A Perfect Utopia?

By XxTheDarkAngelxX

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Which part of you childhood had been real, and which part implanted? What if all that had just happened was a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilogue:The Boss

Chapter 18

154 5 2
By XxTheDarkAngelxX

Lab Assistant 217 felt like something was very wrong. As of yet, she did not know what that something could be, only that it was wrong and that was irritating her. She liked being in charge of her situation, and right now she could not be. It was not a fun ordeal for anyone or anything to go through, even if the person in question is a Lab Assistant and will probably remain one for the rest of her natural and unnatural life.

Lab Assistant 217 shuddered at the thought of being brought back from the dead once her time was up….

Slowly she shook her head, attempting to rid herself of such morbid thoughts. It did not really work, so she tried to change what she was thinking about. In the effort to do that, it brought her back to her current precarious predicament. Somehow, she was in a place that she had never seen nor heard of. It almost seemed like she was in a sort of laboratory, even though that was entirely impossible. Lab Assistant 217 had visited every single laboratory in all of Utopia as a part of her entrance into her job.

So how come she had never seen or heard of this particular laboratory?                            

In fact, she did not even think that she could remember anyone ever speaking of this laboratory. That seemed very odd to her. Generally, every single laboratory always spoke to and of one another, just to make sure that neither really needed help with anything that they were doing. Sometimes, if the situation arose, they switched around lab assistants, cleaners, and other such things. They had always kept contact, even before Lab Assistant 217 had become Lab Assistant 217.

That meant that if this laboratory was one that Lab Assistant 217 had never heard or seen of it had to be either very special and the people who knew about it were not permitted to speak of it, or that nobody actually knew of it and Lab Assistant 217 was the first citizen of Utopia to have found it.

As of right now, she still had not quite been able to grasp exactly what had happened to her. It was something that she had never heard of anyone ever doing before. She had of just spontaneously combusted, except for the fact that she was still alive, and that it had not been as sudden as spontaneous combustion would be. She had kind of slowly began to disappear.

Lab Assistant 217 had originally noticed that her appendages were beginning to feel odd as she began to traverse up to the Boss’ office to share her information with him. Her arms, which had become the first to disappear, almost felt like they were shaking. It was after she went to speak with the Boss that she realized that her hands and arms were not there anymore.

She finally decided that she needed to start looking around the room that she was currently being held within. It surprised her that she had not done that yet, but it did make sense to figure out what had originally happened to her.

The room seemed completely sterile, and it smelled like it was too. The walls and the floor were both white. A single piece of furniture was in the room that she could see, and currently, Lab Assistant 217 was sitting upon it. There was no door in sight, but Lab Assistant 217 knew that that did not mean that there actually was no door.

“Hello Lab Assistant 217. We have been waiting for you for a very long time.”

All of the color drained from Lab Assistant 217’s face as she heard the one voice that had hoped to never hear in her life again.

Domini’s head really hurt, and she felt quite groggy. It was insanely bothersome to deal with, but there was really not much that she could do to deal with that. Of course, she could always just get Aliyah to see if she could help Domini figure out what was wrong with her and why her head hurt so very much. It was something that Domini did not want to deal with having, but it looked as though she would have no choice.

She picked herself out of the fetal position that she had now cradled herself into. Did I really have that much of a bad nightmare? Domini was asking herself that question. How could she have had a very bad nightmare that she would not remember? Things such as that, and nightmares were usually highly infrequent, so this information was highly sought after, were always unheard of. Nobody who had ever had a nightmare had never been unable to remember what it was about. Granted, they had never actually spoken of remembering such things, but everyone knew that they remembered. You could see it on their faces.

There was something else unusual about the place that she seemed to be. It did not look anything like the room that had been given to her by Aliyah. Even the shape of the room was different! It looked so odd, so foreign to Domini Jetson. The only bedrooms that she had ever been were her bedroom at home, the one that which Aliyah had given to her, and the lab room that she had been confined within at her stay in the laboratory. Now that was a room that Domini did not miss, and probably would never miss in her life.

Her room, on the other hand, was an entirely different story.

Domini could recall every single thing about her room. She could remember even the exact position of the walls and exactly where all her furniture lay upon or next to them. The walls were painted violet and silver, two of her favorite colors in the entire world. Grimly she recalled saying her favorite color to be violet, even though it was not. Domini actually preferred silver more, but knew that she was not prepared for the argument that her response of silver would ensue. Things like that were things that had to be thought about for a very long time, and frankly, Domini was just not ready for that.

Once again, her head started pounding. In a flash, everything that had just happened reappeared in her mind. She had never ever thought that she was not safe in a place that also had Aliyah held within its boundaries. Aliyah might not have been held captive there like Domini was, but she had always made Domini feel like she was safe. It was just one of those things that Aliyah gave off an impression of.

“Awe….Domini! Do you know how hurtful that is to me?”

The newcomer held a hand over his chest as though he was hurt, but that is not what surprised Domini the most.

What scared and surprised her most was the oddly malicious smile that he wore on his face.

And that was not the only thing: the face that he had seemed very familiar to her, but for the life of her Domini could not figure out her. And that was not good.

Aliyah was shaking. She was not nervous or scared; actually, she was quite the opposite. Aliyah was fuming mad. How could Domini have escaped?! Not only that, Aliyah knew that Domini had not escaped. Domini was too nervous of being hurt by anyone to try and escape. No; the only way she could be gone would be that someone had taken her.

What was infuriating her most was the fact that she did not know much about what had even happened to Domini. Generally, Aliyah had installed cameras into everyone’s rooms so that nothing bad could happen to them. In the effort to not freak Domini out too much, Aliyah had refrained from doing that in Domini’s room.  It turns out that the only thing that she could have done to help Domini feel more at home was also the only thing that could have caught the culprit of Domini’s disappearance.

Aliyah decided that she needed to focus on what she did know. She knew that something odd had been in Domini’s room, and that it was likely gas. Unless Domini had been subdued somehow, Aliyah and everyone else would have heard Domini’s cries as she tried to get free. Lavinia had told her, as she had been the first to walk into the room, that there was some sort of gas inside that had nearly caused her to begin choking. This was something that Aliyah had gotten a sniff of, even though she had been one of the last to actually enter the room. Technicians and other such people needed to check anything and everything to make sure that none of Domini’s or any other fingerprints were anywhere that others could mess up. Any fingerprints could help them find out what had happened to Domini Jetson.

Aliyah desperately needed to know that, and she would let nothing get into her way of finding that out, even if it meant that she would not be allowed into the room right away. She could deal with those things later. Besides, those people were trained to do things like that. They would notice things that Aliyah could have and more, right?

It did not matter if she was about to doubt them. Right now, they were all the information and evidence that she had to go off of, and that was something that Aliyah would never be willing to ruin.

When she got back to her office there was a message left on her desk. Aliyah assumed that it would either be something really important, as most things left on her desk were, or something regarding the disappearance of Domini. Aliyah hoped it was the latter.

As she was able to look at them closer, she realized that there was not one message left on her desk, but two. She spread them out, looking at them in comparison to the other. One of them had an official seal on it. The other did not. Something told her that while she may not like the more official one she should still probably read that one first. It was probably more important than the other one was, even if the other one was something that she might want to read first.

But when she got close enough to actually read what was on the seal of the envelope, it shook her to the core. The seal was the emblem of the Elders.

The Elders.

In other words, Aliyah’s family.

Rodriguez was finally beginning to relax. Vesper, Lavinia, and he had spent the past few hours looking around the building to see if Domini had managed to get away and was coming back to them, or if the person who had abducted her had just left her in the building because they figured that Aliyah would not search the building. If anyone had ever done that, they were dead wrong. Aliyah knew that sometimes the best places to hide things were in plain sight, but Domini Jetson was not something that she was willing to miss because Domini was hidden in plain.

Rodriguez knew that they would not find Domini there. He agreed that Aliyah had good logic, but nobody would ever hide a person, unless it was a body, in plain sight. It was just too risky. If the person in question had been coerced into sleep, what happens if they woke up before they were scheduled to? That would just mess up the perpetrators entire plan.

Besides, Rodriguez knew that nothing his dad ever did could ever be something as stupid as that. As rude as he may be, he was highly intelligent with a knack for predicting things that had not happened yet. It was actually extremely correct and an odd talent to have. Sometimes he had even been able to predict things about Rodriguez’s future, or decisions that he would make that had not already been made.

Sometimes, such things scared him.

It scared him when his dad predicted things like that.

When Rodriguez’s dad had asked him to help out with Domini, he knew that Rodriguez would say yes. Rodriguez squirmed, and did his best to say no, but in the end he had to say yes. If he did not, nobody would ever remember who he was.

He could only remember his dad’s calm face and beady eyes. They had always managed to instill fear into even the strongest of hearts. Rodriguez had always been afraid of his father, no matter how odd that seemed to be.

He had not wanted to help his dad abduct Domini Jetson, but in the end he had had no choice.

As always, he had no choice, no say in the matter.


Yeah, I know the chapters kind of short. Sorry!

I'm going to India for the next few weeks, so this will be my last frequent upload. I'll try to upload on the plane tomrrow,  but no guarentees.

Sorry to everyone  who has supported me in writing this story. Everything you say is very appreciated and it's because of you all that my story is still coming up,

Iw ill try to mkake the next chapters longer though. If they are more infrequent, they will be as long as I can make them!

Don't forget to comment, fan and vote!


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