Deceptive | H.S

By onesecofsummer

3.8K 16 4

Charlotte Smith was set a mission, make Harry Styles fall in love with her. He was heartbroken and she was fi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Read It, its important
Chapter Eighteen - THE END
Thank You
New Story!!!!!!!

Chapter Eight

150 0 0
By onesecofsummer

"Are you ready bitch?" Isabel asked stepping into my room as I finished re-plaiting my hair.

"Yeah give me a minute." I added a coat of lip gloss. "Okay I'm ready." I smiled.

We both walked downstairs, walked out the door and got into my car. "I know it might not come across that way Char, but I'm really happy you moved back in." Isabel said as I backed out of the driveway. "When you moved out it was really hard for me, first dad died and then like a week later you said you were going to move in with Danny and the girls. I lost everyone." A tear fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." She wiped away the small tear.

"Izzy why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way? I would of happily stayed here with you." I told her. She just shrugged. "Okay stop crying were about to go see your boyfriend perform, perk up." She laughed.

"Okay I'm good now." She said. "I cant believe Ashton is going back to Australia tomorrow night, I'm going to miss him so much."

"Its alright, you can text him, facetime him, skype him or call him, that's just like being in the same room as him."

"Wow, romance really is dead." She laughed.

"Skype can be romantic." Instead of responding, Isabel just slapped my arm.

"I get that you live in the 21st century but I like to be a bit old fashion and go out with my boyfriend and talk to him in person."

"Boring." I faked yawned.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at Leadmill, where the boys are performing. I parked the car round the back and we both got out. I locked the car and we made our way to the entrance. As we made our way to the door, there was a well built man dressed in a black t-shirt, black trousers, a black blazer and black dress shoes.

"Excuse me ladies but do you have a pass?" The man asked with his rather deep voice.

"Errm we should be on the list, my boyfriend is playing." Isabel stated. "Isabel and Charlotte Smith."

The man looked up and down the page then flipped the page. "I can't seem to find you girls I-" He was interrupted by Ash.

"Its okay John, they're with me." Ashton said. "I've missed you baby." Ashton said as Isabel ran into his arms.

"Aw I've missed you too Ash." I joked.

"Hi Char." I waved. The three of us continued to walk down the corridor. Ashton grabbed Izzy's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Well don't I feel like a third wheel." I stated at the loved up couple.

"Now you know how I feel." A voice said. I turned round, smiled at the voice and ran over to them to give them a hug.

"Lukey." I shouted at my best friend. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever."

"I've missed you so much Lottie." He hugged me tighter.

"I've missed you so much too Lucas." I smiled. "We have so much to catch up on." Luke nodded and led me to the dressing room where the rest of the 5SOS boys were.

I went a sat on the sofa and was soon tackled by two other Australian lads that I love very much. "CHARLOTTTEEEEEEEE!" They screamed as they pinned me to the sofa. "We've missed you so much." They shouted again.

"Guys, I've missed you too but I cant breath." They jumped off me and started laughing. "I feel so loved today." We all shared a laugh.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my twitter feed while having Calum nudge me every five seconds and I would then slap him. It turned into a very fun game. I heard the door of the dressing room open but I didn't think much of it. It was probably one of the boys leaving. I know for a fact it wasn't Calum because he was still pissing me off.

"Lottie." Luke said. I hummed in response but did not lift up my head. "There are some people I would like you to meet." I then looked up and saw Harry and Niall.

I got up and walked towards Harry and placed a kiss to his lips. Everyone looked at us with furrowed eyebrows, except Isabel. "Charlotte and I are together." Harry said. I almost forgot he asked my out last night, it wasn't even that long ago. "You always seem to appear everywhere,,and I mean EVERYWHERE." Harry whispered in my ear and I giggled.

"You sure do get around don't you Lotts." Micheal said with a smirk. I gave him the middle finger and he did it straight back. We both just shared a laugh.

I went back to my seat next to Calum and Harry came and sat on my knee. "Oi fatty, you're heavy." I said to him and he just shrugged with a small laugh. I ignored it and turned to Calum. "So whats the set list for tonight?" I asked Cal.

"Errm we're gonna open with Heartbreak Girl then Beside you, Try Hard, Gotta Get Out, Unpredictable, The Only Reason, Heartache on the Big Screen, What I Like About You, Disconnected and then finish with She Looks So Pefect." Calum explained.

"So you're ending with the song you wrote about me?" I joked.

"When have you worn any of our underwear Char?" Ashton asked.

"I've worn Luke's before, don't you remember? It was when I got super wasted at Isabel and I's surprise birthday party you threw for us. I split red wine down my dress and Luke gave me his boxers and a shirt and I started running about the house." The 5SOS boys all laughed along with Isabel.

"That was a funny night." Luke said and I nodded in agreement. "Guys we need to get ready to go on stage." Everyone nodded. "You guys go stand in the V.I.P section and we'll meet you after the show."

Everybody left the room and went where they needed to be. I went and stood in the V.I.P section with the three others. I had Isabel on my left, Harry on my right and Niall was next to Harry.

"I'm going to go get a drink do you want anything?" Harry asked me.

"I'm driving so I'll just have a Diet Coke." He nodded and kissed my cheek just before leaving.

Once Harry had left I felt it was a good time to talk with Niall, maybe see whats happening between him and Maia. I was about to start the conversation but he beat me to it.

"So you and Harry huh?" Niall asked

"Yeah, he's really sweet and we just click. It's just quite laid back?" Niall nodded. "So do you have any special girl?" I asked.

"Kind of, there is a girl I've met and I find her quite attractive but they is just something not right about her." I nodded. "Her names Maia and we've been on a couple of dates and I feel like something could happen but I just don't fully trust her, she seems like she is hiding something." He explained. "I just hope it's just me being paranoid and not the truth." That sentence really made me think.

This mission Danny set, is actually really mean. The One Direction boys are actually really nice, Danny is the Arsehole in this situation.

I'm so glad I'm not part of this mission anymore.

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