Art Gallery; Harry Styles

By httpsare

506 12 3

This follows nineteen-year-old Harry on a visit with his parents to the local art Gallery, which soon takes a... More

Art Gallery; Harry Styles
Fishtails and Maths. ch. 2
Blue rose petals. Ch. 3
Flower eating paintings and eyes. Ch. 4
Mannequin heads chap. 5
Niall? ch. 6
Jealousy. Ch. 7

Into the painting. ch 1.

66 2 1
By httpsare

Harry looked around where he was, it was dark, more like blue, but still dark. There were stairs, which he guessed lead out of the painting. There were two painting side on either side of the stairs, a blue one that looked like rocks floating in water and a red one that looked like rocks floating in lava.

Harry walked down the hallway the blue lava painting was on, he wasn't sure if that would be better than the red but he went anyways. The hallway was dark, black lights were the only lights in the place it seemed. On the walls there was something written, it was the word "come" repeated three times and it lead to a little table in front of a door. 

On the table sat, what looked to be a red rose. It was sat in a vase that seemed to have no water in it and some of the petals had fallen off and were laying on the little table. 

Harry thought about taking the rose, it was pretty after all what harm could it do? After all whoever had set it here clearly didn't want it anymore. 

He took the rose out of the vase and set it in his pocket carefully not wanting to crush the poor thing anymore than it already was. 

Harry looked at the door the table was in front of, he moved the table slowly and soundless, he didn't know what was on the other side of the door. He didn't know if he would find people from the gallery or what.

He opened the door and went into the room. It was quiet and different than the other room, it was small, and has one large painting of a girl with teal hair. There was a key sat in the middle of the room. 

Harry walked slowly over to the key, he picked it up and looked at it, it was small, and blue. 

Below the painting sat what looked like a note, "When the rose ???s, so too will you ??? away." He didn't know some of these words. 

He didn't understand what the paper told him but he turned away and left the tiny room, it felt like it was closing in on him. He closed the door behind himself and made his way down the hallway, when he noticed that the words on the wall were now red, and spelled out THEIF. He ignored the words and made his way down the hall.

He walked all the way back to the stairs where the red lava painting was, except he noticed something, the stairs were gone. No going back now. There was a long hallway that had a little door at the end just like the blue paintings hallway did.

There was a little painting on the wall next to the door, "The ??? fish" Harry groaned, he didn't understand yet another painting. He rolled his eyes and moved onto the door. He fished the little blue key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. 

On the other side of the door was a bright green room, it had a lime green floor and a darker green for the walls. It had normal lights in it unlike the other rooms. He left the key in the door knob not seeing a point in carrying a dumb little key around with him.

There were bug painting on the walls of this room, there were lady bugs, bumble bees, ants, butterflies. They were all named that too, "how original," Harry scoffed to himself as he got to the last painting in that room. 

There was a door that lead into another room, the door to the room was unlocked thankfully and he found more bug pictures. They weren't like the other ones, they were a butterlies life-cyle. 

There was a door at the end of this room, again unlocked. There was a painting laying on the floor coving what looked like to be a gaint hole that lead to no where. The painting was of an ant. He walked over it quickly not wanting it to break under him but hears a squish as he does so. The painting broke slightly and the ant painting was a bit squished. 

Harry went into the next room and the only thing in the large room was a key, a painting and what the boy had called before a power ranger. It was red. It seemed life like, like it could move at any second. Harry kneeled down and picked up the little green key. He stood back up and looked hard at the red scupture, he began to turn round when he heard a noise. He looked back at the scupture and saw it make a move towards him. He backed up a bit and saw it take another step. Harry ran out of the room and over the ant painting totally ruining it now and dashing out of that room as well. 

He sunk against the wall and held his legs to his chest trying to get his heart rate back to a normal pace, he heard a crash in the room but ignored it. "What the hell was that.." Harry mumbled to himself giggling a bit since he swore which his mother would have scolded him for but she wasn't here.

Harry got back up and made his way to find the next door, there was a narrow hallway that had a wall standing up holding it up, it had a note on it, "BEWARE OF EDGES" Harry once again had zero clue on what that meant. 

He started walking down the hall when something shot out in front of him, making him scream and fall, he looked at what had shot out of the wall and it was an arm. 

Harry looked and frowned, were there more of those? Is that what the note meant when it said beware of edges?

Harry got back up but realized something was wrong with his arm, there was bruising covering them, he didn't understand how that happened he didn't fall on his arms. 

He started off down the hall, more arms and hands shot out at him, he didn't get pushed by any of them this time thankfully. He got to the foor and fished the green key out of his pocket. The rose falling out in the process. He picked up the rose and saw it looked sad now, more petals had fallen off and it looked a sad, dull red color now. 

Harry pulled off 2 of the petals that were handing off and saw his arm get two faded bruises added to the others. He was a bit freaked out now so he put the rose back into his pocket and unlocked the door to the next room. 

He  walked into the new room and saw in front of him a big cat face, it had a hold in the middle of it's face, like it was missing something. The hole was the size of a fish. Did he have to put a fish in there? If so where was the fish and where was he suppose to get it from...

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