Nothings impossible - a ross...

By Mckenzie_lynch

6.2K 227 55

**COMPLETED** The only reason Kaitlin lives with her mom is because they couldn't find her dad. The one that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30~last chapter :(

Chapter 5

215 7 0
By Mckenzie_lynch

(O by the way most of this book is gonna be based on during summer time.)

Ross's pov.

I wake up to the sound of OHHHHHH's and AHHHHHH's. i sit up to see Riker, rocky, Rydel, ryland, Ratliff, mom, AND dad all staring at me and Kaitlin smiling. "what?" i ask. "nothing y'all are just so cute together!" mom says. "oh..." i say "thanks." they all kinda chuckle which wakes Kaitlin up. she sits up and when she see's me she smiles. then she turns her head and see's the rest of the family and her face changes to an embarrassed/shocked face then smiles. they all smile back. its very awkward until someone says "well lets leave the love birds alone. bye!" it was ryland. "Ok bye" me and Kaitlin say together. Everyone else leaves. "Ok well I'm gonna go to my room and change. ill be right back." i say. "ok" Kaitlin says.

Kaitlin's pov.

"Ok well I'm gonna go to my room and change. ill be right back." ross says. "ok" i say. a few seconds after he leaves Riker walks into my room. "Oh hey Riker! whats up?" i say. "nun" he says sitting on the bed beside me. "just wanted to talk." "oh ok. what about?" i say. "well" he says scooting closer to me. "i was wandering if.." "yeah..." i say. "if this would bother you." riker says leaning in to kiss me. i lean in a little more so that our lips touch and right when they do i get butterflies in my stomach. He kisses me passionately and then we pull apart.he's smiling. i yell "why would you do tha.." but he shuts me up by kissing me like people do in movies. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" i hear ross yell. I turn and see ross in the door way staring at me and riker with a "I'm gonna kill you!" face. "it's not what it looks like!" i say. "that's what they all say!" he yelled. "no seriously bro i kissed her she didn't kiss back either. she tried to tell me how wrong i was but i just kissed her again. I'm sorry. if your gonna get mad be mad at me and not her." riker said. "why would you do that to me riker?!? And ESPECIALLY you Kaitlin!" ross says running back to his room and slamming the door. by the sound of his voice it sounded like he was about to cry. I look over at riker and he says "so did that bother you?" "DID THAT BOTHER ME?!?! THE ONLY GUY I HAVE EVER LOVED HATES ME RIGHT NOW!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!?!" i scream. riker just laughs and he drags me over to ross's room. when we walk in the room ross is sitting on his bed Laughing. "what is so funny to y'all?" I ask. "WE JUST TRICKED YOU!" ross says getting up and hugging me tightly with his arms around my waist. "trick..this was all a trick?!" i say. "yup!" they both say together. "but why?" i ask. well ross was talking to me the other day about how much he loved you and everything but then i said we should pull a prank on her to see if she feels the same way. so we planned that little scene that just happened in your room a few minutes ago." riker says. "y'all are mean!" i say. "Sorry" they say. "and i know that was awkward for you Kaitlin." riker says. "yea no shit!" i say laughing. "lets just forget about that" ross says "because even though i helped plan that it still kinda bothered me." "yea me too. i think of her as a sister not a girlfriend" riker says. "speaking of girlfriends..." i say looking at riker which makes him smile. "how are you and chemaiyah?" i ask. he scratches the back of his neck. i can tell he's nervous about something because all the Lynch boys do that when their nervous. "what?" i say reading him like a book. "Uhhh" he says. "whatt?!?" me and ross say together. "she's Pregnant." he says. "SHES WHAT?!?!?!" I scream half excited but more mad. "YOU GOT MY BEST FRIEND PREGNANT?!?!" i scream again. "yeah" riker says with a scared face. "cool down!" Kaitlin ross says hugging me again. i calm down a little then re think the whole thing. "I'm sorry riker" i say. "im happy for y'all!" "Thanks!" he says. "so how far along is she?" i ask. "a month and a half." he says. "if its a girl we are naming her charlotte and if its a boy were naming him riker jr. after me" riker says smiling. "aww" i say. "well good luck" i say. "yeah" ross says. "thanks" riker says. "well I'm gonna go downstairs and get some breakfast." "ok bye" me and ross say. "lets go get some breakfast im starving!!!" I say "ok" ross says "but first..." ross leans in to kiss me and i kiss back. we kiss until we can't breathe. when we pull apart i ask "what was that for?" and ross says "just so i know i'm the last guy you kissed and not my brother" "yea but your the only guy i actually enjoy kissing." i say. "good" he says. we laugh and walk down stairs to get some breakfast. As soon as we hit the first step i smell bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes, and sausage. i start taking off down the stairs and when i get down there i see a table full of breakfast foods. "good morning!" stormie says. "good morning!" i say back with a smile. ross is behind me soon after we greet each other with good mornings. "woah why so much food?!" ross asks sounding kinda hungry. "well i just found out some good news a min ago so i made all of this." stormie says. "whats the good news?" me and ross almost say at the same time. "well rikers gonna be a dad!" stormie says. our faces switched from excited back to normal. "oh we kinda knew that already." i say. stormie's face glums back down and says "oh...well still that's great news!! don't you think?!" "YUP!" me and ross say together smiling. I'm glad that didn't upset her because i like her in a good mood.

Ross's pov.

I get down stairs after chasing Kaitlin. once i get into the kitchen i hear mom and Kaitlin say their good mornings. "Woah why so much food?" i ask. "well i just found out some great news!" mom says. "what?" me and Kaitlin say. "rikers gonna be a dad!" "oh we kinda already knew that." Kaitlin says. "Ok well thats still great news!!" Mom says. "yup!" me and Kaitlin say. I look over at the table again and see riker shoving a fork full of food into his mouth. then he ate the last bite of food on his plate and got up to put the plate in the sink. riker heads up the stairs not speaking to anybody and goes in his room. i don't pay him much mind. "so where's everyone else?" i ask. "they already ate" mom says. "so now its yall's turn!" mom says smiling. Me and Kaitlin walk over to the table where plates already were and made our self a plate. once we were done with breakfast we put our plate and utensils in the sink we went back upstairs. Kaitlin still wasn't dressed yet so she went into her room to change. i waited for her in the hallway. once she came out she had a pair of jean shorts on with a plain yellow shirt and some navy blue vans. "So what are we doing today?" she asks. "I don't know yet" i say. "maybe a walk in the park?" i ask. "sure!" Kaitlin says. "your so sweet!" she says. "i know" i say smiling and leaning i for a kiss. our lips meet and tight when they do it sends tingles through my whole body. i hear a bedroom door open and then close. i don't think much of it until i hear rocky say "GET A ROOM!!" we pull out of our kiss and Kaitlin is blushing. "go away!" i yell at him. "ok ok but first let me use the bathroom jeez" "ugh" i say when he walks by me. bad choice on my end because he pushes me into the wall and i hit my funny bone. "Ow" i say kinda sarcastically but more out of pain. he just laughs childishly and walks into the bathroom. Kaitlin extends her hand to help me up and i accept her offer. once I'm up we walk hand in hand down the stairs to go to my car. "where are you guys going?" mom asks. "The park" i say. "ok have fun!" mom says. i open the door for Kaitlin and let her in. then i tun around my car to get to my side. i hop in the car, start it up, and drive away. the ride to the park is silent until Kaitlin says "you know, you run funny!" "i know" i say. which makes her laugh. by the time I'm done re playing that little conversation in my head we are at the park. I get out and run around the car exactly like i did earlier which makes Kaitlin laugh. then i open her door and let her out. "why thank you" she says trying to sound all proper. "Shall we?" i ask. "SURE!" she says. "awww you ruined the proper vibe." i say making a fake pouty face. "oh im sorry" Kaitlin says in a british accent. "is that betta?" "YUP!" i say smiling. we walk hand in hand again down the park trail. the whole walk is silent until i hear someone yell "KAITLIN?!?!" i turn around to see a very handsome guy with short brown wavy hair standing about 10 feet away from us. "CHASE!!!!" she screams running towards him.

What..who's Chase? i think to myself.


OHHHH cliff hanger. Who do y'all think chase is? comment what you think. Thank all you reader for everything! I hope you in joy! Oh and by the way I'm gonna take a little break from updating. ill probably won't update until late tomorrow but i might update more today. i don't know yet.


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