Kitten just wants to play~


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This story is about the descendants 2 movie. My OC, daughter of the Cheshire cat(My spin off of it, I know a... More

I'm the baddest of them all~
The morning accident~
Hello isle~
Well hello there~
Let's have fun~
Why Ben? Why?
Let's continue shall we~
The rumor~
They will pay~
Hello isle....again
A/N Explanation

The kitty finds her pirate~

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   -Midnight's POV-

   Once we got back to Auradon we exited the limo and walk into the school, and castle. I don't talk to anyone or make eye contact and just storm to my room. As I got there I take a long shower and get dressed in a Cheshire inspired look, however I added some pirate like esc to it. I heard a knock on the door. I slowly trudged over to it and open it slowly--it was Evie.

   "Hey! Come on! We need to go make your dress!"I sighed and shook my head.

   "No thanks E, I've got my own dress this time,"my voice replied. My voice now monotone matched with my stoic, poker face. She gave me a pitied look and pulled me into a tight hug.

   "Shh Hun, it'll be okay,"I broke down and willingly cried for the first time. I sobbed into Evie's shoulder until I was calm, I'm now glad I used waterproof makeup! Evie giggled and wiped some stray tears away,"There! There's that smile people love!"

   "Thanks E,"I smiled slightly a her,"That made me feel better,"she nodded and gave me a closed eye smile. She soon left and I closed my door once again. Why can't I be like her...? No care in the world...I've truly gone mad now...sigh. I decided to leave my room so I walk out to the courtyard. I see Audrey and some of her friends....great....they all don't like me-well Lonnie does but you get it.

   "Oh look what the cat dragged in! Oh, wait!"she giggled. The sound was so high pitched that I wanted to claw my own ears. I growled and continued walking until I was by the bay again. This was where I shed my first real tear, and I use you again old friend. I fall to my knees on the ground and stare out at the isle. Tears polled in my eyes and fell, cascading down my cheeks like a waterfall. My ear twitches as I hear footsteps, I turn to see who they were, it was Ben.

   "What do you want?"it came out harsher than I expected. Ben stood frozen in shock for a few seconds then looked at me with sad eyes.

   "I'm sorry Midnight, but you know I couldn't let you stay there, or have them come here,"I sighed and turned away looking down at my lap--my ears falling limp in sadness.

   "I know..."he sighed and hugged me. I broke down all my remaining tears soaked his shirt. I guess I fell asleep at one point as I felt myself being picked up until darkness was all I saw.

   -Harry's POV-

   Ever since she left I felt...empty...? I sighed and walked over to the edge of the ship where I have full view of Auradon. I looked through the telescope and saw Midnight! She was walking around until she fell to her knees on the ground, she was looking down. I felt she was sad, as was I, I sighed another time and looked again. She was now talking to Ben, soon turning back around looking at her lap as her ears fell limp. Ben hugged her as she cries soon falling asleep.

   "Damn bastard,"I growled. That should be me not him, at least I know he won't try anything as he's already with Mal....wait? Why do I care so much? I.....I think I love her.....

   -Midnight's POV-

   I was awoken some time later to knocking on my door. I yelled a muffled 'come in!' as I was under my big fluffy blanket. I sniffed the air and found it was Evie and Mal.

   "Come on Night, we gotta get ready for the party,"I sighed and nodded forgetting they couldn't see me. I soon crawled out of my blanket cocoon. (I do this all the time! XD)

   "Fine, fine I'm up,"I sighed out and went to the bathroom to shower and then grab my things.

   "Perfect!"I heard Evie yell from my room. After my short shower I get dressed in shorts and a baggy shirt,"What are you wearing?!"oh classic Evie.

   "Chill E I'm not wearing this to the party, I just put them on until I go to your room to change,"she sighed and nodded. We soon left after I grabbed my things.

   -Time Skip-

   After we got dressed I added one last thing to my look before I was satisfied. The girls gasped and hugged me.

   "It's so pretty,"I giggled and looked in the mirror, they weren't wrong.

   "Thanks guys, now let's go see Malsy's party!"I giggled and the girls looked at each other unsure until I nodded. We left after that, Mal went to her spot on the top of the stairs whiles me and Evie went to the party. As Mal's name was called she walked down the stares, then it was Ben's turn.

   "I'm sorry Mal, I don't have the time to explain,"I heard Ben whisper to Mal before Uma walked down those steps. Oh no he didn't! How dare he! Me and Evie led Mal away as the two danced--happy they were--in there own world. I growled as they finished dancing. Soon Mals found out he was spelled so she uses 'true loves kiss' to save him--it works.(Sorry this is the part I'm not good at explaining and the part I have a hard time remembering! >o< Please don't be mad at me!)

   "Ben watch out!"I yelled out as Uma was about to hit him. He soon took his crown off and jacket and jumped into the water.(This is after Uma jumps!) I watch as Ben tries to get Mal and Uma to stop fighting.

   "Be careful Ben!"as I yell this Uma slowly places something in Ben's hand then swims away. Jay and Carlos helps Ben out of the water as Mal lands onto the ship again. She turns back to normal but her hair style and dress are way different, it looks better! I watch as Ben kisses Mal. Everyone soon bursts into a song with a dance, I just go and float above everyone--watching.

[Ben:] Lookin' back at yesterday

I thought I gave it everything

But still there's so much road ahead of me

[Mal:] When I looked into your eyes

I guess I didn't recognise

Who we are and all that we can be

[Both:] Sometimes it's hard to find yourself

But it's worth it in the end

'Cause in your heart is where it all begins

[All:] We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

We gotta get loud

Makin' that change

You gotta believe

(Whoa, oh, oh)

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

[Mal:] It starts with you and me

[Evie & Carlos:] There's something special that I've learned

It's together we can change the world

Everybody's got somethin' they can bring

[Mal & Jay:] When you take a look inside yourself

Do you wish that you were something else

But who you are is who you need to be

[Mal & Evie:] Sometimes it's hard to find yourself, but it's worth it in the end

'Cause in your heart is where it all begins

[All:] We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

We gotta get loud

Makin' that change

You gotta believe

(Whoa, oh, oh)

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

[Mal & Evie:] If we all can do our part

We know that it can be the start

To bring about the difference that we need, yeah

[All:] I promise we can work this out

I promise we can see it through

Don't you know it's up to me

It's up to me and you!

We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

(Wanna be free)

We gotta get loud

Makin' that change

You gotta believe

(Whoa, oh, oh)

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)

It starts with you and me

   As they finish singing Mal and Ben kiss once again. I watch as Evie walks up to them as they start talking about something.

   "Midnight, get down here!"I 'meowed' and shook my head,"Come on I have something to tell you, you'll like it,"I sighed and floated until I was an inch above the floor.

   "What is it E?"she looked at me with a giant smile.

   "Ben says I can make a list of people that we want to come to Auradon,"I snap my head to look at Ben, he smiles and shrugs,"Want me to put Harry on here?"she asks amusement in her voice as well as she said it slowly. I look at her quickly and nodded my head quickly, she giggles,"Thought so~"she sings.

   -Time Skip-

   It's been two days since the coronation and I've been waitin' for that limo to come with Harry inside. Evie and Ben are purposely making me wait longer to tease me, I'll get them back soon~I giggle at my thought and pick out a casual outfit.

   I leave my room and walk around the courtyard for some fresh air. I heard Audrey ramblin' about some hot guy, wonder who it is this time. I sit down on a bench and close my eyes listening to the nature around me. I soon heard footsteps.

   "I swear Carlos, if your trying to scare me don't bother,"I sighed out. I then froze when I heard the voice I've been waiting to hear.

   "Aww, already forgotten me~?"I snap my eyes open and see Harry. I spring up from the bench and jump hug him.

   He chuckles and hugs me back. I start to cry as I only focused on the fact he was back.

   "I missed you,"I whispered to him. He hugged me tighter.

   "I missed you too babygirl,"I laughed at the nickname. He soon wraps my legs around his waist and pulls me into a kiss. I purred into it, deepening it. I wrap arms around his neck as our lips dance together. He licks my bottom lip and I let him in, our tongues were soon locked together fitting perfectly, he claimed his territory. I couldn't think of a better way to see him again, I hope this never ends.

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