Chapter Four

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"Thanks for breakfast." I said to Maia while putting my plate in the dishwasher.

"Anytime." Maia chimed. "Can I ask why you dressed like that?" She said gesturing to my outfit. I was wearing a sports bra, shorts, nike trainers.

"I'm going to the gym, to work on my boxing. I haven't been in a while." I explained. "Well I better get going." I grabbed my water bottle and walked towards the door. "BYYEEEE!" I screamed.

I got in my car and headed to the gym. I was driving for around 10 minutes then pulled up. I got out and walked up to the front desk in the gym. "Well hello stranger." Katie the receptionist said. I laughed slightly.

"Oh hush up I've been really busy." I said and she laughed. "Is Adam free?" I asked referring to my personal trainer.

"Actually he's training some guy but he said you're free to join him." Katie explained.

"That's fine by me, I could probably whip his ass anyway." We both laughed. "Shall I head on up?" I asked and she nodded. "Was great seeing you again kate." I chimed.

"You too Char." She smiled. I waved her off then walked upstairs to the boxing room.

I walked into the room and saw Adam training some guy Harry. I put down my water bottle then made their way over to them. "Hey Adam" I gave him a hug.

"Well, well, well look who it is, Charlotte Smith. Where have you been?" Adam asked.

"I had a lot of things to do, I'm a busy girl Adam." I replied. Adam just laughed.

"How have you been Charlotte." Harry asked.

"I've been good how about you?"

"Pretty good."

"Wait you two know each other?" Adam asked.

"Yeah we went on a date last night." Harry explained.

"I thought you were still with Danny, Charlotte." Adam said.

"Yeah we broke up last month." I lied. Adam nodded signalling he understood.

"Lucky guy Harry, if you didn't have her I would tap that." Adam joked.

"I don't have her." Harry replied. "Yet." He added.

"You playing hard to get Char?" Adam asked.

"Of course." I laughed. "Anyway ladies lets box!" I explained.

"I'll let you box with Adam since I don't want to hurt you." Harry said. Adam and I both burst out laughing.

"You are kidding right." Adam said. "I think Charlotte will most likely hurt you, she broke my wrist a few months ago." Adam laughed.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that." I laughed. "C'mon Styles let me practice with you." I pouted.

"Fine but if I hurt you then that's your problem." He said.

"You don't need to worry about me." I winked.

Harry put on the pads and I put on my pink boxing gloves on. Harry held up his arms and I began throwing soft punches to start off to lure him into a false sense of security. Slowly my punches started to get harder until I punched the hardest I could. I saw Harry flinch a bit. "I am hurting you Harry?" I asked. He shook his head but I could tell he was lying. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. I threw one final punch but I didn't hit the pads, I hit Harry straight in the stomach causing him to collapse. "Are you alright Harry?" I asked.

"Yeah I am good." He smiled and got up slowly. "You are better than I expected he complimented."

I flipped my hair "Thank you" I said. "Are you ready to practice?" I asked.

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