CHIM - Life in the limelight

By GeordieDoll

354K 4.9K 531


CHIM - Life in the limelight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Last chapter)

Chapter 23

4.9K 66 1
By GeordieDoll

I follow the waiter through the people full restaurant over to the long table I had reserved for me and my family. It’s a nice restaurant its not too fancy but it’s nice and I often used to come here when I was younger. The delicious smell of the newly cooked food wanders through the air making me feel even more hungry then I was. I’m planning on telling my family about me and Cheryl tonight but really I’m just confirming what most of them already think they know.

“Why did I have to come here?” Amy huffs and she whips out her phone as soon as her behind hits the seat.

“I thought it would be nice” I smile and I pull out the chair beside me for Paisley to sit on. She’s been asking about Cheryl a lot today, she’s also missing her already.

“Put your phone away Amy” My dad says and my mum shoots her daggers from across the table.

“Where are your manners?” She adds and Amy sighs dramatically.

“I don’t even want to be here, I was supposed to be meeting my friends”

“Same” Adam grumbles with his chin resting on his arm.

“Wow! Tone down the happiness guys” I say sarcastically.

“I’m bored” Paisley tells me. I only wanted a nice dinner for a change, nobody seems to want to be here, I hope to god I’m not hearing them moan on all night. Amy keeps glaring at me from across the table, she’s been in a funny mood with me ever since this morning. I’m confused to what I have meant to have done and Adam looks like he hasn’t even brushed his hair today, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just rolled out of bed. Sally is my only sibling that seems to appreciate my efforts, she hasn’t complained once and im hoping she doesn’t because these lot are already doing my head in.

“Ok no more moaning or complaining, Kimberley has went through a effort for tonight so we’re going to appreciate it and get on like a normal family” My dad says seriously and Adam just rolls his eyes.

“Oh perfect Kimberley” I just about hear Amy mumble to herself.

“What was that?” I ask and she looks away from me.

“Nothing” She again mutters.

“So what do you all fancy?” Sally asks in an upbeat tone to try and break the awkwardness.

“The steak sounds nice”

“I was thinking the salmon and I’m guessing you want a burger Adam?”

“Of course” He laughs.

“What do you want Pai?”

“Nuggets!” she replies raising her knife and fork in the air.

Just like he read our minds the waiter that previously guided us to our seats again comes over to the table and asks if we would like to order, Dad tells him what we want and he quickly scurries away from our table and maybe now’s the chance to tell them about Cheryl. I don’t know why I feel so nervous about doing this, it’s not like they haven’t already guessed. I think the only person that has no idea is my dad and I’m sure he will take it well.

“The main reason I brought you all here is because um … I wanted to tell you all something” I begin and all their eyes wander onto me.

“You’re not pregnant again are you?” Adam suggests and Amy fails to hold her laughter in.

“Adam!” Sally exclaims and hits his arm.

“No, I’m not pregnant” I laugh. “But my life has changed and will continue to do so”

My mum and dad are looking at me like I have two heads and I don’t really blame them, I’m not exactly being as clear as I should. “Are you ill?” asks my mum who now has a concerned look on her face.

“No it’s not that”

“God Kim, Spit it out”

“Ok well as you already know I’m living with a girl called Cheryl an-“

“How could we forget, she’s not really just a girl is she? She’s the Cheryl Cole”

“Adam will you shut up!” Sally again tells him off.

“Thanks Sal, so we get on great… really great and Paisley adores her don’t you Pai?” She nods her head while running her fingertip on the swirls of the marble on the table, she doesn’t really have a clue what we’re talking about. “Well I really like her too, I mean I really like her”

“So she is more than a friend?”

“We’re taking things slow” I already feel my smile growing, I always do just thinking about Cheryl. “She’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met; the thing is nobody can know apart from us here because with her being in the lime light we don’t want the word to get out … just yet”

“You aren’t a lesbian” The look of shock on my dad’s face is clear and I can feel my heart begin to sink.

“John” My mum mutters and gives his elbow a nudge. “We are all so happy for you darling I would be lying If I said I didn’t already have a feeling about it,its about time you deserve some happiness”

“I … thank you and no dad im not I just like Cheryl, she really is pretty amazing”

“Will we get free concert tickets?” Adam asks obnoxiously and I laugh rolling my eyes.

“What do you think Amy?” Sally asks.

“What do I care? I’m sick of fucking hearing her name”

“Right that’s enough, I’m sick of your attitude today miss and less of the swearing” My dad warningly points a finger at her but she simply shrugs her shoulders failing to care.

“Amy i-“

“Save it Kimberley i really don’t care who you date, at least you can’t get pregnant this time eh?” She’s really starting to hurt my feelings, she’s been so off with me all day. She’s being cold towards me and slightly bitter. The look of anger hasn’t really left her face and I have no idea why.

“Amy!” Mums voice gets slightly louder.

“What? Oh sorry I forgot we can’t say anything about princess Kimberley in case we just happen to hurt her feelings. I’m sick of it, I’m sick of everything. I’m glad you’re with Cheryl because now maybe we won’t have to see you as much” She gets up from the table and storms off into the ladies bathroom and she’s left us all sitting here in shock.

“Ignore her, I’ll go and have a word” Sally goes to get up from her seat but I put my hand over hers.

“Its fine I will”

I go into the bathroom and she’s leaning against the flaky white wall covering her eyes with one hand, I’m sure she’s crying. “Amy?”

“Just go away will you?” She turns her back to me so I place a hand on her shoulder. This isn’t like Amy at all, she’s really starting to worry me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just go away like you always do stop pretending like you care”

“What? I do care, Amy look at me” I manage to turn her around and her makeup has already started to smudge under her eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong, why have you been like this with me all day? Have I done something?”

“You don’t even know” She scoffs at me and attempt to turn back around.

“Tell me”                                                                                                                                            

“Well you seem to have just forgotten about me since you met her. Its fine just go back out there and enjoy your food”

“I haven’t forgot about you”

“Really Kimberley? Cut the crap. I haven’t seen you in forever and when I did it was just for you to drop Paisley off, you don’t call, you don’t pop around for a chat, I miss you” another tear rolls down her cheek and I pull her into a tight embrace. “I just feel like we’re loosing you”

“Listen to me” I pull away and I hold her hand. “Im your big sister and im going nowhere, I mightn’t be around as much as I used to be but I still love you and you know you can call me whenever you want. If you need help with revision or even just to chat”

“Wont your girlfriend mind?”

“She’s really amazing Amy and I know if you just give her a chance you will absolutely love her. When the time is right for her to meet everyone I know you will all love her just as much as me just like Sarah and Nicola do, please don’t think the worst of her because it isn’t her fault. I know this is hard for you because I’ve always been there but I need to grow up… that doesn’t stop me being your sister does it?”

“No” She replies wiping her face. “You aren’t going to forget us are you?”

“Unfortunately no” I joke. I hug her once more and kiss her cheek. “So are you over biting my head off?”

I am” She giggles. “I was just being stupid really”

“Its fine I don’t blame you, now will we go see if our food has arrived? I’m starving”


“Night night” I whisper to Paisley and I kiss her head as she sits next to Amy with her arm wrapped around her in her bed. She begged to sleep in Amy’s bed tonight, since coming back from our meal out she’s been hanging around her all evening, she’s been her shadow. “I can take her in my room if you want”

“Its fine, we’re going to read this book aren’t we?” Amy smiles at Paisley and she pats the book laying on their laps.

“Well if you’re sure”

“I am, Goodnight” She smiles and I pull her into a surprising hug.

“I love you, don’t forget that ok?”

“I’ll try not to”

“I mean it, you’re still my baby sister I always will”

“Ok ok! Goodnight Kimbers”

“Goodnight you two” I quickly leave the room and go into my own. Sally decided to meet her friends in town after our meal and everyone else is in bed having an early night, its strangely quiet for once, not that I’m complaining. I go into my empty room and close the door behind me. I’m ecstatic that my family took the news about me and Cheryl so well and I’m happy Amy has finally came around. I feel terrible she felt that way but I’m growing up and I need to have my own life, I understand that she feels like so does because I’ve always been here for her 24/7.Just because I won’t physically be here as much as I once was I will always be there for her, for all of my siblings.

I go to lay on my bed and I wonder if Cheryl’s told her family yet, I wonder how she’s described me and how her family has taken the news. Of course it will be a huge surprise for them finding out she has a girlfriend but it’s not only just that, I’m 19 years old with a toddler. I hardly sound like the perfect person for her, do i? I should call Nicola. I haven’t spoken to her in a few days so I better give her a call and see how she is.

‘Hello, Kim?”

“Hey Nic!” I beam cheerfully.

“How are you stranger?”

“I’m great I just thought I would give you a quick call to see how things are”

“Everything’s alright, have you seen Sarah lately?”

“I seen her the day before yesterday, have you?”

“I haven’t, she’s been strangely quiet recently”

“I know she sees Nadine a lot now”

“She’s ditching us”

“No she’s not” I laugh

“We need another night out soon”

“Yeah …. Um I don’t really like leaving Paisley”

“We can just do something around mine … if you want? I mean you can bring her I’ve missed my cuddles”

“She’s missed you too, that sounds great. Is it ok if I ask Chery?”

“Of course It is, how is she anyways?”

“She’s great” I smile. “She’s went to Newcastle for a few days so im back home”

“Whats she doing there?”

“Its her nephews birthday…” Just as I say that she’s ringing me on my mobile “Nic?”


“I hate to do this but is it ok if I call you later on? … Cheryl’s calling my mobile”

“Of course it is, I’ll text you later, maybe we could go out tomorrow?”

“That sounds good, Have a good night”

“You too babe, love you!”

“Love you too!”

As soon as I hang up I quickly answer the call and Cheryl’s familiar voice is projecting down the phone.


“Areet, pet?” I attempt  her accent and she begin to laugh.

“You need to stop doing that”

“Cheeky! I think I’m quite good at it! How are you baby?”

“I’m alright but I’m missing you” She whines and I can tell just by her voice that she’s pulling a pout.

“I miss you too! It’s funny isn’t it, it hasn’t even been a full day yet”

“ I know, I just want to give you a squeeze, me laptops not working so I can’t skype”

“That’s fine, at least I get to speak to you”

 Did you tell everyone about us?” She asks.

“I did and they all took it well, did you? Hows your family?”

 “They’re all great, they’ve proper missed us and I did, I told them”

“you did?”

 “They were obviously shocked at first but I told them how beautiful and amazing you are” I smile to myself thinking back to how I basically did the same thing when telling my family about her. “me mam cant wait to meet you”

“Aww Cheryl!”  I can feel myself blushing at her words. “Do they know about Paisley?” If anything that’s the part I was most worried about. I was worried that they will make assumsions about me because of me being a mum, a lot of people have in the past so it wouldn’t surprise me and I can’t really blame them.

“Aye, I showed them pictures of her on me phone and I think me mams fell in love with the both of you already, she loved the duck face one”

I laugh thinking back at the picture I had taken at the park and sent her to her phone, its probably my favourite picture ever. “I can’t wait to meet them all”

“Speaking of Pai Pai, where is she?”

“She’s in Amy’s bed if you call earlier tomorrow I’ll put her on”

 “So you’re on your own?”

“Yeah, little billy no mates” I laugh

 “I’ve missed you in other ways too”

“What do you mean?” I frown.

“What do you think I mean?”

I know exactly what she means but I want her to tell me. “I don’t”

“I’ve missed your … lips… and other things” I feel my face heat up and I just laugh. “I mean it… I can’t wait to see you”

“I can’t wait to see you too”

“What are we going to do when I come home?”

“… what do you want to do?” I cough awkwardly, clearing my throat.

“I don’t want us to leave bed for at least a day”

“God, Chez it’s only been a day! It’s not like we haven’t had sex in weeks”

“Kimberley! ... babe you’re ruining it”

“Ruining what?” I ask innocently.

“You know what … what are you wearing?”

“... Cheryl”

“Please Kimba, I need you and you aren’t here so phone sex is the next best thing”

I don’t say anything at all.


“I’m still here”

“So will you?”

“I don’t know how…”

“It’s not difficult, I’ll help”

“Okay …” I say reluctantly and I get off my bed and turn off the light before getting between the sheets and trying to keep my breathing under control.

“What’s that noise?” She asks.

“I was just getting in bed”

“… are you naked?” She asks huskily and her voice full of lust is turning me on beyond belief but still, I’m nervous.

“Chez i-“

“It’s alright babe, just pretend like I’m with you, are you … touching yourself?”

I nod my head and I’m not sure why, I keep forgetting she can’t see me. I do what she wants and I let out a small gasp as I gently enter a finger into myself. I hear her groan down the phone and it turns me on even more then I already was, I didn’t think that was even possible.

“I wish I was with you now so I could kiss you… and use my tongue all over your body”

“Me too” I manage to breathe. My eyes are tight closed and I’m imagining everything she’s telling me, it feels like she’s actually here with me.

“…Where do you … mostly want us to kiss?” Her voice is even more husky now and I can hear little whimpers coming from her and the odd moan between words.

“You know where”

“Hmmm…” is all she manages to respond with

“D- Don’t stop …”

“I won’t… I’m going faster and … harder”

“I’m … nearly there”

“Me too … Do you like the way my tongue feels?”

“Mhm … I’m going to c-” I bite my lip to keep me from screaming. “Oh my god…”

I lay here wordless; I focus on getting my breathing back to normal. I can’t even be bothered to open my eyes. I hear a louder moan come from Cheryl down the phone before I hear a fumble.

“Fuckkk… Kimberley!” I hear her cry out and then she falls quiet.

“Chez? ”

She giggles softly. “That was …”

“Amazing” I fill her in and she giggles again.

“I told you you would like it didn’t i?”

“You did”

“I’m going to go now”

“Me too, you’ve worn me out”

“You did that yourself”

“I guess I did” I giggle and she makes a kiss noise down the phone.

“I love you”

“I love you more”

“Hmm … that’s debatable”

“Whatever you say” I sing and she chuckles.

“Okay goodnight babe”


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