Until Forever (Complete)

By LeeleeKez

388K 32.2K 2.5K

Bailey Robinson's orders were simple; get rid of the letter and get back to work. When Bailey begins a corre... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One


13.2K 899 162
By LeeleeKez

Three Months Later.

The tiles were clean. So clean, she could see her image clearly underneath as she stood staring down at herself. Her cotton nightgown, with a deep, plunging neckline, left very little to the imagination. The material felt smooth against her skin, and it's length fell all the way to the tip of her toes. Her hair was still held bound by the pins and flowers that had held it in place for the wedding earlier in the day.

A shiver of excitement ran down her spine as she allowed her mind to briefly relive her wedding to Bailey. It seemed unreal, the perfection, the feeling of glee and unspeakable joy as she walked down the aisle dressed in her white, lace wedding gown. It had been the same gown her mother, Gretchen had gotten married in. It was a white, lace wedding gown possessing of a low cut neckline, short sleeves, corseted waist and a slightly balled skirt that flowed in a long train behind her. Her hands were covered in her mother's white, elbow length gloves and she clutched a bouquet very similar to her mother's; white roses and lilies.

Gretchen had cried at the sight of her, commenting on how perfect she looked. Elizabeth had cried along, wrapping her mother in her arms and reiterating to her how much she loved her, a fact she only realized when Gretchen had nearly died in child birth.

To say Gretchen had a difficult birth would have been putting it lightly. After an entire night of trying to birth a child, there was a new addition to the Williams' family; Jenna. Other than her big, bright, brown eyes, Jenna possessed the same features with Ethan and Elizabeth. She was a content baby whose satisfaction was derived in being fed and being nestled against her mother's breasts.

Elaine, Juliet's Aunt had tried reaching out to Elizabeth again but Elizabeth had decided long ago that she was content with just having Ethan, Gretchen, Sammy, Jenna and Bailey as her only family for now. And if she was going to add to that number, it would be the children she would eventually bear.

As Elizabeth made her way down the aisle of the cathedral that morning, Samuel walked before her, dressed in a suit and clutching a basket that contained Jenna's sleeping form. Her parents stood on either sides of her; her mother on her left hand side and her father on her right. Gretchen and Jenna wore a similar white gown as Elizabeth's and Ethan wore Samuel's style of suit; a black tailored suit. But all Elizabeth could think about, all she could see was Bailey.

His eyes shone brightly as she approached, causing her to believe him to be fighting the urge to cry. He looked perfect in his black suit and standing next to him was his mother, Alice.

When they had said their vows to each other, swearing before God and man to love each other forever, they made their way back to their new home, a walking distance from the Williams' estate.

Because Bailey had inherited the Wellington's family fortune, they were able to afford a mansion not far from her family. Alice, Bailey's mother, remained in the old Wellington estate because Gary had requested it not be sold.

When Mr George, the detective hired by Lord Nicholas Drew, found Alice and Priscilla, he had immediately taken them to see Nicholas. Nicholas claimed to have received a letter from Lord Wellington before his death, claiming that Chloe was poisoning him. Gary had also written two wills; one favoring Bailey if he was found to be a true Wellington, and one favoring charity if Bailey wasn't found to be a true Wellington. None was in favor of Frederick or Chloe.

In one day, Bailey was discharged and proclaimed an heir to a large fortune.

~ ~

The door gave way as Bailey pushed it wide open. He lifted his eyes, after a busy evening of entertaining guests, to find Elizabeth standing in the center of the room.

His gaze swept over her and he pressed his lips together to keep from gasping. Standing before him, the image of perfection, was Ellie. Dressed in a white night dress that clung to her body, the neck line plunged so far down her chest, he didn't believe it possible that she bought it in a store. He knew it was made specifically for her.

Her arms were left exposed, revealing her beautiful skin. Slowly, he made his way to her, slamming the door behind him. Every step he took, brought him closer to the woman who was now his wife. His wife! They had been through so much and never in a million years would he have imagined to get here, to be allowed to not just love Ellie, but to marry her.

He reached where she stood, her eyes shining as she watched him.

He watched her, his breathing labored. He wanted to sweep her off of her feet and carry her to the bed where he would claim her as his.

Reaching forward, he touched her arm, her skin feeling warm against his. Much more than claim her as his, he thought as he took a step that brought him face to face with her, he wanted to love her. To pour out every fiber of his being in loving her until she had no doubt in her just how he felt.

His hand traveled up her shoulder, to her neck and buried itself in her hair. He worked quietly, loosening it of it's bond. Ellie stood there, waiting and watching almost in anticipation. Her hair fell around her shoulders in a curly mass of black, framing her beautiful, oval face. He untangled her hair from his fingers and slowly moved his hands down the side of her face, to her neck and back to her shoulders. A soft breath escaped his lips as his fingers made contact with the short sleeves of her dress. Slowly, he began pushing them down the length of her shoulders. They reached the edge, falling to her arm and making a larger part of her chest visible.

His gaze continued to hold hers as he pushed her sleeves further down her arm until there was no barrier left to hold her dress in place and it slid off her body, falling to a heap around her feet, leaving her standing bare before him. His eyes drank the perfection of her body.

Ellie took a step then, reaching forward, she touched the button of his shirt. Her hands slid up his chest and to his shoulder where she pushed his suit jacket off of him and watched as it fell at his feet. She touched his face and breathed, closing her eyes briefly. Then, her hands reached for his buttons again and she worked expertly until she was sliding his shirt off of his body.

Bailey stood still, allowing himself to be striped by her. She pressed her hand to his chest, the cold metal of her wedding band, denting his chest. He loved the feel of that metal, he thought as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, it was a symbol of their bond. No longer was it a barrier, it was proof that they were free to love each other, it was proof of their oneness.

Elizabeth stepped forward, her skin making contact with his. Unable to stand the rush of heat that raced through his body, he leaned down and kissed her. He savored the taste of her lips, the purity of being able to kiss the woman he was married to. She leaned further into him, her hand caressing his bare back as her lips found his neck.

“I love you.” She whispered against his neck, leaving traces of heat on his skin.

His heart thumping dangerously in his chest, he leaned down and lifted her off of the floor, carrying her across the room where he placed her on the bed, their bed.

Leaning down, he took her as his wife, enjoying every moment of it.

Ellie laid still beside him, her head leaning against his chest as his hand played with a loose strand of her hair. She didn't speak, but he could tell she wasn't asleep either. When he planted a light kiss on the top of her head, she turned to him, a smile on her face.

“I have never been happier about being Lady Wellington.” She grinned.

Bailey smiled in return, never being able to get acquainted with his new surname. Perhaps he and Elizabeth could learn to acquaint themselves with it together.

“And I have never been happier about being Lord Wellington.” He cupped her face and capture her lips. His kiss deepened, never finding it in himself to tire of her. Yet, he knew she needed to rest besides, they had forever to spend with each other. “I love you.” He mumbled against her lips, pulling away.

Ellie leaned in instead, her arms wrapping around his neck as her body made contact with his. When he saw that her kiss wasn't relenting, he kissed her in return. And once again, as the sun began to peek through the curtains, announcing the start of a new day, he claimed her as his wife.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



Am I done with this story? Oh my goodness, you have no idea how I spent all day writing these last few chapters, I'm so exhausted! But I'm so excited to be finished with this story, it's incredible! I just... Aish! So happy. I had to finish this story because I'm so stubborn! I mean every time i swear to take a break from writing, i begin a new story😱 and i get so overwhelmed!( which by the way, ANNABELLE'S WILL!. I'm excited about this one and hope i can focus long enough to finish. Lol.)

Thank you guys so so extremely much for your support, you have no idea. I know I said i was going to use your names, which i did even if i couldn't get to use all the names. The truth is, i got more names than i expected and Wattpad is doing this glitch thing that I literally can't open the comments to view the names you guys put down so I could only work with what i remembered. Yet, i know that even using your name cannot be payment enough for what you did for me just by reading this story. Thank you so so much for your time! I would smother you with hugs and kisses but i can't because you're not physically present. But thank you! You're people i carry in my heart every single day, everything i do is because of you. I write and KEEP writing because of you. So, thank you!

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