The Unknown sister- A Connor...

By TheVamps_NHC_Kenz

33.6K 532 109

Madison Evans. She's Tristan's little sister, no one knows about her, till now. What will happen when she mov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Capter 5
Capter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Part 1)
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Happy birthday Connor❤️❤️
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

738 10 1
By TheVamps_NHC_Kenz

Madi's P.O.V

-Next day-

I was relaxing on the couch with Loki when my phone went off, I checked it and noticed it was the group chat Lewi Sophie Con and I had

The Cool people Squad💙

Lewie💥: Hey Madie hope youre ok, Connor just told me what happened

Soph🌸: Same with James, I am always here for you girl

Lewie💥: Yeah I agree with Sophie we all love you

Condor🦎: sorry I had to leave you this morning babe, but Joe came in and woke me up because we had a photoshoot, hope everything is ok, love you and I will see you when I'm home💙😍😘

Madi🙊: Awe guys I love all of you too💙💙, and yes I am ok I'm just sitting here relaxing with Loki, and babe its ok I knew you had the photoshoot

Lewie💥: Please bring him next time you come he's so adorable!

Soph🌸: I would agree with Lewie but we all know how much Mickey would hate it aha😝

Madi🙊: well if it's ok with your mom and dad I will gladly bring him along😂, and I agree Soph Mickey would hate me 🙈

I laughed and decided on texting Shawn

Madi🙊: Hey, do you have a minute?

Shawn💙: always x

Madi🙊: Well Chasity and I got into this huge fight and now were not friends anymore and she's back in Canada to be with some guy she broke up with Levi for oh and she pushed me into the wall.😕

Shawn💙: I did hear something about that from her but I knew her side of the story wasn't as true as yours would be, and oh no are you ok?😔💕

Madi🙊: Wait, what did she tell you? 🤔 And yeah I'm ok now just relaxing with Loki💙💙

Shawn💙: Well good I'm glad, 😁 and she told me that Levi cheated on her with you and right as she said that I didn't believe her for a second because I had some thoughts that you still liked Connor😏

Madi🙊: That's the other thing, we are back together but were not going to tell the fans this time, and of course she did ugh I can't stand her anymore😒

Shawn💙: Awe, well I'm glad if you need anything I'm here, and remember the fans will know before you know lol❤️❤️

Madi🙈: Thanks Shawn❤️, and yeah that's true enough they know all😳

Shawn💙: yeah a little too much sometimes aha🤔

Madi🙈: aha that unintended pun though

Shawn💙: Stop it aha

Madi🙊: you love it😏

Shawn💙: maybe a little😂

Madi🙊: a little too much?

Shawn💙: ugh 😒💕

Madi🙊: 😅😂❤️

I laughed way too much at my own puns, but I couldn't help it and Shawn set himself up without knowing he did but oh well I know it made him laugh because it's not the first time I've made stupid puns out of his songs. I got bored and decided to post on Instagram since it's been awhile

Instagram: MadiEvans13: Meant to post this the other day, but I got back home to LA with this little surprise from The Tide boys, thank you again so much guys I love him  - Everyone say meet Loki- 😍💕🙈@ thetidedrew @ thetidelevi @ thetidenate @ thetideaustin @ thetide #puppy #cute #thankful #huskypuppy

A few seconds later tons of comments were coming in saying how adorable Loki was and how amazing the boys were for getting him for me then I saw the boys comments and I smiled

Thetideaustin: of course, you've been through a lot everyone knows it, you deserved Loki ❤️

Thetidenate: I knew how much you always wanted a husky🤷🏼‍♂️😂

Thetidedrew: low key I picked him out sooo your extra welcome😁😂💕

Thetidelevi: you're so welcome 😛

I rolled my eyes and laughed and liked all their comments, then I guess I fell asleep because a few hours later I woke up to Connor kissing my forehead

"Hey babe I'm home" he smiled

"Huh, I guess I took a nap" I laughed

"Yes, I figured you would at some point today" Connor laughed as he cuddled up to me

"Where's everyone else?" I asked

"The tide is out swimming Brad is with Tris outside sitting by the pool and James is getting us some snacks and were going to do our little movie nights we do with us three" He smiled

"Oooo so basically Jonnor date featuring Loki and I" I laughed

"aha sure why not" he smiled as he kissed me

"Helloooo my lovely dates" James said as he came in with drinks popcorn and candy

"Hello Jems" I laughed

"Hello my love" Connor smiled

And Loki barked for a second

"And hello too you too Loki" James smiled

"I missed these nights" I said

"So did we" both James and Connor said at the same time which made me laugh

We spent the rest of the night watching movies and at some point, we all asleep in my room.

Bam two chapters in one day whatttt? Most likely will never happen again but who knows but yes double update, and yes I know that these pictures of the husky are not exactly like the original picture, but its hard to find pictures that are exactly like the first husky picture so I did try my best aha but anyways not sure when I will post again and like I always say thank you guys 😊😊😊💕💕💕💕


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