Chapter 1

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I'm Madison Evans, even though most people call me Madi or Madds. I am 20 years old I have brown hair, brown eyes and I'm about 5'5 and my favorite color is blue. I was born and raised in Canada well until a couple days ago; don't worry ill get to that party of the story in a bit ;).  I like music such as 5 Seconds of summer, The Vamps, The Tide Hunter Hayes, Dan and Shay, Ariana Grande One Direction and Before You Exit. As TV shows go I watch New Girl, Finding Carter and Teen wolf. I'm obsessed with YouTube but I mean come on who isn't right? Anyways I could list off all the You Tuber's I watch but that would take forever, but my main YouTube Queens are Meg DeAnglis and Bethany Mota and as for the guys Luke Korns and Christian Collins. I live with my 2 best friends Chastity Martin and Shawn Mendes. Chastity she also goes by Chassy she is 20 as well she has long blonde hair and blue eyes, and she's about 5'4. She has the same music taste as me as well which is a bonus ;). I met her way back in public school and we've been besties since then. Shawn and I are basically brother and sister since his family adopted me when I was about 8 or 9 since my real family abandoned me. It was mainly always Chastity and I since Shawn was always off touring and stuff. But that's enough of all this boring stuff how about we get to the story now yes?

Madi's Pov:

Chassy and I were sitting in the living room watching The Vamps old Christmas cover for Rocking Robin on YouTube up on the big screen.

"Madds! How can you NOT like Tristan!" she basically screamed

"Well Chassy.." as I paused and thought for a minute as to why I didn't like the drummer from The Vamps, Chassy rolled her eyes

"See! You don't even have a valid reason as to why you don't like him!"  As she screamed at me and faked like she was hurt, as if you couldn't tell by now Chassy is kind of in love with Tristan

"You know your just all not caring because your precious little baby Con wasn't in the band yet" she said as she got up to go to the kitchen to get food

"Ok hold up here no one said ANYTHING about liking Connor here" I fought back as I followed her into the kitchen she rolled her eyes then laughed

"Oh please Madds I can tell the way you look at him when you watch their music videos" she laughed

"You just keep believing that girl" as I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and went back to the living room. Couple minutes later Chastity came in and switched the music video from Wild heart which is personally one of my favorites over to Oh Cecilia.
"HEY! I was watching that video!" I whined at her

"Well guess what now were watching Oh Cecilia" she smirked and we fell quite for the rest the video then she put on The Vamps funny moments

"Hey ever noticed how much you and Tris look alike?"

I stared at her like she was crazy

"Uh dude where do you see we look alike? He's got blonde hair and green eyes"

"not like that but just the way he acts sometimes I see it you and you guys both have like the same smile and facial expressions, plus I mean you can sing and play drums"

I sighed and shook my head in disbelief at her just because I can play the drums and sing doesn't mean I am exactly like Tris. After awhile I herd a knock on the door so I went and opened it to see Shawn standing in front of me

"SHAWN!" I hugged him and Chassy came running over and hugged both of us

"Wait aren't you supposed to be back next week"

"Well I have a couple days off and decided to come down to surprise you and my family, plus you and I half to talk" Shawn said in all seriousness

"Danm things got serious really quickly" Chassy said cause Shawn and I both to laugh a bit

"Well come on you and Chassy get changed out of your Pajamas and lets go over to my house so we can talk" Shawn smiled

We both nodded and ran upstairs to get changed

"So dude what do you think Shawn wants to talk about?"

"Chas I don't even know but to be honest it's really scaring me"

We soon finished changing into normal clothes then went down stairs and out to Shawn's car then we drove over to his parents place. We walked in to see his mom and dad talking at the kitchen table and Aaliyah was watching TV

"Hey mom hey Dad I'm back with the girls" Shawn said as we walked n

"Hello Hun, Chassy Madi" his mom smiled us
We smiled back and sat down with them at the table

"Ok this is actually kind of hard to say but we should really tell you about your real family" Manny said my eyes widen

"What? No I don't want to know them! They left me when I was a kid! I don't want anything to do with them"

Karen and Manny sighed, while Shawn looked at me with sad eyes

"Their here aren't they? That's why I'm here, that's why Shawn's looking at me with sad eyes right now?"

Well this was just great my real family was here and I didn't want them here, well I mean I guess I have always dreamt about what they were like I mean I know they left me and all but they couldn't be so bad? NO Madds what are you saying they left you when you were 8. But I'm going to play nice for Manny and Karen's sake because I can't stand to see them upset.

"Alright fine I'll meet them"

Karen left to get them and came back a few moments later she returned I refused to really look up till Chassy kept tugging at my arm so I looked up and seen Tristan Evans standing in front of me with is mom, then I remembered back to the day they left me

"Trissy! Don't leave!" I cried as my brother was dropping me off at a random house

"This isn't my fault nor is this my idea Maddie I am so sorry I half to do this" we walked up to the house which was a nice looking house, Tristan knocked on the door and then a nice lady and man opened it Tristan explained something to them which I couldn't here then this little boy came out and sat beside me

"Hi I'm Shawn, and he hugged me"

I was kind of shocked but I hugged back

"Why did you hug me when you just met me?"

"Because you looked sad and you looked like you could use a hug"

"Well thank you, I'm Madison, but my brother calls me Madi or Madds"

"Well its nice to meet you"

Then Tris started to walk away and I ran after him screaming and soon enough Shawn's mom picked me up and that was the last time I ever seen Tris

*Flash back over*

"How could you not tell me THE TRISTAN EVENS was your BROTHER?" I got interrupted out of my thoughts by Chassy screaming at me about it

"You promise me you'd be back for me! You promised you would call! Skype, ANYTHING"
Shawn then grabbed my arm to calm me down and I got out of his grip

"Madds I-"I cut him off

"NO! Its Madison to you, only my friends and TRUE family can call me that"

"Madison this isn't my fault ok I am sorry! Mom mad me cut all contact with you"

"Then why the hell is she here now"

"I am here to bring you home to England"

"Your insane if you think I am going ANYWHERE with you.

That was the day I packed up my entire life I had in Canada and moved out and moved in with Tristan and his band mates, on the plus side I convinced them to let me bring Chassy along. Well I guess living with my brother won't be too bad, I mean I get to meet the rest of his band mates, and I do half to deal with my best friend liking my brother but hey if she likes him and she's happy they can date if they ever wanted too.

Authors note:

HEY sooo yeah this is my first fanfiction ever.. So it may possibly suck sorry 😋
Umm slow updates haha I'll try and update as often as I can but thanks for reading hope you like it! 😋 ( oh and the picture on the top.. Or side is Madison and Chastity😊)

The Unknown sister- A Connor Ball love storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum