A Crown of Winter Roses

By imintheblackparade

217K 5.4K 275

Game of Thrones Fanfic This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5 Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his el... More

Prologue Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Prologue Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Prologue Part 4

4.6K 71 5
By imintheblackparade

And the final chapter of A Crown of Winter Roses is finally here. This has been so crazy to write, especially as just this week it broke 1,000 votes!!!! Please bear in mind this was incredibly hard to write, so I will put a trigger warning on it!

Anyways, the second book 'A Throne of Winter Roses' is now published too, so check that out if you want. It continues on with Rosie's journey, and there will also be a new love interest in the mix ;) ;) 

Thank you so much for all the comments, and the reads, and the votes; it means so much :*

Prologue Part 4

The night was drawing quick and fast over King's Landing, the jutting reds of a rich sunset nestled down deep by the harshness of the blues and blacks; the city quick to plunge into darkness, save for a few lights that kept illuminated. Outside the city, rows upon rows of Lannister men waited patiently, their horses rearing beneath them as they watched while others held shaking shields. They had them surrounded and with little to no defence against the hoard, they were dead.

The Red Keep was still, following the days after noble Rhaegar's death and the betrayal was felt raw and deep in the Targaryen stronghold; a young Elia sat weeping on her bed as she hugged his robe to her. She couldn't help but feel like a small part was her fault, that it spiraled because of her actions, and now her loving husband was dead. It was Elia who encouraged Rhaegar to fall in love, she urged him to because she didn't want him alone, she was dying.

That's how Lyanna came into the mix, he saw her at the tourney, and knew he wanted to love her for her beauty. Elia couldn't be jealous, she hadn't been raised that way, Dorne being rather liberal with their love.

Although she couldn't be jealous, she was upset at his disappearance; he still had kids here, he still had his wife. It was this disappearance that kickstarted it all, and Aerys reaction to the two Starks.

They went to war for her, both sides. The Starks believing that Rhaegar had kidnapped Lyanna because he felt like it; and Rhaegar wanting to defend the honour of his family and eventually show his love for Lyanna. What a blind fool that Baratheon was for thinking Lyanna loved him; and now thousands of men are dead, including her Uncle and husband.

How was she supposed to explain that to Rosie? The girl adored him with every fibre of her being, and now he was dead. Her grandfather was so, disinterested in it all; like the death of his son didn't faze him but Elia knew better. He was murderous, delusional, and insane; he kept her trapped her. It was a move of loyalty, he needed all the help he could and keeping the Dornish Princess locked in her tower was all it took.

Elia was so broken from it all, she couldn't think properly; jumping from thought to thought but it was her children that stood out more. They didn't have a father now because of selfish choices from their parents, Elia simply shook her head. She still had yet to tell them; herself wanting to tell them rather than them finding out accidentally or worse, their grandfather telling them.

Aegon wouldn't understand, he was too young, barely even a toddler. He would grow to not even remember him and that pained her physically. Even Rhaenys would barely remember her father, being just a year older than Aegon; only Rosaerys would have the fond memories of their families, and Elia made a silent promise that they would stay there forever.

Standing from the bed, she held the rich black and red robe in her hand as she brushed at the tears, trying to clear her complexion as she walked slowly to Rosie's room. She had been growing difficult in the coming months leading to now, in a way she was sure that the small girl knew exactly what was happening around her, and that she was far wiser than her 6 years.

Elia knocked lightly, waiting for the small girl to pull on the door. The soft face of the young child filled her dark eyes and she gave a residue of a smile; the indigo so like her father's staring back, calculating. From the tears and knowing her father was at war, the girl froze at the sight of her mother standing there.

Elia felt her maternal instincts kick in as she dropped to her knees, embracing Rosie to her before feeling her small arms wrap around her, clinging to tightly. A bell rang in the distance, noting the stronghold of a siege but Elia didn't care, she had to comfort the small girl. "Come on, baby. Let's get you to Aegon's room."

She had been left behind like her siblings, not deemed Targaryen enough for the Mad King to send away, and now they had to suffer. Elia knew she had time, time that would buy the safety of one if not two of her children, and perhaps even all of them. Picking Rosie up, she struggled with her before dashing to Aegon's nursery, Rhaenys rushing just behind. They knew what the bell meant, but it didn't mean that they had to cower in their own home.

"Babies, I want you to listen to me very carefully okay because Momma needs to do her best to look after you." Elia started, glancing out the window to see the fiery lights of the Lannister army marching towards the castle. "Your daddy isn't going to come home okay? When he went away, he had an unfortunate accident and won't be coming back, do you understand me?" It was easier for Elia to explain it this way, to make it seem lighter than it was.

Rosie nodded but Rhae looked confused as she faced her mother, the two looking so similar. "Why won't he be coming back? Does he not like us anymore?" She asked, meeting her mother's eyes with a large doeish look. It broke Elia's heart.

"No baby, he won't be coming back because he's gone to join your aunts and uncles with the Seven Gods; he wouldn't leave you ever, he loves you three too much to do so." She said, thinking quick on her feet. She didn't want to reveal that their father died, more that he had gone away - that's what you do for kids that small, right?

"Listen to me." She began, looking to each one of her children. "Whatever happens here, I want you to run if I tell you, okay? Like a game of hide and seek." The children nodded, too young to truly understand the gravity of the situation as she stared down at them softly. They had such beautiful faces, each a mixture of Rhaegar. While one had his eyes, the other his hair, or his lips, or even his nose; each having that form of connection between the three.

She reached down, gazing lovingly at her children. "Rosie, Rhae; I want you to stay in the closet, do you hear me? Do not come out for anything unless I give you a signal, okay?" Rose nodded first, taking the hand of her younger sister. "If anything happens, wait until the room is clear and go the opposite way to they have - stay safe! Do you understand me?" The girls nodded again, neither of them understanding the breadth of it all. Elia sighed lovingly, before standing back up, leading the two to the large closet beside them.

She pulled on the door, the wood opening with ease from the little hook that kept the two together. Elia stared once more at her two daughters, both as gorgeous as each other yet so very different in the way they look. She helped Rhaenys up first, her little legs stretching before tucking herself in. Rose was next to go, tucking her body around her sister's to keep her as safe as she could. Elia smiled, tears threatening to brim but she pushed them away. She pressed a kiss on each of their hands, before pushing the doors closed, the latch remaining off in need of escape.

Elia's heart lurched in her throat as she heard the doors thrown open her body shaking as she cupped her son to her. If there was an ounce of remorse that the Lannister soldiers had, she wished it here; even if they didn't spare her, she hoped they spared her children. Elia placed him softly in the crib, keeping him quiet as possible by jiggling a toy.

Footsteps mingled with her heart as she listened out, her attention half remaining on Aegon, half on the footsteps; they were close now. Her heart thumped as the door across the corridor opened before slamming shut - they tried another one. Elia thought on the corridor, they must have been close, there should have only been 5 leading to hers. She took a breath, her back held to the door as she looked to Aegon.

The handle rattled, the lock remaining tight behind her. Elia was scared, she could feel the treacherous white fear slip up her spine before snaking across to the tips of her fingers and toes. What were they going to do?

A foot kicked against the wood, splinters shattering around them as Elia dived to cover her youngest child. She fell before him, grasping the crib with her hands as she looked behind; her eyes trailing up the wall of a man. He was easily the biggest man she had ever seen, with arms as thick as tree trunks and a face angrier than the Seven Hells. She held her breath, watching him with fearful eyes. His sword was as tall as she was as he swung it, her body narrowly missing the blade but it captured the trail of her dress.

She was stuck, the tall monster trudging towards her before gripping her face and letting his arm swing back. A sickening crunch fell across the room as blood and teeth spilled from her lips and across the floor. He dropped her, kicking her with his boot; the sharp tip connecting with her ribs. Pain flourished in her body as she rolled against the rug, a grunt of pain leaving her lips. The hulking beast turned, picking the sword once more before swinging.

The crib bars shattered against the metal, Elia watching in horror as Aegon was swiped with the blade. "Aegon!" She screamed, the man gripping onto Aegon's head. She rose, her body shaky and radiating with pain. What was he going to do with her son? Blood trailed through the fist of the man, her son screaming with tears flowing down his face. The man stepped back, close to the wall before swinging; Aegon flowing through the air like a rag doll before hitting the wall. He did it again, like her child was nothing more than a disk to throw through the air. Aegon stopped crying.

The world went quite, blood rushing to her ears as she scrambled up, tears streaming down her face. Her son, her Egg!

Rose watched in horror as the man dropped her brother like he was nothing, his face battered within an inch of his life and his body motionless. She wanted to scream, the small view from the keyhole providing enough to burn to memory. She watched as he advanced on Elia, fumbling with his armour. Elia could barely moving, her eyes never leaving her infant son. Large hands fell across her body, blood and brains dripping across his hands.

Large hands sought her dress before ripping. Rose turned away, keeping her head in place over the keyhole to drown what was happening around them. Rhae looked up to her. "Rosie, what's happening?" Rhae asked, her eyes as wide as saucers as she looks up to her older sister.

"I-I don't know, Rhae." Rosie admitted, watching as her sister cuddled into her, blocking out Elia's screams. Elia told the girls not to move unless she'd given a signal or the room was empty, so they just had to stay put.

"Will you sing to me?" Rhae asked, tucking further into Rose's dress.

Rose nodded, thinking of her favourite song. "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight; wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight; star light, star bright, first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. Shinedown starlight, please help to make this our night.The one I love will be here soon, please shine above and bring the moon." Her Valyrian was perfect as she soothed her younger sister, keeping their voices no louder than a whisper.

The screams grew louder as the song went on before suddenly, Elia wailed, the sound long and heartbreaking against the silence - she was struggling. It all fell silence after a sickening crunch and Rose's eyes widened as she pushed them further into the clothes, the two girls looked to one another. Rose turned, peeking out at the bedroom. It was now deserted, the man that had entered before, had left.

Rose held her breath as she pushed her finger against her lip, her hand hovering out to keep Rhae there. She pushed on the door, her small feet dropping against the rug before standing up. The coast was clear, the room was empty. Rosie glanced around it, her indigo eyes widening as she looked at Elia. Her face, much like Aegon's, was unrecognisable, blood spilling from her body like a thick, red river. Rose swallowed her shriek, her body shivering as she looked to Aegon. He was cast aside, dead like his mother.

Rose turned back to the closet, the door kept the scene behind her hidden. "Okay, keep your eyes closed until I tell you different." She muttered, watching as Rhae emerged from the clothes, her eyes closed. Rose pulled her younger sister to her, letting her clamber onto her back with her head buried deep into the crook of her neck.

Rosie ran as fast as she could from the room, checking the men had definitely gone before sprinting in the opposite direction, taking the servants stairs. "We should be safe in here for a while, you can open your eyes now." Rose said, setting her down on the step. Rhae nodded, holding onto her sister's hand. Rose didn't know what to do or where to go, she was clueless but one thing she knew, was that she didn't want to run into that man again. "Let's try find someone we trust." Rose suggested, walking up the stairs before pushing on a door.

It led down another sweep of chambers, this time close to Rhaegar's; Rose smiled as she pushed on the door. "Here, let's try papa's room." She whispered, looking around at the familiar decor. Rose glanced out at the window, seeing King's Landing lit with flaming torches and ant-like soldiers. Her eyes crossed over to the other side of the courtyard, the hulking figures of the men before stalking the corridor leading to this one. "Rhae we gotta go!" She screamed, fearful of the two men as she looked to her younger sister.

Rhae looked to her not sensing the danger as she touched their father's robe. "But Rosie!"

"No, Rhae, I mean it, we got to go!" It was too late now, the men were already on their way, they'd spot them easily enough. "You need to hide, go, under the bed." She said to her sister, watching as she slid underneath, Rosie running to the shutters that hid clothes before moulding in.

The door burst open once more, a thick ugly man making his way in. He was terrifying as he held his sword in front of him, his eyes marvelling at the sight of their father's room. Rhae sneezed, the dust tickling at her nose gentle. Rose's eyes gaped wide as he turned in the direction of the bed, his feet stepping slowly towards it. Please let him pass it off, please let him pass it off; she muttered in her mind as he stopped for a moment. She could see Rhae shivering beneath, her eyes frightened as she looked to her sister.

The new man crouched, his knee touching the floor as he began to bend, his hand gripping the cover. Rosie could hear the blood rush to her ears as his face blocked Rhae's, the chuckle radiating around the room. "Now, what do we have here?" He questioned, looking at the Targaryen girl. His hand sought beneath the cover before yanking her out by the wrist, Rae screaming. Rose should have done something, anything for her sister but she remained rooted to the spot, frozen in terror. "A wee Targaryen girl, aye?" His sword rose, threatening her sister before burying it deep inside her. Other men soon began to enter the room, watching as her sister with skewered. Rose bit back a yelp, her eyes tearing away from the scene as Rhae screamed.

The sound of the sword entering the small body filled the room over and over, her screams quickly dying out.

Rose collapsed to the floor with a soft thud, tear slipping down her cheeks. Her whole family was dead, murdered by someone - just like her father. "Come on boys, let's take her back to Tywin, see what he wants done with them." The footsteps trailing out quickly.

She wasn't sure how long she had stayed there, hunched on the floor as a war waged around her but she knew she needed to get out - she needed to stay alive, for her family. Rose went back to the servant stairs, taking them two at a time before leading the way through hidden passages to the Throne room. Her eyes looked to Jaime, her grandfather still alive. Rosie smiled at seeing a familiar face, her small body running in. The Throne Room was still impenetrable from the outside, only the Kingsguard being able to leave.

"Grandad!" She screamed, running across the room, surely he'd be happy to see her! "Grandpapa they killed them all, I saw it!" She stopped just short of the Throne, looking to her withered Grandfather. His face remained to be one of disgust as he spared a glance, Jaime's eyes widening with horror. Aerys hobbled down the stairs, his long beard dirty just like his hands. He approached his granddaughter fast, his hand falling to her arm before yanking her up the steps.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." He littered out, his voice hoarse as he spat at his granddaughter. Rose frowned, she didn't understand. "You're not true Targaryens, you're not worthy. You caused this upon our city, you're the reason we're failing!" He roared at her, Rose cowered, stepping away. She thought he'd understand, she thought he loved her, but he hated her; that's why daddy always kept her away from him.

"Burn them all!" He screamed out, his voice wild with fury. "Burn them all!" He screamed again, Jaime watching as Aerys held Rosie in his grasp. The pyromancer krept at the side, his eyes awaiting his King's command. He continued to shout at Rose before raising his fist, Rose cowered. Steel poked from his chest as the hand came swinging through - it stopping just inches from her.

Aerys fell, crumbled to the floor as blood poured from his mouth. Rosie looking on in horror, as Jaime swept her off her feet and away. Jaime was always nice to her, always tried to protect her from the things this Keep had seen, but even her failed at times. She fell, clutching onto his shoulder. "Let's get you away." He muttered, before fleeing from the Keep into the night. It would be a quick trip down to the beach, easier if there was little to no ships in the bay. His armour clinked as he ran as fast as he could, concealing her in a wrap of brilliant white.

He saw the beach, the salt tickling at his nose as he leaped towards a small boat, a cook sitting within it. "Take her to Dragonstone." Jaime hissed, sloshing through the water as he raced towards the cook. The fat cook stumbled, holding his arm out for the girl who he had known from since she was born. "Keep her safe. Go! Go now!" He screamed before the boat rowed away, disappearing among the horizon. 

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