The Forgotten Elvish Princess...

By TweesBungalow

17K 601 173

5000yrs old, no memory, incredible power and an evil rising. Tulsa, an immortal, falls to Arda where betrayal... More

Fangorn Forest
Greenwood's King
Ambush of Greenwood
The Feast
Caught off guard
The Journey to Erebor
A Kings Gift
The story of Melkor
The Kings Comfort
Sibling Rivalry
The World of Men
Dol Guldur
The Sacrifice
Rings of the Valar

The Brother.

635 31 5
By TweesBungalow

"B-brother?" I choked, half stepping back at my own sounding of the word. His brow raised at my reaction, the corner of his lips pulling into a somewhat mischievous smirk.

"My name is Darion, if you wished to know, and yours I believe is Tulsa..." He narrowed his eyes,

"Y-yes." I stuttered. "Pleased to finally... meet you?" I spoke with uncertainty.

"How is it, you've never met me, yet you appear to be afraid of me?" he mused, glancing sideways toward me.

"You're... the son of M-Melkor." I stuttered out, walking back from him as he took a step forward.

"So I am to be charged with the crimes of my father?" he said a little more sternly, his lips pulling into a thin line. "I'd expect better of you" he spoke disappointedly.

I felt my eyes narrow.

"Better? Of me?" I scoffed, "You barely know me, in fact, this is the first time you've met me!" I yelled at him, he growled and lunged forward, his gloved hand coming around my throat.

"See, little sister, it hurts when people assume things" He hissed, throwing me back along the ground. He walked to and fro as I cradled my head.

"Compared to your little display of power last night when you devised a plan to be rid of my horde and free those hostages, now look at you..." He huffed, stilling at he opened his arms toward my position on the ground. "You're pathetic, soft... like mother."

My eyes widened at his words and my eyes and palms ignited at the mention of our mother, picking myself up he stood, taller than me and his eyes never changing as they bored into mine.

"Well?" he began, "Not going to retort? Not going to defend our pretty mother?" he smirked.

"Melkor forced her! Manipulated her!" I felt my lips quivering "I saw what he did! How could you say such a thing!" I exclaimed.

His smile disappeared instantly, as his head began to lower whilst glaring at me, his eyes glazing over in a deep red and yellow aura.

"You...saw it?" he asked softly. "You would have been but a mere child.."

I gulped, he saw it and my palms began to sweat.

He took a step forward as I stepped back.

"Brother..." I began,

He stepped forward again.

"Sister..." he spoke softly "How did you see such a thing?",

I stepped back.

"Y-you don't have to follow him." I said softly, looking directly at him as I felt my back hit the rocky wall. "You don't have to do his bidding..."

"You don't know where you are... do you?" he asked, a look of amusement in his voice.

"I'm in the City of Dale..."

"Correct... but not on the same plane..." he indicated around us, I saw the curiosity in his eyes, I half began to glance around whilst also keeping an eye on him.

I gasped.

We indeed, were in the City of Dale, just outside the King's halls.


Everything...was destoyed.

I stood close the edge of the balcony, a thick smog held the city captive, no sight of anything living. A huge black Craban squarked loudly flying over my head making me jump, Darion came to stand beside me.

"This is the wraith realm, very nasty place, even harder to get too.." he spoke softly, "It's not a place I expected to be summoned too."

He looked across at me inquiringly, leaning against the rubble.

"What... I..." I looked back over the dead landscape, then back to my half brother.

"Well..." he rolled his eyes, "You certainly did not summon me here... I doubt you even knew how to, given your reaction to this god forsaken place."

"Then.. how did I get here?" I spoke turning to him, he looked out over the land then back to me,

"Manwe... I assume wanted you to see what happens if his brother, my father, succeeds in his mission to bring the world into darkness." He scoffed, "Morgoth certainly would not have dreamed of sending you here freely, trapping you here permanently is more his style" Darion chuckled, "Luckily for that shiny ring you're wearing, you're safe from that ever happening, I had mine removed long ago." He pulled off one of his black armoured gloves, showing me his pale hand, strong and powerful. I blinked seeing a distinct burn were a ring would have been on his index finger, the same finger this ring was now on mine.

"All of the Valar are given rings to travel the realms of Arda, it stops you from getting lost and helps you to find home again.." he spoke with a small smile, "I can't believe they didn't teach you all of these things..." a gave a small smile, turning suddenly as a dark thought occured to me.

"This... this IS a trap!" I exclaimed, Darions eyes glanced sideways toward me, a sly smirk playing at his lips.

"How... how do I get out of here?" I yelled loudly.

"Call for your precious Valar... I'm sure they can help..." he spoke tilting his head.

Then I heard it, a huge thump from the center of the city, Cabane flew in all directions. A huge dark figure emerged from the dust and smog, his eyes flaming red.

I felt my breath hitch.

"You know nothing of my father and his ways" Darion spoke darkly, "But, you'll soon find out..."

I turned back to the huge shadowed figure walking down the main street before us, the shadows around the figure began to form dark black armour, three bright white lights emerged from the smog forming a black crown.

"No.. it can't be... are they.." I spoke softly, knowing exactly what those three gems were, not daring to believe the sight in from of me.

"The Silmaril?" Darion finished rather smugly.

"Melkor?" I all but whispered my uncles name.

The figure below lifted its head, a evil grin across his face, the dark lord himself.

"Brother...?" I asked, my surroundings becoming somewhat hazy, he looked at me as his body began to cover in armour, his eyes filled with mirth.

"Don't call me that, family are not amongst you here, that- I can assure you" he snarled, within a moment his sword was unsheathed and under my chin.

"Brother, please I don't- I don't understand." I pleaded, as my surroundings became darker.

I looked down toward Melkor, frightened, certainly not ready to face the most powerful member of the Valar.

"Darion!" I yelled, to which I was only granted a sly smirk and a wicked glint.

I felt my airways tighten, the smog becoming thicker, I coughed and held my chest.

A hand rushed toward me, a blinding shockwave washed over the area, "Wake Tulsa! Come back into the light!" A loud voice commanded, what looked like a staff slammed against the ground and all went white.


My eyes snapped open and I screamed, I was met by two rather old blue eyes, his face was covered with a grey beard and mustache, his eyebrows bushy and his hair long. He muttered something I couldn't quite make out, his hands on either side of my face, "Tulsa? Tulsa are you with us?" he spoke, I nodded, hearing him clearer this time. I saw him sigh and he turned to speak with someone else who I couldn't see, I felt exhausted, and damp.


I looked down and found my body was soaking in sweat, my breathing was shallow and my eyes heavy. I was lying on a large bed, surrounded by people I couldn't quite make out.

"What happened?" I muttered softly.

"You were talking to yourself, in your sleep, we found you passed out on the guard tower floor" I recognised the voice as King Bard. "You started sweating, like you were having a nightmare, then your head started bleeding..." he explained, I turned my head to where his voice was my vision coming into focus to see his worried expression.

"My head?" I asked again, my own palm coming up to feel fresh blood oozing from a wound.

I hissed as I touched it, it was fresh indeed, I blinked confusedly.

"How did I hurt my head?" I asked allowed.

"The wraith realm is no place to be visiting young lady..." The elder man said, helping me to sit up against the backboard.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I spoke a little abruptly.

"Oh forgive me, my name is Gandalf...Gandalf the grey" he smiled friendly. "...Perhaps you have heard of me?" he sounded hopeful.

"N-no...sorry I haven't" I replied sheepishly, felt Gandalf press a cold cloth against my forehead.

"Tulsa... what did you see child?" the old man eyed me suspiciously, "I know that was no mere nightmare..." he spoke with a stern and warning tone.

"You... were the voice?" I asked cautiously,

"Yes, and had I been a moment later, I may have not been able to pull you out" he nodded as you spoke. "It's an honour to meet a child of the Valar in the flesh" he smiled,

"How did you know to be here?"

"The world works in mysterious ways, I'd never try to understand it, only allow myself to be guided by it" he spoke in riddles. "It was something far greater at work to have me here at the moment you fell too deep..." he raised his brows.

"He was on his way to help with the hostage situation, but arrived a day late..." King Bard corrected.

"...a wizard is never late my leisge, he arrives precisely when he means to!" Gandalf grumbled.

A.. Wizard?

This man?

An Istari?

My eyes must have widened tenfold.

"Oh come away now Lads' let the girl sleep." One of the maids spoke, giving me an apologetic glance.

Gandalf and Bard dipped their heads slightly as they left the huge room, the maid approached me with a smile, "How about we get you out of those wet clothes?"

The mention of damp clothes broke me from my trance.

"Oh, yes, please. This is disgusting." I commented, climbing from the bed, feeling rather nauseous.

The maid chuckled lightly, pointing to the corner where she had run a large hot bath, as she turned I stripped and stepped in.

The maid washed my hair as I washed my body, "You're quite the hero around town, did you know?" she spoke kindly.

"How so?"

"Well most people are speaking of what you did, saving those people, word also reached us from Erebor.." she spoke slowly.

"Wait, Erebor?" I said nervously, knowing I had defied the King's orders.

"Yes My Lady, a messenger arrived this morning, two actually. They had some more of your belongings you had left behind when leaving to help us, despite the Kings demand that you stay, of course." She giggled.

"Are they still in dale?" You asked eagerly,

"Yes M'Lady, I believe they were doing some trading before heading back."

I hurried the maid along at that, wanting to see if I knew the messengers, and to apologise for leaving without the Kings permission.

King Bard has kindly provided me with a new dress so I didn't have to wear my tight corsets and armour whilst in the city, he had also provided me with a room to stay as long as I wished.

The dress was long, engraved and shimmered changing colors, made of all different types of silk. My hair was then done by two maids and by the time they had finished it was early afternoon, but nonetheless I felt much better and more lively.

(But white, for Tulsa's hair color)

I thanked the maids and walked down the hallways into the adjacent Kings halls, Bard sat on his Throne, and all the people in the Hall clapped and cheered as dipped my head slightly, Bard climbed down the front steps and tooks up my palms, making me jump a little.

"You look beautiful" he spoke sincerely. 

"Oh... thank you" I avoided his gaze, feeling heat in my cheeks. "Your maids did a won-"

"You did a wonderful job" he chuckled, happily cutting me off. "What's got you in such a hurry?" he smiled.

"I heard that two messengers came from Erebor, I wished to apologise for leaving, I disobeyed Thorin's direct orders... "

"...and saved the lives of many of my people, if the King under the mountain wishes words with you because of that, then I will be right beside you speaking my own." he nodded reassuringly.

"Thank you Bard" I laughed, "But, I do wish to do this..." I stayed to my course.

He nodded, "Both beautiful and honourable, very well, they are down in the plaza" he twirled me around letting go of my hand as I laughed. "Be back for dinner though, if possible" he asked nicely, though I knew it was more of a command.

"My Lady! How good it is to see you looking well." Gandalf spoke from outside the doors, sitting on a chair smoking his pipe.

"Good evening Mr Gandalf, thank you, for everything you did for me." you dipped your head in a bow, "Forgive me, I didn't know you were a member of the istari, if I had..."

"Come now Tulsa, how were you expected to know such things? The honour however, My Lady, is mine." he smiled humbly and dipped his own head.

"Then you know tha-" He held up his finger silencing me.

"This is not the place for such conversations, lest the wrong eyes or ears catch our words, we will have time" he said in a hushed tone, "Do not fret"

I nodded.

"Of course, we will be talking later, I can see you're busy." he spoke happily. "If you're perhaps wanting to catch the messengers, they were trading silver at the blacksmith in the Plaza last I saw of them, best to start there first." he nodded, pointing in the direction I needed to go with his pipe.

"Thank you Sir" I dipped my head slightly, and headed down the front steps of the Kings halls and followed the crowds to the market place, several people stopped me along the way - thanking me and shaking my hands, I nodded politely and kept on walking.

"What do you take us for?" I heard an argivated voice speak, turning I saw two young Princes standing at the blacksmith with disapproving glances on their faces toward the tradesman.

"That's my Price, take it or leave it" he brushed off, I felt myself frown, did this man not know he spoke to Princes?

"Considering these two Princes are the ones that aided me to arrive in your city to help free the hostages and kill the horde of Uruk hai, I suggest you reconsider, Sir" I spoke firmly from behind them,

The trader looked sheepishly back at Fili and Kili, "I.. Oh.. sorry M'Lady, of course" he signed his paperwork handing it to Fili with an apologetic smile, nodding toward me. "En-enjoy your day now young Princes." he then quickly ducked away ashamed.

"Tulsa!" Fili turned around, both princes smiling and I laughed stepping forward into a hug from both of them.

"Thank you, both of you, I fear if I had been any later then I was..." I dipped my head, "They might not have been so lucky."

"Uncle feels terrible for not letting you go" Kili spoke, "He understands why you did, and he is proud of you for being..."

"For not being dissuaded from your course" Fili finished.

"Though, he does fear for you here, in the world of men" Kili spoke hushingly, a disapproving look on his face,

"Oh? Why they have been nothing but accommodating toward me..." I spoke lightly.

"He means by the way they stare at you" a dangerously smooth tone spoke from behind me.

I turned slowly and both Kili and Fili waved somewhat sheepishly.

His face was fair, and his hair light blonde, his tone was strong and stern and he wore the elvish armour of a guard, his bow and quiver against his back, a grey silver travelling cloak draped over his shoulders.

"Mae Govannen, Tulsa Valinor" he dipped his head, extending his palm from his heart, "The Lady of the Forest has sent for you, you will accompany me to the Lorien borders, you have awoken a great evil here" he spoke almost as a warning, that I was to go with him, no questions asked.

"E-evil?" I repeated confusedly.

"I shall answer no more questions, gather you belongings, we leave at dawn" he practically ordered. "Fili, Kili" He dipped his head toward them before turning to head back toward the Kings Halls.

"What on Arda was all that about?" I questioned,

"No idea, they are normally a bit stern but, that was just rude" Fili spoke, a frown on his face.

"He's the Marchwarden of Lorien" Kili added, "Dangerously skilled rangers... I could probably use an arrow better though" he boasted with a slight smile.

"Of course you could brother!" Fili added.

"I'm assuming the Lady of the Forest is Lady Galadriel?" I asked.

"Yes, she's a powerful elf sorceress, so they say" Kili spoke a little quieter, "A member of the white council too..."

Fili turned to him rather shocked, "You actually pay attention in Balin's classes?"

"Shove off" Kili nudged his brother and Fili laughed.

"Will I see you again?" I asked, not bothering to question the fact I would leave with him in the morning.

"Have you eaten yet?" Fili asked and I shook my head.

"What kind of healers do they have here!" he exclaimed, "Come on brother, let's take Lady Tulsa out to dinner" Kili nodded and I followed them.

We walked down the main street and into one of the more popular Inns, the barmaid recognising us straight away fused to her boss  and they provided us with a table on the second level overlooking the rest of the people dining in.

"What'll be?" she spoke cheerfully.

"Steak" Both Fili and Kili announced together,

"My Lady, we have an arrangement of breads, berries, nuts and fruits.. cheeses too" she spoke addressing my confused expression.

"Then some of each, please" I spoke.

"Ale for the young Princes?" she spoke and they both nodded eagerly,

"Just water, please" I nodded with a smile.

Down below a table had begun cheering a song, more like a chant as another few men drank down their ale, "Wonder what they are celebrating?"

"You I believe, most of the people in here are still here from last night, most of them Hostages" Fili spoke softly.

"Wait.. how.. how would you know who was a hostage?"

"It's obvious Tulsa, they are rejoicing like I've never seen" Kili spoke, "Only happens when a man has been freed"

"So, what happened last night? Bard wouldn't let us see you when we arrived this morning..."

"I uh... passed out, without knowing I did..."

"That doesn't seem right"

"No.. it, it's not." I concluded without really wanting to speak more of it.

Fili and Kili exchanged glances,

"It's about what you remembered isn't it? That day in the study" Kili remembered, they spoke softly not wanting other ears to hear.

"What, did you remember?" Fili asked cautiously.

"This isn't really the place to discuss such things my friend." I laughed nervously.

"Or it's the best place.." Kili spoke with a smirk. "Cmon Tulsa"

"Why do you think Uncle sent us after you?" they grinned, "He knows you saw something, Uncle's had his eye on you ever since that day in the study - he is no fool" Fili added.

"He thought you coming here, would trigger something, a relapse maybe."

"By the sounds of what happened, it did" Kili concluded.

I looked at them both, "Haldir arriving here... it's no chance meeting is it?"

They looked across at one another, "Thorin... may have... contacted Thranduil."

"What?!" I exclaimed, raising my voice, causing some heads to turn.

"Shh, it's fine, really" Fili attempted to calm me, "Uncle promised to keep you safe, and he could guarantee that when you were inside Erebor, he cannot guarantee your safety out here"

"You can't be angry with him, he was keeping his word" Kili added.

"You know-" I began but paused as I saw the maid walking toward the table with our food, the smells were mouthwatering.

I cut up some cheese with crackers and grapes, as the Princes dug into their steak and chips, taking gulps of their ale. No matter their manner, they did not fail to dine like dwarves. As the maid smiled and descended the stairs I began to speak again.

"I understand why he would let Thranduil know but... he is going to be.."

The Princes cut me off-




"All of the above?"

The Princes snickered to themselves.

I shook my head and stifled my own laughter at their playful teasing.

"Well I would suspect so, I deliberately disobeyed him... I'm surprised Thorin wasn't the same way"

"He was furious at first..." Fili spoke sheepishly,

"Then he calmed down and understood you'd done the right thing" Kili finished.

The thought of possibly seeing Thranduil again made my heart almost skip a beat, I did miss him terribly- especially after the nightmare I had about Thorin, the darkness... I shivered.

"Tulsa? You alright?"I heard Kili speak, I shook my head and nodded sighing.

"Look maybe going to Lorien is a good thing?" Fili suggested, "You'll be with your Kin, and the sorceress, maybe she can help with these things your seeing?"

"That's what  I thought Gandalf was here to do..." I mumbled,

"Gandalf? The Wizard?" the Princes exclaimed happily.

"Yes he is back at the Kings Halls, he was the one who pulled me out of my-"

I paused, I silently cursed to myself.

"Pulled you out of what?" The brothers spoke, both with worried and concerned expressions, also quite amused knowing I had slipped up.

"N-nothing, please.." I pleaded,

"Tulsa?" Fili pushed, going to touch my hand from across the table.

I drew my hand back.

"No Fili!" I raised my voice at the Prince instantly regretting it, and feeling rather awkward.

"We... only want to.. help you" Kili spoke softly as they both sat looking rather scorned.

"...and you have! Oh, you have, please this is just something I need to deal with on my own"

"You're sure?" Fili asked, obviously not convinced and if he was, I would have been worried too.

"Yes" I spoke softly, they could tell I was lying but thankfully they didn't press any further.

Fili and Kili then changed the subject, talking about how Thorin and Dwalin said they would lead an army right to the black gates of Mordor if by some unseen chance I had been taken by a horde of Uruk Hai.

By the time we had finished, it was late and people were beginning to head home for the night, Fili and Kili walked with me back to the Kings Halls where Gandalf say by a table with a candle lit, smoking a long pipe.

"My old Friends!" he laughed cheerfully toward the Princes.

They smiled excitedly and and went up as Gandalf stood to greet them.

"It has been to long Gandalf!" Fili spoke happily,

"When will you visit Erebor again?" Kili complained, "I'm sure the others would be so glad and happy to see you, Thorin too!"

"I would be glad to!" Gandalf spoke cheerfully. "But, I'm afraid I will need to borrow Miss Tulsa if you are finished, we have some important business to address."

I nodded, "I'm ready"

The Princes glanced back and forth before at each other, they dipped their heads and gave me one last hug goodbye before they headed to bed.

I turned around just in time to see Gandalf raise his staff and slam it down on the ground.

A huge white light washed over the room and up the marble walls.

"Ok, this room is now safe, come sit" He pointed to the desk, as he too took a seat.

"Ok now what?" I asked, sitting with wonder.

"Now... you tell me everything."


A/N: Hey guys!! Happy New Year and I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

Sorry for such a late post but with the holidays etc, it just became too busy to post, but now I shall be posting regularly, to be honest I wanted time to write her Brother Darion, I wanted someone who wasn't boring and who definitely has more than one complicated thought. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for more to come!

Sorry for spelling and other mistakes, I tried to get or fix the ones I saw but its holidays so I may have missed some x

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