Chapter 22

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Madi's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I sighed as rolled out of my bed and got changed and went downstairs.

"Hey sleepy head." James laughed.  I rolled my eyes.

"Hey babe." Connor kissed my cheek as I sat down. I grabbed some pancakes and started eating them.

"Wow doesn't even say a word and just goes for the food." Brad laughed.

"Well duh" I laughed

"So where is Tris?" I questioned.

"He's still upstairs sleeping I believe. Why?"  Bradley questioned.

"I know his birthday is coming up so I wanted to surprise him." I smiled.

"Sounds like an amazing idea" Joe smiled as he walked in the house.

"We could fly out your parents and Anna out here." James smiled.

"Oh my god yes such a great idea James" I smiled.

"We can't tell Tris though it's our secret" I smiled again.

"Sounds good" Connor smiled.

"What sounds good?" Tristian said sleepily

"Uhh Pancakes of course that James made."  I smiled hoping he believed it.

"That does sound good" Tris smiled. As he ate the pancakes. 

-Time Skip to the next day-

"Ok I got my parents and Anna in on it they are flying out tomorrow." I smiled as I walked over to Connor.

"Awesome I told my parents what we were doing and they said they even wanted to come" Connor smiled.

"Awe sounds awesome" I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

"I love you" Connor said as he kissed me.

"I love you too Con" I smiled as I kissed him back.  It got a little bit heated until we heard someone clear their throat.

"Sorry to interrupt your little moment but I had an idea of getting Tris a cool looking cake" James smiled as he sat down beside on us on the couch.

"That's an awesome idea cause duhh we need to have cake" I said laughing.

"And I'm pretty sure Joe has the food all figured out." James said smiling.

"My family is coming down as well" Connor said smiling.

"I think Brad said his mom and dad were coming as well and I did ask my parents but they said they weren't sure yet and they would let me know" James smiled.

"Awe this is going to be so awesome" I smiled.

-Skip to Tristan's birthday/ Party day-

"OK so plan Joe is going to take Tradley out for the day while Jonnor and I stay here get everything set up" I said as I smiled.

"Oh man I have to deal with both of them? Why?" Joe said as he pretended to cry.

"Because if you just take Tris he will know somethings up now if you take Tris and Brad he will be less suspicious." I said laughing.

"Ok ok fine" Joe laughed as he went to get Tris.

"Ok so Tris Brad and I are going to have an "us" day so don't wait up byeee" Joe said.

"Ok Bye have fun" we all said as they left.

Tristan's P.O.V

The Unknown sister- A Connor Ball love storyWhere stories live. Discover now