Plans change - Gilmore Girls

By KatyBrown078

163K 2.8K 368

This story picks up right at the end of Season 7, immediately after the cameras quit. Rory and Lorelai are s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

6.3K 109 16
By KatyBrown078

"Rory Gilmore...Ace, will you marry me?"

Rory was shocked...honestly, she didn't expect him to ask again for a long time.  Your girlfriend turns you takes a while to rebuild that courage right???  But I did say that I want to marry him...and I do.  But what if this is a mistake...but how could it be a mistake to marry the love of your life??? 

Rory realized she was freaking out internally.  For the last six months, she had wanted to go back and say yes so badly.  She would never get over Logan, nor did she want to.  Marry him?  After you decide to have his baby, doesn't this decision seem so much smaller.  Hell it wasn't even a decision anymore, it had been made the moment she bought the pregnancy test, she knew, baby or not, that she loved Logan and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.  All it took was the possibility of having his child to make her reevaluate.

She snapped out of her thoughts and realized that he was probably nervous with her not answering.  "Will I?  Logan there is nothing I would rather do than spend the rest of my life with you.  Hell yes, I'll marry you!"

He let out a breath that she hadn't realized he was holding, then crashed his lips into hers.  The kiss was hard and was what they had both been holding in for months.  Not like the sex earlier, but the kiss that would have come after she said yes in May. 

They broke apart, both desperately in need of air, and he put the ring on her shaky fingers.  "I couldn't be happier Ace."

She smiled, "me too."  She grabbed her phone and dialed the number of the person she had to tell first.  After several rings, a groggy voice answered, and Rory put it on speaker.

"Do you realize what time it is?"

Rory looked at Logan and winked, "oh my god Mom, I think the baby is coming!  What do I do???"

"I'm up! I'm on my way!"



"That is going to be Rory Huntzberger to you now," she said grinning.

There was silence on the line.  "Mom?"

"Lorelai?" Logan looked at Rory confused.

"So I'm getting a son-in-law huh?"  They heard her sniffle.

"As long as you'll still have me?" Logan asks her.

"Well you're no Pauly Shore," she said with a chuckle, "...I mean you're doubling the size of our immediate family now, but I guess Luke could put another addition on the house," Lorelai said.  They heard Luke grumble in the background.  "See?  He can't wait!  And neither can I.  Congratulations kids.  And Logan...welcome to the family."

"Thank you," they both said at once and then Lorelai hung up. 

"What do you say we wait for the other announcements until morning?"

Logan smiled at her and nodded, "sounds good, besides," he looked at her in that way that made her tingly all over, "we need to celebrate."  He winked and pulled her to him.

Between pregnant and jet-lagged...and celebrating (as Logan put it) all night, they were exhausted.  Rory was pretty sure even her mother would blush at a few of their activities.  She just couldn't believe she had him back, and she was damn well going to appreciate it...appreciate him. 

She rolled over and saw Logan staring at her with a wide smile.

"You have no idea how much I missed waking up with you in my arms," he said, giving her a kiss.

"You have no idea how much better of a cuddler you are than Finn," she said with a wink.

"I hope you can't compare anything else I did last night to him," he growled as he kissed her.

"Well I was pretty lonely..." she said slowly, teasing him.

"Do you know what happens to someone who teases their fiancé?"

She put her hand to her chin and pretended to think, "I can't seem to remember."

"Guess I'll have to show you then," he said as he pulled her as close as possible and ran his hands down her body.

It was about an hour and a half later by the time they managed to take their hands off each other and showered.

"So," Rory began, "how should we do this? And remember that pregnant women eat I'm gonna need some breakfast...soon...especially after the sleepless night I had," she finished with a wink.

Logan looked at his fiancé. She was dressed in red leggings and an extra long black sweater. He was thankful that he was home before the holidays. Thanksgiving was going to be extra special this year with her by his side. He took her in his arms, even pregnant, she still fit just right. "How about we round up Honor and Josh and the hangovers for brunch, then we head to Hartford and tell my parents and your grandparents?"

"Sounds good, you get Honor and the guys, I'll get the girls."

They made their calls and rounded everyone up, even if they did complain a little for being woken at the "ungodly" hour of ten thirty.

They were in the car, on their way to brunch.  Logan noticed Rory had been fidgeting and seemed nervous about something.  He took her hand and turned her head towards him, "hey, what's wrong?"

She took a deep breath, "well, I don't know how to ask this...but...would you mind if I tell Finn by myself?"

"You think he'll be upset?" he asked a little confused.

"No! Gosh no!  But these last few months...Logan, he's my best friend.  He's the one that kept me from falling apart more than anyone else, and I really want to share it with him, just the two of us.  Would you mind?" 

He could tell she was worried about him understanding the reasoning.  He knew they had grown very close, but he didn't realize she considered him her best friend now.  "I know that you two have been really close, it's a little hard for me to grasp, but I'll get there.  Pull him aside when we get there but tell him to keep his mouth shut until we tell everyone else that alright?"

She smiled a huge smile and kissed him, "yes, thank you."

He held her close.  "Is he gonna be the maid of honor in our wedding?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She chuckled and winked, "now that is an excellent idea!"

They pulled up to the restaurant and everyone was waiting.  Rory pulled Finn aside and into a dark corner where no one could see them.

"Alright what'd you break?" He asked.

"What makes you think we broke something?"

"Well I let you have the whole apartment to yourselves, I assume you two had a wild and crazy reunion, and now you're pulling me aside because I can't get mad at the pregnant woman as opposed to Logan, right?"

She started laughing, "we didn't break anything  Finn, and I promise the wild and crazy reunion stayed within my room."

"Alright then, what's up?"

"Well, I wanted to tell you myself...Logan asked me to marry him again last night."

His eyes got a little wide and he waited for the rest, but she didn't continue.  "And??"

She lifted her hand up, "I said yes!"

He grabbed her and hugged her as tightly as he could.  "Thank god love!  I was worried you two would take forever to get it sorted.  God I am so happy for you."  He kissed her on top of the head and then released her.

She wiped away tear and he raised an eyebrow at her.  "It's a happy one, hormones, remember?"

He chuckled and took her hand and led her back to the table. 

When they got there, he noticed Logan looking at him and he gave him a small nod. 

Logan had sat down and whispered the news in Honor's ear but told her she couldn't react because they wanted to tell everyone else together.  She squeezed his hand and smiled. 

Everyone got their drinks and ordered their food.  Once the waiter left, Logan looked at Rory, and she nodded back.  He tapped his fork on his glass to get their attention.  Once they were all looking at him, he took Rory's hand and stood up. 

"We wanted you all to be together when we told you, last night I asked Rory to marry me again," he looked at her and winked, "and this time she said yes!"  He held up her hand with the ring on it. 

Honor jumped up, as quickly as a person can when they're pregnant, and hugged Rory.  "Finally I get a sister.  I'm so glad it's you."

They were both tearing up.  "Me too," Rory replied. 

They finally broke apart so the others could get their hugs and congratulations in too. 

Colin got to her next, "I'm glad you figured it out.  You make each other better when you're together."

"Thank you Colin."

Robert winked at her, "here I thought maybe I had a chance again."

"Uncle Robert has a nice ring to it though," she said as she hugged him.

The girls all crowded around her and tried to hug her all at once as their food arrived.

Stephanie spoke up, "so, any plans made yet?"

"Well we are going to Hartford today to let everyone else far as what and when...that's up to Ace," Logan explained.

Rory smiled, "well, I would love to be married before the baby comes but that means that we have a month and a half at most...I just don't think it would work.  It's probably better to wait until we get settled in to the apartment and used to having a baby."

Logan nodded in agreement with Rory, and they enjoyed the time with their friends before they had to tell the rest of their families. 

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