demigods meet wizards

By _accio_fandoms_

48.1K 1.7K 1.1K

In this story thalia, Nico, Percy and Annabeth go to hogwarts to protect the golden trio but will they be dis... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 4

4.9K 186 87
By _accio_fandoms_

Percy's Point of View

We head to the magical creatures lesson. I'm hoping our lesson has nothing to do with horses, I really wanted to keep my identity a secret. We head down as a big man comes out of the forest with some unicorns. I groan.

"Don't worry Percy, hopefully they won't notice you." Annabeth says, not too convincingly.

"This week we'll be learning about horses, like pegasi, unicorns and hippocampi. Today we'll learn about unicorns of course. Oh and to those who do not know me, I'm Hagrid." The big man called Hagrid said. I face palm myself. Great.

"I need 2 volunteers to help me with these 2 unicorns, how about Percy and Hermione ov' there?" I mentally kill myself. I walk over. "Careful Percy, Unicorns tend to like females better than males so you be careful." Ha,I felt like laughing, I don't need to be careful. Hey, look now, the 2 unicorns were trying to be the one who I took care of. A/N this time italics is horse language

"Hey guys, calm down." I say

"Yes Horse Master! How are your travels?" The unicorns say as they bow. "Rise, what are your names?"

"I'm Boaz, the swift and strong one." The unicorn to the left said, I noticed he had a more sturdy look to him then the other unicorn.

"I'm Lunaria, it means of the moon." The unicorn to the right said, she had a soft peaceful glow to her.

"Ok well, Boaz, Lunaria, I'm kinda undercover so pretend I'm just a normal person, kay? "

"Yes, master." Boaz and Lunaria bow down again then trot away.

I turn around. Everyone is staring at me, shocked. Except Draco, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia, of course. Hermione stares at me.

"How did you do that?" She says, "They just bowed to you, and you talked to them, and, and," She looks like she saw a, well, ghost wouldn't work here would it?

Trying to avoid any more suspicion, I say " I just have my way with horses." And leave even though there is still 15 minutes left of class.I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to Thalia, Nico, and Annabeth. I grin my lop-sided grin. " Well looks like I gave a small slip there huh?"

Nico snorts, "Yah, think? Come on, I'm out of practice, lets fight." Nico taps his ring letting his 3 foot Stygian Iron sword pop out. I pull out Ryptide an swing him in my hand. Man, it's been a while. Thalia almost brings out her spear but changes her mind and does some target practice. She pulls out a silver hair pin turning into a bow, a sheath of arrows suddenly appears on her back. Annabeth pulls out a knife and decides target practice too and throws her dagger into a tree.

"OH MY GODS!" Annabeth screams, her eyes widening at her mistake. She pulls her knife out of the tree saying sorry to whichever dryad who belonged to the tree, even though none appeared. Thalia, seeing Annabeth decides not to target practice and joins Nico and I in fighting with her spear. Annabeth then comes over to us, with her dagger. Now we are ready to fight.

Harry's Point of View

Hermione, Ron, and I sit down in class. Professor Flitwick is about to start his lesson when the exchange students burets in. The mumble sorry and head to some open desks, who happened to be in front of us. I look closely at them. They were covered in cuts and bruises. What happened? I see them passing around some sort of square bread pieces. As soon as they swallowed the bread, all their cuts disappeared. What in the world?

"Blimey, Harry, did you see that?" Ron not so quietly whispered. I elbow him for being so loud. Thalia glares at us before returning her attention to the lesson.

We were turning things different colors and each had a feather on our desk. Before I could even say confundia, I hear Professor Flitwick say." Good job! Done so quickly! If you were in a house I would have given you 25 points each." I look over to Hermione who's fuming, uh oh.

"They didn't even say it right." I hear Hermione say.

What is up with theses exchange students?

-Time Skip-

We go to potions. My least favorite class by far. I walk in to see Snape's cold black eyes watch me come in. Weird thing is, his eyes turn happy when I hear the door come in, Snape happy?

"Severus!" I hear coming from the door. Snape smiles, actually smiles, before he is tackled by the exchange students. He laughs. I think I'm going crazy. Snape laughed.

"Good to see you too!" Snape says. The whole Gryffindor is in shock. How did Snape get so happy?

"We missed you at camp, the Hecate cabin never get their sleeping potion right since you left." Annabeth says. A/N Italics back to greek!

"Well I had to go, I missed you guys too. Now sit down, the lesson is about to start." The exchange students nod and sit down.

"How did you get Snape so happy?" I hear Hermione whisper to Percy.

"He was a umm, lets say, teacher at our school. He was voted Teacher of the Month one time because he was the funniest, silliest teacher ever." Percy says turning back to the lesson. Snape silly? Noooooo.

After potions is done, Snape assigned us no homework. Snape that usually gives us 5 paragraph essays to do and 10 worksheets everyday, gave us no homework! I'm kinda liking this P.A.N.T group, but only during the end of potions. They are getting really suspicious. I wonder how they know Snape, well of course I know, but why do I get the feeling they were lying?

Ok, so this glitch thing that isn't allowing me to do the schedule is annoying me, so, you just sadly won't know the schedule. Thanks to all who reviewed.

Nico's Point of View

Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and I laugh as we go to History. I walk open the door right when a ghost turns it's head to look at me. I scowl. Binns. He was a ghost who escaped the Underworld because of his richness. Sadly, when you escape the underworld, it doesn't mean you'll have your body back.

"Lo-o-o-rd Nico! The Ghost King, how nice to see you!" He says nervously.

I scowl even more. "I should report you Binns."

"No-no-no-no sire! Please spare me!"

"Maybe." I say frowning as I take my seat.

"Nice giveaway, Death-Breath." I hear Thalia whisper.

Binns acted all great to me. "Oh Lord, are you hungry? Do you need something to eat?" or "Nico sire, is there anything you need, your wish is my command." I mean seriously, he was going to give us away! People were glancing at me suspiciously, like seriously Binns, shut up!

-Time Skip-

Percy's Point of View

"Lets see, I think we have Defense against the Dark Arts next, right?" I hear Annabeth say next to me as I hold her hand.


I hear Nico groan. "I practically am the Dark Arts." He says exasperatedly. I laugh until I see something in the corner of my eye. A flash of brown. Then I hear a moo. I freeze, as so do my friends. We all charge to courtyard, and there stands my old friend, the Minotaur.

I flick open my pen and charge. I slash, jump, roll. Annabeth pulls out her concealed dagger, Thalia brings out her hair pin, shooting arrows at the Minotaur, barely missing me.

"OOPS, SORRY PERCY!" I hear Thalia yell. I ignore it having a more important thing to do at the moment. Nico joins me with his 3 foot sword and we roll and jab, over and over again as silver arrows whiz, striking the minotaur, making him mad. Finally, Annabeth jumps onto the Minotaur's back and jabs him. The Minotaur explodes as gold dust fly through the air, making it rain little gold particles. I grab a square of ambrosia, nibble the end, and pass it to my friend. I fell relieved as all my cuts and bruises close up and disappear. I look up and see the Golden Trio looking through the window at us.

"Thalia!" I whisper yell. "A little mist please?" Thalia looks up to where I am looking. She gulps, snaps and waves her hand. Harry and Ron mumble something and turn away. I notice Hermione linger a second longer. Noticing that we missed Defense Against the Dark Arts (Nico lets out air, relieved) we head to Herbology.

-Time Skip-

Harry's Point of View

Nothing much happened in herbology, the only suspicion was that Nico's plant kept on dying. It's like he had Nico had an aura of death around him.

"Can't you get it fixed?" Hermione had asked.

"No, Nico and plants just don't mix."

"Annabeth, I'm sure there's a potion or spell som…."

"Buck Tooth, are you deaf? It can't be fixed, it will probably be fixed when hell freezes over." Thalia replied.

"What?" Ron said.

"Inside joke." Percy say smiling.

"That's not funny guys!" Nico yells aas he follows the exchange students to divination. ugh divination.


okay I really wanna give you guys a nickname but I am so bored I dont have inspiration for anything so please give me ideas.

sorry I wasnt updating blame my friend @crystalowl170 otherwise known as Tracy or mini ninja so blame her I have been excited for the holiday program she made me join as it is a food one and I have also had to work.

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