It's Complicated

By olsonss

10.3K 697 148

She thought her life was complicated before him, but she didn't even know the half of it. Deputy Emma Swan fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

368 20 6
By olsonss

The shrill ringing of Emma's phone wakes her in the middle of the night. Still half asleep she grabs it off the night stand.

"This better be good it's the middle of the night," she says with her eyes closed.

"Em, it's David. I hate to do this, but the ankle monitor company called and Walsh left his apartment. We have to go out to his place and see what happened," he explains. This catches her attention and she opens her eyes.

"Shit," she says as she sits up in bed.

"I know I can be at your place in ten," he states.

"I'm at Killian's actually," Emma says rubbing her eyes trying to wake up.

"Again? Isn't that the fifth night this week you've stayed there?" David asks with the tone of an older brother.

"David," Emma says in warning.

"Sorry, what's his address?" David asks. Emma reads it out to him and then hangs up. She leans over to Killian and shakes his shoulder. He simply stirs in his sleep.

"Killian," she says as she continually shakes his shoulder.

"Did the alarm go off," he mumbles and then finally opens his eyes, "What time is it?"

"It's almost 3:30," she sighs as she begins to get ready.

"And where are you going at this time of night? I see no reason for you to leave my bed," he says with a smirk. He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her close. She wishes she could stay here in bed with him, but she can't.

"Walsh left his apartment. David is coming by and we are going to his apartment to see what the fuck happened," Emma says while slipping out of his arms. She begins to pull on yesterday's clothes.

"He did what? That's a violation of his bail," he pauses for a moment, "There's nothing I can do at this time of night, but I'll be at the station early," he sighs. Fully dressed Emma walks over to him.

"I know that. I just wanted you to know what happened and that I didn't leave in the middle of the night. I'll see you later," she smiles. He pulls her in for a passionate kiss. It takes everything she has to pull away.

"Be careful, Swan." His tone one of concern.

"Always am, Jones," she kisses his cheek and heads out the door. His front door shuts behind her and David is waiting for her in a police cruiser. She opens the door and slides into the seat. Without a word David hands her a thermos of coffee. She sips the coffee in an attempt to wake herself up.

"So, things with Killian are serious, huh?" David asks breaking the silence.

"What makes you say that?" Emma grumbles.

"You're staying over at his place a lot. He comes by the station for lunch with you. It's just an observation," David says with a shrug.

"It's not that serious," she opposes his statement, uncomfortable at the thought that what he is implying is true.

"Alright, whatever you say," his tone implying that he doesn't believe her.

"Do we know anything about what happened with Walsh?" Emma asks, changing the subject.

"Just that he isn't in his apartment. That's all they told me," David discloses. The rest of the short ride is in silence. They pull up to Walsh's apartment building a few minutes later. When they exit the elevator onto his floor they both pull out their guns. They approach his door and see Walsh sitting on the floor in front of his front door. They keep their guns trained on his, unable to see if he has a weapon. His hands go up in defense.

"It took you guys thirty minutes to respond. What if I had actually tried to make a run for it? I'd be long gone by now," he says. The Sheriff and Deputy lower their weapons.

"Then why didn't you?" Emma asks.

"I knew everyone in the state would be looking for me. House arrest is a cruel joke. Gives you a taste of freedom, but you're being forced to stay in your home. I had to stretch my legs. I am better now, but I am sure you have to take me in now," he says matter of factly.

"That's correct. Please stand," David says not at all amused. Walsh stands and closes the door to his apartment. David places the cuffs on him stating he has violated his house arrest and has the right to call his lawyer. They take him to the station where he does in fact call Robert Gold. Emma and David head into his office to lend them some privacy.

"Something is not right about this at all. Why would he risk his limited freedom? To stretch his legs? I'm not buying that for one second. Regina is going to send him to jail for the duration of the trial for this. You know it, I know it, and Gold knows it. This isn't adding up," Emma says quickly, but in a hushed tone.

"I know this hasn't felt right from the beginning. I'll call the ankle monitor company and see if we can see if he actually left his building," David says.

"Hopefully that will lead us somewhere," she says. Emma still has this feeling that this will bite them in the ass later. She doesn't know how or why though. For now she'll just have to make sure they look at every angle of this.

Around six Killian comes in ready to work. In David's office they tell him that suspect that something else is going on and they are looking into it.

"Let me know about any developments. I called Regina his hearing is set for eleven today. I have paperwork to sort out call me with any updates on him," Killian says before leaving the office.

David and Emma spend about three hours on hold with ankle monitor company and they both want to tear their hair out. David has had to stop Emma twice from cussing out the person on the other end of the phone. They get transferred about twenty times, but finally a perfectly nice woman tells them the coordinates of where Walsh went. They finally go get off the phone and Emma plugs the coordinates into the computer.

"Well where did he go?" David asks while looking over her shoulder.

"The warehouse," Emma says turning and looking at David, who immediately starts making another call.

"Who are you calling?" Emma asks, still not sure why Walsh would go there.

"Killian. Emma, all his drugs came into that warehouse. Whatever the reason he went there it wasn't anything good," David says. When Killian picks up David tells him what they know and suspect.

"Bloody hell, do you think he was meeting Zelena there?" Killian asks.

"He could've been. Who the hell knows what he was doing there?" David says.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out. Thanks, mate. I've got to go. I'll see you lot later," he sighs. This just added a new twist to the case. Killian finished up his paperwork and figures out what to say to Regina. She has a good head on her shoulders and Walsh will definitely be sent to jail for the duration of the trial. On top of all of this, his brother and sister in law will be in town tomorrow night.

They hold the hearing in the Mayor's office promptly at eleven, David and Emma escort Walsh in with Robert Gold trailing behind him. Regina wastes no time.

"Let's begin. The evidence has been presented to me and I've had time to review it. Mr. Green, I must say this doesn't look good for you. I agreed to give you house arrest to give you benefit of the doubt. It seems as though you didn't treat this as a gift. Where did you go last night?" Regina asks sternly, she had the nickname evil queen for a reason.

"I simply needed to stretch my legs, Madam Mayor. I now see it was a mistake," Walsh says trying to sound sincere. Emma sees through the facade and she's pretty sure Madam Mayor does as well.

"Madam Mayor, we have GPS proof of where he went last night," Killian says taking a file from David's outreached hand, "He visited his warehouse, which is an active crime scene. Deputy Humbert is there now investigating if any evidence was tampered with. I believe this demonstrates that he can no longer be trusted to stay on house arrest." Killian hands over the file to Regina.

"My office didn't receive this new evidence. I haven't had time to review it, therefore it wouldn't be fair to base your ruling off this, Madam Mayor," Gold argues through gritted teeth. Regina looks up from the file with an uninterested stare.

"Then you'll be pleased to know I made up my mind without the file, but I'm sure Mr. Jones will send you a copy. Mr. Green, I hope you like Tri-County prison because that's where you'll be staying for the duration of the trial," Regina commands. Walsh doesn't look too fazed, he must have been suspecting this.

"That will be all. Sheriff the necessary paperwork will be sent through today and the prison will be expecting you and Mr. Green tomorrow morning. I assume he can stay the night in the holding cell," Regina says with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, Madam Mayor." David nods. The hearing ending and the group disperses. Gold leaves in a hurry. Killian soon after, making his way to his office on the floor below them. David and Emma escort Walsh back to the station. Emma can't lie she's ecstatic about Walsh being sent to prison for the rest of the trial.


Later that week Killian grows more nervous with the upcoming prospect of his brother and sister-in-law visiting. Emma doesn't let on she's nervous, but she is. Liam and Elsa are huge part of Killian's life and it's impossible to not be a little concerned about meeting his family.

Friday night rolls around and Killian comes to the station to pick up Emma. With another busy day at the station Emma didn't have time to change into anything else. Killian comes into the bullpen with a nervous smile on his face.

"Do I look okay? Is this nice enough to meet your brother and his wife?" Emma asks, worry creeping in through her voice. Emma is wearing black skinny jeans, a cream sweater, and her red leather jacket.

"Love, you look fantastic as always," he smiles, realizing she's just as nervous as he is. Nervous is good, it means she cares.

"Alright, we should go then," she smiles and they walk out hand in hand. The couple return to Killian's loft waiting for Liam and Elsa to arrive. Emma's nerves grow with each minute. She's never met anyone's family before. Neal didn't have one and well Walsh claimed he didn't speak to his, but who knows if that was the truth.

"Emma, it's going to be fine. They'll love you," he kisses her cheek. She takes a deep breathe and his phone rings. The caller ID flashes Liam. Killian picks it up.

"There's one main road in town don't tell me you got lost," Killian teases his older brother.

"No, we didn't get lost. I believe I'm in front of your place, but I'm fairly sure you pranked me," Liam says unsure.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because we're parked in front of a warehouse," Liam says. Killian just laughs as he goes down the stairs to his front door.

"Looks can be deceiving," Killian says before hanging up. A few seconds later he open the door and sees Liam and Elsa in the front seats of his brothers car. Once they see him they get out. The brothers reunite and Killian hugs Elsa. That's when Emma sticks her head out from around the door. Liam spots her first and greets her as she approaches the group.

"You must be the lovely, Emma I've heard so much about," Liam sticks his hand out. She shakes it with a slight smile.

"I am. You must be Liam," Emma turns her gaze to the blonde woman standing next to Liam, "And Elsa." The woman shakes Emma's hand with a small smile. Elsa is tall with her blonde hair in a braid and she is just barely showing. Emma probably wouldn't be able to tell if she hadn't known already. Liam stands next to Killian is only a couple inches taller than his younger brother. They're eyes are similar, but Liam's hair is curly where Killian's isn't.

"Yes, it's so nice to meet the woman who has Killian completely smitten," she smirks and Killian blushes.

"Smitten, huh? Did he tell you that?" she asks, curious to what exactly Killian has told Liam and Elsa about her and he scratches his ear nervously.

"Oh no, but he doesn't have to. It's the way he talks about you," she comments. Emma smiles at him.

"Good to know."

"Little brother, show me your place. I'm still not convinced that this building is habitable," Liam says with a sceptical glance back to the converted warehouse.

"Younger brother, Liam, but of course follow me," Killian says as he leads them up the flight of stairs, Emma trailing at the back of the group. Liam and Elsa's shocked faces mirrors Emma's reaction when she saw the place for the first time.

"Looks can be deceiving," Elsa comments, "This place is beautiful and has an amazing view."

"Aye, that it does," Killian grins as Emma joins him at his side, his arm wrapping around her shoulders.

"I was wrong you can live here. I was certain you were pranking us. What is the plan for dinner?" Liam asks.

"Granny's, it is one of the best places in town," Killian beams.

"And one of the only places," Emma jokes as the group heads out the door.


Dinner couldn't have gone better. Emma can sense that Liam isn't certain about her, but has been nothing but nice to her. Although she isn't worried because her and Elsa have hit it off. Emma suspects Liam will follow his wife's lead eventually.

As they are finishing up some delicious pie none other than Robert Gold walks in. Killian automatically tenses up besides Emma and she places a hand on his knee.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Liam asks noticing the shift between the couple.

"The man who just walked in defense lawyer here in town and let's just say we don't get along," Killian says stiffly.

"Isn't that expected?" Elsa asks.

"No, he can't remain professional. There is a difference," he says.

"Gold has made the case we're on personal and the trial starts next week. I think all of Storybrooke may try and attend just to see these two have it out," Emma comments.

"It's that big of a deal here?" Liam asks.

"It's a small town there isn't much else to do and this is the most dangerous case we've ever had here," Emma comments.

"Are you from here?" Elsa asks.

"No just lived here for a while. I'm from Boston," she says.

"Despite the drama, I'm sure you'll get the guilty verdict," Liam encourages the two. They smile and nod because this case is far from over.

The group heads back to Killian's place for a nightcap. Liam manages to get Emma alone for the first time all night.

"I've been meaning to talk with you," Liam says sternly. She braces herself for this conversation. She knew it was coming.

"Ah is this the big brother overprotective chat?" she asks.

"Yes it is. You knew this was coming?" he asks curious.

"Of course, you're his brother. You're the only family he has. The way Killian talks about you shows you two have each other's back. That you would do anything for one another," she explains.

"I do. He's my brother. All I'll say is he's known a lot of pain in his life, so please don't add to it," he warns her.

"I don't intend to," she says just as serious as he is. What she said seems to please him, and a grin crosses his face.

"Good to hear, welcome to the family." He hold out his glass and she taps her glass against his. A grin spreads across her face when she catches Killian looking at them. He has a concerned look on his face, but she just smiles and shakes her head. He nods and returns to his conversation with Elsa.

"Now listen here Killian, if you ever do that again, if you ever leave like that again and not tell us where you're going I'll make your life a living hell. Is that understood?" Elsa says staring him down.

"Yes, it is. I was an idiot and a fool. I promise it will never happen again," He states his guilt weighing heavy in his gut.

"Good, now don't mess things up with this one she's good for you," Elsa smiles.

"I'm trying my hardest not to," he sighs.

"Do you love her?" He knows the answer to that immediately. He's loved her for a while now, but he can't risk saying it and having her leave him. He doesn't think his heart could take it.

"Aye, I do."

"Then that's all that matters," she smiles. He nods and looks over at Emma, who is now laughing with Liam. Their conversation earlier looked serious, but it seems to be alright now.

The rest of the weekend goes by without a hitch. Elsa and Emma are thick as thieves. The Jones brothers are better than ever. Sunday night they have one last dinner at Granny's.

"Are you two ready to head home?" Killian asks. Liam and Elsa exchange a look.

"Actually we've been thinking that we really don't want to leave," Liam says.

"What do you mean?" Killian asks, unsure of where this is heading.

"We're not quite sure how you found this town, but we love it. My job isn't making me happy anymore and I'm going to be a mother soon. I'd rather focus on that than a job that makes me unhappy," Elsa explains.

"I can work anywhere. Honestly I'd rather be here, where you are brother. This looks like a nice place to raise a family," Liam comments.

"Storybrooke would be honored to have you two as its newest citizens," Killian smiles.

"I think it's wonderful that you guys are moving here. Speaking of work our other deputy just quit. There's a spot for you. David and I could use the help," Emma explains.

"I'll have to keep that in mind. Thank you, Emma. Of course, we have to settle things back in New York. We hope to be here within the next month or two," Liam says. Emma and the brothers toast the happy occasion while Elsa drinks water.

The happy couple leave after dinner with promises to call and be back soon to look at houses in the area. Killian and Emma watch them drive away. Emma suddenly realizes that this is what a family is. It felt so natural and easy, like she fell into place. She felt the same way when David and Mary Margaret pulled her into their lives. This feeling scares her, but she doesn't want to run. That's when it hits her with full force, she loves Killian.


Emma, Killian, and David are confirming a few details the night before the trial and Killian is practicing his opening remarks. Mary Margaret brought dinner for them and is interjecting with her opinions. Suddenly there is a knock at the office door. The whole room goes quiet. Mary Margaret opens it and there stands Robert Gold. He walks in and only has eyes for Emma. This causes Killian to tense up; he does not like the way Gold is looking at Emma. She doesn't like it either, but she never backs down from a fight. She almost seems to be taller, ready for the fight.

"Miss Swan, I told you one day that I would need a favor. That day is today. You won't be testifying for the state, in fact I don't want you testifying at all. Now, you and your sherriff are very virtuous, so I suspect you will attempt to testify anyway. If you do I will expose you to the whole town. It's your choice dearie, but we had a deal," Gold says with a menacing stare and walks out of the station. All eyes turn to Emma.

"Emma, what did you do?" David asks, arms crossed.

Hi! So my inspiration for this story has finally returned. This story is near and dear to my heart so thank all of you for sticking with it. There are many exciting things to come. I hope you love them all as much as I do. Enjoy the chapter! As always please comment and vote xoxo. 

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