Chapter Nine

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The 5SOS boys finished playing She Looks So Perfect, which was the last song of the concert. I have got to admit this is the best concert I've seen the boys do. The crowd were cheering so loud and the four boys had massive smiles on their faces.

"You guys have been a great crowd and as you all know that was the last song..." Ashton said and the crowd booed. The four boys laughed "But the show isn't over yet. I'd like to invite someone very special to come on the stage." The crowd oooh'd. "Iz can you come up here please." I turned my gaze and focused on Isabel.

"Nope, no I'm am not going up there, no way." I winked at Harry and he nodded, signalling that he understood. Harry picked Isabel up bridal style and carried her towards the stage. "No Harold, put me down right now." She hit him over and over while Harry continued to laugh.

Ashton stood on the edge of the stage, ready to take Isabel from Harry. Harry passed her over and Ashton was now holding Isabel and carried to her to the middle of the stage. The crowd all started chatting but Luke quieted them down. Ashton placed her down and Micheal, Calum and Luke held her there so she couldn't move.

Ashton grabbed Isabel's hands and looked deep into her eyes. "Isabel these past 6 years we've spent together have been magical, you are the most amazing, caring, beautiful and funniest girl I've ever met. Every minute I have spent without you is a minute wasted. I love you so much it hurts, I hate being away from you and I hope you feel the same way." Isabel began to tear up and so did I. I know what he is going to do and I'm pretty sure Isabel does too. Ashton got down one knee and pulled a small box from his back pocket. "I don't want to spend another day without calling you mine, basically what I'm trying to say is..." He paused to breathe. "Isabel Rose Smith will you marry me?" Ashton now began to tear up.

Isabel nodded. "Yes. YES. 100% Yes." Ashton picked her up, placed a kiss to her lips and spun her round. Harry pulled me into him as I cried happily into his chest.

"That's all for tonight guys." Luke said.

"Wait a second Luke, I have something to say." Micheal said as he got on one knee and faced Calum. Laughter filled the crowd. "Calum, will you do me the honor in being my husband?" Everyone laughed.

"I'm honored Micheal but I can't." Everyone aww'd. "I love another." Micheal began to fake cry.

"Okay that really is it for tonight. Goodnight guys." Ashton said and the 4 boys waved. The 5sos boys and Isabel exited the stage and Niall, Harry and I made our way backstage.

We walked into the dressing room to witness Isabel and Ashton sucking each others faces off. I pulled them apart and sat in between them. "Hey guys." I said and Isabel shot me a very evil glare. "So Ash how come you didn't ask me if you could marry my sister?"

"In my defense you haven't been around for about a year because you were so busy with Da-" Isabel interrupted him by coughing loudly.

"Okay moving on, how about we have a massive pizza party/sleepover at our house." Isabel suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good I'll text the other lads." Niall said.

"Why don't you invite the girls over?" Isabel said and I nodded


I got changed into my pyjamas which consisted of a hello kitty top and leopard print shorts, I think I look pretty cute. I texted Eleanor and Perrie telling them to come over without Maia and Danny because I didn't want to see either of them if I'm honest. I left my hair in a messy plait then went into Isabel's room.

I walked in and noticed she was admiring her engagement ring. "Hey" I said and she responded with a sweet smile. "So since you and Ashton are getting married I'm guessing you want me to move out." I said. Isabel shook her head.

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