A Demon's Quest for a Lover

By BloodyTurtle

245 49 32

"Now, ditch rationality and fall into madness. Let's start the destruction of your sanity!" Daespheak is a de... More

A Demon Lord's Day
Clueless Worshipper
Prince of Misery


24 9 3
By BloodyTurtle

I manifested a door, instantly having a weak feeling in my limbs. Law saw my weakness, staying prepared to catch me if need be. I used up a lot of energy, but I managed to keep myself up. I opened up my door, and Null and Law followed me into the mermaid domain.

The air within was nice and cool, smelling of nature and mud. The mermaid domain is large, taking more space than the capital. But it's mostly water. That which isn't water is marsh and lush fields. Where we arrived, it was just sickly green marshes as far as I could see. My legs were wet from my calves, down.

"What now, Lord?" Null asked, looking up at me. The bottom of his cloak was covered in water and mud since it dragged along the ground. Law's pants were also mud-covered, and he looked disappointed with it.

"We should find the castle. Well, it's more a gorgeous and crystal clear pool."

"Where is it? How can we tell?" Null questioned, staring at me.

"I've been here before. I can sense the castles within each domain. Every castle has an orb of darkness that my brothers and I created. We can locate them when we're nearby. Just follow me, and we'll get there."


I began trudging through the mud and water, and my shoes were suctioned against the ground with each step to be removed with a wet sound.

After we'd walked for around twenty minutes, a faint melody rung through my ears. It was extremely sweet, the song growing louder as I walked. The marsh below my feet started turning into water, and Null, Law, and I stood in front of a pond.

On a rock, a beautiful woman was singing in a harmonious and welcoming voice. Her blond hair went down to her ankles, swaying in the soft winds. She turned to us, smiling and motioning us forward. Her blue eyes had seemingly lustful intent, calling my heart in. She lay on the rock on her back with her bare legs crossed and her arms continuing to motion us toward her naked body.

Forgetting where I was, I was lured to her with my mouth gaping. Law was beside me, blushing and grinning like an idiot. I started walking toward the woman, my brain feeling dopey and like mush. My heart was rapidly beating, feeling warm and gleeful. My breathing was increased, and my body wanted to have the woman.

Law also began to walk forward, and we both found our way toward the seductive enchantress. The water started going farther and farther up my legs, reaching up to my thighs before Null tugged on my shirt. I ignored him, continuing to walk. Again, Null tugged. Enraged, I turned back to him and shoved him away. Null continued messing with me, and I looked back at him while my body shook in rage. I growled in my fury, the water up to my lower stomach. Law continued getting sucked in, the water below his chest. He was almost at the rock.

"Lord, stop. Stop Law, too," Null insisted, looking worried.

"Why the hell should I stop? Leave me alone, Null," I muttered, going back to walking. Null pulled on my shirt again, so I pushed him back. He continued persisting.

"Think of where we are, Lord."

I immediately stopped walking, facepalming myself and turning to Law.

"Law! Stop! It's the siren's song! It's a siren!" I shouted, and he turned back to me with fret. He slowly looked forward, realizing he had reached the rock.

Law's head was all that was left above the water, and the siren crawled over to him. She snuck her face near his, kissing him with her hands on his cheeks. She began to suck out his existence, but he started kissing to steal her's. He overpowered the siren, and she quickly moved back and turned red-faced.

Law crept up the rock, crawling and cornering the temptress. She kept sliding backward, her back on the rock below her. When she was about to slide into the water, Law grabbed onto her arm and pulled her up to his face while he smirked. He kissed her again, but this time she seemed to enjoy it and grabbed onto Law's body. He paused, moving back and shuffling out of his shirt. He was about to go for his pants, but I grew angry with him.

"Law! Stop being a freaking whore! We've got places to be!" I yelled, and he turned back to me.

"Come on. Let me have some fun."

The siren reached for his pants, unzipping and pushing them below his ass. She groped him firmly with both of her hands, and he was extremely into it... Law kissed her again, and I knew he wouldn't leave willingly. I swam to the rock, climbing up and pulling Law's hair so his head moved away from the siren.

She moved away from him, standing and strolling up to me. I gulped, and she put her breasts on my chest while leaning in for a kiss. I tried moving my head back, but it landed, and she started taking my existence. To avoid being drained, I stuck my hand through her heart and gave her a few dark thoughts. She was distracted enough for me to move back, and Law stood up.

Law pulled up his pants and zipped them up, grabbing his soaked shirt from the ground. The siren walked back to him, twirling his hair between her fingers. Law kissed her, and she was greatly red while leaning in close to him. When they stopped, I sighed and grabbed onto Law's arm.

"We're going. We've got to make it to the castle," I told, yanking his arm. Null was watching everything from a distance. Law sighed, stepping beside me.

"Wait, you two are here to go to the castle? I'll bring you. You should've said so sooner. I thought you were threats, as I didn't hear about Lord Daespheak coming. I thought you might've been here to cause trouble," the siren explained, rubbing the back of her head. Law kissed her forehead, grinning. "Also, I get to stay with this hottie if I lead you all."

She grabbed onto Law, snuggling up with his body.

"Good. It'd be great so we don't get lured by any more sirens."

She nodded, closely holding Law and kissing him every once in a while. Null swam out to the rock, standing beside everyone. His cloak was drenched, dripping everywhere. It seemed heavy with all of the water. We swam to the next patch of marsh and traveled for a while.

After more songs and more mud, we finally reached the castle. It's a beautiful marble area where a real castle could be built easily, but it's just a clear and crystal pool. The water sparkled, and multiple mermaids and sirens were waiting around and chatting with each other. All were unclothed, as it's normal for them not to clothe themselves within their realm.

I walked along the rim of the pool, searching around for Adilyrm; the domain holder. Lustful eyes looked me over, but I chose to ignore. While I traveled the rim, Law caught my attention, so I turned back to him and the siren. The siren was kissing his cheek, and Law was blushing brightly.

"So, Dae, I'm going to depart from you for the time being. I'll see you later," Law quickly said, sprinting away with the siren before I could reply.

I sighed, and Null was the only one with me now. I kept walking, as it was a large pool. Really, really large. Null's cloak left a wet trail as we walked, as it had absorbed a good amount of water from the pond.

After a while, I spotted a shimmering red tail in the water, so I quickly ran to it. Adilyrm is the only mermaid with a crimson tail, so I recognized that it was her right away. She noticed my incoming presence, smiling though her blue eyes appeared a bit worried. I grinned, trying not to appear like I had some important business to go over. She used her arms to climb out of the pool, her tail splitting and slowly turning into a set of legs.

While she paced to me, her black hair that grazed her thighs swayed in the wind. When we both reached each other, she was trying to behave formally while I was trying to be casual.

"Hello, Lord Daespheak. What brings you to my domain?" She asked, looking me in the eyes and standing straight. I sighed, realizing I hadn't thought of what I'd do once I got this far. I wasn't sure if I wanted to date her yet.

"You don't need to be formal. I'm not here for anything related to the realm. I know mermaids don't like using their legs, so you can relax and go back into the water."

Adilyrm breathed out, relaxing her body. After, she slipped into the pool, scales forming on her legs while they fused together and became her tail again. She put her arms up by the ridge, her tail gently moving in the water.

"Before I ask your reasoning for being here, can you come in? It's polite, and the water is nice today."

"I'm not sure if I should," I replied, finding it odd to be naked in the same water as someone I've had formal meetings with. Adilyrm faced me, appearing upset.

"Come on. Don't you wish to be courteous? You are in my domain currently, and it's not with important matters. I'll have someone fetch you clean clothes before you leave," Adilyrm insisted, her tail coming out of the water before sinking back in. I sighed, rubbing the back of my head with an unsure look.

"I will, then."

I stripped off my shirt, a thin layer of water over my body. I chucked the wet cloth on the ground, then proceeded to remove my pants. Null stared at me, acknowledging what I was doing. He shuffled out of his cloak, removing the pants he wore underneath. I finished removing my clothes, dipping my toes into the water. It wasn't too cold, and I slowly sunk my whole body in. Null came in after, curiously watching.

I put my arms on the rim like Adilyrm, floating my body. Null copied beside me. Adilyrm turned to face me, quickly glancing down my body and blushing faintly.

"So, what's your reasoning, Lord Daespheak?"

"Before that, I'm going to send my servant away. Where should I move him?" I questioned, and Null didn't seem fond of leaving.

"Do you mean that odd demon behind you? What is he?"

"Yeah, him. I'm not sure what he is, either."

Null put his hand on my shoulder, so I turned back to see what he wanted.

"Lord, I've come up with what I am," Null told me, a serious expression on his face.

"What is it?"

"A voickervo. I mixed voice, sucker, and void. Does this work?"

"If that's what you want," I answered, turning back to Adilyrm. She loudly whistled, and a few more mermaids swam over.

"See the white and black demon? Take him away and come back with him the next time I whistle," Adilyrm ordered the mermaids. They nodded, grabbing Null's arms and pulling him with them. Null looked back at me with worry but was dragged before he could do anything.

"Are you good to speak now, Lord?"

"You can call me Daespheak or Dae if you'd like. I'm not here for anything special, so we should ditch the formalities," I suggested, noting that the water felt good on my skin.

"If that's what you'd like, Daespheak."

"So, I'm here for personal matters," I revealed, scratching my head while trying to think what to say next. I wasn't sure what to tell her.

"What kind of personal matters?"

"I'll just tell you how it is. I'm trying to look for someone I can be intimate with. You can say I'm scouting for a lover."

Adilyrm blushed, seeming interested and as if she wanted to try and seduce me now that she knew my goal. I tried acting nonchalant about it, as I didn't want it to be a big deal.

"Are you interested in having children? Is that why you're looking?" She eagerly asked, her eyes wide open.

I brushed my hair back, expecting that question. Most women want to be with me just for my spawn. In my line, we don't impregnate without having it in mind, as it's a whole process. We can have sex, but it's meaningless without the rest of the steps followed. Most women want to be a part of this process, so I'm constantly hit on. That, and it's a huge deal to give birth to a demon lord.

"No. I'm not ready for that until I'm ruler. I still want love, though," I explained, and she instantly looked slightly disappointed. But she was still interested.

"I'm guessing you're scouting me, then."

"You'd be right in that assumption. You're the first I've gone to."

"You know, I have a lot of space in my domain. It could all be yours. It's not the largest domain, but it's beautiful," Adilyrm purred, making her attraction obvious. She swam closer to me, leaning her shoulder against mine and looking into my eyes. I blushed.

I had actually forgotten about the fact I would gain the land of whoever I formed a relationship with, so I mentally smirked with the knowledge. It'd give me more space where my powers work, which I definitely want. On top of that, I'd gain all of those dwelling within the space, so I could use them to attack my father. One domain wouldn't be enough.

"Why are you so silent, Dae? Are you unsure? If I don't have enough space, I don't mind if you have relationships with other women as well. Tell me what's wrong," Adilyrm quickly said, trying to interest me.

She snaked her arms around my body, feeling my back and chest. My heart started beating rapidly while my body was hot. It felt good to have her delicate fingers glide against my flesh.

With the multiple lover suggestion, I was immediately sure of myself. If I have multiple domains under me, I'd have large chunks of the realm under my rule. Then I would have enough demons and land to take over, and I'm sure I could rile up other demons to be on my side. I mean, plenty of demons seem satisfied with numerous partners, but I'd never been interested in dating enough to consider polygamy myself. After the suggestion, however, I was sure that's what I want.

"Are you sure you're fine with me having multiple women?" I asked, grinning and feeling as if cold snakes slid down my back when she felt my abdomen with her fingertips.

"If that's what you wish. The scales that cover you make you look so handsome, by the way," Adilyrm complimented, blatantly flirting.

She moved one of her hands to my horns, rubbing against them. The other was slowly gravitating toward my ass before fully committing and grasping the flesh. She appeared pleased and slightly awed, groping me with a tighter hold. I felt as hot as a sun, my face almost as bright as one. I gulped, grinning dumbly.

"Do you mind my touching? I apologize if you don't want it," Adilyrm stuttered, embarrassed since I was so quiet.

She started moving her hand away from my buttocks, but I swiftly grabbed ahold of it and put it back. She was flushed, realizing I was infatuated.

"Don't apologize," I seductively uttered, almost whispering it.

My brain felt as though it was eaten by maggots, left to be a hollow shell that lacked all wants other than the instinct to have sex. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to my body. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, flattening and causing them to look wider than their already wide size.

I gently used my hands to comb through her hair while moving my lips up to her's. She noticed me leaning in, preparing for me to make contact with her luscious lips. I landed, rubbing my hands down the smooth skin of her back. I couldn't hear anything but my pulse as our tongues danced together. I separated, noting that she tasted sweet.

Adilyrm was smiling, her face pink. I felt good, surprised that I interested a domain holder so quickly. I put my hands behind my head, leaning back with a smirk. She snuggled her head on my shoulder, kissing my neck and resting back down. My chest was delicately felt by her palms.

"Daespheak," Adilyrm quietly said, trying to catch my attention.


"You're more attractive than the last time I met you. Your muscles are more defined, and your face is extremely handsome. You're darker and sexier."

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt like an idiot. Not because I regretted what I was doing, but because I felt like all of my smarts went away. It was like I only had rudimentary thoughts and feelings.

"You're just as gorgeous as when I saw you last. Let's see, you were twenty-nine then. Why did I keep having to come here?"

"Though you were only sixteen, you were brought for the experience. We were having an issue with the cleanliness of the water, but it was easily fixed," she explained, and I started recollecting bits of memory from that time.

"Right. That was so long ago."

I grinned, faintly remembering the past. The memories were beginning to come back up, though they happened so long ago.

"Daespheak," Adilyrm muttered, smiling.


"Do you want my domain?"

"Yes. It'd certainly help me out," I replied, feeling joyous.

"And my people?"

"I'd like them, too. I should have some men I can use."

"Why do you want them? What would you do with them?"Adilyrm questioned.

"I wish to overthrow my father. Then, I'll rule."

"I think you'll be a great ruler."

"Yeah," I murmured, fading off into the coolness of the water and Adilyrm's warmth.

"How about me? Do you want me, Daespheak?"


"Do you want me to sign the contract? I'll give everything to you."

"Are you sure? We've just met after more than one hundred years," I pointed out, knowing I'd accept her land easily. I just needed to make sure that she was sure.

"My mother always told me to give everything to a lord if given the chance as long as I'm sure that they'll love me. You will, right?"


"Then, I'll give you everything. Let's eat and gather your friends and everyone. We should tell everyone the news."

"Alright, then. Where do you eat here?" I questioned, as nowhere appeared to be a place where anyone could eat together, nor did any food seem to exist.

"We have to travel there. I'll send everyone else, so let's go."

Adilyrm swiped her arm through the water, and a crevice started separating until a black void swirled in the place she touched. She grabbed onto my arm, and I was dragged into the ominous black.

When my eyes opened in the new area, I noticed there wasn't any water around. Adilyrm's tail slowly turned into legs, and I stood and helped her up. Wobbling, she stood up.

I looked around. The floors and walls appeared to be marble. It was a large space, a huge stone table in the center. Marble chairs were lined up on the sides of the table. Other than the table, nothing was around but a few tapestries on the walls.

"I'll be sending everyone here soon, so we should take a seat," Adilyrm insisted, motioning me to a chair. I took a seat at one end of the lengthy table, and she sat at the opposite side.

"I'm sending everyone here, now."

Without any movements or words, Small voids formed all over the room. Bodies started coming into existence. The mermaids changed their tails into legs immediately. Sirens looked around curiously.

When everyone was around, I started hearing something. To my left, loud moans and grunts were being emitted. I turned, seeing a bare Law on top of the siren from earlier. He was pinning her down, his lips on her neck. The siren below him was extremely flushed, and she began to look around at where she was. She caught Law's attention, so he began to look too. He didn't especially care, continuing with his business. She accepted, but everyone stared at the two.

Since Law's my peer, I was enraged that he was acting this way in front of everyone. It was bringing down my reputation, as I regularly hang out with him. I removed myself from my chair, racing over to the incubus. He saw my nearing presence, looking nervous and getting off of the skin of the siren. He was still over her, and I kicked him away. Surprised, he stared at me like an abused dog.

"Law! Have some decency! You're in public now!" I shouted, scowling at my idiotic friend. He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey, I can't help it. Besides, there's only so much decency you can have when everyone's nude. And hot."

"Listen, can you cut it out for now? Just go and take a seat."

"Fine," Law grumbled, turning to the siren. He scooted over to her, kissing her cheek. "I'll explore more of you later. Don't think I won't, babe." Law whispered to the siren, smirking and groping her chest before standing.

I sighed, walking over to my chair and laying my ass down. Adilyrm blushed when she saw me at the table again, glancing down from embarrassment. Law took a seat to my left, the siren sitting beside him. The rest of the chairs filled up with random mermaids and sirens that were Adilyrm's acquaintances in some way.

Adilyrm whistled, and a familiar face came by. Null was pulled by two mermaids to the table, but he looked odder than usual. His eyes were lavender, and he was grinning. He sat at an empty chair to my right, and the two mermaids sat on his lap, one on each side. Null wrapped his arms around the two, kissing them one after the other. Law glanced at him, appearing envious. I was stunned.

Null faced me, smiling. I looked to him as well, utter shock imprinted on my being.

"Have you needed me since I was gone, Lord? I'm sorry that I wasn't around," Null said, moving his head up to the ginger mermaid to his left and smooching her cheek in a way that made it seem like he'd consume it. The blond on his other side got jealous, tapping on his shoulder. It signaled him to remove his face from the one he was at, smooching her cheek next.

"I haven't needed you. On another note, what are you doing?..."

"What do you mean?"

"There are women on your lap. You're kissing them. Your eyes are lavender, too," I brought up, finding myself staring. In my peripherals, I saw Law lustfully reaching for the siren he was playing with for the time being. I glared, and he stopped trying to touch her thighs and sat back in his chair.

"I think lavender is passion, Lord. Black is hunger. They only react when I see the object involved with the emotion," Null explained, thinking little of it. He went back to kissing, appearing enthralled.

I ignored, inferring that this was similar to his eating. It seems like Null knows exactly what he's doing whenever the eyes act up. Since they were purple, he knew how to treat women.

Adilyrm whistled again, this time, people coming in. Plates of flesh and human males were brought in. One of Null's eyes turned black, the left eye remaining lavender. A plate was set in front of me, and my stomach growled. Adilyrm faced Law, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're an incubus, right? We don't have any female humans here, but will you take a male?" Adilyrm asked Law, and he looked extremely disapproving.

"I'm definitely not going to kiss another guy. I'm fine. I don't need to eat," Law told, sighing and twiddling his thumbs. Adilyrm changed her sight to Null, appearing to find him strange. He noticed that she was looking, removing his face from one of the mermaids.

"How about you? What do voickervo eat?"

"I need a human. I don't care if it's a male. It's just food," Null replied, eager to gorge.

Adilyrm nodded, and Null was given a male. The mermaids all got flesh like me, while the sirens all received males. Law didn't look too happy when the siren he was with started kissing another man, though human and necessary. I started eating, hungry from the trip.

I looked over to Null, curious to watch him eat. With slight disgust, he kissed the black-haired male and swallowed his voice. He then spread the black throughout his body, drinking him and appearing relieved. He ate considerably faster than everyone else, as he slurped quickly. After, he went back to kissing with the black eye terminated. They were both lavender again, suggesting his hunger subsided though food was still around.

I modestly ate, trying to appear decent in front of the crowd. It tasted really good, with just enough fat in the meat. It was nice and tender. Adilyrm caught my attention, so I stopped eating and looked up at her.

"Daespheak, would you like to tell the news?" Adilyrm audibly questioned, catching everyone's attention. I nodded and cleared my throat, ready to speak calmly and clearly.

"Adilyrm and I were speaking, and we've decided to get married," I enlightened, summoning a small door and pulling out a contract. A bit of my energy was drained, but I tried to make it so it wasn't obvious. I took a pen from the space, too, closing my door. I quickly signed my name on the paper, smiling. "We're filling out the contract, so I'll own this land and its residents. I'm sure I'll be a good ruler to all of you."

A void formed above the contract, and Adilyrm reached her hand through one by her and grabbed it. Before writing her name, she looked up and cleared her throat.

"Does anyone have any objections? I'll take any concerns into consideration," Adilyrm questioned, setting the contract down in front of her.

"Are you sure you wish to give everything away?" one of the sirens asked, concerned.

"Yes. I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

"Miss, are you sure about Lord Daespheak? He's got a reputation for partying and acting foolish. Also, he's crueler than your typical demon," one of the mermaids brought up, glancing at me. I don't think I'm foolish, but I'm definitely a partier and cruel.

"Yes, I'm sure. He's a true demon."

I felt gleeful to hear her say that. I haven't heard many think I'm how demons are supposed to be. Though, I certainly am.

The questions ceased, so I felt relieved. Adilyrm took the paper, signing her name and looking up. I summoned a door, putting my hand through and picking up the paper. I skimmed it, smiled, and rolled it up. I put the paper down my throat, swallowing and feeling good. I felt my powers working, so I widely smirked.

"Did it work, Daespheak?" Adilyrm asked nervously.

"Yeah. I've got my powers now. You're my wife."

I manifested multiple bottles of wine on the table along with glasses, and it felt good to use my powers outside of my barren domain. I poured some wine that was near me into a glass, raising it. The other demons rose theirs, and I tapped on my glass.

"To the start of a new leadership and my beautiful wife," I happily said, and everyone started drinking.

I took a sip and then turned to Null. After each mermaid took a sip, they put their glasses near Null's face. Like usual, he chugged all three quickly without common sense. He grinned, the purple in his eyes growing darker. He fondled their thighs, going back to kissing.

I turned to Law, and he was looking at me.

"Congrats, Dae. She's a beaut," Law told me, seemingly proud.

"Yeah. Thanks."

I sipped at my drink, taking a bite of my food every once in a while. When I'd finished, I poured more wine into my glass and continued taking sips. Adilyrm caught my attention, so I looked up to her.

"Since we just got married, we should go somewhere private. Do you want to, Daespheak?"

"Yes. Let's go," I eagerly responded, standing up. Law gave me a cheap thumbs up, and I sighed at it. Null was too focused on the women to pay attention to me, his eyes even darker purple when compared to the last time.

I hastily walked to Adilyrm, blushing. She stood up, kissing my cheek.

"Where are we going, Dae?" Adilyrm whispered, her warm breath on my neck. I opened up a door to my domain, using my arms to signal her in.

"Come on. We're heading to my domain."

I moved her hand to my face, kissing it. She blushed, and I pulled her into my domain. Once I got there, I facepalmed when I'd forgotten about the souls I was supposed to take care of earlier. They stop coming after my work hours, so I was completely forgetful that I didn't work all of my hours.

As soon as I stepped in, a bulky man with a bleeding chest accosted me. He grabbed for my throat, but I smirked and kicked him down. Adilyrm looked impressed and worried all in one. I turned to her, rubbing the back of my head.

"Sorry, sweetie, but I'm going to take care of these assholes before we get started," I told, kissing her neck passionately. "You can take a seat if you'd like. Don't listen too closely to their murmurs."

I motioned her to the chair, and she took a seat. She seemed surprised when she sat, likely hearing the chair's chatter.

I turned to the bleeding hunk of human flesh beneath me, stepping on his back to keep him down. I was angry that he tried attacking me with my woman, so I bent down and forcefully flipped him onto his back. I ripped off his shirt, examining the wound on his chest. His heart was pierced.

"Do you remember how this happened?" I asked, hoping he didn't have brain damage. His eyes widened, tears streaming.

"I-I was stabbed by my best friend. He-"

I interrupted by pushing my finger on his lips and shushing. He looked enraged, but I didn't want to hear his sob story. I knew he didn't have amnesia, so I was good enough.

"So, now I've got to fix this hole. Your heart is pierced, too."

I ripped out his heart, consuming it so it wouldn't come back. Blood gushed out each time my teeth clamped onto it. It was quite sweet and tasty, but I wasn't really hungry since I'd just eaten. The man's face showed intense pain and shock while I licked the blood from my face.

I spawned the heart of a deer, finding it funny. I didn't want to give him another human heart, as it'd make me seem soft. I put it into place, summoning a threaded needle and crudely stitching it in. I forced it to start beating, chuckling when it worked. One good thing about the underworld is that it defies human logic, so I could've even given him a chicken heart and forced it to beat.

I made some more stitches, sighing when I'd finished. Finally, I opened up the door to the torture areas, shoving him into the groping hands that mindlessly searched for flesh. Once they took hold of him, they yanked him in. I left the door open, as I still had two more to go.

I looked up to Adilyrm, worrying that she grew bored.

"Are you okay, honey?! I'm taking a little long! I still have two more to go if you'd like to help me!" I shouted, glancing over to the two souls.

Adilyrm hopped down from the ledge, ran to me. I smiled, and she appeared happy to be close to me.

"I'll help. I want to be useful to you, Daespheak."

"Good," I purred, kissing her cheek and pointing at one of the souls.

It was a thin boy, all of his skin peeled off. A dagger was in his chest. Tears streamed from his blue eyes, salting his pulpy flesh and making it worse. He seemed no older than ten.

Adilyrm frowned, appearing saddened by the death of such a young boy. I wasn't affected like her, but that's either because I'm a heartless demon, or because she's an emotional woman. I shrugged, motioning the boy to me. He walked forward, bloodied footprints left with each step.

"Do you know how you died?"

"My father sacrificed me to our lords. You," the boy replied, eyes glazed over.

"Daespheak, what are you going to do?" Adilyrm questioned, her eyes watery.

"Well, I was thinking of fixing the no skin problem by replacing it with breadcrumbs. Then I'd take out the dagger, give him a newt's heart, stitch it up, and send him for torture," I explained, and she didn't like it.

"Please don't do that, Daespheak. He's just a child, even if human."

"What do you suppose I do? He'll be a miserable demon with no skin."

"Reincarnate him," Adilyrm suggested though it seemed more like a demand. I rubbed the back of my head, glancing at the boy. I didn't like that suggestion.

"I've never reincarnated anyone. I don't want to start. It's too merciful. I'm a demon, not an angel."

Adilyrm was pouty, turning away from my face.

"I need you to reincarnate him. Be slightly merciful for me."

"But-" I started, interrupted by her.

"Do it, Daespheak, o-or I won't sleep with you tonight."

I sighed, yanking her up to me to kiss her. She pulled away, and I stared in surprise. I'm rarely denied.

"Will you do it?" Adilyrm sternly asked.

"Are you really making me? Do I have another option? How about I handle this my way, and I'll handle you extra specially tonight when I've finished up with work?"

"I'm making you, Daespheak. And you better treat me well tonight, as I've given you all I own."

I sighed, opening up a bright white door for reincarnation. The boy walked in, so I closed it up and faced Adilyrm. She smiled, holding onto me and giving me a thankful kiss.

"Thank you."

"That was the first time I've done that in the multitude of years I've existed," I remarked, surprised that I reincarnated someone. She pecked my cheek, backing off.

"I'm grateful."

With those words, I felt slightly better about the breach in my ways. I wasn't planning on reincarnating anyone until I put my seed into a wife, as it'd be too hectic not to at that point.

I moved to the last soul, my mind tired from dealing with so many. The last was a woman, dressed in a way that suggested she was a hooker. She had a sports bra, tights, and shorts that rode up on her ass. She didn't appear injured, but she was blushing. She smirked at me, staring between my naked legs.

"How'd you die?" I questioned, growing impatient.

"I was having a drink in a bar. Must've been spiked with something," she purred, leaning up to me and twirling my hair between her fingers.

"I see. So, looks like you're fine. I should turn you into a demon, but I'm full. Do you want to be tortured or shoved in my chair?"

"Hey, handsome, why don't you keep me around with you? I could pleasure you."

She grabbed at the back of my head, pulling my face in for a kiss. I engaged, but I remembered Adilyrm and separated. Adilyrm ran over to the whore, grabbing onto her blond hair and forcefully pulling her. A scowl was on her face and the prostitute she held. When she reached the door for torture, Adilyrm tossed her in and sprinted back to me, slapping my face.

I moved my hand up to where she hit, amazed by her anger. I could only imagine how red the mark was, but I knew it had to be since it felt slightly numb.

"Close that door. Now," Adilyrm demanded, so I did as she pleased. "Why'd you let that woman kiss you?"

"It's just a human. Don't worry, I didn't feel attraction. She kissed me."

"You better give me a good reason not to leave, Daespheak. You've been cruel to a mere child, and you've kissed another woman in front of me. I'm fine with you having more women, but not humans."

I manifested a king-sized bed, stretching out my limbs. Adilyrm glanced over at it, displeased since she didn't think well of me for the time being. I lifted up one of her hands, placing it on my cheek. I kissed her, but she moved back right when I made contact.

"I didn't feel anything toward that human broad. I'm not interested in humans. Now, for the child. You won't agree, but I see all souls the same. They just need guidance to be sent somewhere. Children are no different, and they aren't in the underworld for nothing. I see us demons as special and important, but I care little for humans," I told, standing firmly to show my seriousness. "Now, it's our time to celebrate. We just got married, so let's stay cheery."

I spawned two bottles of red wine, handing her one.

"Here. This will loosen you up a bit. Same with me."

I popped the cork of the amber bottle, my throat expanding as I chugged some of its contents down. Adilyrm sighed, taking a few modest sips.

"Fine, I'll be gleeful. I suppose you've done this job for a while, so you know more about it than me."

"Good. Also, you don't need to carefully drink. You should be comfortable with me, so ditch over-modesty," I urged, knowing the rumors of her drinking. Like I expected, she started guzzling.

After a while of chatting about uselessness and complements, we'd both decided to stop drinking. I set the bottles to the side, stumbling over to the bed with red cheeks. I tipped onto the mattress, smiling and placing the covers over me. Adilyrm came next, muttering something incoherent and going under the blankets.

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