf or a lion made from both fire and a fire's embers. The animal is now partially immune to swords and arrows, and parts of the creature are just fire.
High level spells(Sorcerer/Sorceress):
Fire Wave - summons a large wall of fire that moves across the battlefield, burning anything in its path. Only recommended for Fire Magi in the front line of battle, where a clear shot of the enemy is guaranteed.
Fire Storm - A barrage of around 20 fireballs that rain down upon the enemy. Extremely deadly since all the fireballs are explosive. Use only if absolutely necessary.
Inferno Summon - Summons a firebird of epic proportions to fight alongside you. The bird is immune to all possible forms of attack, except for magical attack.

Spells of Water:
Low level Spells(Mage):
Flow Alter - changes the direction in which a water source would flow
Drizzle - a small stream of water is launched from one's hand. Handy for putting out fires quickly
Cooling Heal - heals small wounds while giving a cooling sensation. Can heal cuts and scratches, but cannot heal wounds that might leave a scar
Mid-level Spells(Wizard/Witch)
Drench - summons a mildly powerful blast of water that pushes the enemy backwards. Not the most effective in combat but can allow for the user to escape
Aqua Tendrils - summons a ring of tendrils made from water around the user. Can be used for more than just combat situations
Water Wall - a wall of water is summoned that can slow down projectiles and people. The defensive capabilities are very limited, however
Bubble - can be used on land or in the water. On land, it creates a bubble of water around the user, and whoever else the user wishes to keep safe. In the water, it can be used to make a bubble of air so that the user and their allies can walk across the floor of the body of water
Soothing Heal - a more advanced form of Cooling Heal, able to heal most wounds.
Rain - summons a small rainstorm that can be used to enhance the user's magic, as well as increasing the power of some other forms of magic
High level Spells(Sorcerer/Sorceress):
Tsunami - Summons a wall of water that crashes down on the enemy
Embracing Heal - Heals all but the most fatale of wounds, and is the final form of Cooling Heal
Downpour - Summons a downpour that enhances water magic greatly

Spells of Air:
Low level Spells:
Cloud Walk - allows the user to float a few inches off the ground for around 10 minutes. They can still move around as through they were walking, however
Take off - the user creates a blast of wind beneath them, and they are able jump about 3 times their height
Air Blast - a blast of air that knocks the opponent down
Mid-level Spells(Wizard/Witch):
Float - allows the use to float and fly around, but only for a limited time
Wind Spiral - the user spins around and creates a small tornado, which can either help them jump higher or break their fall
Breathless - Takes all the air out the enemies lungs and knock them out
High level Spells(Sorcerer/Sorceress):
Whirlwind - creates a twister that throws enemies far and wide this is one of the only two offensive spells available for air
Vacuum - Creates a sphere where air is non-existent. This can be used to knockout an opponent or kill them, but most Air Magi never actually attempt to take the life of another

Spells of Earth:
Low level Spells(Mage):
Vibration Sense - sense vibrations in the ground so that you know when the enemy is coming
Rumble - send out vibrations that cause a minor tremor and knock down opponents
Mid-level Spells(Wizard/Witch):
Earthen Hands - Summon to giant hands made from earth and stone that move with you regular hands
Earthen Wall - Summon a wall of stone to defend yourself from attacks
Earthen Sphere - Does the same as Earthen Wall, but surrounds the entire area
High level Spells(Sorcerer/Sorceress):
Quake - Create an earthquake that launches pillars of earth up to strike the enemy
Chasm - Open up a chasm in the earth for the enemy to fall into

Combination Spells:
Extremely high level. Only a Sorcerer or a Sorceress can actually perform these spells
Fire Wave + Quake = Magma Strike - pillars of magma burst from the ground and destroy the enemy
Fire Whip + Aqua Tendrils = Blister Coil - Tendrils made from boiling water grab the enemy and burn them badly.
Take off + Quake = Dive Bomb - the user launches themselves into the air then drops down and creates a massive earthquake

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