
By EvelynCourtney95

73.5K 2.1K 96

Book 1 of the Hunter Series A family with hunter blood running through their bodies. This family kills any my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 25

1.3K 37 1
By EvelynCourtney95

Hazel's P.O.V. 

I raised my knife, waiting for the black wolf to strike me, but he just observed me. Out of no where, he turned into a man, which was a surprise considering they're more weaker in their human form. 

"What do we have here, a bunch of hunters?" the leader seemed to question. My eyes didn't widen as the person who stood in front of me was none other than Malcolm, Alpha of Nightfall Edge. 

"Seems to me that the witches and vampires missed some hunters," Malcolm said while staring straight into my eyes. I didn't dare talk, not wanting to reveal anymore about me than what he already knows. 

"A silent one, huh?" he questioned while circling me. The wolves growled at everyone else and me to see what our next move would be. My knife stood in my hand while my bow was back on my body since Malcolm was too close to me. 

"We don't take kindly to outsiders very much," he growled once he completely circled around me. I wasn't sure what his game was, but I wasn't about to let him play the cat while I played the mouse. 

I quickly threw my knife and missed Malcolm, but struck the wolf that jumped in the air to hit Paxton. The wolf wasn't dead, but definitely injured around his rib cage. Malcolm turned to me with fury raging through his eyes. 

He shifted back in his wolf form and ran straight for me. I noticed that Lola was able to disappear in the trees and started shooting some of the wolves from up in the tree. Everyone else was down on the ground fighting the wolves with whatever weapons we had left. 

"SHIT!" I heard someone yell. I turned to Miles and saw him fighting off vampires that were now emerging from the trees. Lola quickly jumped out of the trees, considering the vampires were jumping out of them now, and started shooting them off. 

Malcolm jumped toward me while I was distracted and he fell right on me, pushing me down to the ground. I held his head back while he tried biting my head off of my neck. I managed to slash him right on his cheek and quickly kick him off me. 

As soon as I got up a vampire was right in front of me. He smiled evilly at me and I raised my right arm to stab him in his heart, but I was suddenly bitten from my left shoulder. I slashed the knife towards the vampire that sneaked up behind me and was disappointed when the blade wasn't sharp enough to cut all the way through his neck. 

I shoved the blade behind me and managed to stab the other vampire in his stomach before he could take a bit out of me. I looked at everyone and quickly whistled, signalling for a retreat before we lost someone tonight. 

We quickly ran in one direction, not towards our home, but just somewhere to get away from the wolves and the vampires that had to show up. 

"There's a cave up ahead," Dustin said. All we saw was a little lake that was only covered by a few big rocks surrounding it. 

"We're gonna have to go underwater in order to reach it, must be high tide season," he quickly explained before diving in the water. Everyone else soon followed but Paxton stayed close to me since I had difficulty swimming with my injured shoulder. It was trying to heal, but it would take a while before I would feel no more pain in my shoulder. 

Everyone stayed quiet in case a vampire or werewolf was close by and could hear us. My breathing was the heaviest as I seemed to be the one with the most damage done. I grounded my teeth to keep myself from screaming as my body worked on repairing itself. 

"Vampires and witches are trying to take us out," Paxton said after about a half hour of just waiting in the cave. No one else submerged from the water even though everyone was waiting to attack in case someone did. 

"Mom was afraid of the vampire king taking us, why?" I questioned, recalling how when my mother first returned she would have nightmares and then the one I was in with the vampire king. 

"No idea," Lola said while everyone else tried thinking. 

"She has these nightmares, nothing I've ever seen before but the vampire king was able to physically hurt both of us," I explained, not wanting to explain the dreams that I've had with the girl named Becca or that I've seen Dana before. 

"There's a theory that I've been thinking of, it's far fetched but it could mean something," Dustin whispered. We all turned to him, curious with what he would say. Lola clutched her legs while glaring at Dustin. 

"Don't bring up that stupid theory again," Lola warned. Miles, Paxton, and I were all curious with what could have happened between them. 

"Why? I had dreams about my mate Coral growing up, long before I ever met her. I had different dreams of the ocean and the two of us being shot at. You have no idea how terrified I was when I had the dream with her tail bleeding and then watching it come true!" Dustin yelled. My eyes widened as I recalled harming Coral, who I never knew at the time but was my brother's mate. 

"Dreams? What do dreams have to do with all this?" Miles questioned, unsure what some imaginary thing would have to do with the real world. 

"If our mother has them than it must mean something. I had them when I was younger, but mine are over with. Lola has always been haunted by hers, but they haven't happened yet," Dustin explained. I looked at Lola with wide eyes as she glared at Dustin. 

"Mine was in the past, it means nothing now," Lola whispered the last part. She turned away from everyone else and made no moves of turning back around. 

"Have you guys ever had them?" Dustin questioned Miles and Paxton, who both shook their heads no. 

"Hazel?" Dustin questioned me. I looked at him with a blank face and shook my head no, not wanting to reveal anything about my dreams. 

"The only one I had was where the Kelpie tried trapping me," I explained. Dustin shook his head while deep in thought. 

"There must be something in our DNA that makes us different if our cousins don't even have it," Dustin said. I looked at him as if he was crazy, and then I realized that I still refer to Paxton and Miles as my brothers. I just grew up with only them by my side, and I'm not sure if I could leave them just yet. 

"You think that's why the vampire king would want us?" I questioned, trying to make sense of everything. I never thought of that, but if there is something different in our blood stream, then it would make the vampire king want us more. 

"Never thought of that, but probably. It actually might explain why mom and dad took us into hiding," Dustin said. Lola turned around, listening to the conversation we were having while I stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything else. 

"We need to get back home, it's been a long night," Lola explained. 

"Agreed, who knows what waits for us tomorrow," I explained while getting up and showing no pain. My shoulder was still hurting but I didn't dare let that show on my face. 

We traveled back home, without any issues this time. It had to be around three in the morning before we finally all climbed back into our own rooms safely. 

Dana was having a nightmare and was whimpering before I pulled her closer to me and just hugged her. I don't know how, but she instantly calmed down and showed a smile. 

I looked at my wounded shoulder, unsure of what the vampire king wants with us, and what could possibly be in our blood streams that makes everyone else want us. Something wasn't adding up and those dreams of Becca are not good. 

If what Dustin said, about meeting his mate and seeing her, than hopefully that doesn't mean that I'll have to meet Becca anytime soon. The dream me seems to be so different than the real me, the one that is a deadly hunter. 

I blew out a breathe of air when Dana scoots closer to me. This little girl is making me seem less and less like a deadly hunter. I shook my head while trying to let sleep take over so that by morning my wound would finish healing. 

"Hopefully I can return you to Becca safely," I whispered while kissing her head. Her hair was soft and she was adorable, but she had a home that she had to go back to so everyone could stop worrying about her. 

"Hazel?" I heard someone ask. I opened my eyes and saw Dana looking up at me, but we weren't in my room anymore. 

I quickly got up from the bed and took a look around, unsure of where both of us were. The room was dark, the blinds showing the nights glow from outside. 

"What's wrong Dana?" I questioned her while walking over to her and hugging her. She was shaking for some reason that I couldn't explain why. I wanted to see what else was outside this room, but I wasn't sure where we were or where I should go. 

I heard something through the walls, and my curiosity was eating me alive to go investigate and take a look at our surroundings. 

I picked Dana up and carried her out of the room while I quietly tip toed over to the door. The hallway was empty and only contained a few doors down both ways. 

I opened the door that was right next to mine, unsure of what was happening in their, but I could make out whimpering. I walked into the room and was surprised to see a body tangled up in a blanket, lying on the floor. 

Dana quickly jumped out of my arms and ran to the body that wasn't moving. I ran after her, scared that something might actually happen to her, but instead I was surprised to see that Becca was unconscious on the floor. 

"Becca," I said while turning her so that I could see whether she was still breathing. My heart calmed down as soon as I noticed her chest rising and falling. 

"Hazel?" Becca questioned. She blinked her eyes a few times before trying to lift her upper body up from the ground. She noticed Dana and her eyes became wide while she tackled the little girl to the ground. 

"Dana, you really are ok," Becca said while moving her hands all over Dana's face while tears started coming out of her eyes. 

"I can't believe you're really here," Becca cried while hugging the poor three year old to death. I wanted to laugh, but I had a dark feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. 

"Becca, why were you on the ground?" I questioned, unsure why I was here again and what had happened to Becca. She gave me a curious look and then started thinking. 

"I was fighting with my mind to tell me that Dana was actually safe with you and not dead, and now that I'm seeing it I'm so grateful that she's safe and with you," Becca explained while hugging Dana. 

"I tried bringing her back Becca, but a witch stopped me from returning her," I explained to Becca. 

"A witch?" Becca questioned. I winced, realizing that she still doesn't know what I really am yet and she asked, "If you're not a lost soul or a ghost, what are you?" She thought long and hard about what I could be while I just stayed silent, unsure of what to say. 

"A selkie!" Becca exclaimed and I noticed that Dana was shaking her head. A selkie is not a mermaid, but instead a seal that can shed their skin and walk on legs as humans. I have not encountered one, and I don't live in the water either. 

"That's a good one," a voice whispered behind me. I turned around, ready to fight whoever was behind me while I tried to protect Becca and Dana. Becca placed Dana behind her, trying to protect her just like I was trying to protect the both of them. 

I couldn't make out much in the dark other than a shadow of a figure. The persons hands started to glow and I quickly pushed Becca and Dana out of the way before the witch could get to them. 

"Your time is up," she said before there was a screaming. I looked at Becca to see that she was fine, but Dana seemed to be in pain. 

"You!" I yelled when I saw a cut on Dana's arm. It made sense now that this same witch was trying to kill Dana and had cut her all up last time. I charged at the witch, forgetting that I had no weapons on me. I tackled her to the ground and started punching her in the face. 

She raised her hand and threw me off of her as I went flying into the wall. I quickly got up and took a fighting stance. I could hear Becca calling for me, but the witch quickly shut the door and locked it, making so that they couldn't leave the room. 

"Why are you such a pain in my ass?" the witch questioned before trying to hit me with another one of her fire balls. 

"You want me away from here? You don't want me to find this place," I said, stating what I was slowly figuring out. This witch stopped me from bringing Dana back home and I can only guess that the pain I had encountered the one time I was here, was all because of her. 

"Finally figuring something out princess?" she taunted to me, but the real question was, why she wanted me no where near this place. What was so important that she wanted me no where near her? 

I quickly ripped a piece of wood out of the closes door next to me. This will have to be the only weapon that I can use on her. I quickly attacked, being careful to avoid her attacks towards me, before slashing her across her cheek with the wood. She screamed as her eyes became pitch black once more. 

"Prophecy or not! I will kill you!" she screamed before breaking a door apart and creating millions of sharp pieces of wood to throw towards me. I grabbed one of the doors and quickly ripped it off its hinges before using it as a shield. She threw a gust of wind towards me and I fell back, knocking my head to the ground before blacking out.  

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