14 Degrees

By JavaJolt17

301 16 4

Tracy thought she was going to have a calm, romantic dinner with her boyfriend, Daniel, but she was wrong. Th... More

Forgot About Daniel
The Car Ride
The Storm Rolls In
What Am I Doing?
Give Up
I Hear Laughter
They Tell Me Their Names
Calling Daniel
He's Here

He Tricked Me

29 2 0
By JavaJolt17

A/N: I came up with this idea last minute. I think it spices up the story a bit. Either that or I ruined it. I hope you're enjoying the story so far (if you're still reading that is) ;P Enjoy chapter three!

I didn't notice the car parked by the man creepily staring at me before I looked out my window. He must have just pulled in. I have no idea why he's just standing out in the cold. Wait, he's doing something. He's walking towards me. With each step he comes closer and closer. My heart races. This has never happened to me before. He keeps walking until he's right by the car. He peers into my window. My heart is now thudding against my chest. What do I do?

The man, who most likely is in his late twenties and actually looks kind of cute, taps on the glass. If he was some creepy looking guy, I would be freaked out right now. But, since he doesn't seem that intimidating, I turn the keys to start the car again and I push a button to roll down my window-not the whole way- just enough so I can hear what he has to say.

"Can I...help you?" I ask. The man rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, my car broke down and my daughter's in the car. She can't walk-never could. Can you help me carry her in that building until I can get someone to come by and repair the car?" he asks very nicely. I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Why can't you carry her yourself...?" I throw a question right back at him.

"I have back problems and her stroller snapped a few days ago."

"Why couldn't you buy a new one?"

"I work all day, and so does my wife. We couldn't find time to search for a reasonably priced one for her size."

I notice the man is shivering, and he looks pretty desperate. How do I know if this is a trick or not? If there really is a girl in that car, I can't just let her and the man freeze. If there is no girl, then what happens?

"Okay, I'll help," I finally say. What's the worst that could happen? I'm still cautious, though. I don't let my guard down when I open the car door and slam the door when I step out of the vehicle.

"Thank you so much," the man smiles. He starts walking back to his car and I follow him. I rub my arms, trying to stay warm. I can she my breath when I exhale. That's how cold it is outside right now. When we arrive at the car that appears to be an explorer, he opens the trunk. Why would he open the trunk? Then I realize something. He tricked me.

The man suddenly grabs my waist and shoves me into the back of his car. Before I could even sit up he slams the trunk behind me. I'm an idiot. I sit up and peek over the back seats. I watch the man sprint to the front of his car and he sits down in the driver's seat. He steps on the gas pedal and now I know I'm hopeless. I have no idea what to do.

"I feel stupid," I mutter under my breath. Apparently he heard me.

"You should feel stupid," he chuckles. "I was making that story up as I went."

"Since you're kidnapping me, can I at least have your name?" I might as well know his name if I'm gonna be in the back of his car for some time.

"The name's Jack, doll face. Jack Lang. Yours?"

"The name's Tracy, you jerk. Tracy Summers," Yep, I just gave him my name. I don't think it really matters.

"Hey, you're calling me a jerk already? You barely even know me."

"People don't just straight up stuff other people in the back of their cars and drive off!" I point out. We come to a red light, so Jack turns around in his seat to look at me.

"Well, people who want paid big time do this," he replies with a smirk. I cross my arms as he turns around to check if the traffic light turned green yet.

"Paid?" I repeat.

"Yep, I'm gonna sell you to a friend of mine."

"That's illegal."

"So is stuffing people in the back of a car. Yet I get away with it every time. So, ha!" The light turns green, so Jack continues to drive. I'm not going through with this. I look around in the back to see if there's a button that opens up the trunk. I don't find one even though I saw a car just like this one before that had a button. Next I reach over the back seats and I hook a finger on the handle to a side door to see if it will open. That doesn't work either. (Stupid child safety lock.)

I can't try to crawl up to the driver's seat and take out Jack with a punch or something. That could cause him to crash and I would be a goner since I'm not wearing a seat belt. I'm out of ideas. I latch a hand onto the back seat to keep steady. There's nothing I can do.

A/N: And this is why one of my tags to this story is #strangerdanger. I bet you were wondering about that before. Hmm... what will happen next? I'll try to get another chapter posted tomorrow, so check back sometime if you like this so far.

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