Into Skyrim

By littlemomouse

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WHY AM I EDITING? It was so bad. So, so bad. Just a whole lot of cringing tbh. I promise my writing has impro... More

Chapter 1: The Trio
Chapter 2: The Carriage Ride
Chapter 3: Helgen
Pointless A/N with cat pics
Chapter 4: Family Reunion
Chapter 5: Quest Accepted
Chapter 6: Bleak "AF" Falls Barrow
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 8: The 7,000 Steps of Hell
Chapter 9: Divine Luck
Chapter 10: Ustengrav
Chapter 11: Cutting Through The Bullshit
Chapter 12: Sight Seeing
Chapter 1: The Daydream (translated for kicks)
Chapter 14: Finding Esbern
Chapter 15: The Battle for Karthspire
Chapter 16: Meddling Kids

Chapter 13: Diplomatic Idiocy

45 4 3
By littlemomouse

As Zeppelin and I unload the back of the carriage, Elizabeth and Meeko thank the driver we had hired to bring us to Solitude. The ride was smooth and uneventful which was a nice change to be honest with ya, we even managed to successfully come up with a plan for once we're inside the embassy.
As planned, we'd left Julius with Gerdur and her family back in Riverwood to keep him on ice. He'll be earning his keep working at the mill for awhile.

After hauling our stuff out of the back, she, Jay, and I start walking to Solitude's gates.
"So whats the first thing you want to do?" Elizabeth asks like we're on vacation.

"Dude, we aren't on holiday! We're here for serious business!" I scold her.
We enter the city, and to our right, an execution is taking place. "I need to grab something, you two go get us a room and I'll meet you inside in a few minutes."

"Okay, don't take too long. I dunno how long I can keep Elizabeth entertained." Zepp jokes as we part ways. I walk around the crowd watching the exicution and go into the Radiant Raiment.

"Welcome to the Radiant Raiment!" an Altmer woman says from behind the counter. "I'm sure we have something that will suit you."

I don't take long to find a random necklace to temporarily replace my treasured amulet of Talos, which I'm possitive the Thalmor wouldn't appreciate. I approach the counter to get a price estimate. "How much for this?" I ask the elven woman named Taarie.

"Thirty-five septims, please," she answers with a strained smile.

"Sounds fair," I say, digging in my pockets for some gold. "I'll take those rags off your hands, too," I say pointing at some tattered clothes behind her. Taarie raises a judgmental eyebrow as she turned to grab the ragged clothes.

I pay for my shit and leave the store, immediately heading across the street to the Winking Skeever. I gotta say, I love the name.

I walk in and spy Elizabeth waving at me from a doorway. Once I was in the room, Elizabeth closed the door.
I don't waste any time throwing Elizabeth some of the rags I'd bought. "Put those on," I say as I begin stripping of my own armor.

"Why?" Elizabeth asks. "Delphine is gonna give us some clothes to wear, right? Because thats how I remember this quest going. Or am I thinking of a different one?" She asks aloud.

"Shh, Sis, lemme enjoy the show." Zeppelin says, eyeing me up and down.

I narrow my eyes at him and move to change behind a room divider before answering my gal pal. "Because, dear Elizabeth, we're gonna need to give our stuff to Malborn," I answer. "And I highly doubt the owner of this place will allow us to strip and walk around naked in front of the other guests."

"Oh, you have good point," Elizabeth says quickly as she joins me behind the divider.

"Of course I do."

After we're all wearing our new attire, Elizabeth and I come out from behind the divider and I sit on the bed.
"Even in rags, the two of you look beautiful," Zeppelin compliments us.

"Why, thank you, kind sir," I mock with a curtsy, "You look quite dashing yourself."

Elizabeth laughs before saying, "Quit playing around, we've got work to do."

"Says you," I laugh right back.

"Aww, can't we have a bit of fun first?" Zeppelin asks, attempting to wrap an arm around my shoulder, but ultimately failing due to his new lack of hight.

"Nah, I'm not into guys shorter than me," I tease, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Can we just go talk to Malborn please?" Elizabeth asks.

Zepp groans dramatically. "Why do you have to be such a buzzkill, dude?" he asks his sister.

"I'm your sister, its my job," She pipes.

"ANYWAY," I say, calling attention back to the subject of forming a plan, "Lets go. C'mon, Meeko!"

We head out of the room and look around for Malborn. I spot him sitting at a table in the corner of the room and motion our group in his direction and all sit down at his table.

"You're Malborn, right?" I ask him, "Our mutual acquaintance sent us. I'm Kayleighn," I say holding my hand out for him to shake. "And this is Elizabeth and Zeppelin," I say, pointing my brunette Orc and Breton companions. Meeko barks as to get my attention. "And this good boy here is Meeko." I chuckle.

"You?" Malborn askes incredulously. "You're who she picked? I hope she knows what she's doing," I hear him mutter under his breath.
"Heres the deal," Malborn starts. "Don't plan on bringing anything in with you except for the clothes on your back. The Thalmor take security very seriously. Give me only what you can't live without, and I'll make sure to get it into the embassy. The rest is up to you." He explained.

"Sounds good. I trust you'll take good care of our things," I say, handing over my sword and armor.

"Yeah! If I find out you decapitated someone with my baby, first I'd give you a high-five, then I'd cut you." Elizabeth mildly threatens.

Malborn glances at Zeppelin expecting him to hand some things over as well.
"Nah man, all my equipment is inborn, if you catch my meaning." He says, igniting a fireball in the palm of his hand.

"HEY!" Corpulus shouts from the bar, "No magic indoors!"

"Sorry, Sir," Zepp apologizes and extinguishes the flame before he gets us kicked out.

"I guess this is all I'll be smuggling in then. Wonderful," Malborn mutters, taking the heavy load. "I'll see you all at the party."

And with that, Malborn leaves the Winking Skeever.


It was nearing the time we had arranged to meet Delphine.

"Ready to go?" I ask my friends, combing my hair with my fingers. Just because we're in a world without soap and mirrors, doesn't mean I shouldn't try to look nice for a party!

"Just about," Elizabeth answers. "How about you, bro bro?"

"You know I don't need to look nice for my part in this plan," he answers. He says that, but Gods know he can't stop obsessing over his hair for any reason.
We finish getting ready, then we make like a baby and head out. (My dad says this every time he leaves the house. Shout out to you, Dad, if you ever somehow see this! I pray to Stendarr you never do. That'd be a big oof) We walk down the cobblestone road to Katla's farm, looking like beggars dressed in the rags I bought. We reach the stables and approach Delphine.

"Did you talk to Malborn?" She asks right away.

"Yes, ma'am!" Elizabeth says with a smile.

"Good. But..." She trails off.

"Yeah, we know." I say, knowing what she was getting at.

"You can't go to a party dressed like that. Here," She says, handing us each a set of fine clothes. "Go in there and put those on. Talk to me when you're ready."
Elizabeth and I walking into the mill and begin changing our clothes once again. We don the dresses, as well as the jewelry we bought earlier, and step out to talk to Delphine. "That'll have to do," She sighs. "Here are your invitations. I'll take the rest of your things and meet you back in Riverwood if you survive."

"Wow. Thanks so much for your positive outlook on our chances," I say sarcastically.

Delphine ignores my comment and begins her trek with Meeko back to Riverwood.

"Ready?" Elizabeth asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say, climbing into the carriage Delphine hired.


The carriage pulls to a stop inside the embassy gates.
Elizabeth and I climb out of the carriage and walk up the embassy steps before being stopped by a Thalmor guard.

"Welcome to the Thalmor Embassy. Your invitations, please," He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Here you are," I say, pulling out our party invitations.
The guard takes them and looks them over before handing them back.

"Thank you, mesdames. Go right inside." He says, stepping to the side allowing us to pass.
Behind his back, Elizabeth sticks her tongue out at him.

Almost as soon as the iron door shuts behind us, Elenwen herself approaches us.

"Welcome. I don't believe we've met. I am Elenwen, Thalmor ambassador to Skyrim. And you are?" She asks.

"I'm Kayleighn, and this is my friend Elizabeth," I say, putting on a smile.

"Ah, yes. I remember your names from the guest list," She responds. "So tell me, why have you come to this- ugh, to Skyrim?"

Before I could answer, Malborn speaks up from behind a nearby counter.
"Madam Ambassador, it appears we have run out of the alto wine. Shall I break open the reserves?"

"Of course," Elenwen snaps at him. "I told you not to bother me with such things!"
She turns back to face us. "My apologies. We'll have to get to know each other later. Please, enjoy yourselves." She says before walking away to mingle with the other guests.

Elizabeth and I walk up to the counter to speak with Malborn.
"Can I get you anything?" He asks, playing his role.

"Can I get a drink?" Elizabeth requests.

"Right away, ma'am," He answers, pouring me a goblet of Colovian Brandy. "I'll wait for a distraction. Meet me over here when you're ready," He whispers.

I silently nod and look around the parlor. My eyes settle on a Redguard man who appeared slightly drunk. "Perfect," I think.
"Hi! Razelan, isn't it? We brought you a drink," I say as Elizabeth hands him the brandy.

"Finally! You're the one kind soul here," He practically shouts.

"Hush, will ya! We need your help. Can you make a scene?" Elizabeth asks.

"Can I make a scene? Ladies, you've come to the right person!" He says, standing up from his seat on a bench.

"Okay. Thanks so much," I say, leading Elizabeth back to where Malborn awaits.

"May I have everyone's attention, please!" Razelan shouts. All eyes in the room turn to look at him.

"Quick! In here," Malborn whispers, ushering Elizabeth and me into the kitchen as Razelan begins ranting about how everyone is on bed with the Thalmor. "Just let me do the talking."

We follow Malborn around a table, and another worker notices.
"Who comes, Malborn?" The female Khajiit asks. "You know I don't like strange smells in my kitchen."

"Two guests feeling ill," He answers, opening a closet door. The Khajiit hisses in response.

"Guests?! In the kitchen?! Malborn, you know this is against the rules."

"Rules is it, Tsavani? I didn't know eating Moon Sugar was permitted," Malborn smirked. "Perhaps I should ask the Ambassador-"

"Just get out of here. I saw nothing," Tsavani says, going back to dicing vegetables.
Malborn pushes us into the closet and follows us in.

"Your things are in that chest," He says, pointing to said chest. "When you're ready, I'll lock the door behind you."
I go through the chest and dig out our stuff, handing Elizabeth whatever belonged to her.
After getting our things on, and equipping our weapons, we prepare to leave.

"Thanks, Malborn," Elizabeth says, kissing his cheek. (I'm a girl, it's Valentine's Day, I had to put a little romance in this book somewhere. Fight me!)
Malborn turned red in the face but quickly recovered. "Good luck," He said before shutting the door and locking it.

"Dude, you like Malborn!" I say in a hushed tone.

"No, I don't! It was for luck! He's a dick," She answers.

"But he also has a dick."

"I-," She was gonna say some snarky remark, but cut herself off and gave me a "really?" look. "Wooow. There's Kayleighn for ya!"

"Okay. I know you love barging into battle head-on, but let's try to do this the stealthy way," I say. Elizabeth nods her head in understanding and crouches alongside me.
As we stay hidden, we overhear a conversation.

"No. They're high mages, just in from Alinor. I guess Herself is finally getting worried about all the dragon attacks."

"Ah, good. I've been wondering how we're supposed to defend this place from a dragon."

"If a dragon does show up, maybe we'll get lucky and it will eat the mages first. Might give us enough time to kill it."

"Ha! I'd like to see those arrogant bastards taken down a notch. Always looking down their noses at us lowly footsloggers. Well, we'd better get back to our rounds."

And with that, the conversation stops, and the guards go their separate ways.
When their backs were turned, Elizabeth and I quickly and quietly sneak pass.
We turned down a short corridor and exited into the courtyard between the two main buildings. Thalmor patrolled the snowy grounds.

"If you can get their attention for a few minutes, I can sneak into the next building. Are you okay with that?" I ask Elizabeth.

"Of course I'm okay with it! Time to kick some Thalmor butt!"

I hide in the covered entryway as Elizabeth unsheathed her greatsword and charged into the courtyard with a battle cry. While she distracted them, I snuck my way into Elenwen's solar. I'm getting good at this sneaking finally!

"But I need that money! I earned it," I heard a man say. Nord by the sound of it. "I have my own expenses, you know."

"Silence!" Another male responds. "Do not presume, Gissur. You are most useful, but do not presume. We have other informants who are less... offensive."

"But no one else has brought you such valuable information have they?" Gissur asks. "Etienne, he's talked, hasn't he? He knows where that old man is, he told me himself!"

"You'll get the rest of your money when we confirm his story. As agreed."

"So he has talked! I knew it!"

"Everyone talks, in the end. Now, I have work to do. Leave me to it if you ever want to see the rest of your payment."

"Can I... I could help you. He'd talk to me. He trusts me."

"You'd like to come downstairs with me, is that it, Gissur? Shall we loosen his bonds and put you in a cell together? You can ask him anything you'd like, and see how he answers."

"No, no. I'll... I'll wait outside."

"That would probably be best. Now get out!"

I wait for "Gissur" to leave before sneaking into the room he came from. I look around and spot the Thalmor he was talking to walking down a set of stairs, a keyring hanging from his hip.
I quickly snatch the key, then duck back around the corner before he saw me.

I pocket the key, then look around the room. Nothing in here that I need.
I go back to the main part of the Solar and find Elizabeth entering with a bloodied weapon and armor.

"I took care of 'em," She said, wiping a few specks of blood from her face. "What now?"

"Search the rooms, I guess. Let me know if you come across anything noteworthy," I say, turning to go upstairs.
I climb the stairs and enter the room to my left. I'm guessing this is Elenwen's quarters. A lavish room with a double bed, and a walk-in closet. A walk-in closet with a safe that is. I pull a few picks from my pocket and attempt to pick the lock.

*many lockpicks later*

"Fuck this shit!" I say, throwing down another broken lockpick.

"KK, I found something!" I hear Elizabeth call from downstairs.
I hurry down the stairs and meet up with my friend.

"What'd you find?" I ask.

"I found a couple dossiers," She answers. "The one about Ulfric is really interesting!"

"Alright. Grab them, then let's go. I saw a Thalmor go this way."

"Okie Dokie!" Elizabeth says as she stuffs the dossiers into the bag we had Malborn smuggle in, and I lead her to the basement door. I use the key I pickpocketed to unlock it, then head inside.

"Stop. Please. I don't know anything else," we hear a male Nord beg. "Don't you think I'd have told you already?"

"Silence, you know the rules!" A female torturer says. "Do not speak unless spoken to. Master Rulindil will ask the questions."

"Let's begin again," Rulindil says.

"No for Pity's sake! I've already told you everything!"

"You know the rules."


Right after his scream, Elizabeth and I hear the crack of a mace hitting his cheek.

"What do we do?" I ask Elizabeth.

"I say we barge in, but you know that's just how I like doing it," She says. "Do you wanna try sniping them?"

"Sure," I answer. I draw my bow and knock an arrow. I take my time to aim at Rulindil. I let go of the string and the arrow zips from my place on the balcony into Rulindil's left shoulder. He cries out getting the torturer's attention.

"Elizabeth! Go, go, go!" I yell for her to start tanking.
Unsheathing her greatsword once again, she runs down the stairs and swings her blade at the torturer. While she does that, I keep firing arrows at Rulindil.

The high elf summons a ball of lightning in his hand and shocks me. When the lightning hits, my body goes stiff as I spasm.
As I become immobilized, Elizabeth finishes off the female and comes to my aid.

She slashes Rulindil's back, causing him to lose focus and stagger. She takes the opportunity and pushes him to the ground and stands over him.
"Shoulda stayed away from Skyrim, Thalmor scum," she says before plunging her blade into his stomach.

As I recover from the spell's effects, Elizabeth comes over and helps me back onto my feet.
"Thanks, dude," I say.

"What are best friends for?"

"If saving ass isn't the answer, I don't know what they're for," I answer. "I'll talk to the prisoners while you search the room."

"Will do," Elizabeth nods.

I walk over the cell where the tortured man, Etienne I'm guessing, was being held.
As I approach, he begins to panic. "I told you! I don't know anything more about it!"

"Calm your tits, dude! We're not here to torture you," I say, working to unlock his shackles.

"What?" He asks, looking up at me with a tired expression. His dirty blonde hair falling into his bloodshot eyes.

"There's no time to explain. Let's get out of here," I say, finally freeing his wrists.

"Y-Yeah. Sure. This way," He says, standing on weak legs. "I saw the guards use it to get rid of bodies."

"Hold on. You might know something important," I say, holding him up so he doesn't fall.

"I damn well hope so," He answers. "If it helps you twist them up, I'm glad to help. They're after some old guy named Esbern. I've seen a guy in Riften who they seem to think is him.
Something to do with dragons. I gathered it from listening to them talk about it when they thought I was out. Not much to go on. I don't even know where he lives, or his name. But they seemed pretty excited about it."

"I found another dossier!" Elizabeth informs me from outside the cell.

"Good work! Go free the servant girl." I tell her. "After that, we'll follow you, Etienne," I say.

"Fine with me. Let's get a move on." He answers.
We follow him to a trapdoor in the corner of the basement, but it's locked. It needs a key.

"Drat! What now?" Elizabeth asks.
I was about to answer, but we all hear a door open, and three pairs of feet enter the room.

"Listen up, spies!" We hear a male Thalmor say. "You're trapped in here, and we have your accomplice."

"Malborn!" Elizabeth whisper-shouts.

"Surrender immediately or you both- gah!" The Thalmor falls dead from one of my arrows before he could finish.
Elizabeth starts running up the stairs to Malborn's side. With a battle cry, she swings her sword at the guard, taking her head off.

"Bitch, that was badass!" I yell up at her.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all night," She bows with a flourish of her hand before she and Malborn make their way back to Etienne, Brelas and I.
"And before you ask, yes, I got a key!"

Elizabeth puts the key into the lock, opening the trapdoor.
We all jump down through it into a cave and run down the dark passage. We come of a ledge and all jump down and meet Zeppelin below.
"I see that troll wasn't a problem for you," I say impressed.

"Oh yeah, it was nothing." I responds, acting all suave. I shake my head at him.

"Ooh, what's that!?" Elizabeth asks, picking up an unusual gem.

"No! Don't touch-"

Quest Started: No Stone Unturned

"... that." I finish.

"Sorry!" She apologizes before calling our new friends over to introduce them to her brother.
Once they were all acquainted, we flee Reeking Cave. We exit out onto a snow-covered trail, and the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon.

Before leaving, Etienne turned to me.
"You didn't have to help me, so thanks," He said. "If you're ever in Riften, look me up."

Meanwhile, Malborn was complaining about how he was gonna be hunted for the rest of his life as he ran alongside Brelas.

"I told you he's a dick," Elizabeth said.


I'm baaack!! Yeah, I know you all probably hate me for being on a FUCKING HIATUS, but I'm gonna try to make up for it as best I can! I'll post again on the 15th! I think this is my new favorite chapter! I'm very proud of this one! It's a small light in the dark right now.

I had my best friend read it back to me over the phone, and she doesn't know how to pronounce some TES names, so instead, she just kept calling Etienne "Eenie."😂 I can't help but love her!

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