CHIM - Life in the limelight

De GeordieDoll

354K 4.9K 531


CHIM - Life in the limelight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Last chapter)

Chapter 24

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De GeordieDoll

The few days Cheryl was away seemed to fly over, thank god. Three days without her is more than enough even though I enjoyed staying back at my family home I'm ecstatic to finally be 'home'. Every time I come back to this house after staying at my parents' it always feels 100x bigger. Paisley is sat at the kitchen table with a crayon in her fist 'drawing' Cheryl a picture, she's bringing her dogs home and Paisley hasn't really stopped talking about it.

"Wow, this is brilliant" I smile proudly at Paisley as she now scribbles pink lines on the paper. "Cheryl will love it"

"Cheryl" She points at the one part of her drawing on the paper and then moves her finger across the page "Mummy!"

"It looks just like me!" if I was a knot of blue scribbles.

We sit here for about 10minutes chatting and colouring until we hear a key being inserted into the door. Paisley almost breaks her neck getting down from the chair and sprinting through to the front door. From the kitchen I can already hear Cheryl's accent and I can hear Paisley speaking with excitement clear in her voice. I quickly leave the kitchen and there she is with Paisley already around her neck. She has a baseball cap on her head with her ponytail sticking though with a black tracksuit, when she raises her head to look at me I realise just how much I missed her smile these short few days I've went without it. "I've missed you both!" She beams and she carries Paisley over to me and pulls me into a one armed three way hug. It sounds weird but I've missed her smell, I've missed hugging her and now I don't want to let go of her. I keep forgetting she was only gone for three days, it seemed like much longer.

"I'm so happy you're home" I kiss her cheek and she returns one on my lips. "Have you had a good time?"

"I have, I've taken pictures of me nephew's party to show you" She says standing Paisley on the ground. "And how are you cheeky monkey?" She crouches down to her on the floor and tickles her chubby belly leaving her in fits of laughter. "Did you miss me?" She asks and Paisley nods her head making her blonde messy hair flop onto her face. "How much did you miss me?"

"This much" Paisley holds out her arms and Cheryl gasps.

"Wow! You did miss me!"

"And don't I know it" I butt in rolling my eyes. "If I had a pound for every 'Wheres Cheryl' or 'When's Cheryl coming back' I would be a millionaire" I laugh and Cheryl chuckles along with me.

"The doggies?" Paisley asks looking around the room.

"They are in the car; will I go and get them?"

"Yes!" She shrieks and she jumps up and down on the spot holding tightly onto Cheryl's hand. She's so excited she may just burst. She loves dogs but obviously I was unable to get her one of her own and now she has two which to say she is happy about would be an understatement.

"I'll be right back" Cheryl winks and she goes back through the door she's just came in. Paisleys hanging around my leg impatiently as she awaits for her to return with the two fur balls of cuteness she's desperate to get her hands on. After a few seconds she comes back in with two small dogs I recognise to be Coco and Buster under her arms. They are already wagging their tails and when she puts them down on the ground they go crazy. They sprint around the hallway, backwards and forwards jumping on Paisley's legs then running back off again. It looks like they are happy to be home too.

"Here! Coco! Buster!" Cheryl calls and she pats her knee. They both come running over to her and she pats Buster on the head. "This is Buster.... And this one is coco" She tells Paisley and she holds Coco out for her to take which she more than happily does.

"I love them" Paisley giggles as he licks her face.

Cheryl turns back around to me and hugs me. I get the feeling that just like me she doesn't want to let go. "You're never leaving me again" I joke kissing behind her ear and she giggles tightening her arms around me.

"That's alright with me"

I finally pull away and place an arm around her back. She leans her head on my shoulder as we watch Paisley larking around with both dogs. The house is full of excited barks and Paisleys cute laughter. I don't think I have ever felt so happy with life. She's giggling away to herself and the dogs seem to be loving all the attention she is giving them.

"We have a proper little family now don't we?" Cheryl says smiling up at me.

"We do" I smile back placing a kiss on her head.


The dogs seem to have settled right back in and are now sprawled out on the floor after a very busy day with as a energetic Paisley has worn them out running around the garden all morning until it started to rain. Our friends are coming over tonight, I seen Nicola yesterday and decided that a gathering at mine and Cheryl's was more than needed; she's hardly even spoken to Sarah since we had the barbeque here the other week and of course Sarah cant say no to coming over when theres drink involved. Cheryl isn't too happy about the arrangements. She was hoping for a quiet night in but once they get here she will be fine and enjoy herself, at least that's what I'm hoping. She's leaning against me on the sofa with her legs tucked under herself and she's enjoying the feeling of me running my fingers through her hair as we sip on our first glass of wine. Paisley is sat on the rug silently looking up at the huge flat screen TV watching some cartoon garbage blasting away.

"She loves them doesn't she?" Cheryl smiles referring to Paisley and her dogs. She most defiantly does. She's sat right in-between them and as she watches the TV she's stroking both their fluffy tummies at the same time, just like me I doubt she's ever been happier.

"She does, it's her birthday soon I can't believe she's nearly three"

"It's in August, right?"

"Yeah, then in September she's starting nursery"

"God, it will be weird without her running around the house all day isn't it?"

I nod my head and take a sip of my wine. "I don't want her to grow up"

"She will always be your baby"

"True... it's going to be a crazy few months"


"We have Paisley's birthday coming up, her party, she's starting nursery and you have rehearsals for your tour starting tomorrow then from October it's going to be even more hectic with you actually on tour"

"I know" She pouts. "We will figure something out when the tour gets sooner"

"I've been thinking..."

"That's good; I've often wondered if you had a brain" Cheryl jokes.

"Oi, you're a fine one to talk!"

"I know" She admits through laughter. "Okay then queen Kimba, what have you been thinking about?"

"Well ... Paisleys having a birthday party at my parents and I was thinking that maybe you can meet my family then? You don't have to if you don't want to but I jus-"

"Don't want to? Kimberley I would love to!" She beams from ear to ear. "Are you sure its ok with you? We aren't moving too fast for you are we?"

"Of course I am, you are my girlfriend and it's not for a couple of months yet but that's not the only thing I was going to ask"

"Go on"

"Maybe you could invite your family over too? I'm sure your nieces and nephews would love the party I'm planning and I would really like to meet them ... especially your mum"

Chery looks like she's about to burst, she jumps up and down on her knees and takes both my hands in hers. "Are you being serious?"


I'm startled as she jumps on top me and wraps both her arms around my neck. "I fucking love you Kimberley!"

"I would be worried if you didn't" I giggle rubbing her back. She sits back onto her knees still on my lap and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I can't wait to meet your brother and your sisters and your mum and dad and -"

"Stop for breath" I gasp in mock exhaustion and she intertwines our fingers squeezing my hand tightly.

"I'm just so excited... oh and one thing!"


"It's me mam not mum .... I feel weird saying that"

"Okay okay! Your 'mam' ... I feel weird saying that"

"Shh!" Paisley turns around holding a finger to her lips. "Its Mr tumble" She points at the TV and turns back around.

"That's us told" I chuckle into Cheryl's shoulder.


Less than a few hours later Nadine and Sarah have arrived at our house and Cheryl's already consumed a few glasses of wine. I'm rather envious of Nadine's tan, with the weather being so nice lately I've been sunbathing as much as I can but with a toddler it's hard. I've sort of tanned but nothing like her, she's glowing.

"Oi Oi Chezza!" Sarah shouts holding a bottle of wine in the air as she crosses the kitchen to hug Cheryl. Typical Sarah, No matter how many times you tell her she doesn't have to bring drink with her she always does, her favourite line is 'There can never be too much alcohol' but she isn't the one that has to deal with her intoxicated self who is always more obnoxious then she already is, she's normally a absolute nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Cheryl smiles at her and she looks over her shoulder and holds an arm out for Nadine who quickly enters her embrace. "God look at the tan on you!"

"She looks gorgeous doesn't she" Sarah coos twirling her around.

"Oh guys!" Nadine laughs bashfully.

"Nicola will be here in a minute, when does Lily get back?" I ask Cheryl who shrugs.

"She should be back within the next few days, I'm not exactly sure when"

Paisley comes walking through the door and as soon as she sees Nadine she runs and attaches herself to her legs. "Hello Missy" Nadine grins and she hugs her. Buster also jumps up onto her leg begging for some attention.

"What is it with Nads? Everyone loves her even the friggin' dog"

"She's a lovable person aren't you Nad" Sarah replies rubbing her back.

"Do you want some help?" Cheryl asks randomly receiving a few confused looks.

"What do you mean?" Sarah frowns.

"It looks like you need some help climbing out of her arse"

I look at Cheryl and then at Sarah and Nicola's shocked faces before bursting into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "I can't even be nice anymore like" Sarah pouts as Nadine stays silent. There is a knock on the front door breaking the awkwardness and Cheryl goes to open it with Nadine following behind her.

"Are we drinking or what?" Sarah asks already opening the wine. "I'm proper gasping"

"When aren't you?"


The night has gone smoothly; everyone just sat around, chatted and drunk wine after I finally managed to persuade Paisley to let me take her to bed. Everyone is tipsy apart from me and Nicola, Well I say 'tipsy' Nadine and Sarah are drunk which really isn't a surprise and Cheryl is just as bad. I've never been one into public displays of affection but I've recently found out that Cheryl is a rather soppy drunk. She's sat behind me on the sofa with her chin on my shoulder and her arms around my waist and of course once again Nadine and Sarah are thick as thieves laughing and carrying on sitting or should I say lying on the floor.

"I'm shattered" Nicola yawns into her hand and falls back onto the sofa beside me and Cheryl.

"You can go to bed if you like; you can use one of the spare rooms again"

"I'll have one more glass" She reaches for the wine with a cheeky smile and Sarah laughs.

"Didn't you say that three glasses ago?"

"You can't talk Miss I'm always pissed Harding"

"Can we go to bed?" Cheryl says huskily in my ear but she's not whispering, everyone can hear.

"I'm not tired"

"Who said we have to sleep?"

"Oh god" Nicola covers her face and Sarah and Nadine both cackle loudly.

"What? There's nothing wrong with me wanting to show me beautiful girlfriend how much I've missed her is there?" Cheryl defends herself and everyone laughs even more. "They're laughing at us" She pouts at me and I tilt my head so I can see her face.

"Do you want a kiss?" I ask matching her pout and she nods her head. I put a hand on her cheek and give her a simple kiss but of course she was hoping for more. She pulls my lips back to hers and runs her tongue over my lip. Despite being around our friends I give her what she wants and I part my lips and begin battling my tongue with hers. I only just pull away when her hand travels from my neck to my waist and I hear our friends chanting and wolf whistling like a bunch of blokes.

"Get a room you two!" Nicola says.

"Get in there Kimbers!" Sarah shouts and I lick my bottom lip tasting the lip gloss she left behind. I don't say anything I just giggle as Cheryl attaches her lips onto my neck. I nudge her off me and she whines in frustration.

"Come with us to bed" She gets up from the sofa and attempts to pull me up with her. I look at Nicola who looks embarrassed for me and Sarah and Nadine obviously find the whole thing hilarious.

"Chez we have guests, come on sit here and I'll get you some water" I pat the sofa and she shakes her head.

"I don't want water, I want you"

"Go please your woman Kimmmm" I hear Nadine snigger.

"Chez!" I whisper in desperation feeling myself getting even more embarrassed.

"Fine! I'll go up and please meself like I have been doing the past few days" Cheryl slurs letting go of my hand and she goes to walk across the room but her drunkenness gets the better of her and as she sways from side to side she falls onto Sarah and Nadine on the floor. I jump up to help but the shrieks of laughter confirm she's fine and with Nadine and Sarah having a lot to drink they find it hilarious too. With all the laughter and shouting I'm scared in case they wake Paisley up, she's normally a deep sleeper but still.

"They're going to wake Paisley up" I sigh to Nic and run my fingers through my hair.

"Will we get them to bed?" Nicola asks and I nod, I think that's the best idea because if we don't they will just continue to drink.

"I think that's for the best" I agree. "Cheryl, will we go up now?" I ask Cheryl and she's still laughing laying over the two others legs. "Chez!" I get up and with a struggle I manage to get her onto her feet and i drape her arm over my shoulders. Nicola is doing the same with the others but now Nadine is trying her best to help her with Sarah despite her own drunken state. Why is it always me and Nicola stuck with the drunks?

"I do love you Kimberley" Cheryl slurs and she rests one hand on my chest. "Do you know I love you? Like I proper proper love you" Her breath curls into my face, it smells of a mix between alcohol and the mints she's been popping into her mouth the minority of the night.

"I know you do, come on" I attempt at taking her across the room but she stops me.

"Carry us"

"I'm not carrying you"

"Please?" She asks looking at me with the most adorable look on her face. "Please Kimba"

"Ok fine" I give in and I hold her whole bodyweight in my arms. One arm is under her legs and the other around her back as she holds tight onto my neck. Nicola just chuckles as I disappear up the stairs leaving her to get the other two messes into the spare room.

Once I get Cheryl into our room she collapses backwards onto the bed and her eyes immediately close. I leave Cheryl to get herself dressed and go to check on Paisley, she's still fast asleep despite the noise from the lunatics downstairs and both dogs are curled up at the bottom of her bed. I walk over to her and brush her hair out of her face. "Good night angel" I whisper and I lean down to kiss her head. She stirs under my touch so I decide to go back into my own room in case I happen to wake her. I leave her room but not before I give her another kiss.

When I go back into mine and Cheryl's room she's in the exact same place and position she was when I left her. Her arm is draped over her eyes and she hasn't even attempted to get herself into bed, actually I think she's fallen asleep. As I go over to her I realise she has, she looks so angelic. Something about Cheryl's face when she sleeps is so adorable; her lips always form the cutest little pout. As much as I hate to disturb her I need to get her into bed. I rub my hand up and down her arm and whisper to her softly. "Wake up Cheryl, you need to get out of these clothes" She ignores me and turns her head to the other side.

"I'm sleeping"

"No you aren't, come on quickly and then you can sleep I promise" She again fails to answer so I take it upon myself to get her undressed. Once I get her undressed I get her into bed and I turn off the light climbing in with her. She immediately rolls into our natural sleeping position of her in my arms and her head on my chest.

"I missed you" She slurs with her voice laced with sleep.

"I know, I missed you too" I whisper tickling her bare arms with my fingernails. I prepare to fall asleep but I'm disturbed by her voice once again.

"I'll show you how much tomorrow"

"Okay I'll look forward to it, now goodnight" With how much she has drank tonight I'm guessing she will be in a fragile state in the morning and its her first day at rehearsals for her tour, i did warn her not to drink too much but one glass turned to two and so on, i would hate to be her in the morning.

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